Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 30, 1953 Page 7 FOR SALE Beardless Barley. FOR RENT Apartment and room East of the Willamette Meri- No proposals will be considered , Sacked. Joe Kenny, Box 835. with private bath. William L. dian. I unless accompanied by certified! Pendleton. 20-21p MeCaleb, 101 Gale St. 20p That the plaintiffs, William I. check, cashier's check or bid, IF von arp nlannina nn h,,ln RIIV h, .i f Uixon ana K. D1XOI1, are me ounu iw.m uu,-u uin, " J VII UUJIlig a gUUlHlll.l.l.U Tl I 1(13 U H- .1 HUII1 that the Judge thereof has fixed I Monday, the 31st day of August, 1953, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as the time in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for i hearing objections to the final I account and the settlement there of. ! JOHN KREBS, Administrator 20 -24c Dixon rwamsTvoreunCe Motor Company ,; - to the OwneHn an amount' Dividend Declared - : . FOR RENT Shannon residence of the estatp of Carrie Dixon. De- of not less than .Vi of the amount R D . rV-.-i. WANTED Competent automo- and aDt. Call 6-5300. 19-20c'aH aH that nnn nf ihp Hp. 'nf the bid. Suretv bond will he, " irctiurs Surety bond will be tive mechanic. If you are a good HAS your car hid itsRPM lubri- Ifendan'ts has any right, title, lien required in accordance with terms man and want steady employ, ment. Very neat, well equipped snop. Vaughn Company, Pen dleton. Phone 43. 19-20p Directors of the First National cation this month? Drive inior interest in or to the same; that or contract documents. Bank of Portland at their regular and let us give it the Alemitejthe title of the plaintiffs to said -The School District reserves the'nionthly meeting July 22 declared treatment. Rosewall ' Motor real property be forever quieted ngnt to reject any or all bids and a dividend of $960,000.00, it was Company. -.-v- lagainst the defendants and ail to waive lmonu.uiues. lannounced by C. D. Stephenson, WANTED Baby sittinz iob. Also WANTED Woman to look after persons claiming by, through or! i-o oiuuer may wnnuraw nis president of the statewide bank- unner mem ana mai me piain- j uiu anci mc uuui m-i ior uie ing system. tiffs have such other relief as tojopening thereof or before award T(le dividend constitutes 80i the court may seem equitable. .of the contract, unless said award i)(r Oi.nv. nn tin. iVinnon .,, This summons is served upon; is delayed lor a period exceeding standing shares of the bank. It is Jan. COUNTY HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND Total of 5 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued ' $ Total warrants paid by Treasurer DOG FUND ACCOUNT 1 Warrants Outstanding ; 5 Total of 5 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued . . : 6,000.00 6,000.00 110.00 124.63 Jan, July Total warrants paid by Treasurer : RODENT FUND ACCOUNT 1 Warrants Outstanding. Total of 21 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued Total warrants paid by Treasurer- 1 nouseworK. Any time, any place. Dorothy Lamb 6 9713. 20p elderly man, not bedfast, ' for board, room and some wages. Prefer someone who can drive a car. Box 40, Lexington, Oregon. FOR RENT Large furnished ap-1 artment. Phone 6-9129. 19c WE will give your car a Washmo- F0R RENT small store or office bile bath for a dollar and a 'building. Formerly Telephone half. Rosewall Motor Company building. Western Auto Supply FOR SALE-200 acre irrigated deal-er' P'10 6-9234. lltfc stock ranch near McNary dam. FORD 1951 -li ton with steel Ex Excellent pasture. Write W. C Press body' new rubber. Pay Kik and Son, Rt. 2, Box 29, $-165.00 down. Rosewall Motor Hermiston. Phone 3633 Company. 2oDlyou by publication in the Heppner 30 days IT'S smart and thrifty to be seen riding in a new Ford. 2-llp tfc PEACHES FOR SALE One mile west of Umatilla, Oregon. Riverview farm. C. C. Zollman. 20-22c '$265.00 Co. Gazette-Times pursuant to an Nona R. Sowell, Clerk iJii.vrtuie at two periods, 4uc a share October 1 1W? t.i clmro. order of the "Honorable William first ruDiication juiy jo, i;i;3. j holders of record at the close of w. wens, judge or tne above en- scoria ruuncauun August b, iy;jj. business September 19 1953 and titled court made and entered on Third Publication August 13, 1953. 