Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 06, 1953, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 6, 1953
Monument Men
Respond To Fire
Call Friday
By Millie Wilson
Word was phoned to Monu
ment Friday afternoon that Jim
St ire wait's barn was on fire. The
fire "truck from Monument and
several men, among thorn Mor
ton Cupper and Stanley Boyer,
Harold Cork, Charles Roach, i
Spraying of Eudworm
'checks to determine "kill" of bud- Woods said that only small iso
! worms, the state forestry depart- lated areas have been discovered
but foresters are hopeful
Brownie Roach Wt immediately, mrtn Thompson last .Sunday. ' Hansen s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Th fire truck from Knrav and Charles and Marv McDaniels C. N. Wilson on Sundav and
n . ? .... .1 ff a m i i.e. r ., !P 1
all the men Irom tnai commumiy 01 naruman :mi. h.u wis . wonaay. iney leu ior tneir, ends 111 COST. UreqOfl Wnt is also runnin? aerial and sofar,
were there. It was thauKht that a Raymond Hooker and Mr. and home in Portland on Tuesday. 1 tiB l.hat Hivs of the laree epi-
spark from the Hammer mill had Mrs. Ivory Jewell last Saturday.j Bob Damon, sheriff of Grant! Five years of spray warfare enund tes,s fo' tlnS contin-1 that t. e days of tie wrfc
blown into the barn setting the Their pranddauKhter, Brenda county was a business visitor in ! against the tree destroying spruce ued infestations by this Insect. I demic infestations are over.
chopped hay afire. It was soon Hillings was with tnem. ihey Monument on Monday. nuaworm enaea 'ihursuay in
extinguished with little if any went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard left eastern Oregon when the state
damage. It was estimated there Deimar Settle for raspberries. jFriday to visit Mr. Barnard's bro-'forestry department completed
were seventy men responded to Mr. and Mis. Norris Stubble- ther, who lives near Granite, treatment on 292,000 acres of the
infested timberlands.
John B. Woods, Jr.
the call. : field and Mrs. Roy a. i orK were They returned Sunday.
Mr ;.r,,i Mro tr.o Mellnr and business visitors in John Day last! Martin Bracea, the pod man.
children are ' spending a two Saturday. said Friday was his last day to state forester In charge of the pro-1
weeks vacation in Wyoming with' Mrs. Lydia Capon honored her! drive the truck. He went to work Ject- reported that over 305.000,
smalt (taugntcr, man Ann, on in the sheriff s office on Satur- ea"ons or. uui spray were usea in
her fifth birthday last Saturday day. the insect control work during
with a swimming party and al Mr. and Mrs. Bovd Hinton left Julv- Woods said he was happy to
, Werner roast. The invited guests'Friday for Anthony Lake, where rePort that no airplane accident
,weie Keitfi and Cberyl Cork, their daughter Sharon and Theo --urrea on tne nuge spray jod
Mr. Mellor's parents.
Mrs. Ruby Gienger was ;
ner guest of Mr. and Mrs
i din
. Her-!
Nancy Eeardsley and
Polio Policy
Covers the Whole Family
Including All Unmarried
Children up to 1 8 Years.
Be Safe-Act Now
Turner, Van Marter Cr Bryant
Phone 6-9652 HEPPNER
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beardsley
and daughters Joanna and Nancy
spent a weeks vacation in Salem.
Miss Grace Murphy of Salem re
turned with them as Joanna's
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thomp
son and granddaughter, Mary
Lelia Preston spent Sunday af
ternoon in Monument,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon had
as their guests last week, Mrs.
Capon's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Reichen and her cousin, Mrs.
Edna Smith, all of Portland.
Chet Crown's father of Salem
spent several days with him last
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin, at the Guard Station
this week were Mrs. Martin's
mother, Mrs. J. C. Strom of Scott's
DonniejMay Vandetta will attend the I revjous to the start of the work,
Presbyterion Youth Conference. sPeciai instructions had been
The Hintons planned to do some Biven to tne three airplane corn
fishing in the John Day river Panles concerning safety pre
near Galenn cautions.
