Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 6, 1953 Page 5 Social Happening; Soroptimists Have Lore Felger As Guest i Of Honor at Picnic ' The Soroptimist club met for a picnic lunch Thursday July 30 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Adams. Guest of honor was Miss Lore 1 Felger of Vienna, Austria who had just come from the Miss Universe contest at Long Beach, California. She was introduced and welcomed by mayor J. O. Turner. Miss Felger spoke of her country and the music and the theater there, she answered many questions asked her. Guests of the club besides Miss Felger were E. E. Gonty, Vir ginia and Tommy Gonty, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mrs. L. A. Humphreys of Portland, Mrs. Lucy Peterson, Mrs. Frank Baker, Mrs. Earl Soward, Mrs. Melvin Piper, Miss Nancy Adams and Sara May Burnside. Birthday cake was served in honor of the July birthdays. o We&kend Party Given At Winchester Cabin Conley Lanham and Alice Smith helped the Ernie Winches ters give a party ai inuir lauin on Ditch Creek on Saturday and Sunday. Present at the weekend party were Evelyn Turner and son, George, of Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sayers; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Barger; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Col lins; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George, David and Kit; Phyllis Rust of The Dalles; Shirley Kononen and Judy Smith. o - Hannas To Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John I. Hanna will celebrate their fiftieth wed ding anniversary with a recep tion Sunday August 16 from 3 until G p. m. at their Hinton creek ranch home. All friends and relatives are cordially invited. Guests Honor Couple At Roy Orwick Home Alc Kenneth Orwick and his wife arrived in Heppner last Fri day night and stayed over the weekend. He is stationed at Ma ther AFB, 14 miles from Sacra mento. Twenty-two guests were at the Roy Orwick home for a Sunday dinner honoring Kenneth and his wife. They were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huddleston, Lonerock; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Maidment and children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maid ment and children, Harold Pat tee.all of Condon; Jim Orwick and Miss Patty Banks of Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Or wick and Linda; Kathleen Or wick; Kenneth Turner and the Roy Orwicks. -o Party Friday Evening Honors Two Birthdays Mrs. Melvin Piper was hostess Friday evening July 31 for a birthday party honoring the Misses Nancy Adams and Mari lyn Bergstrom. " Those present were the Misses Lore Feleer of Vienna, Austria; Sally Cohn, Virginia Gonty, Beth Ball, Bernice Huston, Afton hber dardt Eleanor Rice, Dorothy French, Sharlene Rill and Mes dames Allen Hughes, Bob Jones and Melvin Piper. After the opening of gifts by the guests of honor, Miss Felger told about Austria, the theater there and about her experi ence in the Miss Universe contest at Long Beach, California. o Mrs. Herbert Miller Honored With Shower Mrs. Mary Van Stevens and Mrs. George Snider were hostess es Thursday afternoon July 30 for a baby shower in honor of Mrs. Herbert Miller. After the opening of the many lovely gifts, games were played and refreshments served in the late afternoon. DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9165 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL EXAMINATION Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted THRIFTY HAM ND CORN CASSEROLES . r7jlj. rn;" """"j? Iva Elsie Way Buried Sunday At Lexington By Delpha Jones Funeral services were held Sunday from the Phelps chapel Monday. land, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Barnett ofjDuncan and daughter of Toppen Richland, Calif., are visiting withlish, were K. K. Marshall visitors a sister and family Mr. and Mrs.lSunday. Pete Klinger and their mother, Mrs. Calvin. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding at tended the state picnic at Emi grant Springs near La Grande on 'garage by fire Sunday morning. Sunday. The fire was discovered by some Mr. and Mrs. Luhr of Idaho and people in town and quite a num children visited at the home oflber of townfolks turned out, but Dora Sue Davidson is ill at her home with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Campbell had the misfortune to lose their her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray- in Heppner for Mrs. Iva hlsiei Johnson, last weeK. jWay, who died at her home in Mauieen Groves is visiting her Lexington on July 30 at the age: father, Morris Groves in Portland. I of 57. She was born at Ukiah.l Mr. and Mrs. YV. C. Patterson, the garage was past saving by the time they arrived. Mr. ajid Mrs. George Irvin spent Friday in Parkdale where they went after Mr. Irvin's mother, Second-day ham takes on wonderful new flavor in these casseroles which include corn, green pepper and onion in a well seasoned white sauce. With crusty rolls, a green salad and zesty beer, they're perfect for a family or party meal. Your family may not be large enough to consume a whole ham. or even a half, in one meal, but you'll find that it's smart planning to bake a ham occasionally. It's such a decora tive asset to any table and it is delicious hot or cold. With the portion left after the first meal, you will want to save some for slicing and serving in sandwiches or with the break fast eggs. For a dinner menu, you might grind the meat for a ham loaf or cut it in cubes for a casserole combination such as this one: Baked Ham and Corn 1 No. 2 can kernel corn 1 small onion, grated A cup minced green pepper 2 cups cubed cooked ham 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour lVt cups milk k teaspoon dry mustard V teaspoon Worcestershire sauce V teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon pepper cup fine bread crumbs i cup grated cheese Combine corn, onion, green pepper and ham; mix lightly. Place in 4 to 6 individual cas seroles. Melt butter in saucepan over low heat; blend in flour. Gradually stir in milk and cook, stirring constantly, until sauce is thickened (about 2 minutes). Stir in mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper; pour over mixture in casseroles. Combine crumbs and cheese; sprinkle over casseroles. Bake in moderately hot oven (375 de grees) 25 minutes, or until lightly browned, Makes 4 to 6 servings. PHIL'S SUMMER SPECIALS Dorothy Gray $2.00 size Hot Weather Cologne $1.00 With FREE Solid Cologne Coty's Dusting Powder $1-50 In Coty's 4 Famous Fragrances Frank Baker Yard Scene of Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker en tertained with a picnic dinner in their yard, Sunday August 2. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reed, Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Floyd Adams and daughter Nancy, Mrs. Ethel Lyngholm, Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, Sara May Burnside and the host and host ess. o Gontys Have Dinner For House Guest The E. E. Gonty home was the scene of a dinner Sunday Aug ust 2 in honor of Miss Lore Felger of Vienna, Austria. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gonty, Virginia, Tommy and Raymond Gonty and the guest of honor. o WEDDING DATE SET The wedding of Miss DeLeva Wilson of Elgin, niece of Miss Hazel Croghan, and Myron Rill of Heppner, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rill will take place Sunday August 1(5 at 2:30 p. m. in the Church of Christ in Elgin. There will be a reception im mediately after the ceremony, CHURCHES ALL SAINT'S CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:45 a. in. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. nv Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir practice CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school begins at 9:45. Classes for everyone, including adults. Morning worship at 11 a. m. The evening services, which are to be at 8 o'clock will be held in the basement if it is hot weather. Oregon, to Mr. and Vinson, June 8, 1896. married to Daniel J. Way and to this union was born five sons; Stanley, who was killed in action in Germany in 19-14; Joe D., Salt Lake City;' Claude E., Riverside, Wash.;Kenneth M., Elgin, Ore gon; Marvin D. and Asa Lee, Lexington; three daughters; June Cooper. Lexington; Mrs. Maxine Brown, Heppner, and Mrs. Zelma iMcDaniels, Heppner. She also leaves eleven grandchildren and the following brothers and sis- iters; Ben, Heppner; Hiram, lone; !Lee. Leavensworth, Wash.; L. D. ! Monument; Delbert, Lena; Dar- roll. Hardman; Mrs. Carl