I Heppner finite Times, Thursdoy, July 2, 195,3 Page 3 Starts Monday imming Pool ne's School In Heppner Sunday afternoon. Several from here attended. Miss Annaiean Knighten of ion Pavirh- Mrs Rudolph Klincer . i n. I - Vi.ici-nnal ana granason, s.e .rT. m.. .r - McElhin- dS lliu p,fcin in Salem June 20 at the'star Tuesday evening of lastjThe Dalles June 22, weight 7i KanKin in saitm - ,i,,u.j ,. thnhhs Thp urranrtnarents are Mr. meetings until September. Re-'and Mrs. K. Harvey Miller of freshments were served hv Mrs.! Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Wate church there. A re- ,i m fo 1 -i - t vmirn ani rr rt'ii iru iwu aim mm. air kimiiii umu v....!...! - , Moro has been selected to teach of Hermi?ton; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin ny nome aiui .,, James Lindsay, Mrs. Walter Rob- Crawford. Junior Legion uumi'mi ... t, Baker Saturday ;crts and Mrs. John Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker are English and Phvsical Education Rauch and son, Stanley; Mr. and) The in rt WirrK r-nn-il f Vi f rrm i r rt tire Aiov Hunt and son. George: 1 N;im nlaved at ar. Mr. ana Mrs. Horace . on, oerR. ana ai l.- "Vh Clark are doine some paintine at 'Louise, born June Mr- and Mrs. Guy Wright and and.. children una. rmnys o" Larry the Kenneth Smouse farm. 1 Weight 7 lbs. and Walter Roberts and Echo Palmateer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright andi'1 01 ixingioii, u nenry naucu aim ii.im.i-.. anu Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman and children of Heppner. A pot luck luncheon was served in the af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann I their families spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Ida Gra 1 the school swimming bill. ed here Monday with) Several 4-H members from here 1 and Buerstel from attended the 4-H camp on Herren on as contractors. The Creek in the mountains over the be 75 feet long and 35 weekend and several families with the depth ranging went t0 tne picnic there Sunday, eet to 3 feet. It should Rev. A. Shirley gave the morning ;ted by Sept. 1st. 'sermon and Ronald Baker con I Mrs. E. R. Lundell and ducted the meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Irs. Henry Baker attend-, Smouse played the violin to ac uneral services of Mrs, company the singing. A picnic kham at Freewater on dinner was served at noon and , June 25. games were played in the after- irkham was 84 years old noon the aunt of Mrs Lundell Baker, and a great aunt 1 and Milton Morgan. ordon White and child- Those returning home from 4-H summer school in Corvallis Fri day of last week were: Sue Cole man, Jean Ann Swanson, Jerald led home last week from' Rea, Wayne Ball, Alvin McCabe, oueh Arizona. Texas and Grace McCabe, Billy Seehafer, She and the children 'and Dick Ekstrom. They report clay for Portland. j ed a very interesting anil infor 1 Mrs. David Barnett and mative session, of Umatilla visited his' Mrs. Nellie Carlson of King City Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bar-. Calif., was a recent visitor here, week. I Bert Johnson and sister, Olga E. Brenners are moving Johnson of Portland arrived in r new home below town. 'lone one day last week, lit the new house where1 Mrs. Roy Lindstrom entertained me burned a couple of the Topic club at her home Sat 0. turday afternoon with Mrs. E. R. Crawford, son of Mr. Lundell and Mrs. Noel Dobyns as :. Vernice Crawford of ,co-hostesses. Bridge and pinochle visiting his grand par-Jwere played. Those winning the and Mrs. Wate Craw- prizes in bridge were Mrs. Mabel I Cotter, high; Mrs. Echo Palma , Morgan has completed teer, low, and Mrs. Mary Swan barn on his farm. I son, Jack high. In pinochle Mrs. 'ad Miller and son are Verner Troedson, high. Mrs. Elmo at the home of her par- McMillan, low; and Mrs. Roland Wate Crawfords. Her Bergstrom 300 pinochle Henrv the parents of a daughter, Sharon 28 in Heppner. 3 ozs. Mr. and and Mrs. Henry Baker and Mr. .....I 1 1 ...1 1 1.1 ,1,1 r-rilif nrn nest Drake and BilHe Salter, ! back f rohe lone won from Arlington 0 ' 1 clishv of inland i,-, a hacph.il fame there bunuay. "--u .u u..... nlavino1 from Pitm,nnn Dennis Swanson, Ear- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowel have were married in Hamilton, On tario Provence, Canada June 23, 1928. Church services were held at the Valby Lutheran church in Gooseberry Sunday with Rev. Le Roy Tillman of St. Helens offi ciating. Rev. and Mrs. Tillman and son were the guests of the Oscar Petersons while here. Wm. Spinning of Phoenix. Ari zona is visiting his niece, Mrs. Winnefred Zinter. Guests last week at the Zinter home were her aunt and cousin, Mrs. Clara Kruse and daughter, Minnie, of Monroe, Wash., Mrs. Krause is 95 years old. Those from here who attended the Morgan family reunion in