0 Heppner GozetteTimes, Thursday, July 9, 1953 fcage 5 Social Happenings . . . 'Jones-White Wedding 'Reception Monday Vows Read In Euaene f The wedding of Miss Sue White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Christian church parlors Monday Fellers 01 tugene, wno became: evening July 6 in honor of Mr, Honors Local Couple A reception was held in the Heppner Girl Married In Seattle Rites the bride of Robert Jones, son of Alva Jones of Heppner, took place Monday June 15. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist church in Eugene. Lighting the candles were Miss Marilyn Rasmussen and Miss Patty Fitzwalter. f Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a white nylon dress which had been her aunt s. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a headband of white stephanotis. She carried a white orchid on a white bible. Maid of honor was Miss Nancy Hill who wore a lavender dress with matching headband and flowers. Miss Carlene Petersen Miss Marlene June Duran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Duran of Heppner and Joel How ard Barnett MEFN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett of lone, were united in marriage at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Aune in t Lexington News By Delpha Jones Guests at the Kenneth Jensen home over the weekend was Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and daugh ter Delores of Spokane. Mrs. Jensen returned home with them after visiting her son and daugh- er and new granddaugnter ueora Seattle Wednesday July 1 at 8:00 Kay for a week, p. m. They were attended by Mr. Eugene Sawyer left Monday and Mrs. Aune. night from Hinkle for Gary, In- Rev. A. Watson Argue, pastor diana, where he will visit his of Calvarv Temple in Seattle per-1 father, Steve bawytr. formed the double ring ceremony in the presence of 23 guests. The bride wore a yellow bolero street dress and carried an orchid on a white bible. Mrs. Aune wore and Miss Joyce Marshall were gift table and Mrs. Melvin Piper bridesmaids and wore blue dress-, passed the guest book, es with headband and flowers Hostesses were Mrs. Ray Taylor matting, land Mrs. Ellis Pettyjohn. The Best man was Rov Carter of 'mothers of the couple, Mrs. Wil- and Mrs. Joel Barnett (Marlene Duran) married recently in Seat tle. A recording of the wedding was played for the guests and a prayer was offered by Mrs. Nels Fast, then the bride and groom cut the cake. The brides table was in charge of two aunts of the bride, Mrs. I brown and the groom was attired R. G. McMurtry and Mrs. Rufus in his naval uniform. Piper. Mrs. Fred Buchanan, j The home was decorated in the great-aunt of the groom, had patriotic theme with the Ameri charge of the grooms table. can and Christian flags draped Pouring were Fern Graves and over the archway. Dorothy Ellis and Mrs. G. E. Nik-1 Bemice Cunderson played a ander served the punch. Dolores vjolin solo .,Love of Go(r aml and l-rances Duran ana Mrs.'w,,,.,,.,. Iin,.cPth sane "To- "The David Barnett had charge of the liam Duran and Mrs. Ray Barnett, met the guests at the door. Heppner. Ushers were Don Gil lespie and Dick Feller. ; A reception was held in the church parlors with three aunts ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT of the bride, Mrs. D. Gillispie, Mrs. Jerrv Horn and Mrs. E. Ved Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dalzell of Tha Qct i,ni, ,nJlone are announcing the engage- ucia, awv.i.fi. "v. Bu"v """" """I ,,,V,ta, Wihln ju Limine ui mu nxtAa, , rr.,frrt enn nf . Among those present were Alva lu TVi W1U return ro oruana wnere Margaret Lindseth sang eether With Jesus" and Lords Prayer." They were ac companied by Mrs. L. W. Reason er at the piano. After the ceremony a reception was held and the bride and groom cut the wedding cake. The couple drove to Harrison Hot Springs in Canada and re turned to lone Saturday evening. The groom is due to board the ship US Noble in San Diego, July 12 for overseas duty. Mrs. Bar ..Tnn nnrt Donald .Tones of HeDD-1 UUIley uamulu ul ner and Mr. and Mrs. James Bar-j wedding date has been set ratt of Corvallis The couple will be at home in Heppner for the summer. Go At Properly . It Don't Let That Sun Get You Down! Swim Caps Swim Pools Suntan Lotion Suntan Oil Ear and Nose Plugs Plastic Beach Toys Beach Balls Plastic Rubber i PHIL'S PHARMACY PHIL BLARNEY. Owner she is employed by the Bell Tele phone Co. o Jody Fancher Has Fourth Birthday Mrs. Bradley Fancher enter tained Tuesday July 7 in honor of the fourth birthday of her daughter Jody, Those present were Mrs. Alex Thompson, Brian and Linda; Mrs. John Ernsdorff, Eddie ana Katme; Mrs. Jack Marshall, Nancy and Carol; Mrs. William Labhart, Chris and Mark; Jody and Jan Fancher and the hostess. Favors were given each guest and the refreshments featured a birthday cake. : o Soroptimists Hold Business Meeting The Soroptimists club met for the first meeting of their year with the new officers in charge, at the regular monthly business, Thursday July 2 at O'Donnell's. The yearly reports were read by the committee chairman and the club voted to continue to help mail the Easter Seals. Mrs. Laura Scott had the mis fortune to fall at her home and crack a rib. She is spending some time in Pioneer Memorial hospital. Mrs. Earl Warner returned on Sunday from Portland where she has spent the last week with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield and children and Lynn Wright were Eastern Oregon visitors over the Fourth, enjoying some swimming at Cove and visiting at Wallowa. