Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 30, 1953 From The rVnnh Aaent's Office ..' ti.unnl rffkient and ceo- jimmieal production. i During the past several weeks, several farmers have called at the Office to inquire about barley seed for nlantine their wheat allot- n n. C Anderson 1 'merit diverted acres. In the past . matprial county at;ent news column I have With the state wheat acreage study th edutnl (ljsf,s,d the varieties and their ,, ,nr.,i th. nast.s0 '" "" ' .u vifids. as well as available sour- a,,H ,w" aone . m'nii"h;; fd. i am on the outlook weeK, Morrow l0u., . vlslons 0, me reufic-nuu... . seed its allotment by the time uiuprogram in general. , s u m ,his !'u,mn.iir ni i:yjZ u. ..,T7,:it,le .ettinc during the past tea days because merS UUS WUl-l viiu, Willi llic runner allotment was 875,000 acres which represents approximately a 257, reduction over the wheat to be harvested this year. Through efforts of individual farmers and organizations, Oregon farmers will be given a part credit, at least, for crop land now in grass. With the wheat quota referen dum tn he voted on on August 14, all wheat farmers will want to become acquainted with just u h.-it thev are voting for and the consequences should marketing fiuota referendum fail to carry. Within the next week various cir School of Nursinq Opens New Class, B. S. Degree Possible Portland's Good Samaritan hospital school of nursing will commence its 64th year of con tinuous service to the pacific northwest, Friday, September 18, when the new class for the three- year diploma program in nursing is admitted tnen ne wm mm 'establish his eligibility for this classification unaer standards. Mist Haiol HinHs rlirpptor of past tea days because) , h announced that for a certific; r rt1pL- ot'o lnicv harvPKtmf? and,.. j ' nhvcfpifln no better as time goes on, an.. not taRe Ume tQ plck up f'ing a degree in anant, has been entitled to a class economists forecasting tnai i'1'-;.,,,.,! as it is available. Most of thennr(:ir, npnora ,n rnnliinction'3-A deferment." ...o cinmn will continue forv,,P( that is being harvested lS',ltu ,u. camaritnn hnsnt. Tho npw rf some time yet, each livestock jsoi,i directly from the combine be . . . i iccnoH hptween now and 10469, which restricts the grant- Colonel Mason concluded wnn uo.. necessary to a iQ., ,ifrmpnt tn'thp mmment that unless a regis-, then, ne wm 1 , this I registrants with children. trant qualifies for the 3-A classi- I cm rninnoi n. ' fication prior to August 25, or be- ntriciuiuic , w . ; - , - TOnnrt for indUC- 1 w niacin rienutv state direc- ioc " ulucl l" V. 0 T i WJW1 , I J I tor, "registrants who submitted j evidence which established to the satisfaction of the local board that he had a child, or children, with whom he maintained a bona fide family relationship in their home, or who, prior to the issue of an order to report for induc tion, has filed with his local boara certificate from a reputable that his vife is preg ; operator must consider methods ;cause 0f a storage situation that of cutting down cosis 01 wa uoos run anuw iui -ai;ui8 .f frnr-nnint raneeLfor Mnnv hnvp asked for win- cattle improvement program:ter varieties of barley. Olympia which should produce more beef f. fmpr rows nc uues: up eive more attention to bull selec and winter club are the two re- fled. Olvmpia yields a little more than winter club, but give more aut'iiw"" i- - nunc hpwp- n,"n - - , tion for quality, type and gaining jis more subject to shattering, and ability. (2) cull tne cow nt-iu the basis of growthy calves pro j..,i a hpifpr first calf is a With n the next weeK various u.- uU.. ... - - - rPtJiace- with thp r.nnd Samaritan hospi tal school of nursing in Portland. Lewis and Clark college depart ment of nursing is accredited by the state board of nurse examin ers to offer a four-year (49 month) program leading to a bachelor of science degree in nursing and preparing for the .Oregon state board of graduate ! nurse examination. I "The work of the modern nurse h5s increasingly become associ if not harvested at the proper time will not yield with winter -1..L. upintm. r.lnh lin a littlp ciuo. Yupiti .. - -inas increasingly Become associ- stiffer straw and is not quite as,ated wlth healtn promotion and subject to lodging as Olympia.! u ervice according to he wneaumem nniu,i j - p"r 1 , v . cuiiiiiiuiuiy ivitc, av-wiwuife iii- vyiiv. , ,. tAl cnmpU ti,.).-.,,,, l(,nn iu aottind ... .... ... il- f I I 1 1 II 'irn.liu""', " i . , t1 reiA r H . 1 . Wnnntr 1 . i -u ,inirninnnii (; s i i - i iif mn fir ivu-mv ua i yi c ononis aim ."