Mr. and Mrs. Georre Canon : Unseasonable cold weather and
and Mrs. Rex Sweek Mr. and tnPn hot hampered the insecti
Mrs. Jack Forrest drove to Bend clde treatment of the budworms
on Saturday. Iarl(1 Pushed the program which
Rev. Paul Kimmel Jr. and is usualy finished not later than
Hankie Cupper will attend the the first wcck of Ju,y back t0 the
youth conference at Anthnnv !ast f th month. Foresters re-
Lake this week !Port tnat the budworm larvae can
Age 21 to 60. Must be residents of this county two or more
years. Competent appraisers receive $325 to S350 per
month. Farm experience valuable.
Write Box 22, Gazette Times
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweek and be effectively sprayed with the
children left Fridav to npnrt uul onW at tne time they crawl
their vacation at Hayden Lake, out on the limb U!,s to eat the
Idaho. new needles.
Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Bixler' Surveys are now being conduct
moved this week from the Mus-;ed in tne treated ari'as to deter
grave earace building to the'mine effectiveness of the spray.
Ruben Patzer- house Test mpthod used is to count
Mrs. Ned Sweek 'left her two 'budworms on branch of tree prior
small sons with Mr. Sweek's par-'t0 sPra'lnK and to co"nt live bud- j
ents. Mr :,ru) Mr Rov worms on the same tree ten days
Mills, Oregon and her sister and while she went to Seattle with I0110Wlrg lne uul Datn' ln xne
husband. Mr. and Mrs tVavnn hnr mnthw Mrs rinic, Pil M-o PSt, about 98 per Cent of the
. ' . '
VVI hankV fit Vnncn11Vfr Wash IHI nu ic rv,n njr fmm Cn.ill 4 uuunuims
invitation A
A marriage ii an important affair; it marks the union
of two old families and the founding of a new one.
The invitations and announcements should be worthy
of the event.
See our samples, there are none finer.
with each order, this new wedding
booklet to preserve the memories
of your wedding; how your 1
rottiMce began; showers, list of
wedding gifts; snap shots, press
clippings; honeymoon happiness. A record of the
most important events in your life, and his.
Frank Christcnsen, son of Mrs. her home in Monument. Thpvl
i. a. mown, was a nusiness visi- returned Wednesday. On Thurs
tor in John Day last Friday. day Mrs. Riley took Mrs. Sweek
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Knox of and childcen to their home in
John Day and Mrs. Knox's bro- Heppner. ,
ther Max Rush of Hood River,! Mr. and Mrs. "Floyd Fergersen
visited their cousin, Mrs. Wave and Mr. Fergersen's mother,
Jackson. Mamie Fergersen and Wave
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell and Jackson all drove to Bend on
Mrs. Josephine Howell of Wall Friday for medical eheckuns.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Foss and Mr.
and Mrs. Bartlett of Boise were
over night guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Round on Thursday. Mrs. Foss
have been destroyed.
The Leo John Demers Aircraft:
Creek were shopping in town on
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Round and
children of Day vi lie, were week
end gue.Ms 01 mr. ano Mrs. inucKjjs Mr. fund's sister. They left
Vandetta. Friday for Crater Lake and other
Mrs. Maydette Hinton received joints.
i u-ui-i limn mis. r.ueii raizer in
La Gra title. Mrs. Patzer states
she will teach the fourth grade
in the Imbler school this year.
Mis. Patzer will be missed from
the Monument school where she
tanglt for the past four years.
Dave Broadfoot of Crescent City
and Carmel Broadfoot of Grants
Pass spent Tuesday and Wednes
day hero finished up loading the
machinery from the Powell saw
mill which they recently bought
and are moving to Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Munkers of
The Dalles stopped in Monu
ment Thursday to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Chance Wilson. The
Munkers were on their vacation.
