Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 23, 1953 From Trie County Agent's Office By N. C. Anderson Tlie national wheat acreage al- A recent report in this column lot merit for the 1954 crop has been j showed comparisons of barley at set at 62,000,000 acres. August 14 j the Sherman Branch Experiment has been set for the referendum Station at Moro pointed out that for the wheat growers to vote on spring seeded barley has far out marketing quotas for the 1954 'yielded fall seeded varieties, wheat crop. Quotas will not be-There appears to be a pretty fair come effective unless two-thirds .supply of spring barley available of the growers voting approve) if it is purchased now. Fall var 1 heir use. Growers with more ; ieties are very scarce. While there than 15 acres planted to wheat and with a normal production of 200 bushels or more are subject to the quotas and can vote. If quotas are approved, price sup- is a considerable amount of seed available now, it is disappearing due to the tight storage situation. Much of it is being disposed of on the open market for feed pur ports for the 1954 wheat crop will .poses. During the past few days, he available to cooperators at 90 several sources of Flynn Selection parity. If growers do not ap-j37 have been located. This is a prove quotas, price supports will spring barley that has been a drop to 50 of parity. high yielder at the Sherman Branch Experiment Station. It is The senate, this past week, ap-ja bearded variety with smooth proved the signing of the Inter- awns and consistantly the high national Wheat Agreement for est yielding there. R. J. Bruckert the United States. Other nations of Moro has about 50 acres of had until this week to ratify their , Flynn Selection 37, which he is agreement. The new agreement I now harvesting. His phone num will run for three years starting ber is Moro 417. Lester Barnum August 1. 0f Grass Valley is harvesting 210: acres of Flynn Selection 37, now. With acreage allotments and ' His telephone number Is Moro 234. marketing quotas now a reality, iBlaine Miller of Moro also has it is time to be thinking of uses some Flynn Selection 37. All of for diverted acreage. My guess Is these growers are selling seed that not much grass will be directly from the combine, seeded on the diverted acres until The Experiment Station at Moro farmers find out what kind of a has at least 200 bushels of Meloy program Is In the offing after July that they would save for us if 1, 1951 when our present farm pro- anyone would like to purchase it. gram expires. Many think that a 'Meloy is beardless and is excel- two price type of wheat program lent for hay purposes. It yields win oe in ettect. Many then are, a JV? W . U-r-w- 6 1 I f f jf ' , "' ' Farm Machine Checks Advised For Safety Oregon farmers are reminded that July 19 to 25 is the 10th annual National Farm Safety week. 1. J. Huber, Oregon State college extension agricultural engineer, says keeping machines in good repair is one of the farm safety commandments. I KeeD machinprv in safe work. ing condition by constantly checking its operation and make sure all safety guards are in place, advises the specialist. Other safety precautions are to stop machines, before oiling, un clogging or adjusting them. NEWEST OFFICER of the Inland Waterways Association is AI Moltke, vice president and logging manager of Pilot Rock Lumber company, Pilot Rock, whose appointment as regional county vice president for Umatilla county was announced this week by Her bert C. West, executive vic3-president of the association, which is virtually interested in the development of improved river navi gation, harbors, irrigation and flood control. Mil gag (IB mn 9.43 a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. m Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir prac tice CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school begins at 9:45. Classes for everyone, including adults. Morning worship at 11 a. m. The evening services, which are to be at 8 o'clock will be held in the basement if it is hot weather. SOUTH HEPPNER LIVESTOCK CLUB The South Heppner 4-H Live stock club held its annual picnic in the mountains on Jus creek Sunday, July 19. Most of the members and their rarents were present. We were elad to have our newest member, Kit George, present. Our next meeting will be held at Kit's home on August 9. j Janet Wright, reporter j VALBY LUTHERAN CHURH There will be services at the Valby church in Gooseberry on Sunday, July 26, at 11:00 a. m. They will be conducted by Dr. Henry J. Hokenson of Portland. . o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS HAVE "WORRY FREE" VACATIONS While you are on vacation, In the U. S. or Canada, Why not 'have insurance on that Still or Movie Camera? On the very same floater You may inciuue Guns or sports equipment; As for Fishing & Archery! This "Ail-Risks" kind of policy Protect you anywhere, And covers almost everything . 