Heppner Gaiette Times, Thursday, July 16, 1953 Page 3 rial Happ enings Shower Honors .yle Peck yle Peck was the guest of a stork shower on Tues iing July 7 at the home of ettyjohn. Hostesses were vin Piper and the Misses ' Rill and Nancy Adams. present were Misses berhardt, Dorothy French Rice, Janice Prock, Bar X'k, Beth Ball, Sharon Donna Hudson, Adelia n, Billie Jean Privett, vett and Mesdames Allen Clyde Alstott, Bill Zinter, Adams and Darrel Mc- ! BIG BARGAIN VALUES IUMMER FRAGRANCES! JorothyGrat IMCOUWIM Mr m it. Mm Soroptimists Hold Spelling Contest The Soroptimist club met for their noon luncheon Thursday July 9 at O'Donnell's. A committee was appointed to investigate the changing of the by-laws and constitution and bring them up to date. This com mittee is to report to the execu tive board. A spelling contest was held, conducted by Mrs. Lucy Rodders. The team captained by Mrs. Grace Nickerson won the prize. A guest of the,club was Mrs. Leroy Neal of Coos Bay. O'Donnell's Entertain , 3'Z r fT A vrif.v i COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Court Proceedings for Month of June, 1953. The minutes of the May term were read and approved NEW ICE CREAM idea introduced this week to northwest customers is "Diced Cream", individually packaged servings. It comes in a variety of flavors. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Rihle school herins at 9:45. At Opening Of Lounge Classes for everyone, including au uns. Morning worship at It a. m. The evening services, which are Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Sr. entertained Tuesday evening with a dinner party in honor of;to ,e at 3 o'clock will be held the opening of their new Wagon jn the basement if it is hot wea Wheel Lounge. 'ther. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Russell O'Donnell, John andjONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Jr.; Mrs. Grace Nick erson; A. F. Kalberer and Harold McDaniels both of Portland and the host and hostess. For wonderful summer enjoyment ! WHITE LILAC HOT WEATHER COLOGNE tnual Sale 8-oz $1.00 (reg. 2 size) TE LILAC and 4 other fra s: JiAie Bouquet, Jasmin uet, Sweet Spice, Natural. SE STICK COLOGNE COOLER TE LILAC and Golden Orchid rices . . . $1.00 (also in Sum Song, Summer Bouquet, Mi , and Love Song). In Nosegay ight Drums fragrances, $1.50. IB0 STICK COLOGNE COOLER in handy glass container) Full 2K-OZ.... $1.25 TE LILAC and Golden Orchid ances (also in Summer Song, it Spice and Mimosa). (All prion plui tax.) LIMITED TIME ONLY PHIL'S RMACY HIL BLARNEY. Owner CHURCHES ALL SAINT'S CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:45 a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Trayer 7:00 p. m Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Chora Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir practice Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Sunday, July 19, 1953 Church school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Continuing studies in the Book of Acts, the theme will be "Apostolic Preaching." During these hot summer days our church building is cool, but our welcome is as warm as ever. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday, July 19 Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship service at 11:00 a. m. Evening services start at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 8 p. m. This friendly church Invites you to these services. All are welcome. DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon , TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment M. ANALYTICAL VISUAL EXAMINATION Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted Ice Cream Package Provides Glamour The recent development and in troduction to the Northwest of in dividually packaged ice cream servings provides the hostess with unlimited opportunities to add glamour to her ice cream des serts. Unique in ice cream packaging, each serving is in the form of a cube. The wrapper folds back to permit placing the ice cream on a dish or in a glass without the use of a -spoon or a knife. Because of its shape, many at tractive and unusual servings may be prepared by decorating each cube with colorful candies, or by covering with chocolate or fruit syrups and with whipped cream. Salted peanuts, almonds or pecans also may be used as well as fresh fruits and berries in season. The many ways this new individually packaged ice cream may be served is limited only by the hostess' ingenuity. Each package contains eight indivi dual cartons. , THE METHODIST CHURCH 8 Church Street Heppner, Oregon Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00. Ser mon Topic "Moving to Sodom". Some vacations you can af ford, but can anyone afford a vacation from the worship of God? FAIR-MINDED "Harvest Time" is the passward in Morrow county. So why "not show everyone what that word really means. Bring in your many different varieties of wheat or other grain in either sheaves or sack, then add a bale of alfalfa or grain hay . . well the cows can eat grass, so make up some ex hibits of that. They, would make a fine display, don't you think? a poc of a roadway at least 24 feet in width, from the County rock crusher site on land owned by II. S. Murray to the County road running North and South. The Court granted a Dance Hall License to the Irrigon Grange No. 935. The Court ordered the following Bangs' disease claims paid: Louis A. Bergevin. $56.00; Thomas P. Michos, $8.00; and W. Howard Cleveland, $16.00. The Court ordered that an elec tion be held in the Heppner Ceme tery Maintenance District upon the 10th day of July, 1953 for the election of three directors. Harold Dobyns was appointed trapper for the year 1953-54 at a salary of $100.00. The petition of D. W. Ewing and others of Boardman, Oregon to narrow Heppner Street in Ewing Addition to the City of Boardman was denied. The Court ordered that the amount of $2,909.52 in the Alco hol