' J SPECIAL 40 gallon electric water heater, a real buy at only $99.95. Baker Plumbing and Heating, phone 6-9964. 17c NOW! Ford Master-Guide the last word in Power Steering. FOR RENT Apartment, and room with Private bath. Wm. L. McCaleb, 101 Gale st. 16-17c LOST dark brown billfold at lone dance Saturday night. Some money, drivers permit and a Pacific Telephone identi eation card with picture. Mae Hutson, Star Route, Arlington, Oregon. 17-18c BEFORE you buy any truck . . . Make the 15 second SIT DOWN TEST in Ford's new Driver ized Cab. FOR SALE 79 acres, 6 miles S. W. of Hermiston; lots of irri gated pasture, good buildings. H. E. Newton, Rt. 1, Box 95, Hermiston. 14-17p APRICOTS ,06c per lb.; R. V. Jones. 3 miles east of Irrigon, 4 miles west of Umatilla, near Umatilla-Morrow county line sign. Early, medium and late varieties. Lasting until Aug. 1. Bring containers; you pick. 17-20C 1950 Ford Coupe, radio, heater and other special equipment. This one has the famous V-8 motor and is ready to give thousands of miles of care free transportation. Pay $400.00 down. Rosewall Motoj Co. sTlesmenaIed-man for Rawleigh business which just became available in Morrow and W. Umatilla counties. Good opportunity for willing worker. Write Rawleigh's Dept. 101 Oakland 20, Cal. 16-18c PUT your car in trip-top shape be fore starting your vacation. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE House and two sepa rate lots. Priced Reasonably. See Paul J. Winters at Lexing ton. 17-lSp WOMAN wants job cooking in harvest. Phone 2147 or write Box 308 Route 1, Hermiston 17c1 FOR SALE 200 acre irrigated stock ranch near McNary dam. Excellent pasture. Write W. C. Kik and Son, Rt. 2, Box 29, Hermiston. Phone 3633 241p-tfc ROSY SAYS: For the life of me I don't see why anyone should put off having their truck put in shape for the job ahead. Har vest work will start in a few days and it's a mighty good feeing to know you are ready. BUY YOUR-Plumbing supplies from your local plumber. He installs, guarantees and ser vices them, his prices are right. Baker Plumbing and Heating residence phone 6-9964. Member National Association of Master Plumbers. 40tfc Chevrolet 1919 sedan, has radio, heater and other extras includ ing a new motor. Pay $325.00 down. Rosewall Motor Com- pany J FORRENT Summer pasture in Hermiston; plenty of water. Write 677 Newport, Hermiston. Phone 2402. 17p FOR SALE Essick evaporative cooler, 4,000 cu. ft. capacity. phone lone 8-7249. 14tfc Chevrolet 1947 sedan, lhis car was operated by Mr. Cautious driver himself and shows excel lent care. Pay $265.00 down, Rosewall Motor Company. "1000 family Watkins route now available. A good one-man business. 85 year reputation Nationally advertised. No ex perience necessary. Write giv ing age and type of car you have to H. W. Schmidt, 137 Dex ter Avenue, Seattle 9, Washing ton; 15-20C Chevrolet 1951 two door sedan. This Fleetline has a lot of trans portation left in it. Pay $495.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK-FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Thone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 FORD 1919 Tudor. This black beauty is an economy car with the new look. The family can ride in style for only $325.00 down. Rosewall Motor Com pany. SALE OR TRADE 1936 Interna tional pickup, 4 speed trans mission, runs good, ideal for harvest. See Mr. Schulz, last house on hill behind bank. "P FORD 1951 34 ton Express one has new rubber, is big enough to haul a cow. Pay $165.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. WATER Well Drilling A. P. De Rosia Contractor. Box 665 Hepp ner or nhone 6-9213. 35tfc IFTheToose gravel breaks your DOE GOOLSBY, the unkown heirs windshield, just drive into Rose-'of Fleming Goolsby and to all wall Motor Company and say .other persons and parties un flx it 'known claiming any right, title, HAS your car had its RPM lubri- cation this month? Drive in and let Rosewall Motor Com pany give it the Alemite treat ment. FOR SALE-good alfalfa hay. Wire baled. Arthur Keene, lone. 16-17P WANTED TO TRADE full sized bed and springs for a twin bed and springs. Phone 6-9636, Mildred Tucker. 17c FOR RENT small store or office building. Formerly Telephone building. Western Auto Supply dealer. Dhone 6-9234. lltfc FOR SALE Baby buggy, collaps able tvoe. Call 6-9247. 16tfc Sewing and Alterations Will call for and deliver. Lennie Louden. Phone 6-5313, 110 Church St. 14-17c IF you are planning on buying a car or truck Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. NEED FINANCING? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build ing supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp ner 6-9212. 7tfc WANTED Someone with an out fit to do stubble-busting on 600 acres immediately after har vest. Probably about August 1st. J. O. Turner. 