Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 27, 1 953 Page 4 Board man Schools To Open Sept. 8, Register Monday Supt. Ray Anderson announc es school registration will bej Monday Sept. 7, 10 to 12 noon, i ( lasses will begin Tuesday, Sept. 8, with a full staff of teachers now employed. High school will be Ronald Black, FFA; Walter Turner, coach; Miss Barbara Love, recently hired from New berg, and Thomas VanKtten, mu sic In all the grades. Grades, elementary, 5th and Gth grades, Mrs. John Pari low; 3rd and 4th, Miss Pauline Morris; 2nd, Mrs. Doris VanEtten; 1st, Mrs. Zoe Billings. 411 demonstrations were held Tuesday Aug. 28 in the Grange TRUCKS Always Welcome Here For FULLETON Chevrolet Co. HEPPNER hall under Home Extension agent Mrs. Maude Casswell and the var ious leaders, with Miss Kathar ine Monahan as judge. Cooking 1 and 2 was Ladean Risley dem onstrating bread, Lorelei Hamil ton, nut bread, Barbara Anderegg, Janet and Marjorie Henderson, sponge cake. Cooking 3, Carol Hamilton, sweet bread. The bread baking contest were Mary Gas pers, Sharon Fussell; Sewing 2, Connie Swearingen; Sewing 3 Ed na Hoffman, Barbara Ganten- heln. miterins corners; Electric club, Darrell Hobbs and Berl Cooley. Leaders were Sharon Fus sell, 'Carol Hamilton, Mrs. George Sicard, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe, Mrs. Vera Cooley; Edna Grim and Pearl Smith. Ed Skoubo motored to Van couver, Wash., Tuesday with one hundred forty sacks of new spuds to the Goodie Potato Chip co. Ralph Skoubo took a load of spuds to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood received word of the arrival of a new granddaughter, little Linda Diane born to Sgt. and Mrs. Kenneth FCarwood, Aug 20, 1953, in Vallejo, Calif. The little Miss weighed nine pounds. This is the first granddaughter for tht Ear woods here. Miss Grace Miller, Miss Evelyn Miller and Miss Rena Anderson, entertained at the Russell Miller home Monday evening honoring Miss Nancy Hulit at a bridal shower, whose wedding was to be the event of Aug. 22, to Robert Fortner. Ann Skoubo and Mrs. Stella Lund left Sunday via the Stream--liner for Worchester, Mass., where they wjll be for a few days with Mrs. Skoubo's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krog, before the two ladies sail on Aug. 29 for their home country, Den mark, where they will spend several months. Mrs. Russell DeMauro and daughters from Hood River spent this past week here with her mother before her sailing. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Schunk, Oregon City. Mrs. August Schunk, Brenda BengtsorvHas 14th Birthday Party Miss Brenda Bengston celebrat ed her 14th birthday Tuesday August 25, with a luncheon given by her mother, Mrs. Luola Bengt son. Guests were Alice Peterson Meredith Thomson, Franclne Frances, Helen -Graham, Neal Penland, Brent Bengtson and the guest of honor. o SUNEAY DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ian Jamleson and sons; George and Stephen, and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Condon were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Baker for a picnic dinner Sunday. CHURCHES CHRISTIAN CHUCK Earl L, Soward, pastor Bible school begins at 9:45. Classes for everyone, Including adults. Morning worship, at 11 a. m. The evening services, which are to be at 8 o'clock will be held in the basement If it is hot weather. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m Morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock. Revival services will close with the evening service at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting will be held as usual at 8 p. m. Thursday. Avail yourself of this oppor tunity of hearing the gospel in song and word. All are welcome. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Britt, Hoppner, were callers at the Claude Coats home Thurs day of last week.' The Schunks had been visiting relatives in Heppner. Mrs. Zoe Billings and daughter Brenda and Mrs. Nate Macomber motored to Pendleton and Pilot Rock Wednesday of last week. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:45 a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. m Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir prac tice Mr. Reeves will celebrate Holy Communion at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 30, and conduct morning prayer at 11.00 a.m. