Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 27, 1953, Second Section, Page Page 4, Image 10

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    Page 4
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 27, 1 953
As only 1 person came to dis
cuss the budget for the year 1953
54 it was ordered accepted as
published and the levy ordered
extended on the tax rolls of Mor
row county for the Fiscal Year be
ginning July 1, 1953 and ending
June 30, 1954.
The Court ordered the follow
ing city ievies to be extended by
the Assessor
City of Heppner $13,765.00
City of lone 1,427.00
City of Lexington 4,078.00
City of Boardman 1,986.00
Also a 10 mill levy on all taxable
property in the City of Heppner
heretofore approved by the voters
for the construction of a sewer
system. Also a 10 mill-levy on
all taxable property in the City
of lone, heretofore approved by
the voters for special improve
ments. The Court orders a .065 cent per
acre levy on all taxable property
for Fire Patrol purposes as set out
by the State Forester.
The Court orders the levy of
$1,211.28 of the Irrigon Rural Fire
Protection District for the Fiscal
Year July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954,
extended on the Tax Rolls.
The Court ordered the Rural
School District levy of $438,490.00
for the Fiscal Year, July 1, 1953
to June 30, 1951 to be placed upon
the tax rolls of the County..
The Court orders a levy of $6,
337.50 for the payment of bonds
and interest for the School Dis
trict No. 10; $12,374.85 for the
payment of bonds and interest
for School District No. 25; and
$28,874.10 for the payment of
bonds and Interest for School
District No. 35.
The Court orders a 3 mill levy
on all taxable real property in
the Boardman Cemetery Main
tenance and the Heppner Ceme
tery Maintenance District.
The Court ordered the salaries
of the Office Help and Janitor be
increased as follows:
Deputy Clerk from $240.00 to
$204.00 per month.
Deputy Assessor from $250.00
to $275.00 per month.
Sheriff Office help $166.66 to
$225.00 per month.
Janitor help $275.00 to $302.00
per month.
IX'puty Tax Collector $225.00
per month.
The Court allowed the following
Bangs' disease claims: Charles A.
Anderegg $8.00; and William H.
I'adberg $21.00.
The County Court met by law
directed to canvass the results
of the Boardman Maintenance
Cemetery election and find that
Clyde Tannehill, Robert H. Mil
ler and Zearl Gillespie were elec
ted directors. Paul Jones, Ora
Evans and Garnet Barratt were
elected directors for the Heppner
Maintenance Cemetery District.
Warrants Issued on The General
Sadie Parrish, Deputy
Clerk $ 179.40
Sylvia McDaniel, Deputy
Tax Collector 177.52
Joyce Buschke, Office
Clerk 137.53
Olive B. Hughes, Deputy 230.30
Martha Tapanalnen,
Health Nurse 260.27
Barbara Ware, Office
Clerk 77.10
A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 240.12
Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
Physician 24.37
Herbert W. White, Jr.
Court Reporter 65.00
William Garner Justice
of Peace 73.12
J. O. Hager, Justice of
Peace 138.45
Gustave Fisher, Justice
of Peace 24.37
Calvin Carson, Weed
Control 251.91
Empire Machinery Co.,
Weed Control 5.00
Ralph I. Thompson,
County Court 56.63
Russell K. Miller,
County Court 84.79
Heppner Hardware &
Electric Co., Courthouse 3.17
H. Tamblyn, County
Court 5.00
Garnet Barratt, County
Court 12.52
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 86.56
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff . 55.23
Remington Rand, Tax
Collection 472.50
Kilham Stationery &
Printing Co., Tax Col
lection 5.12
Craig Office Supply,