They stayed on Wall Creek Wed
nesday where Mr. Munkers en
joyed fishing. They were on their
way to Magoon Lake to fish.
Earl Sweek and daughter Carol
drove to Long Creek Thursday to
get Mr. Sweek's mother and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Claud.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Sweek to Gresham
on Friday to visit Mrs. Claud's
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sweek and
Carol will visit relatives in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt
and granddaughter, Laura Lee
Shank joined Mr. and Mrs. Tunis
Round and daughter, Ireta Ann
in Long Creek where they left
Wednesday for Salt Lake City for
two weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen,
daughter Karen and Virginia
Mannasau. who spent their va
cation in Canada, visited Mrs.
Betty Laugenfeldt and son
Kennie of John Day visited in
Monument on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Madis of
Bel If lower, California visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Company of Salem completed the
100,000 acre Johnson creek unit
Sunday. The Combs West-Air of
Yakima completed the Dale unit
Monday and the Northwest Agri
cultural Aviation Corporation of
Choteau, Montana, completed the
Starkey unit Thursday.
In addition to the mortality
DuBosch last week.
Mrs. Wave Jackson received a
letter from her son Hugh, who is
in the armed forces in Korea say
ing he had thrown his shoulder
out of place. They had transfer
red him to a hospital in Japan
and put his shoulder in a cast.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Round
have moved from the Joaquin
Miller resort to Senaca where Mr.
Round is hauling logs.
b 2
Buy wood Preservative now
-Save money two ways
You'll get 10 dis
count off the price
of Standard Wood
Preservative deliver
ed to you any time
during June, July
and August. And
you'll get years of ex
tra service from posts,
mudsills, and other
wood soaked in this
special product be
fore installation. It
penetrates the pores of wood, prevents rot by re
tarding the growth of wood-destroying fungi.
So hurry and get your order for Standard
Wood Preservative in today and save money
two ways. Delivery must be completed before the
end of the sale period. Ask us about our 10
discount sale on Standard Roof Coatings, too.
For more information about Standard Oil Company of California products,
call your local Standard man
Phone 6-9633
Phone 8-7125
6. A
f ,t t As---ttt ttw ""Was
w"" ' "j i ulllU'll J"" 11,11 -J
' MMM-lE M '" Vr ""I' i i -----r-i -r-- -jfc .'tWtiB -w"
It's a honey! And behind the
massive good looks of its grille is a
heart of (JO. Ford alone oilers your
choice of the lowest-priced V-8 or
America's most modern Six with
your choice of three great drives:
Fordoinatic, Overdrive and Conven
tional Drive.
ITs ti-rrifte! More glass area than
anv other car in its field that's
what Ford gives you! And there's
handy Center-Fill Fueling, suspended
hrake and clutch pedals, and nianv
other features which explain why you
can't buy better than Ford.
. . W, V-'.
f ; ' s
Ik i
Revival Meetings
lone Nazarene Church
(lone Baptist Church Bldg.)
August 2-16
The Gospel in sermon and song will be presented by EvangeILt
Harold Gilliam and family every night, except Saturday, at 8:0C
Scriptural Messages . . Childrens Quartet . . Instrumental Music.
All arc Invited to Attend
o o
or Sideways
i ,,, , , , I
t's sensational! Xohodv cai
match Ford's Crestmark Ilody! It's
hull-tight to seal out weather and
noise. And no matter which beautiful
baked enamel finish you choose for
your Ford, inside colors and uphol
stery are color-keyed to it!
it's Ford for looks !
Ford's heart-stealing good looks are just one reason . . .
it's north more when you buy it, worth more when you sell it!
See it . . . Value Check it . . . Test Drive it!
Take Ford'g new ride, for ex
ample, which reduces front end
road shock alone up to 80. Take
Ford's power steering . . . tlu.
newest and finest in the industry!
And take Ford's choice of 18
models the widest choice in
Ford's field. o wonder Ford has
won the title of America's "Worth
More" car!
Rosewall Motor Company