Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 16, 1953 Page 3 John Pruter Rites Held At Boardman Saturday, July 11 jof You", accompanied by Mrs. jFred Smith. rallbearers were ,Charles Anderegg, Charles Dillon, ,Kay Brown, Henry Zivney, Earl died Tuesday July 7th at 8 p. m Besides his widow Mr. Pruter leaves two brothers, Frank, Man nine, Iowa, and Will, of West- was in the Boardman Riverview cemetery. Mr. Pruter was born in West side, Iowa, February 11, 1862, and was married to Vera JJovack No vember 26, 1909. Mr. and Mrs. vices of John Pruter were held at land haTe' V Srf on the TyJhy farm four miles westtf j .,v...vu . u. in. JU V own nnl I cnmn tUr. Rev. Henry when they sold the farm due to Cramer and Walter Haves. Burial! side. Iowa, whom he was able By Flossie Coats BOARDMAN The funeral ser- to visit in 1952. Out of town people attending the funeral were Mrs. John Weg rzyn, of Joliet, 111., a niece of Mrs. Pruter, and her husband; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Archer and daughter; Edd Clint and daughter, Dorothy Birthday Party In Lexington Honors Mrs. Scott By Delpha Jones Saturday afternoon several 11, 1953, Schulze with the Hermiston Clint, Fortland; Mr. and Mrs. M.jMrs. Laura beotts mends and L. Myers, Walla Walla; Mrs. Mike' neighbors dropped in to surprise Hmlsneth and daughter, and i her on her 89th birthday. At this years ago Frank walker, Hermiston. Itime Mrs. Scott received many fine Several of the young people gifts and lovely cards, rnore were ...... u.Biuu, uiiiuiaung. iage and ill health Vnr mm vmr ot e 1 1 1 uu"6 , e"- -j ".- Soloist was Mrs. Thurman John-'the Pruters live 1 in L , u motored to Cove, Oregon, Satur- two cakes beautifully decorated VL.hn can TUn M j , . ' .IiultI! J1V CC1 ln KenneWKk, ., . i;i o,l it-Ill, nno Ivivinrr m MMll,w nn.l son who sang Cross " a nda"rn7wi,pT Yash., returning and since living nd God Will Take Care in Boardman, where Mr. Pruter WHEN THE GOING'S GET THERE WITH THE 4-WHEEL-DRM UNIVERSAL When you must get through ... get a 'Jeep'. The Universal 'Jeep' will take you through spots you would call impassable without, the power and traction of 4-Wheel Drive. Now the new 1953 UNIVERSAL 'JEEP' powered by the Hurricane F-Head Engine, has 20 greater horse power. See it today at Farley Motor Company HEPPNER day for a day of picnicing and j with one having K) candles and swimming. All reported a good ink icing. These cakes were time plus some sunburns. The made by Mrs. Frances McMillan, group was accompanied by Miss Merle Carmichael and Mrs. L. A. Jean Scott. I Palmer. She also received several The North Morrow county Fair beautiful bouquets and a couple premium lists are now ready, if of potted plants. Mrs. Scott has you haven't received your copy spent most of her married life in you may obtain 'one by asking Lexington and has raised two Mr. Clvde Tannehill, president; children, Vernon Scott of Port or bv calling the Postoffice. - dand and Mrs. Ralph Jackson of A '2c Tim Robinson, son of Mr. The Dalles. Those attending the and Mrs. Clvde Robinson arrived party were: Mesdames Art Kerne home Friday July 10 for a sixteen of lone, A. M. Edwards, Bob day furlough. A 2c Robinson is Davidson, Bill Van Winkle Jr.. stationed at Mitchell field, New George Allyn, Earl Warner, O. G. York. Breeding, Frank Munkers, L. A. Mr. W. W. Benson accompanied rainier; and Joan Breeding, Mari by Sgt. LeVelle motored to Pen- lyn Dickenson and Mrs. Dickon dleton Thursday evening taking son, who is living with Mrs. Scott Mrs. Pruter to meet her nephew at the present time. Mrs. Scott, and niece, Mr. and Mrs. John who had the misfortune to fall Wegrzyn who arrived by plane and break a rib is much improved from Joliet, 111., for the funeral and is able to be around the of Mr. Pruter. j house. Sgt. and Mrs. Lilbren L. Wilson Miss Carol Jackson of The Dal- are the proud parents of a baby es visited her grandmother, Mrs. son, Jack Lee, born at Hanford Laura Scott several davs Inst Army base hospital July 3rd. This week. is the second son and child for the Wilsons. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Flor ence, Oregon, and Mrs. Dorothy Charlifie, Alamosa, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carpenter drove to Yakima, Wednesday taking Mrs. Carpenter's mother; and sister, Mrs. Rosanna La Chance and Eva that far on their return trip home to Tacoma. Mrs. LaChance and Eva have spent several weeks here and at La Grande visiting. 411 Council met at the Nathan Thorpe home Wednesday even ing July 8th. Besides the Board- Miss Pat Forest of Monument is employed at the Lexington Cafe. The Three Links club met at the home of Mrs. Art Koene on Thursday. After the usual busi ness of the day refreshments were served to the following: Mes- County Agent News . . (Continued from Page 2) one level to another, from lofts, roofs, ladders, haystacks, trees, and into wells. One safety com mendment being stressed during the 10th Farm Safety Week is "Watch your step to prevent falls". Be careful and live to farm. ' " "i frrff Tli r'niii a it if i intiiii 'hum mt'll International-Harvester Decorator Refrigerator NEW Decorator Covered REFRIGERATOR TYPE Air Conditioners MATCH YOUR NEW I-H REFRIGERATOR OR YOUR FURNITURE man members were Mrs. Bertha Cooley and Mrs. Alta Graybeal, Irrigon, attended. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carpenter motored to Pendleton Thursday. Recent guests at the Walter Wyss home were their grand children, Jim, Mary and Donald and daughter visited Picper, Pocatollo, Idaho The par- prise this week dames Audrey Ansted, A. F. Ma Jeske, Loretta Struthers, W. E. McMillan and Oris Padberg. Guests at the A. M. Edwards home this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and son of Spo kane, a daughter of Edwards' and a son Al Edwards of Burns. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and children motored to Tieton Wash. Sunday and visited his sister and of family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bru- nelle. Mrs. Rhoda Jones, who has been visiting the Brunelle's, returned home with them. Charles Breshers, who has been ill at his home for several days is still unable to be up and about. Coleen Wallace visited with her sons in Ephrata over Sunday. Gary Griffith, son of Glenn Griffith, and a companion visit ed in Lexington Friday from Ephrata. Mrs. Louis Wetzel and her 4 -II cooking club enjoyed an after noon in the mountains one day last week. The girls taking sack lunches and playing and lunch ing in the hills. Those going were Lucille and Margaret Ken dall, Charlene Jones, and Janice Wetzel and the Wetzel bows, Jimmie and Jules. The Lexington Grange held their regular meeting Saturday night with Master Cecil Jones in the chair. After the usual busi ness of the evening, lovely re freshments were served in the lunch room. Mrs. Louis Livingston of Spray visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McCarl are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt. Mrs. Emery Bumside and Mrs. O. G. Breeding spent Monday and Tuesday in Spray attending to some business matters, ing and Lynn Wright wore Breeding and Lynn Wright were among those attending the annne circus in pencueton one night last week. - Mrs, Dean Hunt and Mrs. E. E. Peck were The Dalles visitors on Thursday. j Miss Shirlee Denser of Hub-1 bard, Oregon, and Mickey Greyj went to work at the J. F. Mc Millan ranch on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Campbell in Enter- Mrs. John Ledbet tor's William Van Winkle Sr. in Arlington last Tuesday. father, j Mrs. Iva Booker and Mrs. Flow visited ers from Heppner were visiting iMrs. Way Saturday. WITH m EVAPORATIVE UNITS Outstanding performance at minimum cost has made Thermador Evaporative Coolers leaders in the cooling field. Now available in a choice of models to fit every need. See these today and get prepared for the hot weather. room 1 Heppner Refrigeration PHONE 6-9223 AND GET COOL COMFORT! It's here . . . the newest in smart ideas and the newest in International-Harvester's line of fine appliances the new I-H Decorator Air Conditioner for your home. You can match the smartly styled ccver of your new air