Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 20, 1953 Page 5 Social Happening Many Out-of-Town Guests Here For Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John I. Hanna celebrated their fiftieth weddins anniversary Sunday August 16 at their home on Hinton creek. A dinner was served at noon to members of the family. In the afternoon a reception was held. A lovely gold decorated wedding cake and gold ice cream were served by Mrs. Emile Groshens and Mrs. Alf Haaland of Grants Pass. Mrs. Earle Blake played sever al piano numbers during the af ternoon. Many lovely gifts and flowers were received by the honored guests. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nelson, Mon mouth; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hal voison, Ann and Doug, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Haaland, Shar on and Jim, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanna, Sonny and Dinner Party Honors Patsy Wright Sunday A dinner party Sunday after noon August 16 was given at the Claude Graham home in honor of the birthday of Miss Patsy Wright. The hostessess were the Misses Sally Palmer and Jean Marie Graham. Cards, croquet and a scavanger hunt were enjoyed during the af ternoon by the Misses Clarice Hastings, Mary Ruth Green, Jan et Wright, Helen Graham, Patsy Wright and Messrs Terry Thomp son, Bill Steagall, Jimmy Green and Ralph Marlatt and the two hostesses. Lonie, Mrs. Ella Scott, Richland, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc Crady, Sr., Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel McCrady and Peggy, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc Crady Jr. and Kathy, Porland; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dickenson, Independence; Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hanna and Jean, Philomath. NEW SHIPMENT OF 1 FigrusiifflGS Plaster of Paris and Bisque for Painting STOCK UP NOW FOR RODEO TIME ON -m a m i FILMS Rodeo time is just a round the corner and to insure yourself an ampue supply of films for parade and show pictures it is best to stock up now. We have all sizes. SEE US FOR Film Developing Phils Pharmacy PHIL BLAKNEY. Owner I Boy Scouts Guests Of Soroptimist Club The Soroptimist club met for luncheon Thursday August 13 at O'Donnell's. A committee was appointed to work on the float for the parade. They are Mrs. Floyd Adams, Mrs. Grace Nickerson, Mrs. M. R. Wightman, Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, Mrs. Joe Hughes and Mrs. Robert Pcnland. The Boy Scouts who attended the Jamboree were guests. Len Ray Schwarz introduced the boys and told the beginning of their trip, Jesse Smallwood told of a typical day at the camp, Dick Applegate told of the trip home and Jay Sumner spoke of the pur pose of the Jamboree. Other guests were David George and Nancy Adams. o Wagner Home Scene of Birthday Party Tuesday afternoon August 18, Billy Wagner celebrated h i s eighth birthday with a party at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Wagner. Fifteen youngsters enjoyed an afternoon of games and later re freshments were served to Denny, Diane and Linda Kay Warren; Diane Schaffitz; Bobby Hager; Sharon and Peggy Way; Mary Ann Johnson; Omer Huston; Neal Penland; Shirley Grone myer; Vickie and Scotty Barratt; Sherrill Hartman and the guest of honor. o WEDDING DATE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dalzell of lone announce the wedding date of their daughter Wilda Edra to Clyde William Crawford, son of Rodney Crawford of Portland, as Sunday August 30 at 3:00 P. M. in the Community church at lone. A reception will follow the cere mony at the Legion hall. All friends and relatives are invited. wanis unit for counselors and C. I. T.'s Our group was in Robin Hill unit, the first unit organized in 1925. It is for 11 and 12 year old girls. There are nine cabins in Robin Hill unit. The Heppner girls were in the cbins Aquila and Altair. I Our day started with bugle call f at 7:15 A. M., at 7:15 we had breakfast in Raker Lodge, which accomodates more than 300 girls, i After camp capers we went to morning sing held in I'ncle Toby's Soryhouse. This was nam ed for Theodore A. Harper, lamp Nmanu's Uncle Toby. While we were there, some important people in Camp Fire, came to camp and dedicated to Uncle Toby a stone bench and bird bath placed in the Garden of Eden which is a small clearing behind Raker lodge. We went horseback riding and did some handiwork, painting and clay modeling, We held taffy pulls, played games and learne camp lore. We had an overnight hike 5'-' miles around the Sandy. On a treasure hunt we learned to follow trail markings. After lest hour we went boating. There were swimming periods in morn ing and afternoon. j We had evening fire, singing; and stories, before retiring at 9:30. . ; Namanu is the Indian name fori beaver. Camp is located near' Portland on the slopes of Mt. Hood. It includes more than 300 acres and 65 buidlings. This sum mer there were were 2,000 girls,' 1 188 of them during the last week of our session. i Camp Namanu is the place to find friends and fun and we hope more of us can attend next year. The Elks lodge furnished trans portation both ways for us and we thank them. Carol K. Anderson, Reporter WA CAN TE KA CAMP FIRE GIRLS Last week five Camp Fire Girls returned from a two week session at Camp Namanu. These girls are Sharon LaVelle, Judy Cochell, Nancy Harshman, Jeanne Collins and Carol Anderson. We all feel that we have learn ed many interesting things to tell our group members who did not attend camp this year. Camp Namanu is made up of six units for girls and the Ki- "5T Claudien's Store-Wide i i Everything Marked 