Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 02, 1953, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 2, 1953
Page 5
Social Happenings .
Soroptimist Club
Hears Story Abaut
Miss Austria
At the noon luncheon of the
Soroptimist club at O'Donnell's
on Thursday June' 25, Mrs. E. E.
Gonty told of their correspon
dence with the girl that has won
the title of Miss Austria. She will
come to the United States next
month to compete in the Miss
Universe contest and the Gonty's
are making every effort to see if
she can't come to Heppner to
visit them.
A petition was passed to put
the name of Mrs. Harold Evans on
the ballot for a director of the
cemetery maintenance district.
An announcement of the grad
uation of Mary Mollahan from
the University of Oregon was
read. She was the first winner
of the Soroptimist club scholar
ship. M'rCabe Reunion Held
Sunday At Pendleton
Members of the MeCabe family
held a reunion Sunday, June 21st
at the Washington Park in Pen
dleton. Present at the picnic were
Mr. and Mrs. James McCabe and
children of Heppner; Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie McCabe and family; Mr.
1 Mrs. Clifford McCabe, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Lundell of lone; Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Eubanks, Arl
ington; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc
Cabe of Cornelius; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl McCabe and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Harris and daughter, Debra,
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ingalls of Athena; and Miss
Mabel McCabe of Enterprise.
NEED Envelopes, Phone 6.9228...
I Finest Portraits
Modest Rates
T7H; jj rjjX
'if S .... M v
1 ' lldx irrx
Down through the years, hag come our priceless heri
tage of Liberty ... so dearly won ... so gallantly de
fended by generations of brave Americans. It now be
comes our responsibility to protect and preserve these
precious rights. To their perpetuation, let us all (in
the spirit and words of the Founders) "mutually pledge
to each other, our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred
Buffet Supper Honors
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin en
tertained with a buffet supper
Thursday evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Hughes who were
recently married.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eb
Hughes and Merlin, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Hisler and Paul, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Bristow of lone, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rugg, Arnold Coe of
Milton-Freewater, Mrs. Jim Sum
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gammell
and Judy and Robin Sue, the
guests of honor and the host and
hostess and Shirley and Candice.
Mrs. Phil Blakney
Honored By Shower
About 20 guests were present
Tuesday evening June 23 at the
Wallace Wolff home, when Mrs.
Phil Blakney was honored with a
The color scheme was yellow
and green and games were
played after the opening of the
Hostesses were Mesdames Wal
lace Wolff, Marion Green and
Pat O'Brien.
Pupils of Mrs. Turner
Give Piano Recital
Mrs. J. 0. Turner presented her
piano pupils in a recital in her
home on Sunday afternoon June
Those participating were Karen
and Sheryl Lundell, Linda Hiem
binger, Lynda Borman, Patsy
Peck, and Ginny Lou Turner.
A reception followed with Mrs.
Dick Borman and Mrs, Harold
Peck pouring.
. . . since you've had a really good
portrait picture of
Make a date with
of Coles Studio, Pendleton
who will be at
Saturday, July 11
Don't forget:
Wedding Portraits
Group Portraits
Ph. 6-9923 for Appointment
" ' - ' "ft . '
Tasty Platter Partners
Attractive and miphty good eating is the combination of canned
asparagus served with a tart, lemon Normandy Sauce and good thick
pork chops.
Enjoy the convenience and variety of flavorsome canned vegetables.
Budget watchers will especially appreciate finding that prices have
remained low. In fact, the canned food dollar today is worth more than
other food dollars. So reach for a canned vegetable to round cut the meal.
Asparagus Normandy With Pork Chops
1 No. 2 can asparagus spears 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Light cream U teaspoon Tabasco
2 tablespoons butter, or Salt and pepper
margarine 4 pork chops
2 tablespoons flour 1 hard cooked egg
Drain liquid from asparagus and boil down to about a third. Add
enough cream to make 1 cup liquid. Melt butter and stir in flour. Add
liquid and cook until thickened, stirring. Remove from heat and add
lemon juice, Tabasco and seasonings to. taste. Arrange heated asparagus
and cooked chops on platter. Top asparagus with sauce and garnish with
sficed egg. Four servings.
TRY: Spinach Normandy with Broiled Canadian Bacon
Green Beans Normandy with Juicy Hamburgers or Meat Loaf
Snappy Cheese Sauce Partners
Use the recipe for Normandy Sauce but leave out the lemon juice, and
add a half cup grated sharp cheese and a fourth cup diced pimiento.
Corn in Snappy Cheese Sauce with Country Fried Chicken
Peas in Snappv Cheese Sauce with Fried Canned Ham Slices
Lima Beans in' Snappy Cheese Sauce with Broiled Slices of Canned
Luncheon Meat.
Durans Announce
Marriage of Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Duran are
announcing the marriage of their
daughter Marlene to Joel Barnett
of lone, in Seattle Tuesday June
There will be a reception in
their honor Monday evening July
6 at 8:00 p. m. in the Christian
church basement. All friends and
relatives are cordially invited.
Annual Elks Picnic
Attended By Many
Over 100 persons enjoyed the
Elks picnic at Wightman's Blue
Mountain ranch Sunday June 28.
Even though the weatherman
provided a few sprinkles, it
wasn't enough to keep many
persons away from this annual
The men had a Softball game
and there were lots of games foi
the children.
