1 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 20, 1953 Page 3 gram Expanded as School idy for Opening in lone By Echo Palmateer j in readiness for the fall opening One public schools will be I soon according to Chester L. u ' Flip? ' j (?Mxxsr 1 r; 1 Iti I ii-y-'y "-Miib- s : r , 'A !F rtTTi iA'fN Mr 1 Lf vaJJ H 'Jv SI' I $ 'a ' fv'"tf Ward, superintendent. The dist rict will open wim an c-Ayanut-u program and a reorganized staff. The board of education con sists of Earl McKinney, chair man: Garland Swanson, hold over member; Lloyd Howton, new member; and Merle Bauer, cierK. .1 h Rrvsnn will be the custodian of the old building. The faculty consists of Mrs. James Manon, 1st and 2nd grades; Miss Lorena Akpra 3rd and 4th erades; Mrs. Franklin Ely, 5th and 6th grades ririvprs will be held about noon.' Nelson; lunchroom, Mrs. Delbert The afternoon will be given to Emort; finance, E. . Bnstow; teacher conferences anci recnecK- ihumi-, mi, u.wumu i..!, int? of all regristrations. On the legislation. Ray Hcimberger; ouenine dav a general assembly magazine, Mrs. Claude Riley; will be held for all high school publicity, Mrs. Echo Palmateer; students at which time the historian, Mrs. E. M. Baker; ..v,h1o and other various items social. .Mrs. Men akcm.n. mcmun will be discussed. Books and sup plies will also be given out. Re- ship and hospitality, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn; room mothers, 1st and DllCS Will ttiau "t: i J member the school office is open j 2nd grades, Mrs. Merl Baker and lo all and we are anxious to get .,,,abitpfi with oeople of the .m,,iinitv nil county. Another Franklin Ely, 5th and 6th grade s. -' ,ememner is James Mallon 7th and 8th grades, lr K , j ht for the nna Mrs. Farris substitute ai;,1: 1B- 1,m w ti, and Mrs. Farris substitute arts and crafts. In the high school, Miss Anna jean Knighen, girls' P. E. an english; Miss Anna Winecoff, commercial and math; Grant Riebv. industrial arts and sci ence; Eugene Gehrke, boys P. E., social science and athletics; teachers recepuon nlvl" dta U'o arp also looking forward to trie dedication of he new build ing later in the month. koco ft reach tfie tikne before itzkfx rising he phone. And before you can gee to it from another part , t of the house, it stops ringing. But-with a handy extension I telephone, you can take calls anywhere in the house! "his convenience costs just a few pennies a day. And ; extensions are now available everywhere because they require no outside cables, wires, or central office ijlities. For complete details about a new extension telephone l your home . . . call your Pacific Telephone business office. Dates to remember: Aug. 23 Grange and H. E. C. picnic at Battle Mountain. A.irr 9SThr,.p Links club at the autiai ov-n-iitv w ... i nfe. - - David Raskin, math, music and home of Mrs. Sam t-sieo. assistant to Mr. Ward, superin- Floyd Ely will leave Tuesay for tendtnt. ,Mt. Adms to pick huckleberries. The new buiding will house Pvt. and Mrs. Ronald Tye re- the music, industrial arts, hot turned home. from Portland last lunches, auditorium and all ath- week. ,f, i u. ii,:no Mr and Mrs. Rod Kvistad lett leuc aim pii.ai , Monil.iv ,n addition the new swimming " t the num'-iS pool will be attached to tne new - - - f h parentSi- building. This makes a very com- rner ht ,me o i ple.e set-up for district educa- Mr and M. . Oscar tional program. Shop classes win "'"V u i be offered from the 7th grade tona Mallon' through high school. Iwerp dinnner guests at the Vic- The P.E. program will now in- '"n"'r ,,, v i elude swimming. This small " 1,, a thP' commuity is going all out for its , schools. Credit to the past Ad- Nazarene thu d ministration and the board. , o;,,iam rharter members Opening plans for the schools Harold G, m. Char e, are: The week prior to the open- of : tne cnurcn a e H norJ ing of school will be given over Ar hu B .nlow of HM 10 lllicrviews Willi yan-mo .... . rn l Mrs. Rov Lindstrom; 5th and 6th, Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mrs. Raymond Lundell; 7th and 8th, Mrs. Darrel Padberg and Mrs. L. A. McCabe; sophomores, Mrs. Gordon White; juniors, Mrs. Noel Dobvns; and senior, Mrs. h. M. Baker. Bonnie Crum returned Sunday from N'azarene church camp Pinelow, near Spokane, where she spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and daughter, Dorothy, and Sue Coleman left Monday to spend a few days. Mrs. Lena Twitchell of Los Ed Buschke at Morgan. Angeles left Tuesday for her Earl McKinney was ill with home after visiting her brother 'Virus pneumonia last week. DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. Tues.-Wed. Frl.