40c a share payable Janirirv 1 XJM- ' .... ""- I',;H- to shareholders of record at PAULE. GEDDES NOTICE OF SPECIAL HEPPNER ",e close of business December 19, FORD. 1947 truck. Pay down. Rosewall Motor WHY NOT ? ? ? Lease Apartment house and get YOUR apartment rent free. Phone 6-9129. 20c Studebaker 1947 sedan. Has radio and heater. Pay $235.00 down SPINET PIANO Sacrifice for and ride with the new look, quick sale. Cash or terms. Can Rosewall Motor Company. , be seen in Heppner. Write Tall BUY YOUR Plumbing supplies man plano Stores- Inc - Salem, from your local plumber. He Oregon. 19-21c Sewing and Alterations Will call for and deliver. Lf nnie Louden. Phone 6-5313 110 Church St. 20-24p FORD 1938 tudor. Pay $7.00 down and $7.00 a week. Rosewall Mo tor Co. Attorney for Plaintiffs rrMr-rrrv MiinTriii..r 1953. P. O. Address Roseburg, rl rrTtn ! n Oregon , , ' WA CAN TE KA CAMP " 17-21C BV orclor of ,lle Directors of the FIRE GIRLS 1 Heppner Cemetery Maintenance NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING I District pursuant to Section 10' Several girls have completed IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE; Chapter 406, Oregon Laws 1947,' Trail Seeker rank. Some have &JA1. uf ukkuuin tun MUrt- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that continued working this summer ROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ot Leo V. Root, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'submitting to the leeal voters of on Saturday, the 1st day of Aug- We had a work day at the home ust, in the County of Morrow, ,f our guardian, Mrs. Alena An- State of Oreeon. for the mirnosp nf ,derson mat tne undersigned nas Hied her the Heppner Cemetery Mainten- Hnal Account and Report in the ance District, (the boundaries of above matter, and the Court has fixed Monday, the 10th day of August, 1953, at the hour of 10:00 which embrace the present Hepp ner School District No. 1 CJ.) for their approval or rejection the A. M. of said day as the time, and., proposition of levying a three installs, guarantees and ser vices them, his prices are right. Baker Plumbing and Heating residence phone 6-9964. Member National Association of Plumb., ing Contractors. 40tfc FOR SALEGene Noble's Dodge sedan. Contact Mrs. Clara B. Gertson. -20-21d good shape. 105 Water street, Heppner. James Johnston. 19-20p FORD 1952 Customline fordor. This one has low mileage and has Fordomatic, radio, heater, seat covers. Here is a chance to step into a car with the latest styling for only $665.00 down Rosewall Motor Company. the County Court Room in 1 1 1 County Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing exceptions and objections to said Final Account and Report. Objections to said Final Account and Report should ROSY SAYS: I see by my paper where the government is get ting after a man in Arizona with 6 wives for not navine his.be filed on or before said date income tax. I surely would like j FLORENCE L. ROOT to have him for a customer. I Executrix of the Last Will Just think of the new Fords he d Testament of Leo V. could use in addition to his ser- Root. Deceased, vice business. W. E. HAZEN FOR-SALE-5-room house In NEED FINAN"cTngTOuTBC pClZro'" 17 91 . good shane. 105 Water street financing plan is available for l'''"'"'")!, O.egon. 17-21o anything we sell, lumber, build- CALL FOR BIDS FOR SCHOOL ing supplies, tools, paints etc.,' BUS ROUTES in amounts up to $1,000. No Notice is hereby given that down payment, up to 36 School District 35 CJ of lone, Ore- montns to pay. ask us at turn- p0n will receive Bids to the school rUR SALE Essick evaporative cooler, 4,000 cu. ft. capacity phone lone 8-7249. 14tfc FOR SALE Immediately, three bedroom house. Has just been remodeled. Also for sale, a 340 gallon oil tank and an oil stove. Very reasonable terms. See Leon or Jean Ball. 20p "1000 family Watkins route now available. A good one-man business. 85 year reputation. Nationally advertised. No ex perience necessary. Write giv ing age and -type of car you have to H. VV. Schmidt, 137 Dex ter Avenue, Seattle 9, Washing ton." 15-20c BUICK 1941 motor reconditioned and new paint. Pay $165.