Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 30, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 30, 1953
Letterheads, Phone 6-9228.
Reg. $399.75
Cash or GMAC Terms
' No Trade-In Allowed
- At This Special Price
jok at these features!
Big Porcelain Hydrator
Handy Door Shelves
Full-width Chill Drawer
Porcelain finish interior
Puickube ice service
Powered by Meter-Miser
New beauty styling
Gold, white and blue trim
Built and backed by
General Motors iimi.i
Wheat Harvest
Nearing Halfway
Mark in lone
1 IgMifTTfi'
By Echo Palmateer
wneat harvest is not nnitp
, ,... T
nan unisned in this community
althouch a few fa rmprs are
through. The cutting of spring
wheat should get under wav this
weeK. me yield in the Goose-
perry is not comine ud to exnee.
tations. It is averaeine- around
22 and 23 bushels per acre.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fahev and
son, Danny, of Oakland, Calif.,
arrived at the Delbert Emert
home Saturday. He is a hrothpr
I of Mrs. Emert. Mrs. Fahey and
son win stay at the Emert home
about two weeks while Mr. Fahpv
is on a business trip to Peoria,
,111. He is with the Caterpillar
Kay Crowell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Crowell of Morgan,
returned home from a two weeks
trip to Canada. She went with
I her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
IClarence Shuler of Hermiston.
Mrs. Howard Crowell and Mrs.
Robert Crowell and children met
her in Hermiston Friday.
! Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rilev en.
tertained the following guests at
dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Crowell and son and Mr.
and Mrs. Les Moore of Chelan,
I Wash.
I Mrs. Ernest Beliker and Mrs.
E. M. Baker attended the bridal
shower for Mrs. Homer Hager at
the Methodist church in Hpnnnpr
1 mt
inursaay evening of last week
Mrs. Hager was a former Home
Demonstration Agent of Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson
and daughter, Sally, of The Dal
les visited relatives here Sundav
Margery Bristow of Portland is
visiting at the home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Etta Bristow. Mrs.
Bristow's dranddaughter, Mildred
Bristow, is staying with Mrs.
Harley Anderson in Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Emert and
children of Walla Walla spent the
weekend with his mother, Mrs.
Mary Emert.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford
ana aaugnters of Portland, spent
tne weekend with her Mother
Mrs. Ida Coleman.
Several from here attended the
kickoff dance in Heppner Satur
day evening.
ine 4-H bewing cluh met at
Ida Coleman's Friday of last week
with Mrs. L. A. McCabe -as their
leader. The girls worked on their
dresses. The 4-H cooking club
with Mrs. E. M. Baker their lead
er, also met recently at the Cole
man home. Ihev demonstrated
bread Judging.
Chester L. Ward, sunerinten
dent of the lone schools, recently
Drougnt Mrs. ward back from
Portland where she underwent a
very serious operation at the Good
Samaritan hospital. Shp is im.
proving and will be convalescing
lor a number of weeks. She i
very happy .to be here where it is
Mrs. Grace Ware returned home
Monday from Olympia and Mor
ton, Wash., where she visited
relatives and friends for several
Mrs. Phil Griffin and Mrs. I.ana
Padberg spent Saturday at the
wm. padberg borne in Lexington
Mrs. Harlan Devin and child
ren of Condon spent Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Buschke
and sons left Mondav for their
home in Los Ange es after heln
ing in harvest at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke
at Morgan.
Services were held at the Valby
Lutheran church in Gooseberry
hunday with Rev. Henry Hoken
son of Portland officiating. Rev
and Mrs. Hokenson were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobvns
Mrs. Dobyns returned to Portland
with them to spend a week.
Fred Ely returned home from
Portland and Eagle Creek last
week where ha visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom
spent the weekend in Portland
lhey brought back their son
1 Roland, who visited there for two
I weeks.
j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover
and children of Pendleton and
Earl Henderson of Seattle spent
the weekend at the E. M. Baker
home. Mrs. Baker is a sister of
Mrs. Hoover and Mr. Henderson.
Those from here who attended
the Masonic picnic at the Wight
man ranch in the mountains were
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb. Mr. and
I Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam McMillan and George
Dinner guests at the Berl Akers
home Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Matthews and daughters, Mr. and
Mrs. utto Matthews and Mrs.
