Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 20, 1953, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 20, 1953
Page 7
FOR RENT-apartment and room FOR .SAla. wn.xe N., R. 25 E., Section 30;
with private bath, wiiiiam cooing siuvc a.iu , ,, ,,
McCaleb, 101 Gale St. j
KORD is worth more when vou I
buy it and worth more when i IF your front tires show excessive Sec.tion 89.103 mv,4.
.11 ii ,. o ti.nar vmir par mav nped a front ' ... . i m
you sen u. rtosewau ivioior u.
visit Billy Joe Reitmann, and with a bluish cast on the breast,
then to Lake Tahoe. j There is more brown on t he
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert; shoulder than on the remainder
went to Oakland, Calif., last of the body. The most conspieu
week to visit relatives and to ' ous markings found on the bird
bring home their daughter, Mary, i are the 8 to 13 black flank bars,
who has been visiting there. The tail feathers are sienna col
ored. A black band of feathers
has its origin above each nasal
FOR RENT apartment in du
plex. Stoves furnished. Carl
'Bill' Ulrich, south Center
street. 22-25p
FOR SALE Elmar seed wheat.
See Don Greenup 23e
the Green's Food Lockers in
Hermiston. We sell meats in
packages from 5 lbs. up. The
best steer and heifer beef in
the west, half or whole beef 25c
per lb. and up for your
and freezers. Phone 6577 or
residence 2711, Hermiston.
21 -23c
COOKing siuve aim a nomi6vu.vv . - r --- .,r. , t .
machine. Mrs. Lincoln Nash, refunded upon return of a 1 docu- faN. lM 4.
23-24p ments within a reasonable time.l 1. 6 S.( R. b U s" 11 " 1J" 'l, -'
TrsrTvi! Attention is called to Bidders SEU- Section 21; N'.aNE4. E',
var my 'ed a frontlal,,n Sec.cn NV,. R ,;
end correction. Dnve in lor a,-- davslNE. Section 11: SW'.,SW,.
free inspection. Rosewall Motor , U c,.ntn
FOR RENT small store or uffice
building. Formerly Telephone
building. Western Auto Supply
dealer, phone 6-9234. lltfc
FOR-SALE 4 tickets to Pendle
ton Round Up and 4 for Happy
before the date for opening of Section 15; SW'4
bids. Forms may be obtained at
the office of the Architects.
No proposals will be considered
unless accompanied by certified
check, cashier's check or bid
bond ' (with authorized surety
T. 4 S., R. 20 E., Section
T. 2 S., U. 2G E.,
T. 5 S.. R. 27 E.,
Section 21;
Section 3;
NWV4SWV4. Section 17; NEl.SE':i.
comnanv as surety) made pay
Canyon, all for Friday, Sept. ll..able to the Owner in an amount
Tom Wilson, phone 6-5348 nf not less than 5 of the amount
23P;of the bid. Surety bond will be.SWViSE'.i.
." . Itad cAir mnHol Kit trailer rnnnirpH in accordance with terms T. 0 S.
lockers , i- ...v.. .... -
T. 3 S., R.
T. 4 S., R.
27 K.. Section 1;
28 E.. Section 5;
11. 28 lv, Section 4;
housp: sleeps seven; has of contract documents.
shower: new condition. Price The School District reserves the.
T. 2 S., R. 28 K, section lit
1950 Catalina
Hydramatic, radio and heater,
low mileage. Pay $535.00 down,
Rosewall Motor Company.
SILVER BELTS lor sale at Far
$3995.00. Phone 6-9659.
hk PORCELAIN1ZE and ride
pride. Phone 6-9152 for an ap
Section 31
10 & 15,
22-23c right to reject any or all bids and SESWU-
tn waive inform;! ities. ! -J
itlnlravv his Lots 2. 3, 4, 7, 9
7 .7 . . Mti oftor tho hnur set for Ihp'SK'i. StUSE-'i. tCUOII o, s '4.
po ntment to have tnis oeauiy y - ; ,( R 2 E SlH,tion 3.
Utment put 011 your car. opening leif J J, J.S.. R.21, 3.
