Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 6, 1953 Page 7 FOR SALE Beardless Barley. Sacked. Joe Kenny, Box 835. Pendleton. 20-21 d IT'S smart and thrifty to be seen riding in a new Ford. I BIG WHOLESALE MEAT sale at the Green's Food Lockers in Hermiston. We sell meats in packages from 5 lbs. up. The best steer and heifer beef in the west, half or whole beef 25c per lb. and up for your lockers and freezers. Phone 6577 or residence 2711, Hermiston. 21-23c FOR SALE 200 acre irrigated stock ranch near McNary dam. Excellent pasture. Write W. C. Kik and Son, Rt. 2, Box 29, Hermiston. Phone 3633 2-llp tfc FORD 1952 equipped with over-!Scwing anl Alterations Will drive for top gas mileage, big j cal1 for and deliver. Lennie 8 tube radio, Magic Air heater! Louden. Phone 6-5313. 110 Pay $635.00 down. Rosewall! Motor Co. WHY NOT ? ? ? Lease Apartment house and get YOUR apartment rent free. Mrs. A. Q.Thomson. Phone 6-9129. 21c IF you are planning on buying a car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. BUY" YOUR Plumbing supplies from your local plumber. He installs, guarantees and ser vices them, his prices are right. Ti u: l t t a omci nuiiiuing aim neaung residence phone 6-9964. Member nauuiitu rtssuciauon oi numD- ing Contractors. . 40tfc WE will give your car a bath for a dollar and a half. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Gene Noble's Dodge' sedan. Contact Mrs. Clara B. i Gertson. 20-21p FOR SALE Essick evaporative cooler, 4,000 cu. ft. capacity. phone lone 8-7249. 14tfc Studebaker 1951 tudor equipped with overdrive. Drive with the new look. Pay $465.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 100 x 100 lot in the Barratt Park UUUHIUI1. Ull Henry Stotts in Lexington 3-8103. 19tfc i ROSY SAYS: If you are planning a vacation let us travel check your car before you leave. We have some exceptionally good buys in late model used cars if you want a better car. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 FOR SALE 4-bedroom house73 toilets, 3 baths. 3 blocks from grade school, 5 blocks from high I other persons and parties un-o 98-105, O. C. L. A., which mustpreme Court is on vacation (of school. Write or call Dr. R. S. known claiming any right, title, !be filed witn the clerk 10 da's' jvicviCKer, ine uanes ure. 19-23c! FORD 1951 Big ton Express. This one is large enough to IN THE NAME OF THE STATE haul a horse and handles like OF OREGON: You hereby are re a passenger car. Pay $165.00 'nuired to appear and answer the down. Rosewall Motor Co. WATER Well Drilling A P. De- Rosia Contractor. Box 665 Hepp ner or Dhone 6-9213. 35tfc B"UY guaranteed Atlas tires from Rosewall Motor Company. DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of- fice Phone 609. 48tfc DON'T send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Co. FOR-RENT VVaTehouse formally occupied by highway depart ment. Corner of Chase and Wil low streets. Inquire Hotel Hepp- ner 19-22c FORD 1947 long wheel base truck. Ready for the road. Pay $265.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. LOANS ON STOCK A N D WHEAT RANCHES AUTHORIZED MORTGAGE LOAN BROKERS for Prudential Insurance Company of America DODD INVESTMENT CO. See or Call PHONE 6478 HERMISTON, ORE Porcelainize and ride with pride. persons claiming by, through or If the finish on your car isilinHpr ,hprn anH that the plain- faded, drive in for a Porcelain- Ize beauty treatment, ttosewan Motor Company. CHECK Sewer pipe prices with you by publication in the Heppner me. Baker Plumbing and Heat-! Gazette-Times pursuant to an ing Co. Phone 6-9964. Heppner order of the Honorable William 18tf c y, wells, Judge of the above en- Oldsmobile 1940 Club coupe. Fullititled court made and entered on price $99.00. Kosewan iwoior Company. NEED FINANCING? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build ins supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. NcCj down payment, up to .5b , months to pay. Ask us at A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp- i ner 6-9212. c HAVE you bought your fair but-! ton? I FOR RENT Apartment and room with private bath. William L. McCaieh im r.nio st 91 Chevrolet 1949 sedan. Radio and'10;0 'clock A- M' o( said day' heater new mntnr Pav $325 nn down, pany. Rosewall Motor Com- FOR rents mull utttrp nr nffirA building. Formerly Telephone building. Western Auto Supply dealer, phone 6-9234. lltfc PEACHES FOR SALE One mile west of Umatilla, Oregon. Riverview farm. C. C. Zollman. 