Heppner Gazette Times,Thursdoy, July 9, 1953 Page 3 Successful Celebration At lone iy Echo Falmateer 'ourth of July celebration is a success. It started all game in the afternoon Plone and Condon. Con n 6 to 3. A fine display vorks was shown in the ; which was followed by a at the Legion hall. The Post sponsored the acti Several picnics were held town and many families the mountains, Hermis ndlefon and other places. )icnic at Wightmans in the .Ins sponsored by the Val heran Sunday school was tended. A potluck dinner rved at noon, and in the on horseshoes and base ne played. This was the inual picnic. Those coming i distance were Mr. and aymcmd Drake and family ear The Dalles and Dolores ind Norman Hanson of id. Oscar Peterson spent a tys last week in the Pio emorial hospital in Hepp- its at the Donald Peterson Dver the weekend were her ind brothers Delores, Herb srman Hanson of Portland, n remained for a longer I Mrs. John Buchanan attended the Assembly of God church camp meeting at Brooks last week. Her daughter Judy stayed with Mrs. Josephine Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Graves of, Piolet Rock also attended the meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Gilliam and family of Vancouver, Wash ington are living in the Menetta Aldrich house on Second street. Rev. Gilliam, a Nazarene minis ter is holding services in the Bap tist church. Chester Ward, superintendent of the lone schools, has moved in one of the Paul O'Meara apart ments. Mrs. Ward is in Portland recovering from an operation. Art Turner returned to his home in Aumsville Monday after visiting at the Noel Streeter home near Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobvns and Walter Dobyns spent the weekend at Malheur Reservoir where they did some fishing. Guests at the A. E. and A. A Slefani homes are, Mrs. A. Stefani and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Turk and family of Canby and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ried and family of Portland. Caro Odom of Arlington is working at the Kenneth Smouse ranch. Cecil Padberg spent the Fourth with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wavne MeLott and family of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Franklin Ely, who is attend ing school in Portland, spent the weekend at the Ely home. Paul MeLott remained for a longer Gordon White and daugh ma and Gary Brenner re home from Portland and Grove Friday of last week, were accompanied by Mrs. ubanks of Portland. Gary remained with his grand :s, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shif !, Forest Grove. Mrs. White ona and Mrs. Eubanks will to Portland Monday even- ona is attending a summer there until July 31. and Mrs. Harold Squier and iter, Nancy, of Chicago a few hours at the E. M. home Saturday. They are e friends of the Bakers and lot seen each other for 22 Regular Meeting Of Garden Club Held In Boardman By Flossie Coats tioned at the Boardman Air field, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Downey have returned after a thirty day fur- moved to Richland, where Mrs. lough spent with his family in Downey will care for three child Maryland. rtn an(i Mr- Dmviiey will have JNir. aim mis. njuj ... rivpri home from a two weeks va cation spent in Los Angeles, Cali fornia with relatives, iney were Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler are mov ing into Anna Skoubo house va cated by the Downeys. Ziegler is lOrilla Willi iciwii-v-. ... . accompanied on the trip by their ;2nd trick operator at the depot. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zunker and family, ti D,,im!,n iapHo,, rinh mt ,Kennewick. 1 JIT UUOlUlllUH J'w. II MnnH.iv pvpn- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harwood and ing July 6th at the home of Mrs.jtheir daughter-in-law, Mrs. Eu- Earl Briggs with Mrs. Aigy lay-igene ndiwu i. wtoco Thic heinu thP mntnrwl to Pendleton Friday. first meeting of the new year, the Mrs. Eugene Harwood was able various chairmans for committees to return nome sunua,, were appointed as follows: Fi-jVilma Hug will spend the week nance, Mrs. George Siearcl; Hos- assisting ner. nitalitv. Mrs. Nate Macomber; Membership, Mrs. Algy Taylor; Mrs. Edd Kunze, publicity; Mrs. James Hf-dgers, posters; Mrs. Walter Wyss, visiting and flow ers; Mrs .James Hedgers, scrap- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilson and daughter have moved from the Chas. Anderegg house to Arling ton where Mr. Wilson will be nearer his work. Miss Wilma Hug, daughter of