Tax Collection 17.37
Heppner Gazette Times,
Official Publication,
$185.73; Tax Collection,
$19.15 204.88
West Coast Printing &
Binding Co. Clerk 4.00
Remington Rand, Inc.,
Treasurer 111.08
Heppner Laundry, Court
house 1.00
Morrow County Electric
Service, Courthouse 8.80
Packer Scott Co.,
Courthouse 30.08
Lewis Cason, Circuit
Court 18.00
W. L. Cox, Circuit Court . 10.32
Virginia Rosewall, Cir
cuit Court 10.32
Virginia Turner, Circuit
Court 10.32
Garland Swanson, Circuit
Court 15.76
F. R. Jones, Circuit Court 13.20
J. B. Key, Circuit Court ... 10.32
Herbert W. White, Jr.,
Circuit Court 2.72
Bradley D. Fancher,
District Attorney 13.30
Dr L. D. Tibbies, Men
tally III 5.00
Association of Oregon
Counties, Federal Tax
Commission 125.00
Lexington Implement
Co., Weed Control 3187.44
Lloyd O. Rice, Bangs'
Disease Control 8.00
Donald E. Greenup, Bangs'
Disease Control 8.00
James J. Hayes, Bangs'
Disease Control 8.00
John Healy, Bangs'
Disease Control 30.13
Louis A. Bergevin, Bangs'
Disease Control 56.00
Oren O. Brace, Bangs'
Disease Control 10.61
Harry T. O'Donnell Jr.,
Bangs' Disease Control 16.00
W. Howard Cleveland,
Bangs' Disease Control 16.00
Thomas P. Michos,
Bangs' Disease Control 16.00
Packer Scott Co.,
Courthouse 11.02
Oliver Creswick, Circuit
Court 2.16
Harold Sanders, Circuit
Court 2.16
Court Street Market,
Jail 11.54
State Tax Commission,
County Court .99
First National Bank of
Portland, Co. Court 5.95
Public Employes Retire
ment System, Salaries
$1.49; 'Soc. Security
$100.06 101.55
Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Co., Current
Expense 82.40
Herman Green, Court
house 3.00
City of Heppner, Water
Dept., Courthouse . 7.50
Pacifir Power Light
Courthouse 42.24
Lexington Implement Co.,
Weed Control 4.20
Anderson's Builders,
Courthouse 15.01
Umatilla County, Men
tally 111 15.00
Charles A. Anderegg,
Bangs' Disease Control 8.00
Gilliam and Bisbee,
Weed Control 13.96
Empire Machinery Co.,
Weed Control -3.40
Padberg and Son, Weed
Control .65
D. H. Jones and Son,
Weed Control 3.00
Olson Motors, Weed
Control 21.62
Oregon Ag. Chemical,
Weed Control 425.27
Helen O'Donnell, Coroner 12.50
Oliver Creswick, Coroner 6.10
Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Men-
. tally 111 $5.00; Coroner
$5.00 10.00
William H. Padberg,
Bangs' Disease Control 24.00
Pioneer Flag Co., Court
house n.70
Warrants Issued on The General
Road Fund:
Lewis Ball $ 324.01
Dean Gilman
George Irvin
Walter Corley 272.72
trea Booker 255.91
Jack Slocum 325.59
Wm Cnnnlnnhnm QT1 An
. . MMuiitguuu, UJU.1U
I ri ..?. n
ivu.i Duiman 321.73
Walter Gilman 205.78
Ray Bailey 265.59
Anderson Hayes 261.61
Austin Wilson 286.65
Harold Wilson 335.74
Thoral Broadus 324.98
1 Harold Sherer 355.89
I Don Munkers 287.79
, Laurel Wilson 264.45
'Eldon Shannon 325.59
.Umatilla Electic Co-op.. 1.00
R. G. McMurtry 97.74
iFulleton Chevrolet Co. 18.55
I Union Oil Co 4344.97
,Pirl L. Howell 45.00
ID. H. Jones and Son 47.35
I Lexington Implement Co. 258.02
Becket Equipment Co 131.04
I Empire Machinery Co. . .. 766.83
1 Rosewall Motor Co. 177.00
Jack Allen Supply Co 73.66
Pendleton Auto Parts 138.17
Northwest Industrial
Laundry Co. 20.76
Montgomery Ward find
Co 127.09
Pendleton Grain Grow
ers, Inc. 82.72
Allen's Service Station . 4.70
Anderson's Builders Sup
ply .- 5.44
Pendleton Heppner
Freight Line 9.24
Morrow Countv Electric
Pettyjohn 339.49
Heppner Hardware and
Electric Co
English and Co
Sunset Motor Co
Lillie B. Warner
Beall Pipe and Tank Co. .
Thomas C. Huston
H. Sherer
Turner, Vanmarter and
Foster Motor Co
Columbia Equipment Co.
Feenaughty Machinery
Tum-ALum Lumber Co.