1 ,nnr anrl lfaf! BUI normal wtcii hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon seed barley make some contacts in the hands of the cloud seeding wan tnese growers as they will contractor on the percent of effi bout six to eight bushels less be able to buy barlpy a 1(t more ciency which was derived through thinking of crons such as barlev than Flvnn. I would suecest'. n n lau r on ana lne program, ills talk implied to seed on diverted acres In 1954. that anyone who is interested in:P sure of a suPP'y wnic'h cannot tnat thcre are efficient ar - - - . : be guaranteed as the demand ficient contracting organ rA strengthens Law n Furniture TO HELP YOU Enjoy Summer Days METAL Chaise Lounge 39 50 LAWN CHAIRS FROM g.95 Children's Sizes From 2.75 WO '7p' r. j5l3T' PORTABLE j& His talk nd inef g organizations now in the field of cloud seeding. I Those present at the annual July 19-25 is the tenth annual meeting voted 100 to continue National Farm proclaimed by Safety Week as a cloud seeding program. for 1953- Fresident Eisen-,3- "iors wwe e ecieu to rep- U r r .i i j tot in ul iiixs lime lUUUliO hower. One of the commandments in carrying on (nis work Morrow emphasized during the week is county's directors include Ralph "operate tractors safely". It is Crum, lone; Harry Duvall, Hepp estimated that about seven hun- ner; and Van Buskirk,' Echo, dred tractor accidents last year Van Buskirk replaces Delvin resulted in death. Here's a safetv Nelson whn ha m.rv(.fi the' i iP from your county extension past year. By electing these di agent. When operating your lectors, the farmers have obligat tractor, be sure to turn corners ed themselves to support the di slowly. Avoid ditches, banks and rectors with the program which soft ground, and always hitch to thev asked to be carried on. Tri the draw-bar. Observe National County Weather Research is be Farm Safety Week, July 19-25, ing watched by many a state, it ,1953. . being one of the first, and one of j few to have an evaluation pro-' I On June 30. the Tri-County gram in effect in its contract. weatner research Association Oregon State College has been held their annual meeting. As conducting the unniased evalua prevlously reported in this col- tion. Indications at the annual umn, it was attended by about meeting were that newer methods twenty Morrow county farmers, that were sure to be more efficient this year. The program was ex- are being developed through ex cellent. Dr. Schaefer, General I perience in an evaluation method. Electric chemist who has been in j Everyone concerned with cloud charge of Project Cirrus for about seeding had nothing but praise thirteen years, gave a talk that j for the type of a program which left no doubt in anyone's mind as .our organization is carrying out. to the practicability of cloud seed- Within the next few days, all ing as a means of increasing rain-j Morrow county ranchers will re-fall.- It is so positive that Gene- eeive a letter in the mail asking ral Electric discontinued experi- farmers to signify their wish as ments about three years ago on to whether the program should artificial nucleation. They are continue, and to indicate whether now spending millions of dollars they will support such a program.) on the types of clouds, their oe- Through such indications, the di- currence and make-up which af- rectors will know whether to con-! fects the way that they must be tinue with the program with1 seeded to increase the natural Sherman and Gilliam counties. I precipitation. Dr. Schaefer made They will need to know by August a statement that it was entirely 2 whether or not our farmers are CHURCHES IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship service at 11:00 a. m. Evening services start at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 8 p. m. You are welcome to all these services. ALL SAINT'S CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion going to support the program in planning the contract and con tinuance of the. program which the group sees best fitted for our conditions. Morrow county far mers owe it to the directors they have elected to stand behind them or to indicate that the pro gram should be discontinued. Wonder Steel Buildings 18 Ga. Galv. FOR GRAIN STORAGE AND GENERAL PURPOSE Just set building base in concrete: No anchor bolts. No framework. Just bolt sheets together. It is that simp e. We invite you to investigate and compare. Widths 40', 50' and 60'. Lengths 2' sec. PRICEWISE OR OTHERWISE WRITE OR CALL East Oregon Metal Building Co. RTE. 2, BOX 67 PHONE 942 S. W. end of Court Place Pendleton, Ore. Fcr maximum yield of GRAIN invest your fertilizer dollars in Vhsit...wumre,r; MON Bar-B-Q: Aero-Lark 2-Door Aero-l&tk helps pay for itself with extra low monthly payments . . . extra low maintenance . . . exceptionally low gas costs. Ruggedly built with the luxury of an airliner, it's styled to stay new . . .built to last. Come in for a demonstration ride. $1499 50 Atro-Lork 2-0oof Stdan, Hit Prkt, F.O.t., Ohio. PIm f.d.rol Taxw, Stott ond Local Toxm (If cny), Transportation, Dlivry and Handling Chgrgtt, Opttonql equip mtnf, tMro BAR-B-Q TOOLS 10 LB. BAGS CHARCOAL Case Furniture Co. ft Farley Motor Company Fertilizer It an investment. And some fertilizer in vestments pay better than others. So make sure you get full value from every dollar you invest in fertilizer. Invest in Shell NH3 Service -the com plete fertilizer service that combines the ideal nitrogen fertilizer with scientific application. No one else offers you fertilizer service like this! Complete service (a phone call does it all) Backed by 20 years of experience and over a half million applications Has increased cash value of every major crop grown in the West No need to tie up money in application equip ment (Shell NH3 dealer furnishes) No money tied up in fertilizer "inventory." Billed only for the amount that is applied, and when it is applied Provides nitrogen at low cost Little or no labor for you and your help Assures scientific application INLAND CHEMICAL SERVICE Condon-Ph. 422 :: Heppner-Ph. 6-91 12 a strong off jo KG HEPPNER 9"