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 100 x 100 lot in the Barratt Park addition. Call Henry Stotts in Lexington. 3-8103. 19tf c PACKARD 1940 coupe. Pay $100. 00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED Children to care for in my home. Mrs. Lincoln Nash. 18-20p A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp- ciei k. Merle Baker until the hour ner 6-9212. Tile 0f 8:00 p. m. of said day for the MAKE a fifteen second sit down following school bus routes, test in the new Ford truck. You NORTH EAST IONE To Fred will vot be satisfied with any: Nelson, LlOyd Morgan? K. Smouse, thing less. LOANS ON STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES AUTHORIZED MORTGAGE LOAN BROKERS for Prudential Insurance Company of America DODD INVESTMENT CO. See or Call PHONE 6478 HERMISTON, ORE Porcelainize and ride with pride. If the finish on your car is be ginning to look run down, drive in for a beauty treatment. Rose wall Motor Company. CHECK Sewer pipe prices with me. Baker Plumbing and Heat ing Co. Phone 6-9964. Heppner 18tfc Legal Notices No. 4113 SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY Crum ranch, to lone. 8 pupils. NORTH IONE To David Baker, F. Lindstrom, D. Rietmann, Mc Cabe, to lone. 8 pupils. WEST IONE To Morrison's, Davidson's, J. Eubanks, Leo Crab tree, to lone. 8 pupils FISK ROUTE To Fisk place, Heimbigner, Rice, to lone. 6 pupils. HALVORSEN ROUTE To Hal vorsen, Akers, Baker ranch, to lone. 7 pupils. DRY FORK ROUTE To V. Dal .ell, Jones, Mathews, Hubbard to lone. 5 pupils ROCKY BLUFF To Peterson, McCabe, Morgan's, Howton, to lone. 9 pupils. GOOSEBERRY ROUTE To Lundell's, Akers, to lone. 5 pupils. All bids must be in the posses sion of the School Clerk not later than 8:00 P. M. on August 7th. All bids must conform to state regulations and vehicle laws. All ' drivers must have a chauffer license and name of driver and alternate driver should be in bid. I Adjustment will be made if routes are shortened or length mill tax upon all real property within the boundaries of the Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District. Which Special Election will be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and will continue until 7 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated this 21st day of July, 1953. ORA EVANS, Secretary 19-20c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the Estate of ALLEN DUVIVIER, deceased, has filed his final ac count and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and The mothers' tea was well at tended by our mothers. We ap preciate the help we receive from our sponsors, Mrs. Earl So ward and Mrs. Marciel Jones, and from our assistant leader, Mrs. Maxine Brown. On Sunday, July 26, five girls left for camp Namanu, near Port land, for a two week session. They were: Jeanne Collins, Judy Cochell, Nancy Harshman, Sharon La Velle, and Carol Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins drove them down via Wapinitia pass. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS 4. .. . , . . ... BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 Rodent Fund Warrants Outstanding COYOTE BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding Total of 28 claims presented and warrants issued Total warrants paid by Treasurer'., TAYLOR GRAZING FUND 1 claim allowed by County Court and warrant issued Warrant paid by County Treasurer . 234.63 234.63 102.00 2,330.00 2.432.00 2,330.00 102.00 81.00 1,134.00 1,21500 1,215.00 15.00 15.00 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 1, 1953 Less County Owned Properties , , , ASSETS Cash in hands of Treasurer United States Bonds School Dist. No. 35, Savings Acct. ' Taxes Receivable (Delinquent) Taxes Receivable (Current) Warrants Outstanding (General Fund) Warrants Outstanding (General RuaHi Warrants Outstanding (Rodent Fund v r.siimated Revenues (Taxes) Current Surplus (Includes amounts due all funds. including School Districts) $247,157.19 15.000.00 25,000.00 37,095.55 62,218.59 $386,471.33 $ 4.875.7S 99.02 102.00 99,314.14 .. 282,080.39 Outstanding Road Bonds $386,471.33 $ 16,000.00 Respectfully Submitted C. W. Barlow, County Clerk TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1. 