1718c FOR SALE Modern 2-bedroom house, half basement, on South Chase street. See Jack or Marie Slocum. ' 15-17p LOANS ON STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES AUTHORIZED MORTGAGE LOAN BROKERS for Prudential Insurance Company of America DODD INVESTMENT CO. See or Call PHONE 6478 HERMISTON, ORE THE smart boys are buying Fords. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! New Wholesale Meat business opened up at the Green's Frozen i Food Lockers in Hermiston. Good steer and heifer beef 35c per lb. cutting, wrapping ana sharp freezing 3'2C per lb. .Manager Ed O'Donnell. Phone Hermiston; Bus. 6577 Res. 3452. 16-18p CHECK Sewer pipe prices with me. Baker Plumbing and Heat ing Co. Phone 6-9964. Heppner lStfc "FOR SALE: Contract on acreage near Umatilla. Well secured. $5,168.96; bal. 6 int. month ly pymts. Contact R. S. Brown nell, Texaco Service Station Hermiston. Ph. 9746." 16-19c DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of fice Phone 609. 48tfc SHIFT to Fordomatic and you will never shift again. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the people of Heppner for the things given to us when our home burned at Lonerock. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey 17c Legal Notices NOTICE 0F FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Robert Lee Ashinhust, deceased, has filed his final ac count with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow; and said Court has set Monday, July 13, 1953 at 10:00 A. M. in the Morrow county Court Room in Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hearing on and final settlement of said final account. All persons having , objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 11th day of June, 1953. J. O. TURNER Administrator 1317c No. 4113 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY WILLIAM I. DIXON and R. S. DIXON, both individually and as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Carrie Dixon, De ceased. Plaintiffs, vs- FLEMING GOOLSBY, JANE DOE GOOLSBY, the unknown Thisi,ir ,,f ripmini? Goolsbv if de ceased, and all other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in or to the real property described herein, Defendants TO: FLEMING GOOLSBY, JANE Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, estate, lipn or interest in or to trie Sty descdbed herein, real propeuy ! IN THE NAME OF THE STATE !OF OREGON; You hereby are re- Quired to appear and answer the'asi w- vi i... Hint ffied aeainst you in the the Northeast quarter of Section " four 1 15, Township 1 South, Range 25, f"111 ,h" first E. W. M., said 1 acre shall mea- r. r , j::,; , if " :'Z. r : " VOU iau so 10 anowt-i, wi " thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in their complaint herein, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That you and each of you be required to appear and set forth the nature and character of your adverse claim to the following de scribed real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The West One-half I' j) and the West One-half () of the East One-half of Section 19. Township 2 East of the South, Range 23 Willamette Meri- dian. That the plaintiffs, William I. Dixon and R. S. Dixon, are the owners in fee simple of said real property subject only to closure i nf thf Pst.nte of Parrie Dixon. De- of the estate of Carrie Dixon, De ceased, and that none of the de fendants has any right, title, lien or interest in or to the same; that the title of the plaintiffs to said real property be forever quieted against the defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them and that the plain tiffs have such other relief as to the court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon!.vit. you by publication in the Heppner Gazette-Times pursuant to an order of the Honorable William W. Wells, Judge of the above en titled court made and entered on July 7, 1953. PAUL E. GEDDES ' Attorney for Plaintiffs P. O. Address Roseburg, Oregon 17-21c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ol lpo V. Root, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed her Final Account and Report in the above matter, and the Court has fixed Monday, the 10th day of August, 1953, at the hour of. 10:00 A. M. of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court Housd at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing exceptions and objections to said Final Account and Report. Objections to said Final Account and Report should be filed on or before said date. FLORENCE L. ROOT Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Leo V. Root, Deceased. W. E. HAZEN Attorney for Executrix Pendleton, Oregon. 