Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 13, 1953 MULESKINNERS STOP JUNIOR TEAM IN FIRST OF TWO-GAME SERIES The oldsters of the town were, team. A ground ball by Ron ,00 much for the American Leller was scooped up by I ague gion Junior baseball team as wood and his throw caught Tni fney downed the youngsters 1 kosi z c s econ leVhln toaSundayontheKooeoKrouMu,,..,. b&. r ',. nnu mvp un onlv one on him and ended the inning. hit as he pitched the first live in nings for trie "jviuiesKiiuieia, ami aavo im two runs while a .....mlnn rlnllhlP off the rH-nraiii"'t - centerficld fence that bounced h-.w into the elove of Jerry Z lZr turned a hard run for ' ' h?d run and one more hit. Phil Bl.kney into , an ou in the This hit was the longest of the third inning for one of the sur ,(..v ;is Jerrv Haguewood nit bumm-sui 6 - triple to hi.s off-field in the sixth inning. Asa Wav and Billy Dougherty, pft'hing for the Junior team, were knocked for 14 hits and gave up seven bases on balls between them. Steve Trukositz led the Mule skinners with three hits In five times at the plate. One of his blows was a double. Asa Way got the only other Junior team hit, a single in the third. The fielding gem of the day was a double play by the Legion Another game between tne. Junior Legion squad and the Muleskinners is scneuuieu uu Aug. 23. . o Sociol Security Man Due Here August ZU "It is very important that every person working on jobs covered by the Social Security Act make a special effort to show his social security card to his employer so that hp can reuort the worker's fnrrrw name and number just as it is shown on the card," Vernon Welo manager of the La Oranue social security office stated today. "By checking with your em ployer, you can be sure you are getting full benefit of your in surance which you are paying for in the form of social security taxes. The wages your employer reports for you are used to deter mine the amount of your month iv hnnpflr when vou retire at 65 or later, or the benefits paid to I -V IVV X4 YJ fit 0 W ! ilk Lj- 4 i I ; I ( . 1 , ' MEMBERS OF THE American Legion Junior baseball team for 1953. tv.o hnvo onlv won a sinale aame during the season, but they were in there trying all the way. From left to right they are, front row, Skip Ruhl, Larry Groves. Jerry Haguewood, Lyle Jensen and Jerry Dougherty; back row, Asa Way, Dean Connor, Ernie Drake, Eddie Olson and Bill Doherty. Beale New Manager For P. P. and L.'s Walla Walla Branch Pacific Power & Light since 1938, as manager of the company s Walla Walla district operations was announced today by George T. Bragg, vice president and gen eral manager of the utility. New district manager here will be T. M. Keenan, who started his career with the company in Pen- HOSPITAL NEWS New Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. William Adon Hamlett, lone, a 8 lb.- 1 oz. boy born July 30, named Richard Adon. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold George Hcbard, Heppner, a 7 lb. 14 oz. boy born August 7, named Alfred Lewis. To Mr. and Mrs. David G. Owens, Umatilla, a 7 lb. boy born Aug ust 8, named Steven Edward. To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams, Heppner, a 8 lb. 7 oz. boy born August 8, named Roger James. To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mc clain, Kinzua, a 6 lb. 4oz. girl born August ju, mimea iviyia every woriu-i nuuiu a. ..... --- - . -To Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Smith, 'laWity Administration each division ou -o of For tland . il ow K,. ... otainmnnt nf In the wana wana ihjm, I onoon, a o id. 072 e1" August 10, named Sherry Lee. To Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Garrison, Kin zua, a 7 lb. 12 'b oz. girl born August 12, named Marsha Fay. Medical Michael G. O'Meara, Condon; Ike Cole, Heppner, dis missed; Parker T. Severs, Condon, dismissed; Randy Lynn llassel tine, Kinzua, dismissed; Harry Geer, Fossil; Vickie Lynn Wham, Kinzua; Mrs. Fannie G. Griffith, lone, dismissed; Marvin Zimmer, Kinzua, dismissed; Glen Duane Spivey, Kinzua, dismissed. Major Surgery Mrs. Dorothy Daniels, Hermiston; Mrs. Dorothy Marie Patton, Cecil. Minor Surgery Mrs. Grace Stlnchfield, Condon, dismissed; Mrs. Juanita Minton, Hermiston, dismissed; Ms. Eva Mae Fulmer, Hermiston, dismissed; Mrs. Syl via Spain, Monument, dismissed. Out-patients W. W. Weather ford, Heppner; Mrs. Effie Mun kers, Heppner; Richard Wilson, Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andresen had as their guests Friday his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andresen and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Perrine of Salem. Anointment of Homer Beale, l?hey brought Virginia Andresen r, jV... ,.!..,,!,., mananr fnrinome aner a visu oi iwu inu.uns f CniUL'lUU UiniUi niwiit)v " New Events Added Continued from Page 1 Knox Kirkland of Davis, Calif., will be the announcer for this year's Rodeo. He is a relative newcomer to this part of the country, but has announced shows this year at Caldwell, and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Nyssa, Ore son, and Kennewick, Wash. Clown Gene Morris will enter tain the crowd during the Rodeo program with his mule and bar- relful of tricks. He is from Frient, Calif., and is noted for his bull fighting ability. The Rodeo stock for this year's show is furnished by Harley Tucker of Joseph, Oregon. Kirk land and Morris have been worK- ing most of the Tucker stocked shows this vear. The Rodeo program, featuring S1.15n in orizes, will consist of bareback ridine. saddle bronc ridinsr bulldoeeine, calf roping wild cow milking and bull riding. Entries close at 