W lL'Otl'Q I I TYIflTlir I I II 11 I 1H 1 1 V.
ra's Shoe Service. Priced from 1 SKIRTS-for your back to school
. . .m.K.V.n tftttnnc an1 ravnni , J
is delayed for a period exceeding SWUSE'm
$2.95 up.
22-24cwardrobe' cottons ancl rayns-
BUY YOUR Plumbing supplies
from your local plumber. He
installs, guarantees and ser
vices them, his prices are right.
Baker Plumbing and Heating
residence phone 6-9964. Member
National Association of Plumb
ing Contractors. 40tfc
Studebaker 1947 Pickup. Good
rubber. Pay $165.00 down. Rose
wall Motor Company.
Nona R. Sowell, Clerk
T. 3 S., R. 29 E., Section 13;
T. 2 S., R. 29 E Section 1;
year around skirts, "a price dur-1 . TJ,lK!,natin"T11iv on iqm
i riini M. UI;iivuiivm t t j w".
our clearance sale, uauuien s. DMati Anriit 97. inM.I NWliSE.
23c, " on o,l t is.fi.M E.. Section ,8: SE'4
SE'4. Section '4. '4
NW'4, Section 26; NENE'i. Sec-
Prudential Insurance Company
of America
See or Call
PHONE 6478
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final
account of his administration of
the estate of Catherine Doherty,
deceased, with the Probate Court
of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow, and said Court
FOR SALE 1952 G. E. electric phONR 6478 nas set Monday, me inn uay 01
range and a 1951, 7.6 cubic ft. I HFRMISTON ORE September, 1953, at the hour ot
Frigidaire. Phone 6-9457, How-1 XV-T 'lpd mJ10:0 'clock A' M f Sa'd day'
ard Adams. 23p WANTED- married man as the Umei gnd Morrow County
wiiu Court Koom in Heppner, uregon,
around job on ranch . Carl 1 tne pace for hearing on saia
Townsend, Case apartments. fjnal account. All persons having
?? I object ions to said final account
We cut and fit glass in all makes are hereby required to present
opening and proceeds across the
optic cavity, below the ear tufts,
and the two bands join on the
upper breast. The beak, legs and
eyelids are red. There is no
difference in coloring between
the male and tho female.
NEED Envelopes, Phone 6.9228...
Chevrolet 1949 sedan. Has radio
and heater, new motor, pay
$325.00 down. Rosewall Motor
WANTED nurse aides. Experi
ence not necessary but bene
ficial. Contact Pioneer Memor-I
ial hospital for interview and
details 22-23c
LANDSCAPE Architects Our
advice: worth much, costs no
thing. Landscape gardening
done by hour, week or month.
May be reached at Easter's
Cafe. Zaat and Sons. 22-25c
FOR SALE Essick evaporative
cooler, 4,000 cu. ft. capacity.
phone lone 8-7249. 14tfc
Rosy Says: I certainly appreciate
the way our customers have
been paying their bills fhis
month. It is a pleasure to do
business with people that pay
their bills promptly. Speaking
of obligations. You owe your
self a treat by driving the new
Ford with power steering.
of cars and trucks. Just drive the same to said Court on or be
in and say fix it. Rosewall fore the date set for said hearing.
Motor Company. Dated and first published this
NEED FINANCING? Our ABC 6th day of August, 1953.
financing plan is available for Bernard J, Doherty
anything we sell, lumber, build- Administrator of the Estate
ing supplies, tools, pints etc., of Catherine Doherty, de
in amounts up to $1,000. No1 ceased.
down payment, up to 36 J. O. Turner,
Bonded Member NatT. Auction
Association. WESTERN SALE
Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87
If you have a hauling job see
Rosewall Motor Company for a
good truck.
LET me sell you a place where
you can build several houses
for an income. Close in, nice
view, safe from flood waters.
H. A. Schulz. 22-24p
FOR SALE 4-bedroom house, 3
toilets, 3 baths. 3 blocks from
grade school, 5 blocks from high
school. Write or call Dr. R. S.
McVicker, The Dalles Ore.
months to pay. Ask us at Turn-
A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp
ner 6-9212. 7tfc
Attorney for the administrator,
USED MAYTAG washer, excel
lent for the bunk house.
W'estern Auto Supply Dealer,
23c tember 2, 1953 at 11:15 o'clock P.
