L I B v Hpnnrw Gazette Times, Thursday, August 13, 1953 I W fr : " , Mornine worship at 11 :00 a. m. Page 3 Boardman News Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ransier and daughters DeNeil and Di anne, Stanfield were dinner guests Saturday at the Frank Marlow home. Mrs. F. T. Lee and daughters, Sandra and Shiela returned to their home in Thurlock, Calif., Saturday after a month here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis. s Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Tannehill spent Sunday and Monday at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tannehill, La Grande. Mr. Tan nehill consulted a physician on Monday. HEC met in regular session Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Nathan Thorpe. A picnic lunch was served on the lawn at noon. Committee in charge were Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. Walter Hayes and Mrs. Deibert Larpenter. Lexington Notes . . . Continued Frem Page Two Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Factoerg. Ahner Stonp from Portland is visiting his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morros Stone and small son. Mr. and Mrs. New't O'Harra and Mrs. Laura Scott were among CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school begins at 9:45. Classes, for everyone, including adults. , Morning worship at 11 a. m. Tho ovonino sprvices. which are and Mrs. Laura scon were amu..s o will he held those attending the wedding ser-jo be a 80 dock will hel Mornine worship at 11:00 a. m thp Book of i iiur iucuho""'" - - - -- - . ,.. lActs continues. Sunday's theme ' IT" ?1 f rl.!l IONE NAZARENE CHURCH The Word of God Increased." Jack Kee of Portland at tne Catholic church in The Dalles on Sunday. Mrs. liav Darnielle and child ren are visiting her parents for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra. Cherry Grey, who has been em ployed at the O. W. Cutsforth home is now again at her home. Mr. and Mrs. James Vanover and family and Cherry Grey were Portland visitors over tne wees end. Mrs t v Ttfpsseneer Sr. and daughters Betty and Mrs. Bill B M.nrmiarrlt and children were ther. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Eoiscooal t the nhspnre nf the Rev. John ...in R. Reeves, Morning prayer v-ui be conducted on August lb Dy Robert Reed, on August 23 by M. R. WTightman and August 30 by Robert Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gillespie, of Jlermiston visitors Monday at the Prosser, Wash., were guests on T. t. Messenger jr. nume. Saturday at the Z. J. Gillespie Mrs. C. C. Jones, and family Rhoda Jones, and Joan Breeding hppn sDendin? the nast week Sand Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin tultU Vior aunt onl iinila rotn rnorl UATP T.a nrandp. and Union visi Willi jiv- uum miu unv.iv. iiuiiii-u . . - home with her parents. Mr. Edd tors Saturday ana bunaay ai uit- the Gillespie remained here at Gillespies. Mrs. Dean Eckleberry and daughters, Hermiston were Sun day afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely The two ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Crockett and son Skippy have moved from the Lew Hamilton farm on the canal to the Leonard Bedord house. Mrs. Claud Coats returned home last week after ten days spent in Seattle with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mallery, also a bro ther Edd Barlow and family and sister Mrs. Golda Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker and sons, Heppner, were Sunday afternoon callers at the Claud Coats and Zearl Gillespie homes. Mrs. Elvin Ely entertained for W I. Miller home. Mr. -and Mrs. T. E. Messenger Jr. and familv and Carl Mar auardt were Lehman Springs visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wright and daughters were Pasco visitors one Long Distance Nation-Wid Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Penlond Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton. Oregon Phone 338 Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sundav school at 10:00 a. m. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Morning service Sunday at 11 Lester D. Boulden, Minister 50 clock. c,h. srhool 9:45. ' Reviv al services will close with LlUIIWUJ " - . . . . u. m J Mrs Trta. T. NVS nOVt? Morning Worship 11:00. the evening sem ;u ' ,. vara. Sermon topic "God, according Prayer meeting win m- ih-.u as reiurneu uum a i..- usual at S p. m. inursuay. jtion speru m iu"""'u Avail yourself of this oppor- Cannon Beach. tunity of hearing the gospel in o song and word. All are welcome. 1 NEED Letterheads, Phone 6-92. CHRISTIAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Lexington, Oregon Lewis G. Wetzel, pastor The Sunday services and Wed- nocHav pvpnine waver service will be in charge of Mr. Douglas Price, guest minister in tne aD nf thP nastor. Mr. Price at present is employed by the Soil Conservation service in nei.c. but his ministerial bacKgrouna includes some years of study at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena and the Multnomah School 01 me Bible in Portland. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Sunday, August 16. Church school at 9:45 a. m. har vniino daughter Eileen on "l J " r. o hpr piPhth birthday mursaay Aug. 6th at a party. Attending wore Trpnp Potts. Dorothy Rash Tnni Tavlor. Gwendolin Fussell Lynn and Cheryl Vannoy, bnaron Hawes and Patty Partlow. Tnpsriav Aueust 11 four 4-H clubs met at the George Sicard home for an all day meeting ana picnic. Each club held tne dusi ness meet n 2 and aiscussea pian for the fair and demonstrations rinhs meeting were Hobby, Mrs fppil Hamilton leader; Cooking, Carol Hamilton, Leader; Cooking III, Mrs. George Sicard leader; Sewing III, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe leader. Families attending besides the leaders were Earwoods, Potts, Risleys, Hoffmans, Clifford Jones, Wanda Hug, Sandra Knopp, Don na Vprpusnn. Mrs. Bill Califf, Mrs. Margaret Downey, Barbara Ganttebein, and Lawrence Patter. I?pv. and Mrs. H. C. Worber Payette, Idaho have been guests at the Henry Gantenbein home the past week. Mrs. Worber and Mrs. Gantenbein are sisters. AaT lficf U'PPk Mr. and Mrs. Kicnaras aim fomiii, nf Tnvp are moving into the Sharon house. Mr. Richards is 7th and 8th grade teacher, NEW- NEVER UNCRATED JAMES AUTOMATIC Dishwasher L. E. D I C Phone 6-9633 K Wonder Steel Buildings 18 Ga. Galv. Js, v SSi M.-JliilWSiaaA "U-. KIWI IB FOR GRAIN STORAGE AND GENERAL PURPOSE Just set building base in concrete: No anchor bolts. No framework. Just bolt sheets together. It Is that simp e. We invite you to investigate and compare. Widths 40', 50' and 60'. Lengths 2' sec. PRICEWISE OR OTHERWISE WRITE OR CALL East Oregon Metal Building Co. RTE. 2, BOX 67 PHONE 942 S. W. end ol Court Place Pendleton, Ore. I i. uHinimiiiiii.ini lllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllfflllllllllllllW I 'lllpjlipllillil1llllllNINIINl'i' limmilllHIIIIIIIHllllillIMm . ' Here in Pacific Powerland dishwashing and ea 0 IS Cf 1 nick sy HERE'S THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC PRE-RINSING DISH WASHER Here's the dishwasher you've been waiting for-the new GE Pre-Rinsing automatic dishwasher that can either be total led under your present counter or comes as a combination with the GE electric sinic &ee n .- advantages. No Hand Rinse Necessary Electric Drying Handy Dish Storage Large Capacity Continuous Operation Low Installation Cost Low Water Consumption Front Opening UNDER-COUNTER 339'95 UNIT- ONLY Heppner Hardware h Elect. PHONE 6-9255 when you put low-cost electricity on the job Healthy, convenient electric dishwashing is yours for a few pennies a day... here where the cost of electricity is only half the national average. ir fir mmr A; -my(W 2c 1c U.S. AVERAGE mm mm PACIFIC POWERLAND Hi 9