1953 TO JULY 1, 1953 $ 931,792.96 COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT, JANUARY I, 1953 TO JULY 1, 1953 GENERAL FUND Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding Total of 422 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued Total warrants paid by Treasurer July 1 General Fund Warrants Outstanding GENERAL ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding Total of 301 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued Total warrants paid by Treasurer July 1 General Road Fund Warrants Outstanding 3,916.09 41,065.48 $ 47,981.57 . 43,105.79 $ 4,875.78 $ 7,028.15 57,741.94 $ 64,770.09 64,671.07 BALANCE ON HAND JANUARY 1, 1953 Kl-XUVKD FROM: Taxes (Sheriff's Office) Land Sales (Sheriff's Office) Rural School District Tax (Gilliam Co. Treas.) n-cs umu mileage uneritt s Ultiee) Temporary Auto Permits (Sheriff's Office) Pistol Permits (Sheriff's Office) Columbia Basin and Umatilla Electric Co-rm Office Fees (Clerk's Office) Dog Licenses (Clerk's Office) Sales and Rentals (Road Department) Interest on War Bonds Miscellaneous Fines and Costs (Justice Court) Motor License Fund (Sec'y. of State Office) Alcohol Beverage Tax (Sec'y. of State Office) Amusement Device Tax (Sec'y. of State Office) County Fair, Rentals County Fair, State Tax (Sec'y. of State Office) Coyote Bounties (Sec'y. of State Office) Gifts to Court House Park Improvement Fund Morrow County T. B. and Health Association School Building Funds, Proceeds from Bond Sales .. ;. . Miscellaneous Receipts Miscellaneous Refunds $ 62,039.12 16,967.17 4,581.00 202.55 255.25 23.50 2,388.38 1,605.41 263.00 3,982.78 187.50 2,920.25 19,703.82 1,420.68 77.87 1,037.00 861.46 327.00 4,207.39 330.00 34,455.86 337.68 2,808.54 1953 99.02 WILLIAM I. DIXON and R. S. FORD 1946 one ton with stake DIXON, both individually and as body. Factory reconditioned Executors of the Last Will and ened. The Board reserves the right motor and good paint. Pay .Testament of Carrie Dixon. De-ito reject any and all bids. Dated ceased. this July 18th, 1953. Required Plaintiffs, 'Notices posted in City of lone, -vs- July 18th. FLEMING GOOLSBY, JANE! Clerk School District 35 CJ $235.00 down. Company. Rosewall Motor HOUSE FOR SALE. 103 Aiken St. See Mrs. Cannon. 20c SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member NatT. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 STUDEBAKER 1941 sedan. $50.00 full price. Rosewall Motor Com pany. BUY your seat covers from Rose- wall Motor Company. j FOR SALE 4 -bedroom house, 3 MERLE BAKER 19-20c DOE GOOLSBY, the unknown heirs of Fleming Goolsby if de- -in i cnrl onH all nthai1 norenne nnrl p? unkn. lainVing any Sealed bids will be received by right, title, estate, lien or inona B. Sovvell, Clerk at the office s ' .,. of the superintendent at the .Zr ,Cal ""'-school, Heppner, Oregon, until Defendants. 'August 14, 1953, 8:00 o'clock P, M. TO: FLEMING GOOLSBY, JANE l0"10" he, DOE GOOLSBY, the unkown heirs 8" ld;n for Scn District No. of Fleming Goolsby and to all CJ' M f: Hfner' .u. ..;,, ,,,, Oregoa and will then and there other known claiming any luucio, o uauia. o uiuv.ns iiuiii estate, lien or uiicini ui ui iu u. tl f t ,, grade school, 5 blocks from high real property described herein, :""c 7 " et,i r.i. oii n. o c i-. j ' be considered. persons and parties un-i. " ' ... , . r ho nnonnH ani nith ihr mo I right title, uu .tau . B '. .. alourl Rids received after tho school. Write or call Dr. R McVicker, The Dalles Ore. 19 23c FORD 1952 Customline fordor equipped with overdrive, radio and heater. Pay $665.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. WATER Well Drilling A. P. De Rosia Contractor. Box 665 Hepp ner or phone 6-9213. 35tic DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of fice Phone 609. 