A hearing has been set for Sep-
The Butte Creek Junction 4-11 1
dub called a special meeting I
Sunday, Aug. 9, at the home of
our leader, Carl Rhea, to work on !
our 4-II record books. There were!
five members present, two mem-1
bers were absent. j
Doug Terry told us about his
trip to the Blue Mountains byj
Baker, Ore. Doug told us theyi
learned the names and the nature:
of all the plant life they foundJ
The meeting was adjourne and
refreshments were served.
Carlene Rhea, reporter
Chukar Partridges
Loosed in This Area
The successful planting of the
chukar partridge in the state of
Washington and the possibilities
of this region for the growth of
the birds has led to the planting
last week of 410 of the exotic
game species into the Willow
creek, Rhea creek and Rock creek
A majority of the states in the
U. S. have, at one time or an
other, released chukars in the
wild. Little success has been
realized east of the Rocky Moun
tains. In all of the states where
prospects are bright, the bird has
taken to semi-arid areas with
steep rocky slopes where cheat-
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer I grass is abundant. Forested
entertained at a picnic in theirlareas and tracts of concentrated
yard Tuesday evening of last farming are definitely shunned,
week. Those present were Mr. The chukar was first released
and Mrs. L. L. Howton and family 1 in Washington in 11)38. Compat-
and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan-.ability studies show that there Is i
tion 32; SNEU.
Mr. an Mrs. Holmes Gabbert
left Thursday of last week for
their home in Portland after vis
iting at the Wallace Matthews
Sharon Sovereign of Stanfield
was a guest las week at the Don
ald Ball home.
Budget Terms on Atlas tires at'M. at
Rosewall Motor Company.
FORMALS Vz price during the
clearance sale at Claudien's
Sewing and Alterations Will
call for and deliver. Lennie
Louden. Phone 6-5313, 110
Church St. 20-24p
CHECK Sewer pipe prices with
me. Baker Plumbing and Heat
ing Co. Phone 6-9964. Heppner
the County
300 SAVAGE Model 99 and
other big game rifles have just
arrived at Western Auto. A
small deposit will hold and
they can be bought on terms.
FOR RENT, modern 2 bedroom
house in Heppner, $25 per mo
nth. Phone 3-8103 Lexington.
WE will give your car a bath for
a dollar and a half. Rosewall
Motor Company.
WATER WellDriliing A. P. De
Rosia Contractor. Box 665 Hepp
ner or nhone 6-9213. 35tfc
Has your car had its RPM lubri
cation this month? Drive in for
fast service. Rosewall Motor
TRADEarge house for small
er one closer into town. 103
Aiken street, see Mrs Cannon.
DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist,
207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of
fice Phone 609. 48tfc
We wish to take this means of
thanking the Elks lodge for
furnishing transportation for us
to and from our camp and Bill
Collins for driving us.
Wa Can ta Ka Campfire Girls
and Guardian. 23p
Heppner, Oregon on the petitions
presented to the District Bound
ary Board asking that territory
described below be excluded from
District No. 41 of Morrow County
and be included in School Dis
trict No. 1CJ of Morrow County:
SECTIONS 1, 12, 13, 21 and 25;
Township 1 South, Range 26, E.
W. M.
SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
son and family, and Tammie Ly-becker.
Tammie and Charles Lybecker
of North Powder are visiting at
the home of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tullis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buslike of
Morgan are visiting Ihe John
Ranciers at Unity.
Mrs. Franklin Ely returned
home from Portland last week
where she attended summer
The Noel Dobyns moved into
their lovely new home on Main
street week. The David Raskins
moved into the White's apart
ment. Mr. and Mrs. James Mallon
moved into the Whiles apart
ment .
Mrs. Hazel Beers will leave this
week for home in Eagle Creek.
Mrs. Echo Palmateer will accom
pany her. They will take a
very little conflict between chuk
ars and other upland birds. It
is very desirable because it oc
cupies habitat that in former
years produced little, if any,
game birds.