conditioner with your new I-H Refrigerator for additional beauty in your home, and got the cool comfort of I-H's Air Conditioning too. No unsightly unit that is an eyesore in your home. See these new International-Harvester Air Conditioners today and have com fort and smart styling in your home oil summer long. Lexington Implement Co. PHONE 3-81H ents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pieoor spent the weekend in Portland. Mrs.,Pieper is Mrs. Wyss' daugh ter Weekend guests at the Earl Briggs home were Mrs. Briggs son -1 in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Campbell and children, Spo-' kane, and her sister-in-law Mrs. J. B. Carnegie, Harlem, Mont.' Monday Mrs. Briggs and Mrs.1 Carnegie Motored to Portland and Albany. In Albany they will visit a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. i land Mrs. Claud Carneerie. Mrs.' Rollin Bishop accompanied Mrs. Briggs as far as Biggs for the day at the Kenneth Spagle home. Earl Cramer took his mother, Mrs. Anna Cramer to a rest home in Pendleton Sunday where she will rest for a time. . j Mrs. Esther Knight and daugh-' ter Edna left Friday for Jackson, Wyo whore they will be guests at the home of Mrs. Knight's aunt Mrs. Ethel Nethercott, returning home by way of Boise, Idaho, for a stay at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.1 Willard Niekerson. ! Overnight guests at the W. E. garner home Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snoithen and daughter Caryle, Roseburg, Ore gon. I Mrs. Ora Wyland, Heppner, was a dinner guest Thursday at the home of Mrs. Blanche Jones. j Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen, The Dalles were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen. Returning i with them were their children Cammie anil Bobbie who had; been with their grandparents for two weeks while Mrs. Allen was recuperating from an operation. The Pendleton Grain Growers, Hermiston, sprayed the Board man town Friday for mosquitoes and other bugs. Mrs. Emmet Rogers spent the weekend in Hood River with her sister, Mrs. Helen Johnson. Albert returned home with his mother after several days with his aunt. Miss Barbara LaTrace, Echo. Ore., is a house guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haves. Mrs. D. C. Hulet and daughters, Evelyn, and Marie left for Port land Monday where they will remain several weeks. w 4 j .fj Uhi f t , i - I' ll rajf'i.Vw h?VA.-.."v V ! I r l - v - M i i ' I 1 1 - i r ' i I -1 ' -A iU.ii., ( , , j , fertMi.tfrJMJ ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this won derful relief. Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 3122 Jackson 7, Mississippi With an extension telephone, you save many steps during the day and have a telephone handy to answer calls at night. Extension Telephones Are Available Again! For just pennies a day, you can have a time saving, step-saving extension in your home Your home can now be a truly modern, "extra-telephone" home. B'or, once again, we're able to install extension telephones. Extensions, you know, require only addi tional telephones not outside cables and wires and central office facilities. With the convenience of an extension, you add still more value to the telephone in your home. And the cost of an extension is small just pennies a day. How to order an extension telephone It takes only a few minutes to order an extension. Just call your PucificTeluphone Business Office. And we'll be glad to ar range an installal ion to meet your special needs. Like all telephone service, an ex tension is high in value low in .cost. YOUR TELEPHONE IS ONE OF TODAY'S BEST BARGAINS j,! I" - vvtxr-m n fa -Hit l r. 1 - " - 5- m S I r"A' I i" ijfw , 4 t y I TO i J When the man of the house is a hobbyist, an extension is particularly useful. He can make and receive calls from his work bench in the garage without taking time out to go into the house. In your home, too, you can have an extension in the kitchen, in the the den, in the bedroom in any room in the house. Why not see about an extension for your home . . . soon. Pacific Telephone