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nickols, Wayne Papineau, and Earl Miller motored to Wenatohce, Washing ton on Monday, where they got Mrs. Schoonover, mother of Mrs. Nickols who will visit here for a while. Mr. Charles Breshears is ill at his home in Lexington, a physic ian was called from Heppner on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M .V. Nolan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck were visitors at the Glover Peck home in Parkdale over the Fourth holidays. Also going back were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck of Heppner. They all enjoyed din ner at Lost Lake the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth and Cherry Grey were Cove visitors over the holi- davs where thev enjoyed a little fishing and swimming. They were guests at the Bristow home and Arlie Richardson home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan of Portland visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buchanan over the holidays. Fred Graves is visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Kenneth Jensen for few clays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant were Lexington visitors Friday. They took their four children who have been with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding, home with them. Paul Breeding also returned with them to their home in Yamhill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nickols spent Sundav in Boardman. Al Edwards is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards. Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker left Tuesday for Camp CHURCHES ALL SAINT'S CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:4") a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayei 7:00 p. m Young People's fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir practice IONE COMMUNITY CIUBCI Rev. A. Shirley, Pastor Sunday July 12 Church school 9:45 a. m. Summer series of studies just commencing. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Continuing our studies in The Book of Acts "The Power-filled Church." A cordial welcome. A cordial fellowship. Karen ami Cheryl Lundell and Linda Heimbigner will furnish piano music during the church services. Sherman and their summer home at the Metolius. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Rev. Harold Gilliam, Pastor Sunday, July 12 Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Worship service at services start at 8:00 Morning 11:00 a. m. Evening p. m. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 8 p. m. Visit this friendly church. You are always welcome. fairSndTd Have you put your order in for a booth yet? Hope so. Hidden talents have been shown in the preparation of booths in the past, and we expect as good or better displays this year. Hope yours is top in your division whether jun ior, senior or in the fine commer cial displays. PICNIC JULY 4TH AT THOMPSONS All Canning Lids are HOT Alike 1. Press-to-Test! Y fof 2. White Enamel Lining! i j fljjjj I 3. Red Rubber Seal ! iQ About 25 persons were present for a picnic on the 4th of July at the Stephen Thompson ranch home. Croquet, cards and riding in a buggy drawn by two ponies were enjoyed during the afternoon. Out of town guests were Mrs. Mary Carter of Portland and Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Vester and three sons of Wallace, Idaho. Just Press-to-Test! DOME DOWHvi" Sealed METHODIST LADIES TO PICNIC The ladies of the Methodist church and their children will hold their annual picnic at the Courthouse park July 15 at 12:30 p. m. Each is to bring her own table service. RHEA CREEK GRANGE TO PICNIC Instead of the usual meeting the Rhea Creek grange will hold a picnic luncn at noon sunaay July 12 at Battle Mountain park. Coffee and ice cream will be fur nished. All grange members and friends are invited. o PICNIC IS HELD A large group enjoyed the day on the 4th at the Howard Bryant cabin, where they played base ball, badminton, went hiking and square danced. I DISIINCTIVt, OlSTlNQUIiHlD Wh.n you buy Homlll6 you oi bt iuco thai you w fino walch-for Hamilton it AmrW only monufacturtrof KaOtlmttlM xduilvtly. Whon Mr, tHp to I ( AmtrlM'l Hfi Wild , J. O. PETERSON JEWELER SAVE 15 DIVIDEND CREDIT NOW AVAILABLE ON Grain Fire Insurance Premiums C. A. Ruggles Insurance Agency Phone 6-9625 Write P. O. Box 61 1 Heppner, Oregon Penney's ;Ty u mi blk v ; - r 'it i N :.f t V I" CK-UP! i ' ' " "': '1:m- -1 urn 11 Tf - I J 3 pound I Blankets I All Wool Penney's opens its big annual July Blanket Event with this big-value special! A pure wool blanket . . . wonderfully warm, richly textured, bound in acetate satin. 7 new colors match-up with all our solid color blankets. And Penney's offers 5-yr. guar antee against moth damage. EXTRA LENGTH! All Wool Blanket 777 u 72 x 84 It Warm, fleecy . . . with 6" extra length for plenty of tuck-in. Acetate satin bound. 5-yr. guarantee against moth damage. Q90 .H lb. 72"x90" EXTRA WEIGHT! All Wool Blanket Luscious winter weight blanket . . . thicker, close woven. Acetate-satin hound. Guaranteed for 5 years against molh damage. 1190 FASHION NEWS... NOW! al, our ool8 or Ll!rids come n these colors: Carnlvol Green Carloca Red Sun Flame Marigold Sea Mist Tropit Blue 'em up ,,,,0 harmo. ou. blanket ensem. L, hat add new Jecora.or beauty to your bedroom. I 72' j DOUBLE WOVEN x90" NEW SCIENTIFIC BLEND BLANKET 90 72"x90'' New blend (75 crimped staple rayon, 15 cotton, 10 wool) has thicker nap with remarkable permanence. Double weave gives almost double thickness. Acetate-satin bound. 0 fri& Mr" yift;jjaMtJMM