The plumage of the adult
chukar is a pale grayish brown
1 w:m mmm
1952 Pontiac, Hydra, R & H $1950
1952 Ford, Fordamatic, R & H $1950
1951 Chev. Fleetline2dr,R&H $1366
1947 Plymouth Coupe $700
1948 Willys Jecpster $600
1941 FordClubCoupc $275
1952 Chevrolet 2 ton Truck $2600
1952 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup $1550
1948 Ford 2 ton Truck $1300
New engine
1950 Chevrolet Vi ton Pickup $1125
1946 Chevrolet Pickup $600
Used Grain Bed $150
1951 Ford 'Aton Pickup $1150
4 Speed Transmission
NOW- Acomplete Body & Fender Dep't
TOWING-Nite and Day-Phone 6-9921
Fulleton Chevrolet Co
0 in 11 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2U.
21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, S2, trip to Canada lor a weeK or so.
33. 34. 35 and 36; Township 1 Mrs. Josephine Kuenanan is vi-
South, Range 27, E. W. M. 1 .suing ner sisicr, ivu. uu... n
SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6", 8, Montague in Toppenish, Wash.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,1 Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin
20 21 22. 23 and 24: Township 2 and family are spending this
South, Range 27, E. W. M.
Leslie E. Grant, Secretary
District Boundary Board
Morrow County, Oregon
Garnet Barratt, Chairman
District Boundary Board
Morrow County, Oregon
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned as administrator of
the Estate of ALLEN DUVIVIER,
deceased, has filed his final ac
count and report in said estate
with the Clerk of this Court and
We wish to thank all our
friends and neighbors who
helped us put out the fire on our
ranch last week. 1
Victor Lovgren
23P that the Judge thereof has fixed
CARD OF THANKS Monday, the 31st day of August,
We wish to express our sincere, 1953, at the hour of 10 o clock
thanks for the lovely flowers, 'A. M. as the time in tne couniy
Mass Offerings and the many Courtroom in Heppner, Morrow
acts of kindness during our re- County, Oregon, as the place for
cent bereavement. hearing objections to the final
Your sympathy was deeply ap- account and the settlement there-
Mrs. Frank Monahan
Mrs. Paul A. Hisler
Mrs. Joseph S. Causey
James Monahan
Mrs. John H. Barrie
John Monahan
PONTIAC 1940 sedan. Pay $99.00 j
full price. Rosewall Motor
Company. I
Legal Notices
Sealed bids will be received by
week at a methodist church camp
at MaGruder on the coast.
Jimmy Morgan went to The
Dalles iast week and purchased
Votes on the wheat quotas at
the Legion hall for lone and Mor
gan were: 117 yes'and 4 no. At
the Rhea Creek Grange hall 76
yes and 2 no. This included the
Gooseberry community.
Mrs. Carl Linn is homo from
summer school at Monmouth.
Miss Nell Gwynne of Modesto,
Calif., was a weekend guest of
her niece.
Mrs. Walter Corley and Mrs.
.foe Gaarsland. The Coreys took
her to Biekleton to visit her sister
Mrs. W. G. Seehafer. They will go
to Spokane to visit another sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen and
daughter took her mother, Mrs.
Cecil Lieuallen back to her home
in Pendleton last week. She had
been visiting at the Jepsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis and
son of Vale are visiting here. He
was a former teacher here.
Loren Hale of Tangent was a
visitor here last week. He stayed
at the Ida Grabill home.
Mrs. Vera Reitmann and
r wmwm
TZL. .
Meet a man'
15 mouths
to feed
Frank S.Corda farms240 acres inCulifornia'sSalinas
Valley. We know Mr. Corda well lieenuse Standard
Oil Company of California fuels the power that
tills his land. By replacing muscles with machines,
an Mr. Corda has done, the average U. S. fanner
produces enough food for 15 people. One hundred
years ago a good farmer produced enough to feed
only five people. Mechnni.ed fanning, powered by
oil, has made the difference.
OrtL,3mrtil TV allien. .v. ,.l, f tua r.fflr,a
nearim? 50 or over' Is your ona aoe, l"c
future "uncertain" Local bus- of the -uperintendent .t the
iness opportunity backed by hool Heppner Oregon, unUl
national!? known company August .28. 19o3, 8.00 o lock PX
.... rar nppponarv Will be Ior Aaaiwon io ujin.iaaiu,,,
nPrC own sn for 15 Building, for Schoo, District No.
wamer, oox b(? flnd pub,idy readiSliSEV4.
aloud Bids received after the T. 4 S., R. 24 E., Section 21; S
If you are planning on buying a .. . f 0Denin2 will not SEVi, SEV4SWV4. Section 22; S1.4
The following tracts of land in
Morrow County are open for leas
ing under Section 15 of the Tay
lor Grazng Act. Anyone interest
ed in leasine anv of said lands
may contact the Bureau of Lahd daughter. Ruby Ann, gave a
Management, Box 26, Baker, Ore-! tea Saturday afernoon in honor
gon lot' Miss Betty Anson of Hermiston.