Sadie Olson.
The Birthday club met at the
home of Mrs. Corliss Mel.eod on
Saturday July25 with Mrs. Sam
Esteb and Mrs. Paul O'Meara as
co-hostesses. The honorees were
Mrs. Joe Gaarsland. Mrs. Wate
Crawford and Mrs. David McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Gabhert
and granddaughter, Cindy Meyer,
of Portland soent a few riavs last
week at his ranch and were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Martin of
West Linn were recent visitors at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Fredrick Martin. ' .
Mrs. Corliss McLeod was a na-
tient in the hospital in Heppner
last week.
A stork shower was given in
honor of Mrs. Loren Leathers at
the Legion hall Tuesday July 21.
She received many lovely gifts.
The hostesses were Mrs. Garland
Swanson, Mrs. Herman Blettell,
Mrs. Richard McElligott, Mrs.
Golda Eubanks, Mrs. Ladd Sher
man, Mrs. John Bacon and Mrs.
C. E. Brenner.
Mrs. Creston Black made a triD
to Prosser, Wash., last week.
George Clishy of Portland is
helping with the harvest at the
Henry Baker ranch. He is a bro-
thpr of Mrs. Baker and is a city
; engineer in Portland.
I Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matthews of
jRoseburg spent the weekend with
his brother and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Matthews.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and
daughter, Eileen, of Boardman
and Cora Ekleberry of Hermiston
were visitors at the homo of hi
1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. (). Ely
Saturday of last week.
I Mrs. Harry Cool of Chelan,
I Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Cool and family of Firdif,'. Mont.,
were visitors here last week. They
were former residents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Kvistad of
Astoria are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and
helping with the harvest. The
Kvistads recently returned from a 1
three weeks trip to the Hawaiian!
Islands. They went bv plane i
both ways. Mr. Kvistads par-1
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kvistad of!
Astoria were also visitors at the'
Peterson home for a few days. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Ness of i
The Dalles are visiting at t he j
home of their daughter and f.-im.
ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Proudl'oot.i
Mrs. J. P. Darst and sons of j
Portland and Mrs. Bob Hope of I
Eugene were visitors last week
I at the home of their parents, Mr.
land Mrs. Leonard Carlson.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski and
sons of Portland are spending
I their vacation' with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson.
Announcements have been re-
ceived of the birth of a son Don-! 20.
Page 3
Mr. and Mrs. Alyn I oak of
11. iAlyrn' Mf' aml .Mrs-' A'yn: Bremerton are tiu 'grandparents
L L " Juiyianu trod Kiy of Morgan is the
groat grandparent.
The Three Links club met at the
iContinued on page 6)
w 11 V
1953 General Electric
Roto-Cold Refrigerator
for all
3.7 Cu. Ft
This outstanding refrigerator buy
features numerous new developments
in the G. E. refrigerator. New auto
matic detrosting gives you satisfying
service. Redi-cube ice trays provide
yiu with the needed chill tor that sum
mer drink. A Cross-top Jroezer keeps
your refrigerator as cool and lofrosh
ing at the bottom as it keeps your
freezing compartment frozen at the top.
-Automatic Defrosting
-Cross-Top Freerer
Aluminum shelves add beauty and
ease to this new marvel for your kit
chen. Easily removed for cleaning and
adjusting. Space-maker door shelves
ctive you the needed extra space to keep
your lefrigerator from having that mes
sed up lpok. For dependability and
neatness ycu can't beat the new G. E.
Roto-Cold refrigerator.
Come in and see one today.
-Rcdi-Cube Ice Trays
-Aluminum Shelves
Heppner Hardware Gr Electric .
PHONE 6-9255
Seed Treating
Day or Night
Here in Pacific Powerland...
9 out of
with ele
refrigeration .
"freezer-shopping" and lF3 PPrilll
left-over storage help llfiS W
balance family budgets
Food protection costs little here - t
where the price of electricity is It
ond national average f
" 7lll T M (mm mwm
" - i ii-ii.ii , r '
R CALL 6-9693