20-22c GLASS replacements. When you break a windshield on the freshly graveled road, bring it to Rosewall Motor Company for leplacement. We cut and grind glass to fit all makes. Church St. 20-24p CDTVrT Til A O if. quick sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen in Heppner. Write Tall man Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. 19-21c CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the hospitality shown our guest, Lore Felger of Austria, while she visited here. We are sorry that her time was so short that slip didn't pet in epp pvprv. 'one The E. E. Gonty Family 21c CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy - ind neip jn For an thp our recent sorrow, beautiful service, floral offerings, and other kind nesses, we are deeply grateful. Also we express our appreciation to the Lexington Rebckah lodge for assisting with the services. The Dan Way Family 21p Legal Notices No. 4113 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR ! WILLIAM I. DIXON and R. S.i ' , '"U'""""J Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Carrie Dixon, " ceased. - ' ' Plnlntiff.? 'Assoc' Archts., 2040 S. W. Third 1 'Avenue, Portland 1, Oregon, upon GOOLSBY JANE3 c,eI)osit of $15- for eacn set ol FLEMING i DOE GOOLSBY, the unknown heirs nf Flpminc Onolshv if de ceased, and all other persons and parties unknown claiming any uepusu sum pur set. auui- right, title, estate, lien or in- tional sets will be provided upon terest in or to the real property request at the bidders expense at described herein, $5.00 per set. Deposit sum will be Defendants, refunded upon return of all docu TO: FLEMING GOOLSBY, JANE,men,s wi,nin a reasonable time, nnp r.nni,SRY. the nnkown heirs Attention is called to Bidders nf Flpmintr r.nnkhv and tn all ptatP lin nr interest n or to the real property described herein, 'Defendants. complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four ... . f. ..UkIo trt tUa Hu'iiDr in an ammint weeks irom tne date oi me nrsi m.hiipntinn nf hi summons. Tf fan ? to, an(swfer' f"r wa"1 thereof, the plaintiffs will apply thp emirt for the relief nraved.of contract documents. for in their complaint herein, a The School District reserves the, succinct statement of which is as'right to reject any or all bids and( follows: tui n,4 aanh nf vnn hp required to appear and set forth jbid after the hour set for the the nature and character of your opening thereof or before award adverse claim to the following de- of the contract, unless said award scribed real property in Morrow is delayed for a period exceeding County, Oregon, to-wit: 30 days , The West One-half () and thel Nona R. Sowell, Clerk i West One-half (W of the East First Publication July 30, 1953. One-half W of Section 19, Second Publication August 6, 1953. Township 2 South, Range 23 East of the Willamette Meri dian. That the plaintiffs, William -I. Dixon and R. S. Dixon, are the owners in fee simple of said real property subject only to closure of the estate of Carrie Dixon, De ceased, and that none of the de fendants has any right, title, lien or interest in or to the same; that the title of the plaintiffs to said 'real property be forever quieted 'arrainist thp defendants and all tjffs have sucn otner relief as to tne court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon juiy i. PAUL E. GEDDES Attorney for Plaintiffs P. O. Address Roseburg, Oregon 17-21C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given tnat tne Tum-;uncier.signed has filed his final account of his administration of the estate of Catherine Doherty, deceased, with the Probate Court 01 tne siaie in vicgun, for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the 14th day of as lne ume- ana rraw ouniy Court Room in Heppner, Oregon as the place for hearing on said final account. All persons having objections to said final account j are hereby required to present the same to said Court on or be fore the date set for said hearing Dated and first published this 6th day of August, 1953. Bernard J. Doherty Administrator of the Estate of Catherine Doherty, de ceased. J. O. Turner, Attorney for the administrator. 