Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 27, 1953 Page 3 bcial Happenings Wilson Wedding ns Read in Elgin jday, August 16 Leve Wilson, niece of Miss 1 Croghan of Elgin, became bride of Myron Rill, son of and Mrs. Leonard Rill of ner, at a double ring cere y at the Church of Christ in 1, Sunday, August 16. The nony was performed at 2:30 he afternoon by Rey. Gene nson of the First Christian :h of La Grande, before an banked with baskets of 8 gladoli and ferns, e bride was given in mar- by her uncle, Wallace dan. Her floor-length gown white embroidered net over satin. A crown of seed pearls her finger-tip veil in place, carried a bouquet of white itlons and pink roses, e maid of honor, Miss Char Rill, sister of the groom, a gown of blue net over and carried a nosegay of carnations. Bridesmaids Miss Joyce Weatherspoon, Vliss Deva Rogers, gowned in lace and taffeta. They car nosegays of pink carnations. 1 Widell, cousin of the bride, 1 lower girl and candle light Aere Janita Croghan and a Jean Hallgarth, cousins of 'ride. in Rill, brother of the groom, best man and Richard All- and Gerald Bergstrom were s. s Croghan chose a dress of blue with navy and pink ac les and wore a corsage of carnations. Mrs. Rill wore blue with navy accessories i corsage of white carna eception was held in the Nancy Hulit Weds Robert Fortner in Portland Ceremony by Flossie Coats Before a flower decked altar of white gladiolas, asters and lark spurs, Miss Nancy Hulit, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Hulit of Boardman, became the bride of A. Robert Fortner, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fortner also of. Boardman, in a double ring ceremony at the Mizpah Presby terian church Portland, 3 p.m. August 22, 1953, with Dr. W. L. Killian reading, the service. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a beautiful nylon lace gown, with an ivory satin over dress, re fashioned from her mother's wed ding gown. The gown was floor length with an Elizabethan col lar and fingertip illusion veil, held in place by a lace coronet trimmed with a wreath of orange blossoms previously worn by her mother and several other mem bers of the bride's family. The briday bouquet was of white roses and stephanotis. V. -y fit? &SSx $ III w - , rs r GOLDENWEDS Mr. and Mrs. John I. Hanna of Heppner who re. cently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their ranch home on Hinton creek. (Photo by Alex Thompson) basement of the church following the ceremony. The couple left on a trip to Vancouver, B.C., and will make tlltir home in Heppner upon their return. Guests from Heppner attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rill; Miss Charlene Rill; Lynn Rill; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rill and son; Miss Sharon Rill and Wil liam Rill; Richard Allstott; Ger ald Bergstrom; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and Marylin; Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Gilliam; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rawlins and Tommy; and Charles Rill. USE reezer AND Refrigerator J did FOR A PERFECT AIR-TIGHT SEAL! EASY TO FILL EASY TO EMPTY EASY TO SEAL EASY TO STACK EASY TO CLEAN end tan bo used over and over again I 'AVAILABLE In the Curry Kome "JAR-PAK'-Tftrw ISoz. Jars. BSOU'FS CO. of O'iforrui, Inc., El Monte, Ca!. S OZ. ;H4l nnd ! f Kt&i Miss Evelyn Hulit was her in the. church parlors. After the sister's, maid of honor and wore first piece of the three tiered a floor length gown of merald cake was cut by the bridal couple rrpon taffpta. Miss Marie, also a the cake was cut and served by sister of the bride was junior, Mrs. Clyde Davis, Condon, sister hriHocmawi nnd wore emerald of the groom, assistea Dy Mrs. taffeta. Fay Hulit, aunt of the bride. Bridesmaids were Miss Grace Pouring was Mrs. Kaipn scnap- Miller, Boardman, Miss Patricia pert, Beaverton, Mrs. James Dris- Hargraves, Portland, and Miss coll, Heppner, sister of the groom, Kathrvn Hulit. Hillsboro. cousin Mrs. Walter Schmidt, Laurell, of the bride. Each wearing floor Rodeo Queen, Court Soroptimist Guests At the