Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 7

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 13, 1953
Page 3
kial Happening,
ven Girls Attend
rip Fire Camp
nday August 9, eleven girls
for Camp Namanu, the Camp
Girls camp on the Sandy
lose going were Shirley Van
kle, Judy Parsons, Karen
uy, Bernice Thomson, Julie
ffer, Sandra Jones, Janet
mpson, Nancy Kay Moyer,
ena Wagner, Rondie Fulle
and Beverley Blake,
hrough the courtesy of the
lodge they were taken down
school bus with Don Freder
son driving. Mrs. Glen Par
is and Mrs. James Thomson
.ompanied the girls and re
red that evening.
The girls will return to Hepp
t Saturday evening August 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard an
tinced this week the engage
Bnt of their daughter, Margaret
tuise, to Francis Foster Connor
Soroptimist Club
Has Business Meeting
Wightman Home Site T
Of Family Picnic
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wightman
entertained Sunday August 9,
with a family picnic at their
Those present were Mr. and
'Mrs Eugene V. Frye ana two
The Soroptimist club held their, chi,dren of cincinnati, Ohio; Mr.
From The
County Agent's Office
pounds of ammonium nitrate is
Willi one Morrow county ranch
er advertising a new low price on
hay to democratic cowmen rais
ing Republican calves, alfalfa
quotations at' Portland the past
week were around $28 to $30 a
Continued on Vaga Hput
By N. C. Anderson
The twenty-seventh annual that established itself quite fie
Oregon Ram sale will be held at quently in range land and is one.
regular monthly business meet
ing Thursday August 6 at O'-Donnell's.
and Mrs. T. H. Humphreys, Ken-
newick, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ai,h,tt. Portland: Mr. and Mrs.
Committee reports were read for iau(je Graham, Jean Marie and,
the month. A committee was ap-.Hoi. T,,hn Wiehtman. Bob
pointed to work on an idea for vviehtman, Peggy, Marvin,
the float for the rodeo parade. and janet wightman and
Mrs. Harold Sanders is chairman host ancj hostess.
of this committee with Miss Leta y
Humphreys, Mrs. W. C. Collins
and Mrs. Robert Penland as com
mittee members.
Mrs. E. E. Gonty thanked the
club for all the kindness shown
Miss Lore Felger while she visit
ed here.
WSCS Holds Meetincj
At Walter Beckets
Mrs. Heiny To Be
Honored With Party
Mrs. Gene Ferguson is enter
taining Monday afternoon, Aug
ust II, Willi an ui iiunic in uuuui )hrnllLThout
Ui lllf o-illl uumuaj ui in. i
Pendleton on Monday, August 17,
Two hundred and eighty selected
rams of the Rambouillet, Lincoln.
Columbia, Corriedale, Suffolk,
and Hampshire breeds win be
sold. The sale starts at 10:00 a.
m. The auctioneer is Earl O.
Walter, of Filer, Idaho. The sale
is sponsored by the Oregon Wool
Growers Association.
A weed survey last week
showed that many Morrow county
farms are infested now with St.
Johnswort, or goat weed. This
weed is one that has been found
Twenty-four members and
i.. e u u'cr'C tnnt nt Mrs.
w. e Eckel oVednes- in neighboring counties for some
of last week witn Mrs.
Charles Becket as co-hostess
These ladies have been
time, however, it has been con
fined to a very small area in
work 1 Morrow county until the last year
lor two. It is found on several
now in the Buttercreek
itifr for over a year on tne reno
vatton ot tne Meinour m area, and has worked itself into
age in Heppner. This summer Cmk arpa Qnly ,n
they had harawoou noors iuu u ,g & perennial
the downstairs anu -
nlannine to put new
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank mother. Mrs. 'Anna Heiny. Mrs.!""" S ,; Z i tho h.ith'i I n..k LUMc
1 " I i I V I IWI I
nnor of Heppner.
Heiny taught school in Morrow
and Gilliam counties for many
I All friends are cordially invited.
NEED Envelopes, Phone 6.9228...
Money realized from the sale
of lunches, punch and coffee dur
ing Friday of Fair week at the
pavilion will go towards this
latest project.
16 Teaspoon t
8 Soup Spoons
8 Knives
8 Forks
8 Salad Forks
2 Strving Spoons
1 Butttr Knift
1 Sugar Spoon
With ach 12-Pi.c.
Strvict a hondsomt
anti-tarniih ehtst is
included. Yourchoic
of patterns.
Polio Policy
Covers the Whole Family
Including All Unmarried
Children up to 18 Years.