21-25c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY In the Matter of, the Estate ol Leo V. Root, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed her Final Account and Report in the above matter, and the Court has fixed Monday, the 10th day of August, 1953, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing exceptions and objections to said Final Account and Report. Objections to said Final Account and Report should be filed on or before said date. FLORENCE L. ROOT Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Leo V. Root, Deceased. W. E. HAZEN Attorney for Executrix Pendleton, Oregon. 17-21 c Sealed bids will be received by Nona R. Sowell, Clerk at the office of the superintendent at the school, Heppner, Oregon, until August 14, 1953, 8:00 o'clock P, M. for Addition to the Gymnasium Building, for School District No. 1CJ, Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Rids received after the time fixed for opening will not ho ivinuirlprpH ' Plans, Specifications and Con- fiant TV.pnmnntc mu,r hp PYam. ""V , k.7i oi office of Freeman, Hayslip & Tuft, l,ULU"" "ls- up to two sets win ne iurnisneu eat'h prime bidder at the stipu J'requaillication, Section H3-1UJ Deiore ine uaie ior opening ui Dias. forms may De oDiainea ai the office of the Architects. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (with authorized surety company as surety) made pay- iu "ic of not less than 5 of the amount of the bid. Surety bond will be required in accordance with terms' to waive informalities. iNo bidder may wnnaraw nis mira ruoncauun august 10, 20-22c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the Estate of ALLEN DUVIVIER, i deceased, has filed his final ac-! count and report in said estate! with the Clerk of this Court and ; that the Judge thereof has fixed i Monday, the 31st day of August,' 1953, at the hour of 10 o'clock; A. M. as the time in the County! Courtroom in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place fori hearing objections to the final account and the settlement there- !0f, JOHN KREBS, Administrator 20-24c CALL FOR BIDS FOR STREET REPAIR Notice is hereby given that the City of Heppner, Oregon, will re ceive bids at the Council Cham bers for the following street re pairs, to-wit: To repair approximately 2,332 square yards, with one lift, rolled and sealed. To repair approximately 9,400 square yards, with two lifts, rolled and sealed, and Approximately 1.060 square yards with three lifts. The contractor to grade, brush and prepare surface, and haul and place rock and furnish good' erade of oil, using 200-300 as- phalt. i college extension animal hus The City to do all patching andibandry specialist. furnish rock at stock pile. All bids must he in the pes- 'session of the City Recorder not later than 8:00 o clock P. M. Aug-' ust 17, 19m, at which time thojd bids will be opened and consider ed by the common council of said city, and said city reserves I the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 5th day of August,! 1953. , HARRY TAMBLYN, City Recorder. Address, Heppner, Oregon 21-22 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL 8TATFMENT Kit tin vt'Hi' t'ntlfil lii-t'i'iiiln t :tl of The Hume Insurance Company f Nvw Ym-k. In tlii- Stnli' nf N..v v.irk. limit' ti) tlif lllMlll'Ulli't' rommli.slniii-1- if tli,--ttalc of Uivl-mii. iniivit.iiit t.i hv; ADMITTED ASSETS Monti ..." u;,'.:i.v, vt.Ttt -'tiH ks Hi!' him ."mi Ut'nl fitutp tl. .iu i, i mi "'7 riif-li ami hunk iI'hkIIm :il smij.:; i."i.uj Airt'iilH' IhiIjhii'i'i or iniO'illei't i'it nri'uilums IS.-.ns .".!i:i.T7 lllITt"t. lljVllll'llllH llllll I'l'll 1 I'lltitp Itii'iHiit due mill at'- itiiH ss.-i,:tiai 71 tni-iT umi'tii n r.Ts ti-.-". ! T.iti'l niiiiiltti'.l hkm-ih $:aw.!i:i;i.i4s. Liabilities. Surplus and Other Funds i.ukm'h :!.' iiii.H'S m tltlillSl llll'llt rXIU'llWH -."''