An ample supply of ice cream
and pop was on hand for every
one. Informal Reception
Honors New Pastor
An informal reception honor
ing Rev. and Mrs. Lester D. Boul
den and daughter was given Sun
day afternoon in the Methodist
church parlors.
Mrs. Douglas Drake was gene
ral chairman and Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers was hostess. Pouring
were Mrs. Thomas J. Wells, Mrs.
Madge Bryant, Miss Lulu Hager
and Miss Opal Briggs. Mrs. Lu
cille Owens presented piano se
lections. The rooms were deco
rated with spring flowers.
Rev .Bouldcn was pastor of the
Methodist church in Weston be
fore coming to Heppner.
Tress McClintock, former Hepp
ner resident, now of Monmouth,
Oregon, was a visitor here the
first of the week.
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jDegree Of Honor Has
Social Hour Tuesday
Mrs. John Farra, Mrs. Arnold
Springer and Mrs. Theta Stratum
were hostesses for a social hour
at the Farra home on N. Main
street Tuesday evening loitowing
the regular meeting of the De
gree of Honor lodge. This was in
the nature of a farewell party for
Mrs. Jesse C. Payne who was pre
sented a gift of bone china.
Others present were Mrs. 11. C.
McMurtry, Mrs. James McCabe,
Mrs. Lincoln Nash, Mrs. Loyd
Ilarshman, Mrs. Carl King, J. W.
Farra, Mary Shannon, Jimmie
Farra and Johnny Stratum.
Engagement Told
In Roy Orwick Family
Announced this week was the
engagement of James Orwick,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orwick,
of Heppner to Patty Banks, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banks,
of Walla Walla, Wash.
Tentative plans are being
made for a wedding August 23 at;
the home of the bride's grand
mother, Mrs. Frank M. Lowden,
at Lowden.
James Orwick attended Whit
man college where he affiliated
with Phi Delta Theta fraternity
and Miss Banks is a graduate of
Walla Walla high school.
John R. Reeves, Rector
- 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion
9:45 a. m. Church school
11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer
7:00 p. m Young People's Fel
lowship First Sunday of Month Choral
Holy Communion
Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion
Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir
Thurs. 8:00 p.. m. Choir practice
Morrow county 411 delegates
returned from 1953 Summer
School Friday, June 20. All 33
delegates reported that they en
joyed the classes, assemblies and
sports activities. Mr. Paul Tews,
county chaperon, returned with
the delegates.
The 4 H style revue was one of
the main features at the assem
bly Monday evening, June 22.
The following girls from Morrow
county participated: Sharon Bec
ket, Sharon Rill, Shirley Peck.
Janet Wright, Meredith Thomson,
and Judy Thompson, of Heppner;
Grace McCabe, lone; and Carla
Hill, Irrigon. Over two hundred
girls took part in this revue of
costumes. Mrs. Jim Thomson and
Mrs. Walter Wright were guests
at the Summer School on June 21
and 22, according to Maud C.
Casswell, County Agent, Home
Economics. Mrs. Casswell fought
j classes in Landscaping each
.morning, assisted with the style
! revue and other Summer School
The Luncheon Club met July 1
at Mrs. C. A. Warrens house. Jo
anne Keithley, who has just re
turned from 4-H summer school,
made a report on her activities at
Corvallis. Virginia Gonty also
made a report on what she did at
4-H summer camp.
We discussed what demonstra
tions we would do at the fair this
Rev. A. Shirley, Pastor
Sunday, July 5, 1953
Church school at 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship at 1 a. m.
Communion and meditation, "Is
it 1"?
The admonitions of St. Paul
still has meaning, "Not forget
ing the assembling of ourselves
L. D. Boulden, minister
Sunday school 9:45.
Church services 11:00.
James Vanover will be the
morning speaker in the absence
of the minister who will be at
Camp Magruder,
Don't let the Fourth of Julv
keep you from church on the 5th.
year. We are planning to have a
buffet dinner at our next meet
ing. We will prepare the menu
i by individual and group demon
strations of the dishes.
We adjourned and wen to O'
Donnell's cafe for dinner.
Barbara Warren, acting reporter.
The Stitcherettes
met at the
it's Time
.it. .
Colorful, relaxing
Rubbcr-Solcd SANDALS
Color combinations to go with
every outfit! Elastic instep
strap, cork platforms, rib
bed rubber soles, and wash
ability makes these an excel
lent Penney buy I Sanitized
for cleaner, better wearl
Fine quality shirt at a thrifty
pricel Hand washable, su
perbly tailored. Vat dyed
colors pastels, darks. Short
point spread collars. Cool,
rich looking I
Hcavy Cotton Terry
Knitted Sport Shirts
Comfortably absorbent shirts
of thick, fluffy cotton terryl
They're knitted! That means
they pop out of the wash ready
to wear without Ironing!
Choose white, maize, blue.
Sizes small, medium, large.
home of Ann Belle Coleman on
June 13th. We worked on our dif
ferent projects. We had one visi
tor. Refreshments were served.
Ann Belle Coleman, reporter,
o .
Mrs. Jesse Payne reported for
work at the Public Welfare of
fice in Pendleton the first of July.
NEED Letterheads, Phone 6-9228.
0 98
Sizes 4-10
No - Iron Nylon
S, M, L, XL