8 or Less I Every item in the store is marked down to HALF PRICE OR LESS of the orig inal price it's your chance to save many dollars on needed merchandise. Every thing is reduced, not just certain groups, so be here earlyfor the best selections. -SUMMER DRESSES -FALL DRESSES -BLOUSES -SKIRTS -SWIM SUITS -HOUSECOATS MANY, MANY, HATS AT ONLY A FRACTION Of Original Price -JACKETS -SLACKS -JEANS -ROBES -GOWNS, SLIPS MORE ITEMS TOO! ! STARTS FRIDAY AT TROEDSONS RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson re turned home last Thursday eve ning from a motor trip which took them to Spray, Mitchell, Prine ville, Bend, Redmond and Peter sens Rock Gardens. While in Prineville they spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mason, former residents of Morrow county. On their way home they slop ped at Dufur and stayed all night with the Ted Marvel family. Arthur Marvel, who lives at Du fur 'was ill at his home. They experienced warm weath er all through their trip. o CHURCHES CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school begins at 9:45. Classes for everyone, including adults. Morning worship at 11 a. m. The evening services, which are to be at 8 o'clock will he held in the basement if it is hot weather. in her resignation as secretary treasurer. Mrs. Pettyjohn and Mrs. Swnson wil give sheets and pillow cases to the first aid room at the school. FUwer arrangements were judged by the members' at the Garden club meeting at the John Bacon home Tuesday, Aug. 11. Each member brought the ar rangements and classified them and judged them as to color, de sign, originality, condition of the flowers. Mrs. Fredrick Martin president, gave a reading and Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom read the poem, Pity the Poo re Chairman. Holding a flower show this fall was discussed by the 'members. Mrs.E mesl Ileliker received the door prize Mrs. Ileliker and Mrs. O. L. I.undcll had charge of the program and Mrs. Bacon and Mrs. Cecil Thome were the host esses. Mrs. Ernest Ileliker gave a party in honor of her grandson, Eugene Ileliker Friday of last week. Those present were Barb ara Blake of Heppner, Karen McCurdy. Stc ie and Susan Lind strom, Grant and Trova Rigby, Kenny Marlenson, Mrs. Merle Baker and children Jimmy and Ann. Mrs. Claude Riley and sons, Val an Michael, and Imogene and Lola Taft. Slides were shown and punch and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rergstrom and daughter returned home from Portland this week where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Marcum for a week. The Marantha club met at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson Wednesay Aug. 12 with Mrs. Claude Riley as co-hostess. At the business meeting it was de cided to have their annual ba zaar Nov. It. Mrs. Riley conduct ed peveral games. Mrs. Delia Cor son received the door prize. Mr. and Mrs. Art Vance of Day ton, Wash., were weekend visit ors at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. Gary Tullis. Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Matthews and daughters left Friday of last week for Roseburg to attend the Matthews reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riley left last week for Elkton to visit with relatives. Sports Wear White Stag SAIL CLOTH AND Jantzen DENIMS PEDAL PUSHERS SHORTS , HALTERS BLOUSES SKIRTS JACKETS ALSO . . Dirndl Skirts IN GAY COTTONS STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 21 NORAH'S Use Gazette Times Classifieds For Results! IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday school at 0:00 a. m. Morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock. Revival services will close with the evening service at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting will be held as usual at 8 p. m. Thursday. Avail yourself of this oppor tunity of hearing the gospel in song and word. All are welcome. lone News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and children are spending their vacation at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer entertained the following at an outdoor picnic at their home Thursday evening of last week: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tullis and sons, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hermann, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dohyns and Charles and Tammie tybecker. At the meeting it was decided to hold the teachers reception Sept. 18. A budget of $355.00 was decided upon. Mrs. Ekstrom put I I Claudien's I VACATIONING? Are you thinking of taking A little vacation In Canada, Mexico or just Down at the ocean? Canada & Mexico really are Considered foreign lands! Check on your insurance first; Be sure of how it stands! Have fun on your vacation, Not a lot of worry! Take a few preparations now Instead of being sorry - hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon OH TTh Urn tvx IL enney FO R B AC K-TO SCHOOL NEEDS! DOUBLE PRINTED i M' , U i . ' ' ' A , ' f f , ,j? tt fM' ; 1 ' t ' ' s ft- v .y ' At ! t " 'it , " ' ' ' ' ' ' i I ' I "4 II l,s 1 ' ll f ll f ; ' ' 1 M j BOYS' COTTON SPORT SHIRTS 198 SIZES 2 TO 18 New double prints are tops for boys' back to school needs. Bakers check and the new style trend tweed effect Sanforized in-and-outer with leng sleeves. Buy this value NOW while we have many to choose from. Long Wearing Corduroy, NOW .... In Popular dungaree Styling! RUGGED CORDUROY JEANS! 349 BOYS' SIZES 4 TO 16 Rugged, handsome teammate for your boy's blue denims. Made with thick set corduroy, in 4 deep tone, washable colors I Sol id construction includes metal rivets, bar tacking and double crange stitching 1 Zipper fly and 4 roomy pockets.