-" INHMNI l iii'iinu'il riri'iitluiii! 171 .it-il t!,s .'11 All .ill'i-r llul.illtli'n 17 IMI.iVtl.M T"tll lillllllllll'K. PTO'llt ( ilul 22S.S.VI.SSS.W Clihllnl rmiil no ft 'Jtl lHHI.4HHI.IHI I ti-ikm'i fund Iwnn.liiH) 1.14. 077 -li.'i 7ll Surnliis as rt'irnrtU rxilii'vliolil- ri 17I.H77 7il Total . . $::!n.s tai. 1 4K.2.-, STATEMENT OF INCOME I'rptlllllirn CHt'lirii $17r.,7si.ttls 24 I.OMU'a llirllrrcil . ,s:l 11.M1 H7't. 1 7 I.iwh exnniM'H llirllrrcil . . . It.ul4.!tlil,:ul ut'ii'r imiliTwrltluir cxtH'tiHra lin'iuii',1 . 77..'.tl'J.nil.(J4 T 'tiil itnili't'wrll hi? ili'iluc- IIiiiih II.IU7.2"7.1T Net unili'i'wnlliiir trulii or loss il.litu 41 l,ti7 hivi'stii t Inciime lit. 1 i:t.Oil M i it her Inr HI. INI till T'ImI, lu'fnre ffilt'rnl liicoiiu? laxni HI i7."lft.fl4 Fi'ili'rnl hiiiiinu tavi'H Iih'Uiti'iI II.HTti Ii:l7 t! I Ni't !iniiiiii i:i,iii7,7:t.'.:tii nivlili'llilH In MlncklinlillTH . . (-I7,2IH).IHHI.IHI uti'cr lli'iiia affectliii MintliiH (iii'll T.!0.Osn.B5 Totnl ciniltiil and nurnliiN iiimiih (ni'tt 7iis.nsn.8r, Iwti'iiup in NHiiiliia Ha ri'irurilB liiilli-vholilpra 1.1 7,.'.i.N19.2S B'.isineFS In Orotron for the Year Vi't nriMiililiiH rii'i'iii'il t I. "I-.Wi Ml Nt't Iwimi nnlil 7.'.:) .'IMI.II7 C. A. Ruggles, P. O. Box 611 Heppner, Oregon CAPITAL PARADE (Continued from Page 2) CAPITAL SHORTS Col. Arthur M. Sheets, Corval lis was named last week to suc ceed the late Jack A. Hayes as director of civil defense. . . The senate judiciary committee Mon day approved the appointment of Dorothy MeCullough Lee as a member of the Federal Board of Control, a wire to Capital Parade said. This will clarify the poli tical picture of the coming guber natorial race-somewhat. . . Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, national director of selective service visit ed friends in Salem last Friday. . . State departments are having less trouble getting top trained help since Bonneville Power Ad ministration fired 109 employees last mnnlh. . . . TllP State Su- All ClCAIU-BAUVMItCACE - r i'':i7i,,,Tlr1 " . nH'iiny !fn'fl"''"i1'!" 0 flfflMm? 1 y&" 1952 Pontiac, Hydra, R & H $1950 1952 Ford, Fordamatic, R & H $1950 1952 Studebaker Coupe, R & H $1795 1951 Chev. Fleetline 2 dr, R b H ... $1366 1951 Chevrolet 2 door, R & H $1325 1948 Chevrolet 4 door $850 Engine Overhauled Radio and Heater 1949 Ford 2 door Sedan $800 Radio, Heater and Overdrive TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1952 Chevrolet 2 ton Truck $2600 1 952 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup $1 550 1948 Ford 2 ton Truck $1300 New engine 1950 Chevrolet Vz ton Pickup $1125 1946 Chevrolet Pickup $600 Used Grain Bed $150 1951 Ford Vi ton Pickup $1150 4 Speed Transmission TOWING-Nite and Day-Phone 6-9921 Fulleton Chevrolet Co HEPPNER Improper Handling Of Market Livestock Cuts Farm Profits Improper handling of livestock during loading and transporting to market causes losses running : into thousands of dollars annual- ly in Oregon alone, according to Harry Lindgren, Oregon State Reports from slaughter houses indicate that trimmings made necessary by bruises represent a national loss of several million rs each year. Millions more are lost through weight shrink age and illness that result from undue exposure or lack of feed, water and rest. Since these losses are reflected in lower market prices for ani mals, Oregon producers have a stake in reducing such losses to a minimum, declares the OSC specialist. ) Lindgren says transit injuiies I can be lowered if animals are not i hurried during driving and bad jing, particularly when they are passing through gates or narrow passages. Squeezing against posts and walls causes severe and deep bruising. A canvas slapjx'r or electric prod should be used to encourege stubborn animals. Sharp sticks, iwhips, and clubs cause injuries that reduce the value of the car Icass. Another precaution the shipper should take, if possible, is to select a carrier that ha,s ade quate facilities and a reputation tr handling livestock with a minimum of rough treatment and losses. Vehicles used for transporta tion should