T. 3 S. R 23 E., Section 20; S'-i There were 33 guests present.
SWi4, NWV4SEV4, SE'.iNW'.- Sec-; Cookies, tea, coffee and punch
tion 29; E'-iNWVi. Section 31; j were served from a table decora
wknwm.. SW4. WMSE4. SE' ted with gadioli and dahlias.
ctti'. c,.ti,,n v- cwJiSWi. Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs.
T. 2 So, R. 23 E., Section HWm
SWV4SEIA. SEV4 SWI4. Section 15;
car Clarence Rosewall wants to considered.
see you. plans, Specifications and ton-
SW'4. Section 25; NW'bW'A.
Section 30; NE'iNWVi.
T. 6 S., R. 25 E., Section 1; Lot
1. Section 6; Lot 4. Section 7;
NE",4SE4. Section 8; NWV4SW4.
FOR RENT, north side of duplex. tract Documents may be exam
Income property for sale like jned or may be obtained at the
rent mnnthlv income larger ft brepman. HavsliD & Tuft,
hon vnnr navmpnts. Mrs. A. a AirhtQ 9n40 S. W. Third i Section 9; NEViSW'i- Section 16
uiuii ;uu' f nJw. j
O. Thomson, phone b-9i3. 'Avenue. Portland 1, Oregon, upon ,s'4t'4.
rn - .
a deposit of 515.00 lor eacn set oi
tv, iqv FnrH Victoria is the documents
mc iv, .. .. t !UA
Belle of the Boulevard. Up to two seis win dc lunuwi
iWEMORpHcisIaihed each prime bidder at the tIpu-jSEV4
mu f ,VpstPrn lated deposit sum per set. Addi- T. 3 S., 1
S, Jnlv 23? tional se?s will be provided upon NE.
T. 5 S., R. 25 E., Section 34; SWVi
SW,4, NEV4SWV4, SE'4NW"4.
T. 4 S., R. 25 E., Section 1; SEVi
R. 25 E., Section 35; E'
Melena poured and Mrs.
Nicholson and Mrs. David Reit
mann served the punch. Miss
Anson is the bride elect of Rob
ert Reitmann. The wedding will
be at Hermiston Sept. 13. Her
mother, Mrs. Delbert Anson of
Hermiston was a guest at he tea.
Sally Peterson of The Dalles;
is visiting at the home of her.
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
David Reitmann.
Jack rum is visiting his cousin,
Larry Kigby, at Hood River.
Miss Lois Howk of Troutdale
and Miss Ruby Ann Reitmann
will leave his week for San Fran
Insect "bomber" demonstrates one of the ways
petroleum helps make farms more productive
and profitable. Airborne insecticides made by
Standard's subsidiary, California Spray
Ch.'Miical Corporation, are bo effective that
they save western farmers millions of dollars
a year in crop losses. Other petroleum prod
ucts save time and lalwr . . . for example, a
t ractor can woik 10 acres in the time a team
of horses takes to plow two. We also had a
intiid in that, because Standard developed the
first compounded lubricating oil that mades
hi-h-spced diesels for tractors practical. Fuels
and lubricants for farm machines, yield-boosting
weed killers, roof coalings for barns, stock
dips, detergent s to keep milk equipment spot
less, bot tled gas for refrigeration, cooking and
heating-they're all on the long list of items
supplied to western furms by Standard. And
you, too, Ix-n.-fit from each new way Standard
scientists increase the yield of farms . . . be
cause you may 1' one of the 15 people Mr.
Corda feeds. Qtwxtions or comments ubout our
Company ure always welcome. Write: Standard
Oil Company of California, P. O. Hox 3195-C,
San Francisco, California.
SEU. Section 3G; NWU Cisco and to Camp Roberts to
plans aread to serve you beffer