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Services will be held at Valby Lutheran church Sunday August 30 at 11:00 a.m. with the Rev. Luther Corrnay of Carlton, Ore. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Sunday, August 30, 5th Sunday of the month. There will be two Masses in Heppner, 7:30 and 9:00. No Mass in lone. The Holy Name society of St Patrick's Parish will have a Com munion breakfast and meeting after the 9:00 Mass at O'Donnell's Cafe. All members are invited to attend. RALPH says "JOHN DEERE IS THE DRILL FOR ME. Ralph Crum, farming near lone, has five John Deere-Van Brunt Model LL drills in one string, and five Model LZ drills in a sec ond string. Ralph says, 'When the soil is in shape to seed, 'I can depend on John Deere Drills. " Some reasons are: 1. They feed more accurately, by use of their adjustable-gate fluted force feed. No seed damage. No seed leakage. Easy feeder to clean. 2. Available in many models and sizes to fit the par ticular needs of any soil in any climate. 3. Hydraulic control available, to make the job eas ier. 4. Row spacing may be changed by a simple twist of the wrist. 5. Many types of furrow openers available for ANY field condition. 6. Easily attached Fertilizer attachment. 7. May be ganged together easily -- three, four, or even five or six may be hooked together to get the job really done in a hurry. Put these all together, and they spell J O HN DEERE. SEE THESE AT YOUR NEAREST EMPIRE MACHINERY STORE. ha ni n r ClVirME MAC CATERPILLAR AT Hfcy TRACKSQN HYSTER JOHN DEER! mm co "ENDLETON. OREGON-ARLINGTON, QREGON-HEHrrTtR, 0EGON-.THENA. .QRCGOh IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a.m Continuing our study of the Book of Acts, our theme will be "What Happened on the Road to Damascus?" You are cordially invited. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. fmm5dFd The Horse Show, sponsored by the Wranglers, is one of the high lights of the Fair; so now for participation and entertainment for all the family, we give you the Morrow Cunty Fair and Rodeo, which includes the Queen and her court, the Parade, the Fair, the Horse Show, and the Rodeo, with all the action of the Old West. Next week we'll be seeing you there. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS NEW LOW PRICES International Model K-160 with combination farm body. R-160 Series, GVW rating!, 14,000 to 17,000 lb. Compare Internationals, model for model, with any other truck. Prove to yourself that Internation als are today's best truck buy. Com pare the extra value in Internationals, feature by feature, with any competi tive model. International quality means low operating cost, low main tenance cost, long life. Now you get unmatched Interna tional quality at prices that compare favorably with any other truck. Ask about new low prices on light, me dium, and light-heavy duty Interna tionals! There's an International that's right for your job in America's most complete truck line. 168 basic models with thousands of variations for ex act job specialization. Convenient terms. Your old truck may equal the down payment. See us today. LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. LEXINGTON. OREGON fffim r ' T4 J' P4 Round or Oval Covered -mmmfS- mtPil Cisserolet $2.95 up 1 ( ""-gpPV' I Zf - . " "v jtj Wooden-Handled rf"S'V Wooden-Handled f-s Vi '"' Sauce Pans $2.95 up Divided Casseroles $9.95 Jj ' 3heteb a new AieY cj? fteifecicn in cooring.. cj! cauhj in helving ... in wabhina! Round or Oval Covered Ovens $7 95 up Oval Au Gratins $3 95 up Open Roast Pans w 95 up C til Dishes $1 95 frencll Fryers $I.9S COMPLETE LINE NOW ONDISPLAY AT Yes, you'll actually cook better with Deseoware the cookware with the even-heat and flavor-blending magic of cast iron . . . you'll thrill land so will your guests) at the colorful beauty and old-world design of your Descoware on your table (you cook and serve in it) . . . and when dish-washing time comes, you'll really love that baked-and-bonded porcelain surface that eliminates scouring. Descoware's non-stick, non-peel bond of porcelain and cast iron is a treasured secret of French and Belgian craftsmen . . . nothing else gives you the lifetime practicality, beauty, better cooking and easier washing of Descoware I EASY TO WASH AS A CHINA PLATE Fish Dishes $4.50 up Rectangular Casseroles $6.95 up Puddinj Dishes JJ- $3.50 up fe-srrS f Case Furniture Company