Be Safe-Act Now
Turner, Van Marter Cr Bryant
Phone 6-9G52 HEPPNER
Buffet Dinner Party
Members of the 4-H Luncheon
club served a buffet dinner Mon
day evening August 10 at the
residence of Ida Sue Stratton.
All the food was prepared by
members of the club. Girls pre
paring the food were Joann Keith
ley, Barbara Warren, Virginia
Andresen, Roberta Hanna, and
Ida Sue Stratton.
The buffet table was laid with
a white cloth and the decorations
were blue candles and red holly
of the most difficult of perennial
weeds to control. It is poisonous j
to while animals or animals with;
patches of white skin or hair. ,
Animals may be affected either,
by eating or simply by touching
the plant. A blister and scab;
condition on the ears, face, back
and sides with sore mouths and;
even blindness are found in J
severe cases. There are several j
methods of controlling St. John-,
swort. Bill Weatherford, whose1
ranch is located right in the!
midst of the St. Johnswort infesta- i
Hon and has only a small amount
of it on his ranch, is combating!
it by the use of insects. There are!
several species of insects that I
feed upon St. Johnswort and arei
being put to use in Oregon as a
method of control. Mr. Weather-!
ford picked up two colonies -of
these insects in Wallowa county,!
where thev are used quite ex-
elusively. They have been turned
loose over the larger patch of
goatweed. These beetles can be
secured by anyone who has goat-,
weed infestations during the
early spring season when they
are easily gathered. Several
chemical methods are used in
controlling St. Johnswort. Three
quarts of ester, 2,4-D, applied per
acre when the St. Johnswort is
four to six inches tall, has been
giving good control of growing
plants. New seedlings develop
later that need control. Soil
sterilants, such as Borascu, at the
rate of four to ten pounds per
square rod, has given good re
sults. An intensive control pro
gram will be put into eltect in
Mrs. Harold Erwin, 4-H leader,
assisted the members with the this area within the next year to
Later a business meeting was
held at which time it was de
cided to have a booth at the fair
and one or more demonstration
teams. Tentative plans were
made for a birthday party and
Joann Keithley and Virginia An
dresen were appointed to work
out the details.
Guests for the evening besides
members were Mrs. Theta Strat
ton, Mrs. Maud Casswell and
Janice Beamer.
keep it from spreading
out Morrow county.
The International youth Fel
lowship of the Methodist church
held a party andofganization
meeting Friday evening August
Officers elected were Phyllis
Quackenbush, president; Kay
Keithley, vice president; Carolyn
MeDariiels, secretary; Celia Boul
den, commissioner of fellowship.
Warm weather usually brings
a slow-down of grass growth in
irrigated pastures. Nitrogen fer
tilizer will help maintain a pro
portion of grass to clover or other
legumes for bloat prevention and
also keen up pasture yields. An
application of from 100 to 150 1
For 1 Week Only
Of Women's and Children's
Summer Dresses
Buy Now For Cash, Or On Lay-Away
It's certainly plain to see. . .
Cfiiewolet tracks
t be the best bey
must oe um mt imy
-, M b .Aft , fa
Penney'sJ Shop Penney's
This veor asain-for the 12th straight production year-truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks than
any other make. It's plain to see that Chevrolet trucks out-sell all others because they out-value all others!
When truck users show a continued preference for one
For the best buy
-buy now!
particular make of truck, you can be sure that preference jrrj
is based on a single sound reason: It's the best buy I L...
V. m.oor trnr-lr ucprc Ifl PVPfV
1 till CllllI J- nuvn " ' -- J -
clear-cut preference for Chevrolet trucks by buying more of them than any
other make.
Why not drop in and see why so many more truck buyers choose
Chevrolet? You'll find, as they have, that Chevrolet trucks offer more of the
features and advantages you want . . . more solid value in every way . . .
yet it's the lowest-priced truck line of all!
field show a
I fV(.,v Soturdoy and Sunday ABC adio Network
Fulleton Chevrolet Company
Colorful, ? f
woven plaids C, " 4
' 't and checks ,
I 't for 7-14 . ' Vv
: .; and3-6x rf:fi"
S.. -c sirls! 1 tQm
' : :.U V 111! Vim ' "V
beautifully CVQQ 'i;4 A
washable! W yO ?Ttr
o newly styled bfT'H 'llTl
with buttons, . i I ; , , : . t
bows and Q lj '!" H
grown-up belts -rf p
' $ i Si i
Rich in color and design, here are the ging- I " "' "
hams to get the standards in any chiroom! ' ' i
I'riced to provoke every morn's gratitude and f & -
styled with the hig girl look every little girl
loves! See Penney's collection now!