L I v SECTION TWO 'EBf Heppner, Oregon, Thursdoy, August 13, 1953 Electric Storm Causes Damage In lone District Ey Echo Palmateer ilavv and sister, Mr. and An 0w.rir storm struck here I Charles ingei at Aaams. ... around midnight Friday of last week. The worst of the storm was in the Gooseberry district where they had. a considerable amount of hail. Among the farms receiving damage were Henry Peterson, Charles Carlson, Alva Barlow and Mrs. Clara Kincaid. Rain fall in Gooseberry was .30 inches, in lone .15; at Ralph Crums .25; .40 at the Wate Craw ford ranch north of lone and .21 at Morgan. The storm was ac companied by lightning and thunder. Those elected for school bus Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmuth of Portland were visitors at the Etta Bristow home last week. They took their daughter, Margery, home with them. Mr and Mrs. Ted Palmateer and children spent the weekend with, her mother, Mrs. Annie Healy. Miss Alice Nochoson of Fort land spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson. Elmer West of Pendleton was a visitor here over the weekend. The teachers and officers of the Community Church Sunday Mrs.iSusan Lindstrom, Sherry Corloy Nancy Oakley, Elaine ana jonn- . r i... si'him mei ai me cnumi v re routes were: rete tannun, nuciv ) r net work to Huff- lohn Fubanks West lone; nesday evening of las week o W,,Demmon, Gooseberry; and Oc o Jer and Je u,e o-upp.- I. h.. Brenner, me n.1- nouic. ht " , anA fr(. wm bids for the other routes vvere re- RraiKlpanmts Mr M jut icu vy mc uwtAiu mi i v - o i House guests over the weekend ,t ho r. Hermann home were John Bencieh and children, Mary Ann and Dicky, or romanu. Mary Ann also visited Mrs. Har lan Crawford or riepp""- John Tye left Sunday for his home in Kansas City, Mo. He has been here for a few months. Franklin Ely spent the week end in Portland with Mrs. Ely who is attending summer school there. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne nams nie Gaarsland, Joe and Mack Halvorsen and Bill McLeod all ol lone and Johnny and Movie Wagonblast of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest tioiiKer went to Hermiston where he re ceived treatment for a back in jury' Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Maupin visited his brother, Fred rick Martin, last week. iney 1 Trton TVTartin Vmmf and UIUUKUl di-tin mini... ; - , ri . took their son Edward, who has san, stayed at the Herman Blet been visiting here, home wun.tell nome. them non and Miss Darlene Madden Mr and Mrs. Ray llcimbigner1 went to Portland with them to do and children and' Miss Elaine some shopping. Paul Burnett, Nichols and Tommv Bristow are 'also went to Portland with them, in Odessa, Wash., where they are; lie recently received Ins sepa heloinir in the wheat harvest i ration from the army. there. Mrs. Bristow is slaying at Dates to remember Boardman School Enrollment to Be Higher This Year Bv Flossie Coats Back to school days will soon be for the Boardman students. Registration day will be Sep-Jum will hous the hand class t.u,-... th ivith crniui iipcrin. i and also lit it. cia.-v. itiiiLin tin "mi ........... i - ... nine Scot. 8th. Enrollment is ex pected to exceed last years re cord by several students. Mipt. Anderson expects 40 high school members with twelve being $13,000.00 boiler has been instal led that puis out 12,500 ED ft. me old boiler will be used to heat the 70n gallon water tank. One of the new teachers hired I . . . rr. - f .-. freshmen. Up to date there has this year is .Mrs. i nomas van been seventeen enrol in the Etten I Doris i.rovesi woo nets first grade. a split degree in eiemeniary This vear will find two newborn ana w. . t - class rooms which have recently m.-ntary grades The n are vo been completed in tiro upstairs more teachers o be I, rod o ne auditorium to add to the high elementary and one high school school space. The new gymnas-1 i Continued on Page Kur) Saturday evening. Gordon White has a contract for the Rhea Creek route. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dale and son, Benny, of Torrance, Cafif., are'visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Merle Baker. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Miller spent the weekend in Seattle where they attended the boat races. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell and family of Portland stopped at the Fredrick Martin home Tuesday Mrs. James Barnett and son, Richard, visited her mother, Mrs. Eldon Madden at St. Helens last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Baker spent the. weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tranK Engleman. Dianne McCurdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Jr. is ill at the homt of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mc Curdy Sr. in Heppner. Mrs. Fannie Griffith has neen HEY-HAY? (Non-partisan) Whether raising or buying Your winters hay i'ou'd have to replace it If it burned today! Why spend time worrying About what you'd do? Insure and let the company do The worrying for you! hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon evening of last week while on a:,, at hpr home. Vacation trip. ' Mrs. Walter Demming of Seat- Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan , tie is visitine her aunt, Mrs. Phil and children left Monday for the. Griffin. Mrs. Lillian French of coast to spend their vacation. Pendleton was a recent visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell the Griffin home. . nA ..irc visited her father.! Mrs. Tad Miller and children , 'returned to their home near Lex- A. A. IVltV-auc aim uiumw , - - i; ington last wcck aiu-i jt-immK several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Montague of Toppenish, Wash., were visi tors here last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Josephine Bu chanan. They attended Hie fune ral of his brother Asher Montague in Condon Friday. The two ladies are now visiting