Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 06, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 6, 1953
Page 3
lone Women
e for Canada
By Echo Palmateer
K. M. Baker and Mrs.
1 Nelson will leave Friday
Week for Toronto, Canada
they will attend the Tri
(onferenee of Associated
y Women of the World
will be held there August
23. They are both dele
Mrs. Baker was chosen
f :he Oregon Farm Bureau
Irs. Nelson by the Home
lion Council. They will go
Orthern Pacific and re
in the Canadian Pacific.
Daily Vacation Bible school
Friday at the Nazarene
1. It was conducted by
Clone Gilliam. The school
K'ld all last week from 9 a.
f 11 a- m. There was an
go attendance of 35 child
i program was given Friday
Bg which consisted of a
pi band, choruses, review on
is. presentation of the
lean and Christian flag sa
.and to the Bible and the
ft Onward Christian Sol--
. Harold Gilliam is holding
81 meetings at the Nazarene
;h for two weeks. They be
August 2 and will continue
I! evening except Saturday,
meetings will begin at 8
f. Harold Martin and family
Ilenry Clark were over from
nislnn Monday,
rs. Francis Troedson of Her
on is cooking at the Carl
dson ranch during harvest.
1cs to remember:
lg. 2 to 16 Revival meetings
he Nazarene church every
jing at 8 p. m. except Satur-
Ogust 11 Garden Club meet-
ig. 12 Maranatha club met
t the Mary Swanson home,
fr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke of
fcan spent the weekend at
Ir. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer
I chidren of Morgan visited
' aunt, Mrs. Wm. Bucknum of
)pncr who is in the St. An
ny hospital in Pendleton.
Ir. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
Irned home from Portland on
Iday evening where she visit
lier daughter and family, Mr.
3 Mrs. Tad, Hardesty for a
Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski
and sons returned to their home
in Portland after spending a two
weeks vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson.
Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom went to
home from Portland Friday where
she visited her sister, Mrs. Roy
Janin and other relatives.
Mrs. Wm .Bergstrom went to
Port Orchard, Wash., last week
to take her niece, Janice Hall and
a girl friend . home. The girls
spent harvest at the Bergstrom
Condon defeated lone in base
ball here Sunday 6 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett are
the parents of a son, Richard
Adon, born July 30 at the Pio
neer Memorial hospital in Hepp
ner. Weight 8 lbs. and 1 oz. Mr.
and Mrs. Webster Hamlett of
Sunnyvale, Calif., and Mrs. Mary
Swanson are the grandparents.
A cosmetic party was held at
the home of Mrs. Sam Esteb on
Thursday evening of last week.
Mrs. Shaw of Stanfield sponsored
the party.
Jean Martin, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fredrick Martin is visit
ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. John Martin at Maupin. Ed
ward, son of the John Martins is
visiting at the Fredrick Martin
Gene Heliker of Lexington
spent last week with relatives
Duane and Mardene Baker will
leave for Los Gatos, Calif. Thurs
day of this week to visit their
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Henderson. They plan to return
to Oregon with the Henry Osi
bovs who are staying at Palo Alto
where he is attending school at
T. N. White is a patient In the
hospital in Heppner. His sisters
and brother who visited him last
week were Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan
and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Buroker of
Portland and Horace White of
Glenwood, Wash.
Mrs. Gene Shattuck and child
ren of Roosevelt, Wash., spent
Sunday at the Gordon White
Allen Ely and Miss Phyllis Os
born of Boardman were visitors
here Saturday.
Mrs. John Voorhees and daugh
ters returned to their home in
Portland Friday of last week
after helping with the cooking
at the Wate Crawford ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Fayne Ely took
their son, Richard, to a physician
in Portland last week for treat
ment. Robert Wortendyke of Victoria.
B, C, spent a few days last week
with his cousin, Mrs. James
Lindsay. j
A. A. McCabe of Adams and
nephew, Harry Culbertson of
Nampa, Idaho, visited relatives (
here last wtek.
Mrs. Gordon White and daugh-
ter, Lona, returned home from'
Portand Saturday where Lona j
spent 6 weeks in summer school.
Eldon Madden took over the1
Victory Cafe last week. He is re-1
decorating it inside. John Lan-'
yon operated the cafe for several
Mrs. Edene Heckok and son
Edward, of Portland are visiting
at the John Eubanks home and
looking after her farming inter
ests here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suter and!
son, George, of Eagle Creek were
visitors here last week. Mrs.
Suter was the former Dorothy
Anderson and was a resident in
this community.
Books added to the public lib
rary are three garden books; The
Silent Reeps, by Cornell; Cotil
lion, by Heyer; Mary Lincoln, by
Randall, and The Lady and the
Lumberjack, by Barber.
Mrs. Edith N'yhus of Vancou
ver, Wash., has been elected as
substitute and arts and crafts
teacher in the grades in the lone
schools. James Mallon of Park
dale, the 7th and 8th grade teach
er, will also be the grade school
Leslie Grant, county school
superintendent from Heppner,
and James Vanover, superinten
dent of the Lexington school
visited Chester L. Ward, superin
tendent of schools here, last week
and went over the general prob
lems of tiie school. Mr. Wan1 ;nd
the local school board appreci
ate Mr. Gran'ts fine cooperation.
Ronald Baker is in Pullman,
Wash., where he is manager of
a ram sale. His father E. M.
! Baker took his sheep up to him Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Ward! relatives.
jthis week. j will go to Portland this week Pvt. Ronald Tye returned home
I Mrs. Amy Sperry of Portland j where she will receive a medical Friday of last week from over
! visited friends here last week, checkup and they will visit with1 (Continued on Page Four)
America's Outstanding
Economy Car
Consider the low down payments . . .
the great gas mileage . . . the low
maintenance costs . . . and you'll agree
that the Aero-Lark is the economy
buy of the year.
Farley Motor Company
vAStiXkii A 'V-.-
sen Paints
You'll find many of the finest homes in America
get and keep their gooil looks from Boysen Paints
. . . and it's because their owners know there is,
no finer paint they can buy. Let us show you our
Boysen color chart where you can select the exact
colors you want. And you can have any color in
any type of paint whether it is for inside or out
side coverage. When YOU paint, insist on Boysen!
Paint, Remodel and Repair
ABC Finance Plan
i- -1 1
It's Time to Get Your
it Ready
for the
Morrow Co. Fair and Modeo
FAIR September 3-4-5
RODEO September 5-6
i7, r s .
Saturday and Sunday
September 5 and 6
One of the Best Shows in Eastern Oregon
Everyone Is Looking Forward To A Big
There Will Be Exhibits of All Kinds if
You Get Yours Together Now!
Your Exhibits Can Pay You Dividends!
Before Harvest is Completed, Pick Out
Grain Samples for Display.
One of Those Bales of Second Cutting
Alfalfa Will Make A Nice Exhibit.