book; Mrs. Chas. Anderegg. iam-Mr aml Mrs Arnjn nug atu ily dinner; Mrs. Rollin Bishop, Boarfiman Princess for the Hepp Silver Tea; Mrs. Arthur Allen, jner Fair matle ner first appear Horticulture; -Mrs. Nathanance at tne rocieo at ukiah the Thorpe, Conservation; Mrs. oarn4tl of juy, she was accompanied Gillespie, Visiting Gardens; Mrs., Sjcinev Ferguson and her par- Ralph Earwood, Birds; Mrs. Tru- cntSi ju,r sjster, Wanda Hug. also man t'earson, wna-iioweis; Leo Root, Slides; Mrs. Edd Kunze, Roadside: Mrs. Earl Briggs, Guest .Speakers; Mrs. Nathan Thorpe, Mrs. James Hedgers and Mrs. Leo Potts were appointed for the North Morrow County Fair Booth. The scores were added up and reported for the past year with Mrs. Claud Coats receiving high of 540 points; she being awarded a beautiful white vase as prize. visit with his sister. Mrs. Favne Mrs. Edd Kunze, the secretary Ely. Jerry Guy of Forest Grovel was presented a gut ior ner per and Mrs. Carl Grassi and ! Walla Walla were weekend 3 at the home of her brother V and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thome. is Elaine Nichols of Odessa. .. is spending the summer her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Ray Heimbigner. Tony Martin arrived from na, Wash, the Fourth to stay her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Rice. has been taking fnents in Taeoma and her ren have been staying at the home. Mr. Martin plans to soon and take them back to home in Sacramento, Calif. 3s Marlene Duran of Heppner Joel Barnett were married 1 at the home of his brother w and sister, Mr. and Mrs.' on Aune in Seattle. After rt trip to Canada they will n to lone. A reception will be t them in Heppner Monday Ing. tes to remember: y 15 Arnica club meeting e E. W. Bristow home. y 17H. E. C. of Willows ?e at the grange hall, s. Ida Grabill and son, Gene, vacationing at the Earl ht home in Baker, a. Carl Linn is attending nor school at Monmouth. Her hter, Leeta, student at Ore University, is working at ;r Lake for the summer. ; and Mrs. Billy Eubanks and ly of Oregon City, visited ives here over the Fourth, s Jannesen is drilling a well ie school. It will be used for gency and will be around 60 iecp. is working at the Ely ranch A social meeting was held on Thursday evening of last week after the business meeting ot the Rebekah lodge with Mrs. Wallace Matthews. Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mrs. Walter Roberts as host esses. The tables were decorated with American flags, red, white and blue flowers and candles. The Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge gave a food and pie and coffee sale at their hall Friday after noon July 3, and took in around $65. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crowell and family of Morgan, spent the Fourth in Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball and son Wayne, spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Loy at La Grande. They brought their son, Ellis home with them. He has been staying in La Grande for several weeks. The Balls were accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Peter son and son, Elmer of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson was" nleasantlv surprised Tues day evening June 30 when about 20 of the r friends came to men medical home and helped them celebrate feet attendance. The next meet in? will be an all-day meeting with pot-luck dinner at noon at the home of Mrs. Nathan 'lhorpe, the day will be spent in visiting the various gardens of the mem bers and friends. GET FAIR MINDED: The North Morrow County Fair opens Aug ust 27th through 29th, 1953. Time to think about those exhibits. Let's all go to the Fair August 27 29, 1953. Cpl. Bill Califf, who had been on a thirty day furlough here with relatives, left Saturday for Camp Stoneman, Calif., from there he will be sent overseas for service. Mrs. Califf and son, stpnhpn. will remain here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood. A2c Elwood Eckert, who is sta ler sister-in-law, Mrs. Dclmar Hug of Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara, motored to Pendleton, Wednesday. Guests Friday to Monday at the John Pruter home were Mr. Edd Clim and daughter, Dorolhy, Port land. Mr. Clim took Mr. Truter to Hermiston Monday to consult a doctor, before returning to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gardener have as their house guest, Mrs. Gardener's daughter, Mrs. Elsie Yurlina, New York, ' The Boardman Ladies Aid met in regular session Wednesday, July 1st, at the Boardman Com munity Church for an all day meeting. The quilt was finished and several bandages were rolled to send to the African Mission. Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and Mrs. Jess Allen were hostesses. Walter Hayes and Claud Coats motored to Heppner Thursday to attend the funeral services of Andy Hayes. Miss Caroline DeSanctis. San Francisco, is a house guest of her cousin, Mrs. Vernon Partlow. Weekend guests at the Algy Taylor home were Mr. and Mrs. E. Dyke and son Barry, Vancou ver, B. C. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Dyke are cousins. 'Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Macken, Wall port, Oregon, stopped for a short visit with Mrs. Macken's sister, Mrs. Emma DeLano on their way to Boulder, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell and daughter Ann, Dayville, Ore gon, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Rus sell. The Russells are brothers. (Continued on page 6) Fred Ely left Tuesday for Spo kane. He went that far with the United Nations Pilgrimage group that are on their way to Washington, D. C. He will also visit his sister, Mrs. Sadie uison Enjoy Foot Health Consult With Dr. W. 0. Holdemess, Chiropodist Dr. Holdemess will be at the Heppner Hotel All Day Saturday, July 11. Phone 6-9923 now for Appointment IT'S EASY AS A 5) C TO REMODEL REPAIR REBUILD PAINT ON Tum-A-Lum's Easy Pay Plan Ask Us Today Us Show You How tasy It Let Is To Repair 1 MM 111 if SHI PHONE 6-9212 HEFFNEH WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD i 1 thpir 20th wedding anniversary They were presented with a money tree. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sturgill of Bremerton, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Roger McCormick of Oak land. Calif., were euests on the Fourth of Mrs. Addie Salter. Mrs. Salter is the mother of Mrs. Stur gill and Mrs. McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Noack ot Seattle snent the weekend of the Fourth at the Ted Palmateer hnmp. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Cason of Portland were guests last week at the home of his grandmother Mrs l.ana Padbere. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Miller and son of Los Angeles visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Garland Umansnn last week Mr nnH Mrs. Elmer Thome and Mr and Mrs. Robert Thome and son of Newberg were guests last wppk at the Ceci Thome nome Mr and Mrs. Frank Lundell of Milkaukie were weekend guests here. Mr and Mrs. Norman Swanson and family of Portland spent the Fnnrth wth his mother, Mrs Mary Swanson and other rela tives. FARMERS- SAVi S07 0 ON YOUR GRAIN FIRE INSURANCE Premium Pays 15 Dividend on Total General Insurance Co. of America Turner, Van Martcr fir Bryant INSURANCE - BONDS - REAL "TATE Phone 6-9652 Deep, foam-rubber'cusliiom'ng in both (he seals and the sea! backs lends odded l-jxwy k ROADMASTti comfort EljjD CDS LlHEUHlIrg 9 m mhtmhihihiihii Illinium HUH III T"""iiuiiiwuw I . W Xll,.T:;i-r-7-.V-' .lz--- - i SZi m?."f-!- r - Oiih'ncNvt (porls-caf touch wire wheel conari, 01 illuslfoled , oplionolal like to spoil you a bit. We'd like to seat you in a 1953 Buick Roadm aster and let you be coddled in the most sumptuous comfort on four wheels. What we have in mind is more than just a sampling of the spacious roominess here - and of the cush ions that cradle you in opulent and enveloping softness. It's the magnificent luxury of Roadmaster trav el that we'd like you to know . . . The soul-satisfying feel of bossing almost limitless power from the world's newest and most advanced V8 engine ... WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM The casual ease with which yon command sparkling getaway from Twin-Turbine Dynaflow-and the sheer comfort of its new quiet and infinite smoothness . . . The matchless gentleness and level ness of ride from all-coil springing, torque-tube steadiness, liquid smooth power delivery -making you barely aware of motion, of road irregularities, of stopping and starting . . . And the consummate ease-of-handling you enjoy from the most maneuverable Roadmastek in Buick history. A car with the hydraulic help ofPowEHSTEFRisG. A car with the velvety control of y still finer braking-plus the added convenience of Power Brakes, if on wish. Surely, you ought to look into this supremely satisfying Roadmaster for 1953-and see for yourself that the lap of luxury is more than a figure of speech when you take your seat here. Why not visit us Soon? Optional at extra cost. tors Custom built by Buick Farley Pontiac Company r7