Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 16, 1953 COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued From Page 3) from the Jail Expense Appropria tion to the various appropria-, Walter Gilman tions mentioned above. pay Bailey It appearing to the Court thatfAnderson Hayes Fred Booker 262.95 1 Austin Wilson 283.73! Harold Wilson the General Road Fund Appropri ation has been over drawn in the amount of $2,610.95 and it is hereby ordered that the amount of $2,000.00 from the Hospital Maintenance Appropriation and the amount of $646.95 from the Kodent Appropriation be and are transferred to the General Road Appropriation and the Clerk is instructed to adjust his books to show the transfer. Warrants Issued on The General Road Fund: Jack Sloeum $ 251.95 William Heath 318.80 II. Sherer 355.90 Lewis Ball 319.66 Thoral Broadus Dean Gilman George Irwin 337.45 257.15 257.70 202.95 310.98 313.05 285.15 Donald Munkers 276.37 Laurel Wilson 257.15 W. Cunningham 335.21 1 Dick Borman 284.69 Walter Corley J 68.01 j Eldon Shannon 290.85 C. W. Barlow, County Clerk C. J. D. Bauman . First National Bank of Portland 594.90 State Industrial Accident Commission 177.02 Umatilla Electric Co- operative 1-00 3.28, 2.00 ft&l&StSSSS? , . RA. ilL SAVE 15 DIVIDEND CREDIT NOW AVAILABLE ON Grain Fire Insurance Premiums C. A. Ruggles Insurance Agency Phone 6-9625 Write P. O. Box 61 1 Heppner, Oregon PHOTO-MURAL which decorates one wall on O'Donnell's new Wagon Wheel Lounge in Heppner which opened Tuesday evening, The mural is composed of several typical Eastern Oregon scenes in Keeping witn tne aecoration theme of the new room. The lounge is connected with O'Donnell's cafe and offers county patrons one of the smartest eating and recreation spots in Eastern Oregon and is located in the building formerly occupied by the Heppner Vari ety store. It is operated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell. (GT Photo) 6.45 14.57 94.09 82.80 Northwest Hospital Ser vice City of Heppner, Water Department Pacific Power and Light Co. Public Employes Retire ment System Northwest Hospital Service Warrants Issued on The Miscel laneous Fund: Harold Dobyns, Rodent Fund $ 91.70 Jeff Walker, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 Herman Green, Dog Fund 11.00 Northwest Hospital Ser vice Public Employes Retire ment System 1-50 George Mead, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 . I Jeff Walker, Coyote 82.80 1 Bounty Fund 3.00 Warrants Issued on The Hospital Maintenance Fund: Pioneer Memorial Hospital $500.00 Warrants Issued on The General Fund: Sadie Parrish, Deputy $ 179.40 Frances Mitchell, Deputy 119.24 Joyce Buschke, Office Clerk 137.49 Sylvia McDaniels, Deputy 170.06 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy . 230.30 Martha Tapanainen, -Health Nurse 260.27 Barbara Ware, Health Nurse' Office Clerk 77.10 I A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 270.11 5.80 Dr. A. MeMurdo, Physician 24.37 Herbert W. White, Jr. Court Reporter 65.00 William Garner, Justice of Peace 73.12 n all the World there's Nothing like iS rMkA-l 90.32 5.00 11.48 50.00. 8.31 32.15 10.00 J. O. Hager, Justice of Peace 138.45 Gustave Fisher, Justice of Peace 24.37 From Calvin C. Carson, Weed I Control 2G8.21 Ralph I. Thompson, County Court 38.02 Russell K. Miller. County Court II- Tamblyn, County Court Frank Stationers & Printing Co., Clerk C. J. D. Bauman, Sher iff's Stamps and En velope Fund Frank Stationery and Printing Co., Assessor Heppner Market, Jail Archie D. MeMurdo, Nurse's Incidentals Oliver Creswick, Coroner Oliver Creswick Coroner . Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Coroner . Helen O'Donnell, Coroner J. Palmer Sorlien, Coroner Roy Quackenbush, Coroner Harvey Wilhite, Coroner. Orve Rasmus, Coroner Harry L. Bell, Coroner Howard Bryant, Coroner Oscar Crump, Coroner Alex Thompson, Coroner . Elwyn Hughes, Coroner D. H. Jones, Jr., Coroner ... Heppner Laundry, Court house Mary Van's Flower Shop, Courthouse Bradley D, Fancher, District Attorney Bradley D. Fancher, District Attorney Alex Thompson, District Attorney 17.50 Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publication Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Justice Court D. II. Jones, Jr., Justice Court ' Oscar Crump, Justice Court Oliver Creswick, Justice Court J. O. Hager, Justice Court Frank Stationery & Print ing Co.,Justice Court Northwest Hospital Ser vice, Salaries 79.10 City of Heppner, Water N Dept. Courthouse Pacific Power & Light Co., Courthouse First National Bank of Portland, Salaries State Industrial Accident Comm, Sheriff $4.47; Sheriff Sal. 31c; Dep uty Sal. 47c; Janitor Sal. 31c; Courthouse $1.24 Herman Green, Court house J. O. Hager, Justice Court Martha Tapanainen, Nurse Incidentals 180.09 Humphreys Drug Co., Treasurer Henderson Office Sup ply, Treasurer $3.25; Tax Collection $4.45; Clerk $2.00 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., Current Expense Heppner Gazette Times. Clerk $40.40; Sheriff $27.30; Official Publi cation $39.65 Garnet Barratt, County . Court Homer C. Hayes, County Court Sam McMillan, County Court Public Employes Retire ment System, Salaries $61.62; Social Security $157.21 State Public Welfare Com mission, General As sistance $487.50; De pendent Children $245. .25; Old Age Assistance THIRTY YEARS AGO files of The Gazette Times July 19, 1923 Ralph Thompson, who was in the city Monday states that while it has been his luck to have every ... . . i i 1 . cutting of his nay tnorougmy wci this season, yet he thinks little damage has been done. but Frank S. Parker has taken over the lease on the Dutton place ad joining his farm and will harvest 82,212.50; Blind Assist $112.50; Permanently Totally Disabled, $166. 50 3,224.25 145.40 Martha Tapanainen 3.20 Nur- . . . , mnn se s incidentals N. C. Anderson,'4-H Club . 150.00 10.00 Remington Rand, Inc., 10.00 j Treasurer 16.42 3.00 West Publishing Co., Law Library 162.66 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 the crop this season. W. P. Mahoney and family and Mrs. K. K. Mahoney who have been absent for the past ten days or more on a visit to Bonners Fer ry, Idaho and Spokane, Washing ton arrived home late last evening. Fire destroyed about 300 acres of wheat belonging to Mark Wea therford on Shutter Flat Monday afternoon. Misses Doris Logan of Heppner and Ester Logan of lone were guests of Miss Georgia Summers at the Last Camp for a few days before-leaving for their respec tive homes on Wednesday. Neal Penland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penland, left Satur day morning with his grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Neal of Coos Bay, for a visit with them. 1.00 3.00 ( 31. .00 1 11.03! 9.28 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.25 9.22 7.50 57.12 461.90 6.80 3.00 18.20 1.25 9.70 93.88 107.35 114.34 23.26 6.88 218.83 Congratulations T 0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell ON THE OPENING OF THEIR Wagon Whee Lounge One of Eastern Oregon's Newest and Finest Cafe Lounges We are proud to have been selected to help plan and provide the fixtures and equipment for this addition to Hepp ner's fine cafe. KALBERER HOTEL SUPPLY COMPANY 403 S. W. 5th Portland I . ,. if" H 4 WriT! Here s the final word in Modern Packaging! A smoother, more delicious ice cream in individual-serving cartons ... a new thought in convenience, a new approach in flavor, a new experience in taste. And of course . . . with thatYamous Arden Flavor-Fresh quality. Buy it! Try it! At Arden Dealers everywhere. FIRST FIRST IN FLAVOR . . . FAVOR' ow Open O'DONNELL'S Wagon Wheel Lounge EASTERN OREGON'S MOST MODERN Cafe and Cocktail Lounge FINE FOODS SERVED IN NEW Modem Surroundings We extend you an invitation to visit Eastern Oregon's newest and most modern cocktail lounge and cafe our brand new Wagon Wheel Lounge. It's been designed to give you delicious foods and cocktails in the most pleasant surroundings. . . a room decorated strictly in keeping with the traditions of Eastern Oregon. FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT WAGON WHEEL LOUNGE 1 1 f : IN O'DONNELL'S CAFE