be reasonably clean and dry, with inside walls free from rough projections that might cause injury. Animals should be provided with good feed ami clean water and an opportunity to rest at regular intervals in tran sit, the specialist says. o Boardman News Mr. and Mrs. Zear'l Gillespie drove to Prosser, Wash., Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Gillespie. Miss Billie Gillespie accompanied them home for a visit. Johnnie Hamilton, Bellingham, Wash., who has been visiting his father, Jack Hamilton, the past month, returned home Saturday. His step father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Cornell, came after him. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black and daughter Diane are visiting with relatives in Provo, Utah. Visitors at the home of Mrs, filially ) but under a new sche dule set up by Chief Justice Earl C. Latourette several of the jus tices are doing ample "home work" on delayed court cases, . . . Oregon's congressional delega tion (with one exception) will be honored with a $100 per plate dinner at the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, August 8 at 7:30. "ZZy '- mt.y J Olive Atteberry last week were I her son-in-law and daughter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whit mire, of Grants Pass. Mrs. Pearl Waters, East St. Louis. 111., is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, M Sgt. and Mrs. Jason Crutcher. Pfc. Billie Crissman, U. S. army who is stationed at Fort Lewis. Wash., spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Brien and son Jimmie, Mosier. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnin Hug. Mrs. Rollin Bishop returned home from Portland Sundav, where she visited several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Piercey. The Garden club met Monday aJjj'L-' Seed Treating Day or Night SEE KIT CARSON OR CALL 6-9693 BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY -X BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 Heppner City f Meeti First Monday l.OUnCII Each Month Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 6-9618 WALLACE H. WOLFF. M. D. Physician & Surgeon Main & Church Sts. Office Hours Mon. Thru Sat., 10-12, 2-5. Tues. 10-12 SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service Repairing on all makes HEPPNER REFRIGERATION PHONE 6-9223 Nite or Holidays Phone 6-9656 PLUMBING & HEATING Steam Fitting GILLIAM & BISBEE Earle Gilliam, Plumber Phone 6-9433 or 6-9780 JOS.J.NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 - Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 A.D. McMurdo,M.D. PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SANDERS Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. All Lines of General Ins. Hotel, Heppner Bldg. at the home of Mrs. Nate Thorpe, with a pot luck dinner at noon. Mrs. Frank Marlow was a guest. Due to the weather, the inspec tions of members gardens which had been planned , had to be postponed. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillon were their son-in-law and daugh ter, Dr. and Mrs. Reno Wrenn, Seattle. Mrs. Ed Kunze left Monday fur Portland to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McClellan. Rosemary Mc Clellen, who has been visiting her grandparents here, returned home with her. Mrs. Delmer Hug, Irrigon, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnin Hug. .- FLOWERS occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP . ' Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday . GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shopl CLIFFORD M. WAGNER, M. D, Physician and Surgeon 103 Gale St. Phone 6-9114 Call Settles Electric for all kinds of Electrical Work New and Repair Shop phone 6-9201 At Case Apt. Bldg. Res. phone 6-5315 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL. INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon PLUMBING BAKER PLUMBING AND HEATING Frank Baker, Owner No Job Too Small or Too Large ESTIMATES FREELY GIVEN 4, Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE I Oil lot in Petari Building C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswick Phelps Funeral Home