Social Happenings' . . . Mrs. Homer Hager Honored at Bridal Shower Thursday Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 30, 1953 Two Heppner Lodges Have Picnics Sunday About 50 Masons, Eastern Stars I atld their families pn invert a n,it. House Warm ha Partv, "nif Sundi,y July 26 at r- ki i a . yiWightman's Blue Mountain OlVen NelS AnderSOnS ranch. After the picnic dinner, a , u - ; Ranies were played by the child A surprise house warmin? ,,,lt;i i.,t., . o .... umii itnc ant'l UUUII. Mrs. Homer Hager, the former Pa"y was nelcl yesterday tor thai The Degree of Honor and their Katherine Monahan, was the Nels Andersons at their home, families also pienieed Sunday at honoree at a bridal shower Thurs. Guests enjoyed a picnic supper! the Winchester cabin. Approxi day evening July 23 at the Metho- and ,hen presented the Ander-j mately 50 persos enjoyed the pot dist church. Sons with a telephone stand. ' 'luck dinner with the lode fur- Mrs. E. J. Dobbie sans twn snini Those attending were Mr an,i i"isnil,g ic0 wam and coffee. Loves Old Sweet Song" and "A Mrs- Eugene Peterson and child-1 i . n ," Bicycle Built For Two", accom- ren. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCabe,! MlSS boulden HoSteSS Boardman News Page 5 deregg home was Mrs. Anderegg'sl Mrs. R. A. Fortner. Mrs. Bruce ren returned to their home in brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Lindsay was suddenly taken sick Fort Lewis after a few days her Mrs. Walter Conway and (laugh- and was rushed to the Pioneer with Mrs. Willett's father Mr F ter Sherrie of Gorvallis. hospital in Heppner bv the Oris- T. Messenger Sgt. and Mrs. James Perkins ;i'olls. Mr. and Mrs. Fortner! Mr. and Mrs. (leneOvesnn worn motored to Heppner Monday lak- recent guests at tlie home of Mr. ing the children home, also the and Mrs. Ronald Black on way to Lindsay children accomnanied their hump in Pr i't-,h t- v w ,i vj , attuiu" ' ---- jj. n, auv, panied at the piano by Mrs. Lester and daughter of lone, Mr. and Boulden. (Mrs. Bryce Keene and Kathy, Mr. Hearts were enjoyed during the and Mrs. Harold reck, Patricia evening with high prize being and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. John won by Mrs. William Barratt and Graves and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin evening July 23 low by Mrs. Ralph Scott. ' ' Carson and their niece Mickey Norman Nelson, Ernest Heliker, CqcP Hnmp rPnP Markham Baker, Vernon Munk- o f Y rf Stenhpn TruUneit V T nuui' , . - - . . ij, . iuuuie, r , , , . , , hi . ana mrs. Alien iase enter- V. N. White, Douglas Ogletree Mr. and Mrs. Allen Case entei William Barratt, J. O Haper" ,alned wi,h a barbecue dinnc ?r vviHicim uarraii, j. u. Hager James Hager, Charles Vaughn Monday July 27 in honor of the wscs T0 MEET Ralph Scott, Bill Sowell, Howard f'ff Mrs. Case and GH The WSCS of the Methodist Reed, Lester Boulden, Jessie Fur-,1 a 1 IN1Kant"-r' I church will meet August 5 at 800 long, Marie Clarv. Earl r.illlam 1 Those present were Mr. Alice Whetzell and the hostesses Mrs. Gustaf Nikander and son, on Jones St. Mrs. Walter Becket'ily of I'ermiston, who are vaca Mesdames Lucy Rodgers. Fred Edward, Mrs. M. L. Case and the and Mrs. Charles' twit iu tinning elsewhere. r iu -j .. .. . .. ... . i . ""' rarnsii ana Liougias urake. nosi ana nosiess. Ey Flossie Coats tors have hired W. R I e Z i Trf"? Jl driller to drill the well at the' fhi ?llf-cal'ed ,hpr? ! ,... u..:..: , . . I,ne serious illness of Set. Perk ns past week. The well is to have ' m ' .' , , i , uverson vvas from the in ei"ht inch cisin" Enh Hut 1 n"lul w as ; nir. ano .irs. vnas. hortnman iv.iv scnooi ar iiaminon Held, den Arlington did The witching '' ! Pcndleton Saturday, land family, Mr. and Mrs. Halley Calif. Mrs. Black and Mr. Ove ,, , , '""fe'iMarlows mother, Mrs. Julia Mar- (Williams, Clarence Anderson and are sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Uyde Tannehill low, was suffering from a heart Norman Nelson motored to Joseph!' Mrs. Clarence Thomas and son left Saturday afternoon for La attack itvt.j.,.. , .. .. . .. d r. , f,,,i. f ..,.i l.,., . . imuiy mi i m- v nn'i jusepn oays 1,1 weir Grande for several days visit at! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fades celebration. guests at the Frank Marlow home he home of their son anl daugh-, left Monday for their home in i Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and' last week. I Irs. Thomas and ler-in-iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Dona d Siml.inH r.iiif oft Tannehill. Mr. Tannehill will. vis t u-ith hie nmMio i o - .. ... i ,, ... , ., i ' n mo, mi. aim .iri miiuiiuiy l' I' 17 lO See ft r. ffinsiilt :i nhvoi'i.-in ivhi n in n,Ui.... n..i r- , . , .. . . ' . . .: V. ', V n , V . i r.aocs ana otner reia- l-.iy s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. city. Harold Baker is the substi-,tives. Sunday the family mot-; Ely. Miss Cclia Boulden entertained' -: 'o Pasco, Wash., and were, Sunday afternoon guests at the . timiidiNLu spnee. riinnw irnnctt M lh Clio.. win d i......i i ?. I - t " v n m,n j' riau! nianuv iiunie were iir, ana Miss Nancy Rands, daughter of home. Mrs. Harry King and daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rands has been I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo and Phyllis, Hermiston, Mrs. Roy Mar- empioea as ciem-typist at the -Sl's dickic and Donnie returned low and children, and Mrs. Frank Midland Construction Co., with home Sunday evening after a Hadley, Irrigon. offices in the Arthur Allen build- weeks vacation spent in Seaside Mr. "and Mrs. Leonard Bedord in" ' and Seattle. and sons returned from Missoula, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harwood left Sunday guests at the Natlian Mont., Saturday after the summer Saturday for a weeks vacation in i inorpe nomo was nls brotheisont there. Cannon Beach, Oretron and wilD1 ultord Thorpe and son Rickie of i Mrs. Andre auenu me cnurcn con nrcn h", .nm. while there. Th I Mr. and Mrs. James tinu cniiuren, iieppner, were sun-j weeks spent helping care for her day dinner guests at the home of mother, who is ill. Mrs. Driscoll's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald WilWt .m,l fhlt.i. For Slumber Party with a slumber party Thursday picnic sleep- The euests enioved a supper, swimming, games ing and breakfast. Those present were Kay Keith ley, Janice Martin, Carolyn Mc Daniels, Jaime Driscoll and Mari lyn Calvin. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peters and fam- tho hostesses. YOUTH GROUP HOLD ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ska line PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott of! ine xoutn group of the Metho- Heppner announce the engage dlst church had a skating party ment of their daughter Miss Eima Tuesday evening July 28 at the Scott to Marvin Boyd both of tennis court at the school. After Portland. The wedding date has skating a weiner roast was held not vet been set, but will probab ln the courthouse park. 'ly be in the early autumn. DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Iieppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment M. ANALYTICAL VISUAL Broken Lenses Duplicated EXAMINATION Glasses Fitted CHURCHES ALL SAINT'S CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:45 a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. m Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. -f:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir prac tice IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Sunday, August 2. Church school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. This will be our monthly com munion service and we will con- tinue our meditations in the Book of Acts. The theme will be "The Early Church and Shared Respon sibility . We cordially invite you to worship with us. Mrs. Frank Marlow, Mrs. Na than Thorpe and daughters, Mrs. Edd Kunze and Mrs. Claud Coats were in Pendleton Friday, while there they called at the hospital to see Mrs. Earl Briggs who has been a patient for several days. Recent guests at the Chas. An- CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school begins at- 9:45 Classes for everyone, including adults. Morning worship at 11 a. m The evening services, which are to be at 8 o'clock will be held in the basement if it is hot weather. FAIR-MINDED Many of the fine open class livestock exhibited at the fair have gone on to win honors at other shows. If you really want to see some fine stock, bring your straw hat and do your own judg ing, on the side. You will find the competition stiff in both the d FFA i from Red Driscoll! Saturday ew Vannoy returned Jimior division of 4 II am r-er. Alberta, Canada and in tho )on (,1;SS' D( evening after several Every third employee IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Revival Services start at 11:00 a. m. and will continue till August 16. It will be conducted each evening except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting will be held as usual at 8 p. m. Thursday. You are welcome to attend all of these meetings. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Next time, go to Church before Vu go on that trip or picnic. You'll be glad you did! Sunday is your day, but don't forget the One who gave it to you! CHRISTIAN CONGREGATIONAL t-nUHCH Lexington, Oregon Lewis G. Wetzel, pastor "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Prov. 23:7. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Hour of worship 11:00 a. m. Senior C. E. 7:00 p. m. Evening bibl hour 8:00 p. m. Prayer service Wed. 8:00 p. m. owns part of Standard 4 ,,.. im w ' . f:'".'' I Purses I'66 I mm SENSATION oftfie Year. . . i i r i cwiuLiiiyjgyL' I PHIL'S PHARMACY Has Just Installed A NEW MAGAZINE DISPLAY RACK All the latest magazines at your fingertips, without a lot of looking for Just that maga zine you want. Phil's has in stalled this rack for your con venience, come in today and choose your favorite magazines. This flashing, sleek beautv is also an astounding performer . . . rated by Motor Trend Magazine next to Cadillac as the out standing car of the year ... as the safest car of all 20 makes tested . . . and as the best car in handling. The low price means monthly payments will be excep tionally low. See it . . . drive it. COME IN . . . TRADE IN FOR A NEW CAR THAT HELPS PAY FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS Farley Motor Company HEPPNER 77 Atvmfmr fi ii ijii,- itu&m HHT II Mil H'ln f 'baby panties . . . Made with nylon ... as practical at they are pretty. $1.49 and $1.69 PHIL'S PHARMACY PHIL BLARNEY. Owner Penney's Meet Forrest Dickinson, a driller from Whittier, California and one of the owners of Standard Oil Company of California. For rest is bringing up three youngsters, buying a home, and is also building a fa.Toly nest egg by investing in his Company through Standard's stock ownership plan. Forrest and other Standard Oilers who are 35 or older and have 5 years of service, may, if they wish, invest a pprtion of their pay in Standard shares. The Company assists by contributing a percent age of its net profit to the stock ownership plan. Thus, in addition to salary and employee benefits, Forrest shares Company earnings in two ways: through Standard's contributions to his stock purchases, and through dividends on stock. Nearly 95 of all eligible employees now participate in this plan. While several thousand previously had invested in Company shares on their own, 12,000 of a total 34,750 Standard Oilers are now shareholders. This means, of course, that better than one out of every three people who work for Standard also own Standard. That's why Standard Oilers work harder to serve you better after all, it's their business, too. There's No Such Thing as a I "typical" Standard share holder. More than 115,000 individuals and couples from a all levels of life own Standard. Small Businesses and large believe in us, too, because our records show that 1,889 firms own shares of Standard Oil Company of California stock. , MID-SUMMER Women's Sw?m Suits 2-77 Girl's Swim Suits 99c MEN'S DRESS STRAW HATS MEN'S SUMMER SPORT SHIRTS MEN'S WORK STRAW HATS 66 244 Churches and religious organizations, 165 hospitals and medical groups, and 293 universities and schools own part of Standard. 1 Standard's Owners are, mainly, thousands jof average everyday people, most of them j Westerners. Their Company's management wholly independent. Standard Oil Com pany of California is neither owned nor con trolled by any of the Standard companies in the East. Questions or comments about our Company are always welcome. Write: Standard Oil Company of California, P.O. Box 3495-B, San Francisco, California. Women's And Girl's White Nylon Gloves 50c Women's Batiste Nightgowns 99c Girl's Straw STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better Hats 15c MEN'S WORK STRAW HATS MEN'S TERRY T SHIRTS MEN'S TERRY SPORT SHIRTS MEN'S PRINT TERRY POLO SHIRTS MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS BOY'S SWIM TRUNKS BOY'S RAYON SPORT SHIRTS BOY'S SHIRT AND SHORT SET 00 MEN'S NYLON SPORT SHIRTS 2.44 MEN'S PANAMA DRESS STRAW HATS , 2.00 MEN'S SUMMER TIES 66c MEN'S WESTERN SHIRTS (5 ONLY) 3.00 MEN'S FADED BLUE SWIM TRUNKS 1.44 BOY'S SUMMER CAPS 50c TODDLER'S SUMAER DRESSf S 99c