Control Fund be and is trans ferred to the General Fund of the County, to be used for Mother's Aid, Old Age Pensions and Relief of the Indigent. The Court ordered that the amount of $310.16 in the Amuse ment Device Tax Fund be and is transferred to the General Fund to be used for Old Age Assistance The Court ordered that the amount of $19,703.82 in the Motor License Fund, which will not be needed for the Bonds and Inter est fund, transferred to the Gen eral Road Fund. The Court ordered the estab lishment of a Law Library Fee and the County Clerk is ordered, authorized and directed to collect in each civil suit, action or pro ceedings filed in either the Cir cuit Court or the County Court, in the manner in which other fees are collected therein in addition to the fees provided by law, and as library fee, an additional sum equivalent to 20 percent of and said filing fee. To be in effect on and after July 1, 1953. It appearing to the Court that the following appropriation over drawn in the amounts as follows: Assessor's Field Work ... $ 345.01 County Registrar 16.00; Power Repairs to Court House and Jail thp' Current Expense Bimu rt.vsiMiiiiLv Circuit Court Library General Roads tions and 51.39 and that he adjust his books to ishow the transfer. 427.79, n appearing to the Court that 145.83 the following Sheriff's Appropria 200 ; tions have been over drawn as 375.32 follows: 9.86; Deputies' Salaries Morrow County entered into an I ".' ., i V greement with Darrell D. Cop.0rn"al '! f ock for the right and privilege SlK'lal hm,r" Tax Foreclosure Bangs Disease Control County Bounty 4 (r , r 4 Rnnks and Incidentals 99.99 15.23 ' 1,129.61' $ 46.64 . 56.74 . 185.48 $288.86 It further annearinf to the 644.00 'court that there is a sufficient amount left in the Jail Expense $7,812.97 Appropriation to take care of the The Court hereby ordered that above overdrawn appropriations, the Clerk transfer from the Emer-1 and is available for transfer to gency Appropriation to the vari- said appropriations. The Court ous appropriations mentioned ordered that the Clerk transfer above, the amounts as set forth continued on rag hpui- It's Christmas Court House Light and EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR When You Give Him .ell an E LOIN JjfB r v 1 11 11 ii it 1 ) a x sm wimij wm UK Jlutinrtive 1 7 jewel him Ih l.uxe u ith a itt iking modern dial design $5750 X 4 " Jt -Y 4t" m Othaf Elglns pricad from $33.75, including Federal Tax. C1 A mnn-styleii 17 jewel Elgin u ith a modern crystal in Are JQ075 facet. A teal value, .... O (Inly Klin lia llie Dural'oner Main Biring, ilk! Iifart that iievr lreaU. J. O. Peterson, Jeweler important Uiavroets f wr? ever; rrMiffoWrrrW-r fi mf"'-' " VSiO. z:,;'; "1k 0 ... , I"1 1 1 11 ! ... JULY ELAHCIETEVEI1T! Th itrlkinj n.w U Alf Sport Coup. With 3 gr.ot now " Choiol.t olt.r. tho widoit choict of niod.il in ill Aold- ...IN POWER AND PERFORMANCE Chevrolet's entirely new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame engine (teamed with powerglide) is the most powerful in the low-price field! In gear shift models, you get the advanced 108-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine. Both give brilliant new performance and greater economy. ...IN STYLE AND LUXURY The sleek, low-slung -beauty of this fine new car provides one more reason for Chevrolet's truly amazing popular ity. The new Fisher Body provides roomy luxuri ous interiors, modern ap pointments and colorful, fine-fabric upholstery that can be matched only in costlier cars. IN EASE OF DRIVING Entirely new Power glide automatic trans mission, with faster getaway and greater economy, eliminates the clutch pedal completely. And Chevrolet's new Power Steering does 807c of the work . . . lets you squeeze in or out of tight spaces with wonderful new ease. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS ...IN ECONOMY AND VALUE Chevrolet now brings you the most impor tant gain in gasoline economy in its history! And, you save substan tial amounts on over all upkeep, too. Yet with all iis wonderful new things, Chevrolet remains the lowest priced line in the low price field! THAN ANY OTHER CAR! ...IN FIRST PLACE POPULARITY Again this year-as in every single postwar year-more people are buying Chevrolets than any other car. In fact, latest official registration figures show Chevrolet over 25 ahead of the second-place car. Nearly 2 million more people now drive Chevrolets than any other make. 'Optional at ft" "t. Com bination of Vowtrnlidt auto matic tranimiuion and IH-b.p. "Hlm-Flamt" in- 5int available on "Two in" and till Ait modell only, fount Slrermt ii avtilabli an all modili. FulJeton Chevrolet Company Keme. . V "h beautiful C'!oved Wends . ; - nP fr keePs! I li- ,w Vrf 'V 72x90' II penWn,7y j 7 new colon match II XJ yA, el' our solid blank- X tiMll) AJmo.tdoubl. iitl 75 crimped staple rayon, 15 cotton, 10 wool r- "v i electric blankets VijL 2 2975 imP'ove1 ui PicV ( Dud control 34.75 f W0UI P'fl .Keep you comforf- VOu,in n-.mWP0Y V??Ay able at one con- f P,enW. AY tant temperature. on' JV-VY ffUll) 'Cover ii 50 H $rrht vZyJ w00i, 25 cotton, "'lWv' 25 rayon. 0 2-YR. FREE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE 'i- FLOWER BASKET JACQUARD BLANKET 6.90 72 x 90" 3'i lb. Perfect for comfortably cool nights, ideal as an "extra" in Winter, so handsome it even doubles as a coverlet. 65 ray on, 25 cotton, 10 wool. Ace tate satin bound. 7 lovely colors. RUGGED SCOTCH PLAID BLEND BLANKET 8.90 72 x 90" Handsome plaid with vibrant colors on white! A versatile blanket that keeps you warm by night, doubles as a cover let by day. 90 rayon, 10 wool, with scarlet acetate satin binding. 3 lbs. 72" x 90" PASTEL SHEET BLANKET 2.79 From warm winter sheet to lightweight summer cover, versatile blanket serves you all year long! Soft, smooth to the touch . pretty in pastels jt white . . . wonderfully wash able. Durably stitched ends.