Breed ing of Tarkdale, Oregon; Mrs. Bert Breeding, Stanfield; and Mrs. ! Claude White. Hardman. Services were conducted by Rev. J. N. Brown, pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist church in Heppner. Soloist was Leonard Munkers singing "Rock of Ages" and "Beautiful Isle of Some where" accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Carmichael. Interment was in the Oddfellows cemetery at Lex ington with the Holly Rebekah lodge giving the graveside ser vices. Taking part were Noble Grand, Delpha Jones, Vice-Grand, Mrs. Bill Smethurst, and Chap lain, Mrs. George Irvin. Don Hatfield and Leonard Munkers sang two duets. Pali bearers were Oris Padberg, Wilbur Steagall, Kenneth Marshall, Frank Mun kers, Cecil Jones and W. E. Mc Millan. Out of town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Butch Livingston of Spray, Mrs. Luther Garger of Pendleton, Lottie Shields of Man ning, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weidman and their daugh ter Crystal of Yamhill. All Mrs. Ways children were present as well as all her brothers and sis ters. Mr. and Mrs. Art Keene spent last week in Dayton, Oregon, where they attended homecom ing and also visited a niece at Tillamook. Mrs. T. E. Messenger Jr. and daughters of Hermiston were Heppner and Lexington visitors Mrs. Elza of Florence Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Breeding who spent the She wasiW. Bugher and daughter of Port- weekend there. HOME CAHNERS' FIRST CHOICE! r-' i&p a a in i i i i I , i i m rr III I I i J I I T 1 Mf Only BALL JARS come with DOME LIDS If! Ill-, Just Press-to-Test! DOME DOWN . Jor Sealed CHRISTIAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Lexington, Oregon Lewis Wetzel, pastor "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" Rom. 5:20. This church has a full Sunday program designed to minister to all age levels including a Sunday i f fi, ,.hi, evening service opened by a roar- All f-inn,! n,l rMntlwu nr lnK SonR fesl 3t tn0 8:00 V- "1. invited. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS ' hour. you. A warm welcome awaits IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock. Revival services will continue each night at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting will be held as usual at 8 p. m. Thursday. You are welcome to attend a of these meetings. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A Shirley, pastor Sunday, August 9 Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. Studies in the Book of Acts. "The Conquest of Fear." mi i.ii i: vmiuu the only sterling silver with "Third Dimension Beauty" Your Fall party will be perfect if your table is dressed for the occasion with precious Wallace Sterling. And, if your Wallace Sterling service is incomplete you'll want to choose additional , place settings or extra serving pieces today. J. O. Peterson, Jeweler cmisromn C,AND iTK noMANCt ooue i)V i If Coty's "Twisrick" Solid Cologne $1.25 Regular $7.00 Set of 4, Gift Packaged Coty's Perfumes r $3.50 i fctnr rn ri mm Pigfr T0 PH,LS v. . 1 " BRING YOUR Phil's Pharmacy PHIL BLARNEY, Owner ft I '', f I 4 'i ( 'it'-. EMEY'S TOMORROW! 9:00 A. M. HURRY! SAVE! 1 229.95 Only 30 inches wide, with a roomy oven 23 inches wde1 inches wider than the average' Fit in imall apace, offera you many feature of a larger range CASE FURNITURE CO. I SAVE! Little Girls' SUSPENDER JEANS Dlue denim, sanforized. Sizes 1 to 6 S1.00 all INFANT'S 2 PC. KNIT SLEEPERS S1.00 Cuddly cotton knit with handy elastic drop seat, gripper fasteners and of course, covered feet I Pretty in pale maize, green, blue or pink. Stcck up now, mom this is a special low price! Sizes 0-4. VALUE! ACETATE CREPE SLIPS, NYLON TRIMMED $1.00 Very special for August Dollar Days I Now, at this tiny price.fine acetate crepe slips, exquisitely done with sheer nylon trims top and bottom. White, pink. Sizes 32 to 42. STURDY CORDUROY OVERALLS 2 for S3.00 Man here's a buyl Just in time for school, tool Self lined bib, adjustable sus penders, elastic back plus 2 roomy patch pockeas bar tacked for wear I Brown, green wine or royal in sizes 1-6. SAVE! Girls' Cotton Plisse CREPE SLIPS 81.00 SAVE! Girls' RAYON PANTIES 5 For 81.00 CLEARANCE! Terrific bargains on summer wear Shoes, Dresses, Polo Shirts, Sport Shirts, Straw Hats