Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 13, 1953 Page 4 Boardman News the (Continued From Page 1) teacher. Junior Cactus Riders is name chosen for the new riding club just organized hy Mrs. Wm Forth man and Mrs. Hallie Wil liams for the boys and girls 8 to fourteen years of age. Marie Potts was elected president, Lor ena Coder, vice-president and Susan Partlow, secretary. Mem bers are Jim Miller, Marie and David Hulit, Loretta Davis, Wan da Forthman, Eileen Ely, John Partlow and Albert Rogers. The classes will begin on Thursday, Aucust 13th. Leader, Mrs. Forth man and Mrs.- Williams will have the group ready for the North Morrow County Fair. The Boardman social clubs are all busy getting ready- for the North Morrow County Fair which will be August 27-29. The Judges have been engaged. Mr. Marks, Fossil will judge the livestock while Mrs. Marks will judge the home economics. Mrs. Eleanor Alkio, Pendleton Judging the 4-H and Dr. Carl Larson, llermiston the fruits and vegetables. There will be again this year for the ladies the Betty Crocker Chiffon Cake, the C and H sugar contest and the National Needle work contest. For the lunches at the Fair grounds the Ladies Aid society wil serve hamburgers with all the trimmings; The HEC will have hot dogs, ham sand wiclies; and the Tillicum Club will have charge and serve the desserts Premium lists have been was called to Janesville, Calif., nnd sons Darren and liaroiu ana Wdrt wain-u lu ... . I ,.i1,lll, Timmii Nna'man mntnr. ,o be with her husband Mr. van-, ;r"""s " " KifouL v&rS n jwh the? auen'ded the Hartle in Lailiorma vii""b c,,;i,, in n en e Thp nc. and daughter-in-law, Mr. amy- . ... ; ..... - Mrs. George Vannoy WIarlow.s uncle Walter Hartle, Mr. and Mrs. O.mert w u w was old Thirty.four called to Portland by the death of, ' f wefe Mrs. Califfs father tioiumunr - ,,,, .., ,,,rr, tn Zerhner. Others coins to the i Mrs. W. E. Garner and daugh ter Anita, Mrs. Ray Anderson and son Herald returned home Tues day after several days from ! Mr. and Mrs. J home. Mrs. Garner and Anita atllin, Oregon. the Chester Swenson home in Hoseburg, while Mrs. Anderson and Gerald were at her parents, C. Irwin, bumer- r mi ni iiiiww mfr.ti mrnrnm .i nt. Mr. Hartle will return to his home in Congress, Arizona some time in September. Mrs. Edd Skoubo and son David, and Mrs. Adotr bKouno moioreo. funeral were two grandsons, Douglas Califf and timer z,ern- ner. rnSngZ Uewhewin to Walla Walla Sunday for the morning i"i oi , ,, Ann:, ci,.ho spend two weeks vacauon iroiiij - her duties here at the Boardman j Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly and i- ufnnfl'j ,en lirYimin T a ClrartAn s;nro tit community cnurcu. i . . Needles, Silverton, Oregon will'the Elvintly home Saturday, arrive Wednesday and officiatejcoming for their little daughter . ho ,.riii rr-h services during Janet, who had spent the week Mi Seotts absence. with her grandparents. Allen Ely Mr and Mrs. J. H. Walker and i was also home for the weekend son Dick spent the weekend at from his work in Spokane, Wash, the home of Mrs. Walkers' par- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, j motored to Portland last week, Fnterprise, Sunday a groupjwhere they attended the Knapp of men and Dick went nsiimg noe oau-s meeuiig on i uesuay, thn nlllh H OrK UlVfl, ui,l llic viziinun uuiti Walkers bringing back some nic( Seed Treating Day or Night SEE KIT CARSON T ) From where I sit ...Joe Marsh eHarvesting a Better America r OR CALL 6-9693 Rubbed my eyes yesterday when I suw Hap Jackson's truck in Biff Morgan's alfalfa field . . . helping liiff get in his cutting. Since they've been carrying on a friendly argument for years (over how much fertilizer to use per acre of alfalfa), I had to ask Hap what was going on. "Got my own crop in safely last week," he says. "And since Biff's boy is at the summer en campment of the National Guard, I figured the least I could do was to help him out. After all," Hap went on, "there's vo argument over how important the National Guard is to all of us." From where I sit, a fellow like me, who's too old to get in the Guard, can stiil vote, do a turn at jury duty, and respect others' rights. Even a little thing like re specting a neighbor's riidit to have, say, beer or buttermilk nt dinner is important if we want tn keep America strong. We have to be on "guard" in more ways than one these days! 7 Oct Up right, i'AJJ, L titled Slates brewers foundation fish fni Rillie Crisman spent the. weekend at the home of his step-: father and mother, Mr. and mis. W. W. Benson from Fort Lewis. Miss Patsy Ellis, Arlington was also a guest at the Benson Home. Mr nnd Mrs. Gus Saager and daughters Helene and Carol, Free- water, were Sunday aneinoon callers at the Russell Miller home. Mrs. Lulu Stevens, Portland is a houseguest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rivney. m mill Mr Dewev West Jr. mi. i.. ..." mailed to all North end residents, land children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray II... nlii.n Ati,,L,,rrw rnliirnnil nmnnlliKl ,'ind fi'imilV, Cal'mlllC VII. . WI1V1T 11 l Mill 1 I . Ml ... V, V , ..