in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. William Rowell are in La Grande where he is employed. Barbara Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake cf- Heppner q CTiud last week at the Harlan McCurdy home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom entertained at a dinner at their home Saturday evening in hnor of their son, Dick's 16th birth day. There were over twenty young folks present the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hisler. Kpnneth Harmon of The Dalles is a guest of Bobby Rice at the Lloyd Rice home. Mrs. Walter Corley gave a party Friday of last week in honor of Nancy Oakleys 7th birthday. There were around lr miosis nresent. Among them were Mrs. Robert Wagner and children of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rigby of Palouse, Wash., have moved into the Wilbur Akers house on Main street. Mr. Rigby is the shop in structor in the schools. Aim. 19 Arnica Club meeting at the Community church base ment. Aug. 23 Grange picnic at Bat tle Mountain. All grangers and their families invited. The grange will furnish coffee and ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell spent the weekend in Yakima, Wash., visiting his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yar nell. Their son, Alton went on to Seattle. A social meeting was held after the regular business meeting of the Rebekah lodge Thursday rvir. anu iiii. i j.M,kinr I indn. attended ' oi iiniT ,f lnct u ..ek It was a no ana nauum, - -- ,.. ,.s v, ..-.- - the funeral of his grandmother. I hostess affair. The members of Mrs. Viola Hams, ye, Saturday i the lodge voted to purcnase a in Portland, men uaue- u- new eieciui- muc uu r" chen. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and familv snent a few days in Spo kane last week. They took Mrs. Sadie Olson to her home there. Mrs. Olson spent several weeks at the home of her brother, H. O. Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hughes and dauchter. Marie, of Port land spent Friday night at the home of her brother, Pete Can non. They were on their way home from a 2 weeks camping trip up in Washington. They also spent a couple of days in Vic toria, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holtz are having their house on Second street painted. Sam Esteb is building a new chicken house on his property. Harold Holtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holtz will leave for the army the 17lh. JUST Vi PRICE! INTRODUCTORY ..OFFER- AQUAMA.RINE SHAMPOO 'im- ih.. new Aouamaiine shampoo that is made exactly for your type of hair for it comes m lour custom iormu las for normal, dry, oily, or bleached and tinted hair. And, best of all, for a limited time you can get this new shampoo at a special introductory price. The regular $2.50 bottle for only 125 JL 16 oz. Bottle We Carry A Full Line of Revlon Products Phil's Pharmacy PHIL BLARNEY, Owner t J " Mrs. David McLeod gave a birthday party for her daughter, : Frances, at the Masonic hall Sun I day afternoon. She was six years !old. Those present were Pamala McCabe, Val and Michael Riley, pmn J vastnow i rvj J a y i-.-".M " MM ll .sf,' F h v3 ft a: it h I 4 , - , rr77 -.iiV vrn Mtwr if- II - ih. 111 ll- - - Ml ' f P 'U1 T . ?l mmmmtzwrmw a , , .(v 11,,, 3! - vy - l l J )Y &s Ford gives you V-8 power like that of costly cars. . .-fine car build . . .fine car ride and at-home.everywhere"good looks-but the price tag never moves out of the low-price field SnE the East at its best! Enjoy, the balmy days, cmp nights, the autumn beauty of the countryside . . . New York's fashionable shops . . ; the encitement of new Broadway plays . . . famed art galleries. Traveling on Union Pacific is a vacation in itself ... you enjoy famous Union Pacific meals in the diner, relaxation in the fine club cars, comfortable Pullman or coach accommodations. For real travel pleasure plan your Indian Summer vacation hast on Union t-acinc nauroau. Everywhere you go people are making the swing to Ford. And can you blame them? Many cars costing over $1000 more offer no more of the things you need and want. Here are some of Ford's "Worth More" features ... but to get the full Ford "Worth More" story, Test Drive a new Ford today! Smooth V-8 power is exclu sive to Ford in its field. And Ford's Mileage Maker is the most modern Six you can ownl Both the V-8 and Six-cylinder now.r olanti deliver their hill- leveling "go" on regular gas A . m,,rh Ihnt thanks TO UIIU IIIWW" W" ' F - Ford's Automatic Power Pilot! Lett front-end road shock. The kind of shock you feel most is reduced up to 80 with Ford's new ride. You get a smoother, more balanced, more comfortable ride all around I Suspended pedals are designed to work easier and make foot space of your Ford's entire floor area. Suspended pedals are also a "keep out" sign to dirt and drafts . , . make it easier to keep the floor cleunl An extra suitcase will fit into Ford's luggage com partmentthe roomiest In the low-price field. In fact, Ford's combined luggage ond passenger space is the greatest in the low-price field . . . compares with that of many cars of higher price. Center-Fill Fueling permits filing your Ford from either side . . . saves ycu time when refueling . . . and puts cn end to hose scratches on your fendi r! Sticamlitiex "city of Portland- "PORTLAND ROSE DAHOAN" Let us help plan your trip -"Travel ilii'f'-' -UmJ chr-mi trie! ay LOCAL AGENT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 80A0 OF IH DAILY STMAMUNm Curved one-Dlece windshield (below) and Iqrge picture windows, give Ford the most "look out" area i.i the (ow-price field . . . another reason your Ford is worth more when you buy it . . . worth more when you sell itl -a j F C A. See it... Value Check i'f...Tesf Drive it... .ml. I' "' 1'H"'"''""'t1..rr?.. 1 1 1 rorcL ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY If you're interred in an -QE nA cor, be .are ro ee our lel.elionr