6:00 p. m. Friday Sept 4, and entrance fees must he Daid at that time. Reserved seat tickets for the Rodeo will go on sale shortly at the First National bank in Hepp ner. U7a,4 hffi hdon vo-aivA.4 frnmuith tbp mnuntpH rirlprs Onnpn vvviu ua ------ ' " ' ,J - ' ' ' tne Marion KreDS iamny, ionnei anu rnntcsso auu uie many residents of Cecil, that they have bought a sheep ranch at Brock way, Oregon, near Roseburg. FAIR MINDED Still think it would be a good idea to patch up some more of those old buggies one sees dis carded around the county. Sure a cute pair of spotted ponies on that one seen around town. The western flavor we try to keep beautiful floats. Have you picked out your meme ior your iioat yet? BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle left recently for a visit of a week or two at Moffett Springs, near Bonneville. Rev. and Mrs. Lester Boulden have as their guests this week, Miss Ann Lieuallen of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Erther of Milton-Freewater. The latter are parents of Mrs. Boulden. L. D. Hale of Tangent, Ore., BILL JONES DIDN'T TON SMITH DID Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell have as their euest Mrs. Rose Samuel of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gonty and family spent last weekend in Portland at a family reunion. Mrs. Gonty's brother, Raymond Hemrich of Orcutt, Calif., and several relatives from Washing ton were present. Leslie Matlock has returned from a visit with his sister in rtleton 25 vears ago as a lineman or laier or int-- utnu-ino . - - or Km i, "i ' . .,.! up rptiims to Pend eton from. your sur - ivaltlmn uhpip hp has been dis- .... , I Drtl!inH Tknmas Mifhas hrnllfht death. ' Mr. WeiO SaiU. - -- liuiiim muuuw uuumy a-isucm,i...u"u. , ; 7. To make doubly sure your soc- trict. line superintendent n was visiting in Heppner the first him home and remained for the el-il security account is correct, charge of physical operations In of tho week Weekend. . . ,. ...i. c thn mmranv's largest OOeratinCT . T-i i ii ! Mr nnA Mre C. A. Piioalps and PVPrv worker snouia aK iiie ou- m. - -- -o . nnou cueiuuiui wua u rcu-i " v.. ... 33 . .. .. .. i k fll.,iclnn nntsiflp of Portland. ,n. ii(.. Pnnnio loft QunHav for Port and. C at Security AuminiSliauun cam u - i uinun usuui un juiiuaj, vu...... j vor or so for a statement of. In the Walla wana post, sea.e , wages credited to his account, Will succeed W. II. Till, his ren X manager added. dleton predecessor who is retiring lilt iuu.i..b ... . 'i l ,,n nniifalinn rllllV flftpr A representative ot me ta uwin "i" "fa . Grande social security office will 34 years with the company. I uidiiuLa j leaving Pendleton in Thursday, August 20th, between 194L Keenan has served as oca the hours of 9:00 a. m. ana noon, inniuiK.-i . ri . v.......... .... ...i..i .onarHinrf'manaeer at Davton and assistant 10 aSSlSl lliuiviuuaia " n this and other problems relating district manager at Walla Wa la iino a..u ,i ua i,r o,i nut nthpr snprial to this Federal insurance pro- annua t.....u , pram administrative assignments. g 0 The new appointments are to Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wightman be effective immediately and ar had as their weekend guests her rangements are now being made onH fnmilv Mr. and Mrs. for the transfer of responsibili- Eugene V. Frye, Karen and Greg ties, of Cincinnati, Ohio; ner Droiner SAVE.. . Sure, Tom Smith saves at First. Like his neighbor Bill Jones, he hated the chore of pushing a lawn mower. Now, Smith has a power mower . . , and SAVINGS did it. You too can buy many of the things you want and need if you save regularly, every payday. lii HEPPNER BRANCH Ffl CIST NATIONAL BANK l or portiu UTS IWlO O0ON rOOflHOl" FREE SMOfcb and wife Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hum- Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney, u.., vnn,,.u wimh - and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reed and her sister and husband Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sayers were Mrs Roy J. Abbott of Portland, weekend ' visitors at Joseph, Mr and Mrs. Lester Doolittle where they went to bring back hnH as their truests over the week end their daughter and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Perrott, and two granddaughters of Portland. the Bov Seouts that have been at tending camp. I Jesse Payne moved to Pendle-j ton on Saturday. Mrs. Payne has been there since the first of July ti4 ii js For V & 5th SEMI ANNUAL Nln pickup mocUll available, H, and 1 ton lint, 6M, 8, and 9 tool bodici. Ad ARok attach m.nh avoilabl. for all iliti. GVW ratingi, 4,200 to 8,600 Ibi. Price Reductions up to 1 52 on New light, Medium, and Light-Heavy Duty Models A new International pickup with Ad-A-Rak at tachments gives you 3 farm trucks in 1! 1. The roomy all-steel pickup body handles scores of jol3. 2. Ad-A-Rak graintight all-steel sidolxiards in crease capacity by 15n'0. 3. Ad-A-Rak stake attachment adds even more space for hauling livestock and bulky loads. See the pickup that gives you 3 trucks in 1! Con venient terms available. Let us demonstrate today. LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. LEXINGTON. OREGON Q ME I' '" ..t.;t 3 Two Pair of Nationally Advertised Shoes For The Price of One Pair BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 Choose From Such Famous Shoe Names As VELVET STEP, JAUNTIES ,WEATHERBIRD, GOLLYWOGS Pumps, Straps, Ties, High Heels, Medium Heels, Casuals, Wedges, Sports and Flats Two Weeks duly No Mail or Phone Orders Please All Sales Final No Refunds No Exchanges No Charges or Layaways No Green Stamps IN HEPPNER l m jl