- home from the Pioneer hospital Heppner Friday after a few days receiving medical attention. Mrs. Emma Souders, Portland is spending a few days here visit ing friends; at present she is at the home of Mrs. Maude Moore. A2c Robert Sicard arrived home last week from the Korean area, having served a year over seas, and is at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Si card. The family and Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Skoubo spent the weekend in Portland visiting relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs mo tored to Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall and daughter Patty, Eugene, arrived at the home of Mrs. Beall. s par ents Saturday morning. Mrs. Beall and Patty will remain lor the week here with her parents. Mrs. A. B. Vannoy recently re turned from Red Deer, Canada Lombardi and mother Wis. Car melli Lombardi, were picnicers at Lehmen Springs Sunday. Mrs F ora Sctiroeoer, i-oni.mu was a guest this week at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs. Mrs. Schroeder just returned from a three weeks tup uiruugn m vi- ral eastern states visiting witn relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy ferguson have moved to Arlington where Mr. Ferguson has employment on the slate highway. Mr. and Mis. Leonard Bedord have moved into the Ferguson house. Ci.l. Bobbie Leath arrived home last week from the station at Palm Beach, Florida for a . dav furlough with his .parents. Mr', and Mrs. Cecil Eades. Miw Pbvllis Osborn, Hermis ton was a guest Saturday at the Elvin Ely home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow Just A Reminder . . . That if you will send your Rodeo and Back-to-school clothes to us now, rather than wait until the last minute it will enable us to do a better job of cleaning them, and you are assured of having them back ready to wear when you need them. Right now is our slack season and we are able to give you better service", often just before Rodeo it is impos sible for us to handle the load and still return your garments on short notice. Just give us a call. . . . we'll be glad to pickup your cleaning. SCHOOL DAYS TOO- Rcquire Clean Clothes- Let Us Pick Them Up Now! HEPPNER CLEANERS Phone 6-9441 T ... , 1 fcvMJd 1 gartiw ti - m fj PLAN NOW TO ENTER THE 1953 Morrow County Fair and Rodeo SEE YOUR FAIR PREMIUM LIST FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION 7 If! ENTER THE 1953 NATIGMYI3E CROCKET CONTEST Y Ml V IfelSl AWARDS MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO IS AGAIN OFFERING THE Ssisi $530 IN WOMAN'S CAY ORIGINAL DESIGN $2600 IN NATIONAL PRIZES FREE TRIPS TO NEW YCRK CITY Here', your chance to win big cash awards will, your crock . En ter - t he Nationwide Crochet Contest at our Fa!r and compete for the $-000 in pnze mnvy awarded to national winners. The Grand National Champion will receive $500 plus an all-expense-paid trip to New York City. Other free trips will co to the top winner in the "Men Only" and "Teen A)je" classifications. Women's Day oilers $000 in Special Awards to the best pieces of original design. The Best cf Fair Trophy, illustrated above, engraved with the name of our Fair, will be awarded to the contestant whose piece is chosen best of al entries. You can enter any one or more of 16 classihcat.ons If your entry is awarded a Nationwide Crochet Contest Blue Ribbon as Urst Prize winner in vour classification you can compete in the National Finals and your piece will be exhibited at the Nationwide Crochet Contest Exhibition in New York City. . To be eligible for judging, your article must be made entirely of mercerized crochet cotton in any size thread up to and including 100, and must be com pleted this year. Alter the judging at our Fair, we will report the names of the winners in nil elas.ilieations to the National Noedlecraft Bureau who will send odieial entry blanks for the National Finals to the winners. The pieces are then mailed to the National Needlecraft Bureau in New Tiork City for the national judging. 0r Fair SecreJory has complete rules and regulations for the Nationwide Crochet Contest ll'M. Write or call for your copy now! AWARD' CONTEST Winners of the Canned Fruit, Jellies and Preserves Classifications Will Be Awarded lOOlbs.ofC&H Sugar Can Your Fruits, Jellies and Preserves With C & H Sugar and Exhibit Them At The Fair CROCKET CONTEST AT OUR FAIR! Wl in ! '"' k Don't Forget The Special BETTY CROCKER CHIFFON CAKE CONTEST Ch"ck your premium list for the various classifications. FIRST PRIZE-Beautiful silver plated cake plate SECOND PRIZE-Betty Crocker's famous new pic ture cookbook THIRD PRIZE-Queen Bess pattern silver plated cake server : fcr iSf m . MORROW COUNTY . ... "Sr. NEEDLEWORK honors and prizes can be yours in the 1953 Nation wide Crochet Contest. Blue ribbons and the Best of Fair trophy (pictured above) will be awarded at the Morrow County Fair and Rcdeo for the entries judged best in this exciting competition. The crown symbolizes the national awards that will be given in the Contest later in the year. $2600 in prize money will be awarded to the National winners, and in addition to cash awards the Grand National Champion, Men's Champion and Teen-Age Girl Champion will receive all-expense trips to New York City. For full information on this exciting Contest, contact the Fair Secretary. mil nliP n fMf) eptember 3-4-5 .in