17-21e NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of the es tate of John Brosnan, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of the estate of said deceased and said Court has fixed Monday, the 27th day of; July, 1953 at the hour of 10 o'clock : in the forenoon of said day in the County Court Room at the! Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections to said final account or the set tlement of said estate are hereby required to file such objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 25th day of June, 1953. ZETTA BROSNAN, Executrix Jos. J. Nys Attorney for Executrix 15-19C NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY : BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, Dated June 10, 1953, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in Block 3, Ferguson's 2nd Addition to the Town of Hardman, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $5.00 per lot, cash. All of that portion of Lots 2, 3, and 4, lying East and North of the present channel of Willow Creek, in Block 3, Ayers Fourth Addition to the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. All of Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2, Ayers Second Addition Jo the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, for the minimurn price of $20.00, cash. All of Tract 23, less right of way of Highway No. 74 in the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $5.00. All of Tract 27, less right of way .fcu.y . v vilJ j lone, Morrow County. Oregon for cash. A one acre tract m South- sure 10 rods West from Corner and 15 rods North, and back minimum - . to East line, for the price of $25.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 11th day of July, 1953, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door ofOF OREGON tne Court iiouse in neppuer, ure-1 gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon 1317c! CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Estate of,m" """'" ;"- Alice Gentry, deceased yr To: LeRoy Gentry, Frank Gent Ear, Griffithi Etta f;rif. fh npirs at law, ,u,x, ()f kin and, . n .. i,.......,j ; Gentry, liaroitl sentry, Lidon to all persons interested in said Estate. You are hereby required to ap pear in the above entitled court within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Ci tation. to show cause if any you made by the above entitled Courtlto.f the 0'nors " s,mp e of to sell the real property of said sf ld Pn,Perty a"d tnf whatever Kstate described as follows: ,. icla.m you may have in said real 81 fppt of the VVest cn(i ()f Lott"at you and each of you be for- 6, Block 1, Looney's Addition to1' the City of Heppner, save and except the following described npnnnriv fn.uif RpdinnirKr '100 feet West and '225 feet Northfurt,1J",relirf a" may be lust ami from the Southwest corner 0fiequltaule- Lot 7, Block 2 of Johnson's Ad- This summons is served upon dition to the City of Heppner, you by publication thereof for running thence East 25 feet,four successive weeks in the thence North 122.76 feet, thence'lleppner Gazette Times, a news West 25 feet, thence South j paper of general circulation, pub 122.76 feet to the place of be-jlished at Heppner, Morrow ginning, all being in the City .County, State of Oregon, pursuant of Heppner, Morrow County, to an order of the Hon. J. G. Bar- Oregon. in accordance with the petition of Harry Munkers, Administrator of said Estate now on file in said cause, and if you fail so to appearithis summons is June 25, 1953 and make objections to said peti tion an order will be made in ac cordance with the prayer thereof. This Citation is published once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a weekly newspaper published in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, by order of the Honorable J. G. Barratt, County Judge of said County, and the date of the first publication is June 25, 1953. Witness the Honorable J. G. Barratt, County Judge of Morrow County, Oregon and the seal of said Court this 19th day of June, 1953. C. W. Barlow, County Clerk 15-19c SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. HOWARD KEITHLEY and ELM A KEITHLEY, husband and wife, AUCICAN-IOWMIUAGE p - n?Tr r -mmmiii ' 1952 Pontiac 4-Door $1995 Hydramatic 1952 Studebaker Commander Starlight Coupe $1550 1950 Chevrolet Coupe $1225 TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1950 GMC 2 Ton Truck $1800 Grain rack. 1 952 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup $1 550 1950 Chevrolet Vi ton Pickup $1 125 1949 Chevrolet 3A ton Pickup $1050 Horse Rack 1 946 Ford C. O. E. Truck $800 1946 Chevrolet Pickup $600 TOWING-Nite and Day-Phone 6-9921 Fulleton Chevrolet Co HEPPNER July 9, 1 953 Plaintiffs, vs- THOMAS W. AYERS and E. J. Ayers, his wife; J. W. Hamilton and Dora Hamilton, h i s wife; J. N. Brown and M. P. Brown, his wife; and if deceased, their unknown heirs. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint herein; Defendants: To Thomas W. Ayers and E. J. Ayers, his wife; J. W. Hamilton and Dora Hamilton, his wife; J. N. Brown and M. P. Brown, his wife; and if deceased, their unknown heirs. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter est in the real property described in plaintiffs complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE You and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiffs com plaint, filed against you, in the above entitled Court within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear or ans wer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in I roi a uecree quieimg uue in j tho plaintiffs in and to the fol lowing aescrioeu real property, situate in the Com and ; State of Orego The West 5 feet n the County of Morrow on, to-wit: of Lot Six (6); and the West 75 feet of the South 20 feet of Lot Seven (7); in Block Six (6) of Ayers Fourth (4th) Addition to the City of Heppner, County of Morrow and State of Oregon. property be null and void, and ' 7 title, estate, lien or interest in said real property and that Iratt, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, which order is dated June 22, 1953, and the date of first publication of J. O. TURNER, Attorney for Plaintiffs O. Address Heppner, Oregon 15-19c MARIE SOWARD TO SPEAK Marie Soward, daughter of Rev and Mrs. Earl Soward of the Christian church, will speak be fore the church next Sunday. She is coming from Portland with her parents. Following the services, the church and the Sunday school will go to the Courthouse park for a basket dinner. The losers in the Bible school contest held last winter will furnish the ice cream for the dessert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Winkle left by plane Saturday evening for St. Louis to attend the Na tional Elks convention. mmnm iiimnw" IT rnr "'"""Iffurar Lemon Mint Juleps Beat the Heat When the temperature soars and all summer breezes blow hot, it's time to cool off with a frosty pitcher of Lemon Mint Juleps. This bever age is a wonderful pepper-upper for that mid-afternoon summer wilted feeling and equally refreshing for sipping through warm evenings. All lemon drinks pep you up in the heat because lemons contain so much vitamin C the nutrient which helps restore your pep and vitality that disappear so fast during the summer. To make the lemon juleps seem more gala, ffost the rims of the glasses as well as the 'mint. When you're squeezing lemons for the beverage, pour several teaspoons of the juice into a shallow saucer. Dip the rim of each glass into lemon juice, then into granulated sugar. Let the glasses stand, right side up, while you're mixing the lemonade. For every lemon julep, allow approximately one lemon and two table spoons of sugar (more or less, depending on the sweetness you desire). For a pitcher of Lemon Mint Juleps, crush several sprigs of mint with the juice of six lemons plus one and one-half cups sugar. Stir well; add six cups cold water and lots of ice cubes. Use thin slices of lemons and mint leaves dipped in sugar as perky garnishes. BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 Heppner City C Meets rirst Monday ouncii Each Month Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 8-9618 WALLACE H. WOLFF. M. D. Physician & Surgeon Main & Church Sts. Office Hours Mon. Thru Sat., 10-12, 2-5. Tues. 10-12 SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE - FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service Repairing on all makes HEPPNER REFRIGERATION PHONE 6-9223 Nite or Holidays Phone 6-9656 - PLUMBING 4 HEATING Steam Fitting GILLIAM & BISBEE Earle Gilliam, Plumber Phone 6-9433 or 6-9780 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 A.D.McMurdo.D. PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SANDERS Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. All Lines of General Ins. Hotel Heppner Bldg. Page 7 for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday . . GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shop CLIFFORD M. WAGNER, M. D, Physician and Surgeon 103 Gale St. Phone 6-9114 Call Settles Electric for all kinds of Electrical Work New and Repair Shop phone 6-9201 At Case Apt. Bldg. Res. Phone 6-5315 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Martcr and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon 1 PLUMBING BAKER PLUMBING AND HEATING Frank Baker, Owner No Job Too Small or Too Large ESTIMATES FREELY GIVEN Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Olflc In Fetori Building 1 C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswick Phelps Funeral Home u