-t,- r... rmwnv and :.....! . The new regulations, pointed out Colonel Mason, make no change in the status of regis trants now classified in class 3-A so long as such family relation ship is maintained. "After Aucust 25" continued Colonel Mason, "to qualify for a 3-A classification, a registrant will have to specify his local board that his induction will re sult in extreme hardship and pri vation to those he claims are de pendent on him for support and will not rest solely on the fact that he is maintaining a family ers in: maiii:w iw - - - , We hope that everyone will -feed efficiency tons of Meloy barley, a nurse must nave more technical! relationship with a child or child ng variety, from the Pendle- trajning she should have a lib- ren." T,V,,rimi,nl tntillPl Which I . ,1 t ! ' Enjoy Foot Health Dr. Holderness will be at the Heppner Hotel All Day Saturday Aug. 1. Consult With Dr. W.O. Holderness Chiropodist Phone 69923 Now for Appointment. hM . QGOK 111 ltll,7TTITI71 I it imz: hotel yWCULTDH ws&r h contribute iton Experiment Station which! , aa wpl1 as a Drofessional edu ... . . ..C ,1 oftor! r win ne a source ui kijou pkcu ration. Hish school graduates interest ed in the three-year diploma pro- the increased crop. Last week, the wheat variety!gram may obtain complete infor-'( nurseries located on the Riet- ;mation by writing Miss Lloydena mann farm north of lone, and theGrimes, director, school of nurs Frank Anderson farm near Eight-ing, 2281 N. W. Marshall Street, mile, were harvested. Seventeen Portland 10, Oregon. Those in different varieties were compared. terested in the degree program for vield and agronomic charac- ishould contact the registrar at teristics. iney were idnc-u w u: Lewis ana viarn iwkc, w.j shnrman Branch Experiment Sta tion at Moro, where they will be thrashed and yields determined next month. Results of the in troduced varieties and crosses will be made public to all inter ested persons. Next week the fer tilizer demonstration plots ai ine L. Ilowton farm near lone will be harvested for comparison of yields. Four Morrow county 411 Club hnvs will leave Monday morning, August 3, for a week's stay at Oregon's Conservation Camp. The W. Palatine Hill Road in Portland r Father Deferments Other Than Hardship Restricted by Order Oregon State headquarters, se Ipptive service svstem, today an nniineed receiDt of the new regu lations issued to carry out the provisions of executive order No 50 outride rooms $2.00 and up Special weekly rates WASHINGTON AT I4TH , P. KUHN, H. A. MATHESON, OWNERS Your home baie of restful com fort and ease in the center of busy Portland. Enjoy superlative service and convenience plus at the gracious CARLTON where each guest is an individual. PORTLAND. OREGON from many outstanding author itips renipcpntinp various agen- camp this year will be held at cies on plants, how they grow ihP r.ilv White Guard .Station near Sparta, in Baker county. At tending this year will be: Ellis Hall. Bill Brannon. and Ronnie Mc Cabe, lone; and Douglas Terry, Fcho. The camp is sponsored by ti,o Northwest Section of the American Society of Range Man- whv they die; use of plants by animals and plant icientincauon. Thev will also eet some training in woodcraft camping, use oi fishing and hunting equipment ana care of came. Thev will have first hand information on the for ests, what they are good for, and ttMU'l ll-Lill lv,J w v j..-, - j .,,t ;mri Vi :i bppnme one of bnw to use the range and improve the out-of-doors. During the week, I it. The camp will not be lacking the boys will have instruction in recreation ana nan games, horseshoes, swimming, campnre, and perhaps some fishing will be included on that agenda, we are snrp that the bovs will come back with some added knowledge on conservation of natural resources as well as a week of good recre. ation. J I J fir ; - fig - Revival Meetings lone Nazarene Church (lone Baptist Church Bldg.) August 2-16 The Gospel in sermon and song will be presented by Evangelist Harold Gilliam and family every night, except Saturday, at 8:00 P.M. Scriptural Messages . . Childrens Quartet . . Instrumental All are Invited to Attend Music, IONE NAZARENE CHURCH REV. HAROLD P. GILLIAM PASTOR EVANGELIST - 3E0EQD GOLDEN SLEEFKI 1 v v. .i-. ... . - COMPANY n.,.'i . i.rrifi. rtinr fnr YOU to "strike it-rich" ! ... A wonderful opportunity to SAVE $20.00 on a Rcnuine Sealy "Golden Sleep" lnnerspring Mattress' And it's a toiuint laving because you can compare these suir-luxurious "Golden Sleeps1' with mattresses selling for as much as $59.95... and you'll find the same quality features! But this amaiing saving is yours during National Scaly Week only ... so don't delay! COME IN TODAY ! THISI $39.93 MATURIS ARE YOURS FOR $20 LESS! Pt-Iih S-PfMl ldr! $" Hijk Ctil (ttl lulmlx ' lidy-lltJ" laiwrtpril Unltt lnglir4 Im Ctitnl Slppl Pcihntt ...... n..i...J J Cfi! . iptiitlly-Ditd MiliKii (Ehtiefy net mocfek 4 cfoosf 3 great new Chevrolet station wagons You'll find everything yi.u want in these new Chevrolet Station Wagons, including flashing performance, a sub stantial gain in gasoline economy, and even Power Stering if you like. Station Wagons, Convertibles, Coupes or Sedans-Chevrolet offers you more models than ever in the lowest-priceJ line in the low-price field. Come in, pick your favorite and pocket your savings! Optional at txtra cost. Comhma'ion of Poverslide automatic transmission lid US-h p. "Blue-rhmi" engine arailohle on "Two-Ten" Handyman and the Townsman only. Power Steerinj avail able on all model WlillPVV. !' s'P. V ..PP.P.WA'PWW.vyHP'WVW) 1 r I - T f J i 3 1 1 THE TOWNSMAN Rniifiil nimiilaip.f wond-orain trim. Plentv of room for 8 passen gers. Center and rear seats can be removed for extra carrying space. numWM"0ip n tJB .n wSAasi)', - THE "TWO-TEN" HANDYMAN De luxe appointments throughout. 6-passenger capacity-and rear seat folds out of the way to provide more room for hauling. Lstf WORE PEOPLE BUY CHEYR0LETS , N THAN ANY 0THER CARI THE "0NE-FI" HANDYMAN Sl f Jfi Outstanding beuty and Vxl PNwT" Su utility at a budget price! VyiJ Scats six . . . rear seat Slr J folds flat for big load. "w CASE FURNITURE Fulleton Chevrolet Company