-9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL Broken Lenses Duplicated EXAMINATION Glasses Fitted Sat., Aug. 22 Clearance jlHIII in an emergency... pur party-line neighbor may cut in tin your telephone conversation and ! ask you to release the line. He'll iirely appreciate it if you allow him to use the phone. And you may need the same courtesy in an emergency of your own. tg Pacific Telephone ctnHpnts and registrations for those whose previous records are complete. We urge all who can to take advantage of the period. Any who have to be away on me opening day of school should take care of their registration. School dates: Sept. 2 Special board meeting to check all plans. Sept. 3 Special community meeting with board and superin tendent to explain all school policies and allow any questions to be asked from the community. Answers will be given as best they can by the board and super intendent. We urge the commun ity tn remember this date. Sept. 4 Faculty meeting ai a a.m. Sept. 4 and 5 county fair. Sept. 7 Opening of school. School will be dismissed around noon. A children Bonnie and Jack and George, Crum. The church will be open to charter members un til assembly which will be some time in June- Mrs. Arthur Brown- low was elected secretary aim Mro Prom treasurer. Rev. Zack- ery, district superintedent of the Nazarene churches ot me worm wost rnnducted the meeting, (Thursday evening of last week. Rev. Gilliam will soon leave lor Vancouver. The church here hopes to get a permanent minister. A meeting of the executive members of the PTA was held at the school house inursnay evening Aug. 13. The otticers aro rhpster L. Ward, administra tive office; Rredric Martin presi dent;; Mrs. Alfred Nelson, vice rnKi,iPnt: Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom, secretary-treasurer; the chairmen of Heppner Refrigeration's STOCK OF NEW AND USED HOME 1 STARTING AT I p. m. CIVIC CENTER BUILDING 1 he dismissed aruu u ,,. meeting with all bus'ofthecoreesjmR Think of the Finest Car Value You Can Imagine j ' '' Here's your chance to get brand new.guaranteed home appliance at your own crice. This is MOT a closeout sale )ust a clearance of line merchandise to make room for incoming shipments so all products will be guaranteed by us. And. you need not pay cash for your purchases, lor if you wish GMAC terms can be arranged on items costing over $25. Be there early and choose the Items you want. CHECK THIS LIST Specification ond trim ub.ct lo chang.. Optional opm". "jw11 riero ana iouii oeme vmy ivi V Think of Economy of Operation Think of Ease of Handling V Thmk Of Big All-ArOUnd Visibility (You can see oil 4 tenders) V Think of 61" seating, front and rear V Wnk Of Up tO 35 mHeS per gallon Of gaS (Produced in special fesf) V Think of big 24 cu. ft. luggage space V Wnk of all these, and you are thinking of . . . The Beautiful Sister of the Famous 'Jeep' i BKIVt IT fOR AM HO US AHD M'U WAHT IT FOR Ml Farley Motor Company 1 New Frigidaire Appliances E 2 30 inch Thrifty ranges (1 freight damage) 1 Do Luxe 30 inch range E 1 De Luxe double oven range EEE 1 De Luxe Wonder Oven range 1 full 40 inch low cost range 1 10-30 ironer Er 1 9.2 cubic foot food freezer EEE 1 13.2 cu foot food freezer 1 18 cu foot food freezer EEE 3 automatic washers 1 clothes dryer EE: 1 1 horse power air conditioner EES 2 1 horse power air conditioner 1 80 gal. double unit electric water heater l 40 gallon double unit electric water heater EEE l 30 gallon table top with magnesium rod electric water heater H The following new Frigidaire Refrigerators: EE 1 10.8 cu. foot cyclematic 1 9 cu. foot cyclematic EEi 2 7.4 cubic foot with freezing compartment EES l 11.4 cu foot with freezer EEE 1 9.7 cu.foot with freezer I EES 1 8.6 cu. foot with freezer 1 6 cu. fcot standaid apartment size 1 OTHER APPLIANCES ! EES i new Thermador evaporative cooler i 1 new James dishwasher portable I EE: 1 new Whirlpool conventional washer ; EEE 2 Duo Therm oil heaters EES 3 Zenith Portable radios S 1 Emerson Personal Portable 1 Zenith Table Model l SEE 2 Emerson Table Models I EES 3 Universal Deep Fat Fryers ' S 3 Scotch Koolers 6 G. E. Electric clocks assorted Mixinq bowls and range sets, electric percolators, mixers, ni " freezer jars and Freeze irays, cssoneu rijuw USED MERCHANDISE Kelvinator refrigerator 6 cubic foot, (lyear guarantee by Hamlin) Kelvinator refrigerator 5 cubic foot Stewart Warner refrigerator 4 cubic foot Norge refrigerator 8 cubic foot Hotpoint ranges Gibson Range Frigidaire automatic washers 1 year guarantee Thor conventional washer Bendix automatic washer Maytag conventional washers Maytag automatic washer Norge conventional washer Wood and coal range Crosley Shelvador 7 cu. ft. refrigerator Zenith conventional washer GMAC TERMS AVAILABLE ON PURCHASES OF $25.00 AND OVER Heppner Refrigeration, Owner V. R. "BOB" RUNNI0N AUCTIONEER HAROLD ERWIN CLERK ir.