48tfc WE repair all makes of radiators for cars, trucks and tractors. Let us clean them in the boil out tank. Rosewall Motor Com pany FOITrENT Warehouse formally occupied by highway depart ment. Corner of Chase and Wil low streets. Inquire Hotel Hepp ner 1922c Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Plans, Specifications and Con-, OF OREGON: You hereby are re-i,ract Documents may be exam quired to appear and answer thel'ned or may be obtained at the complaint filed against you in the .office of Freeman, Hayslip & Tuft, above entitled suit within four .Assoc. Archts., 2040 S. W. Third weeks from the date of the first! Avenue, Portland 1, Oregon, upon nuhlication of this summons. If a deposit of $15.00 for each set of vou fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply documents. Up to two sets wil be furnished ito the court for the relief prayed each prime bidder at the stipu-! for in their complaint herein, a lated deposit sum per set. Addi-' succinct statement of which is asjtional sets will be provided upon' follows: ! request at the bidders expense at That you and each of you be $5.00 per set. Deposit sum will be required to appear and set forth ; refunded upon return of all docu-: the nature and character of yourjments within a reasonable time.' adverse claim to the following de-j Attention is called to Bidders' scribed real property in Morrow Prequalification, Section 89-103' County, Oregon, to-wit: ; to 98-105, O. C. L. A., which must! The West One-half () and the; be filed with the Clerk 10 days West One-half ('.) of the Eat Mon the date for opening of One-half (H of Section 19. bid. Forms may be obtained at Township 2 South, Range 23 the office of the Architects. A( ClCAfU COIV At I ft CAGE 1 liL- 1952 Studebaker Coupe $1795 1951 Chevrolet Fleetline 2 door $1365 1951 Chevrolet 2 door Sedan $1350 1948 Chevrolet 4 door $850 Engine Overhauled 1949 Ford 2 door Sedan $800 TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1952 Chevrolet 2 ton Truck $2600 1 952 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup $1 550 1948 Ford 2 ton Truck $1300 New engine 1950 Chevrolet Vi ton Pickup $1125 1946 Chevrolet Pickup $600 Used Grain Bed $150 Used Grain-Stock Bed Comb $175 TOWING-Nite and Day-Phone 6-9921 Fulleton Chevrolet Co HEPPNER Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance on hand Jan. 1, DISBURSEMENTS General County Expense , $ 43,105.79 t-.oneral Koad 64,671.07 State School Fund, warrants paid 981.85 County .School Fund, warrants paid 10,910.95 City Special Funds 26,614.58 School District Special Funds 310,888.82 School District Building Fund, warrants paid 225,392.02 School District Bonds and Interest paid 38,223.88 Non- High School Dist., warrants paid 5.00 Hospital Maintenance Fund, warrants paid .... 6,000.00 County Fair Fund, warrants paid 3,691.56 West Extension Irrigation Dist., warrants paid 6,968.10 County Road Bonds redeemed i 2,500.00 .County Road Bond interest pant 471.25 Forest Fire PatroK Slate Board of Forestry) 13,907.67 'Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District 1,980.41 lone Rural Fire Protection District 3,020.61 I Spruce Bud-Worm Control (St. Board of For- I estry) - 8,329.15 State Game Commission (Fines) 58.50 1 Rodent Control Fund, warrants paid 2,330.00 'Coyote Bounties paid . 1,215.00 , Dog Fund warrants paid 234.03 Taylor Grazing Act warrants paid 15.00 .Court House Park Improvements (Fire Place) 4,105.54 $160,986.21 160,986.21 $1,092,779.17 Total Disbursements $805,621.98 $805,C21.9S BALANCE ON HAND JUNE 30, 1953 $287,157.19 Respectfully submitted, Lucy E. Rodgers Morrow County Treasurer SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S SEMI ANNUAL REPORT, JANUARY 1, 1953 TO JULY 1, 1953 TAX COLLECTION RECEIPTS On hand and on Deposit Jan. 1, 1953 .. $ 6,187.78 vxsz vjm taxes 1951-1952 taxes 1950 1951 taxes . 1919-1950 taxes 1948-1949 taxes 1935-prior taxes 1947-1948 taxes . Land Sales Total Cash on Hand Over Collection $ 65,892.59 3,739.27 1,731.60 1,665.33 197.53 217.66 493.60 60.00 DISBURSEMENTS Turned over to County Treasurer . . On Hand In Bank On Hand, July 1, 1953 $73,997.58 $80,185.36 176.82 $80,362.18 $79,006.29 862.51 493.38 Total Disbursements $80,362.18 Receipts $255.25 TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS $1,678.52 Receipts $656.77 Receipts . $23.50 CIVIL FEES AND MILEAGE Disbursements $255.25 Disbursements $655.37 Balance on Hand $ 1.40 PISTOL PERMITS - DistrarnadfiilM Respectfully SubirtfK!tl Sybvla MeDaniM 20c