August 20 luncheon meeting of the Soroptomist club Elise Baurenfeind, Queen of the Morrow county Fair and Rodeo, and her court and their mothers were special guests. Mrs. Martin Baurenfeind, of ficial chaperone, introduced the mothers and then Queen Elise, who introduced her court Princes ses Pat McMillan of Lexington; Carol Ann Wiglesworth of Lena; Wilma Hug of Boardman; and Beth Ball of Rhea Creek. Each girl spoke a few words and Queen Elise told the club of Azalea House on the Oregon State camp us. The house is a new cooperat ive living house built through the help of the Home Extension units of the state. Each county will be able to have at least one girl living there to represent them, Elise is the girl chosen by Morrow county to live in Azalea House her sophomore year at OSC. Guests besides the court were, Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind, Mrs. W. E. McMillan, Mrs. Archie Ball, Mrs. Walter R. Wlglesworth, Delta Kappa Gamma To Hold State Meet The Delta Kappa Gamma soci ety of Alpha Rho State will hold a fall planning workship on Saturday Aug. 29 at the Presby terian church in Fendleton. Mrs. Arnin Hug and Mrs. Samuel of San Francisco. Rosel Iota chapter will be hostess for the state meeting. State officers, committee chairmen and presi dents from all the 22 chapters are expected to attend. Miss Dena Johanns of Port land, state president, will pre side. Mrs. Edward Elliott of Uma tilla is president of the hostess chapter and second vice-president of the state organization. - DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-94C5 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL Broken Lenses Duplicated EXAMINATION Glasses Fitted length gowns of apple green taf feta and pink pearl necklaces, gifts of the bride, and carried nosegays of pink asters and baby breath, with matching headbands Mrs of asters. Flower girls were Carolyn Bar rett, Portland, and Anna Hulit, Hillsboro, cousins of the bride. Frederick Long Corbett was best man and ushers wpre David Hulit, brother of the bride, Vern on Hulit, Hillsboro, cousin of the bride, James Driscoll, Heppner, brother-in-law of the groom and Bob Smith, Boardman. Candlelighters were Gail Lund berg and Janice Lehmer. Preceding the ceremony Ralph Nortell, Milwaukie, sang "Be cause" and during the ceremony "The Lord's Prayer", accompani ed by Miss Brenda Rohrbaugh, who also played the processional and recessional. For her daughter's wedding, the bride's mother wore a hunter green suit with black velvet ac cessories and a rubrum lily cors age. The groom's mother wore a gown of pale blue lace with white accessories and a rubrum lily sorsage. Following the candlelight wed ding service a reception was held E Claudien's Store-wide aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Wes lie Laubscher, Wihte Salmon, Wash. In charge of the gift table were Mrs. Lucille Bulter, Portland, and Darrel Rash, Hermiston, Miss Jeri McCormiek was in charge of the guest book. For going away Mrs. Fortner wore a pearl gray orlon suit with white accessories and a purple orchid corsage. After a trip to North Bend, Wash., and Canada, the couple will be at home at the Counselor apartments in Port land, where they both will at tend Portland State college this fall. o Two Reunions Call Mr. and Mrs. Neill Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill are spending time traveling to fami ly reunions this week. They spent last Sunday in Hermiston with a gathering of about 30 of the Neill family. On returning Mrs Neill mentioned that Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crissman of Spring field, Mo., were there. Mrs. Criss man is the former Clella Coxen, sister of Burl Coxen, formerly of Heppner. Another family reunion will be held in Portland this weekend at Columbia Park with the Coxen brothers of Toledo. Ore. Going with the Neills to Portland will be their guests this week here in iHennner. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Curtis, also of Springfield, Mo Mrs. Curtis is Mr. Neill's sister. Jch0ojrjT mych eaer. 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