Clyde Equipment Co.
The Texas Company
Nelson Equipment Co. ....
Industrial Air Products .
Independent Garage
Omar Rietmann
Schetky Equipment Corp.
Packer Scott Co.
Boardman Supply Co.
Lexington Oil Co-op
Balzer Machinery Co
Frank Stationery and
Printing Co.
Weed Control Fund
Westland Equipment Co.
State Industrial Acci
dent Commission
State Tax Commission ...
First National Bank of
Public Employes Retire
ment System
City of Heppner, Water
Pacific Power and Light
Lexington Implement Co.
D. H.Jones and Son
Farley Pontiac Agency ...
G. M. Jannsen
Munnell and Sherill, Inc.
Fulleton Chevrolet Co. .
Columbia Equipment Co.
Pump Pipe and Power Co.
Paul G. Pettyjohn
Rosewall Motor Co.
Anderson's Builders Sup
Ply '
John L. Botts
Sunset Motor Co.
Independent Garage ......
Railway Express Agency
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff ..
Thoral Broadus
11.02 1
C. J. D. Bauman 3.25
Union Pacific Railroad
Co 10.32
Frank Chevrolet Co 28.88
Lexington Implement Co. 5980.00
Warrants Issued on The Miscel
laneous Fund:
C. J. D. Bauman. Dog
Fund $ 5.00
Harold Dobyns, Coyote
Bounty 204.00
Chas. C. Jones, Coyote
Bounty 6.00
Harold Dobyns, Coyote
Bounty 42.00
Bill Scott, Coyote Bounty 6.00
Lyle Peck, Coyote Bounty 6.00
William Labhart, Coyote
Bounty 3.00
Wm. H. Nichols, Coyote
Bounty 24.00
Warrants Issued on The Hospital
Maintenance Fund:
Pioneer Memorial Hos
pital $2000.00
Shakespeare was 52 years old
when he died.
Monument News
Continued from Page 1
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cox.
Mrs. Luella Neal and Mrs. Dil
lie Leathers s'pent Friday shop
ping in Heppner.
Mrs. Carol Cox and Mrs. Arch
ie Cox were attending to mat
ter ob business in John Dal last
Monday. Mrs. Archie Cox took
her son Wayne for his pre school
medical examination.
On Aug. 11 Doris Capon enter
tained the Ladies Aid with her
daughter Lois Hill as co-hostess.
Besides the hostesses there were
12 members present. The next
meeting Sept 8 will be held at
the home of Olive Cox.
Mrs. Thelma Williams, daugh
ter Barbara and sons Charles and
Walter and Mrs. Williams' sister
from Yakima drove to Jerome,
Idaho to visit their parents for
a week.
Always So Popular
A case of delicious Olympic Beer at the
beach or at the picnic . . . supplies yOU with
a light, refreshing beverage of moderati
Enjoy its purity of flavor.
v pfr5J
(MB M"fef
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7i the Water
For maximum yield of GRAIN
invest your fertilizer dollars in
shell jcl $mw
cultural ammonia scientifically applied
Fertilizer it on investment. And some fertilizer in
vestments pay better than others. So make sure
you get full value from every dollar you invest in
fertilizer. Invest in Shell NH, Service-the com
plete fertilizer service that combines the ideal
nitrogen fertilizer with scientific application.
No one else offers you fertilizer service like this
ECONOMY your money is not tied up in fer
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LABOR SAVING -little or no work for you or your
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EQUIPMENT-supplied by your Shell NH3 dealer.
No money tied up in special rigs.
EXPERIENCE over a half-million applications in
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of crops . . . every type of soil.
VALUE the cash value of every major western
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SERVICE -that's fast, complete-a phone call
does it all.
.. L ACTS VI 1
IT'S THE , 1
Queen's Damiee
a r i 1
I " ' ' " : 1
I 7.,' I
e3 4 - - -; j N
1 ,v . 1
umnmwmmmms t j , ...v jx 1 gptiiiifflffi
I V " ' AT"'. J- '
V .wVt' t " i
j Queen j I ''SG
!tj is E
Faur Pavilion ESeppner
With The Music of
Rod Esselstyn's Orchestra
Condon-Ph. 422 Heppner-Ph. 6-91
Dancing 10 to 2
Admission, $1.50 per Person