The Dalles over the weekend were Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Eu banks and family, Earl Morgan, Mrs. Wallace Matthews and daughters and Miss Anna " Jep sen. There were around 50 who attended. The officers elected were; Mrs. Carl Morgan of Port land, president and Irvin Crosby of Bremerton, Wash., as secre tary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson attended the wedding of her sis ter, Miss Sue McElhinny to Bruce The Arnica club held a picnic at the Pioneer park in Pendleton Sunday. The following babies have been born here the past week; Mr. and Mrs. Tad Miller are the parents At a meeting of the Eastern of a son, Mark Timothy, born in r, Michelle, is staying at :on Morgan home, id Mrs. Raymond Lundell Mrs. Elmo McMillan and daughter, Beverly, of Salem are visiting at the home of her lehters spent a few days, mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson. ;k in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bolman re nd Mrs. Fredrick Martin turned Friday of last week to lily returned home last their home in San Jose, Calif. om the Valley where she Mrs. Grace Ware is visiting jj the State Garden club friends and relatives in Morton ton at McMinnville. About and Olympia, Wash. legates were registered! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin Some of the high lights t and family of Portland spent the convention were movies ' weekend with their parents, Mr. hv i)ip California Snrav and Mrs. Phil Griffin. Marlene California, on African ' Griffin returned to Portland with plovinias and how to. them. isps. and awards for post- Mrs. Wallace Matthews and winners, to Thomas Jef-Mrs. Donald Ball entertained the Howell and to Fred Ed-1 Three Links club at the Matthews of Portland, for his out- home Friday of last week with a o work In creatine thorn-'pot luck dinner at noon and re iltiflora of Japanese under .freshments in the afternoon. At Mrs. Martin reported an' the business meeting plans were nt display of exhibits, I made for the food, pie and coffee ery fine lectures and fine sale at the Rebekah hall July 3 arrangements. The Mar-1 at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Arvilla Swanson sited his parents, Mr. and received the door prize. t Martin at West Linn. Kenneth Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson, is visiting relatives in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hermann were pleasantly surprised Sunday when their daughter, Mrs. Harlan Crawford and Mrs. Alex Hunt gave a party at the Hermann home in honor of the Hermann's 25th wedding anniversary. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jul- Enjoy Foot Health Consult With Dr. W. O. Holderness, Chiropodist IlilllffilBlllill Dr. Holderness will be at the Heppner Hotel All Day Saturday, July 11. Phone 6-9923 now for Appointment hy grandparent. is a great James, Itorn in Heppner June 28, weight 6 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Madden are the grandparents. Mrs. Archie Welch of lone and Mrs. Hermann Havekost of La Grande are the great grand mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tarsons of Portland were guests at the Wallace Matthews home last week. Joel Barnett, an MEPN in the Navy, is home on a leave. He and Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett are miss Manei.e m.... the parents of a son, Richard' (Continued on page 6) "I'il'IP'ii'ii1 Announcing We take great pleasure in announcing that we are a franchise dealer for General Electric DISHWASHER DISPOSALS WATER HEATERS We are also dealers in Westinghouse. Come in and Let Us Talk It Over. Baker Plumbing & Heating Co. Phcne 6-9964 Heppner, Oregon West Linn, rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph at Astoria, attended the ill family reunion in 1 and he attended the list church conference in n and Cheryle Lundell and Heimbigner played at the ecital given by their teach , Jesse Turner, at her home WITH THIS UPRIGHT " HOME REEZER ONLY 7995 Less than 31 inches wide, the Zenith upright Home Freezer fits snugly in your titfhpn. Puta vour frozen foods within easy reach. Holds 385 pounds of food. Four con venient roomy freezing shelves, twin slide-out storage baskets, handy door shelves. Safe freezing temperatures from top to bottom. Freezer matches your Zenith Re frigerator. See this space-saving, money-saving freezer today! FURNITURE CO. Here in Pacific Powerland. electric cut foocl c a few cents for electricity means dollars saved on food reezers osts 2c 1c l!B!!"l flifilll III if!! life:;: M w ; 1 if 1 llll jiliii'iiilljif; fits rail !i:ii;lii!:,;lCit''''iiiii: mm. Mil! Electric home freezing costs little here in Pacific Powerland where the price of electricity is only half the national average. aAa 1;. fiii'wi iiSii .;;'iii'";'ii U. S. AVERAGE PACIFIC POWERLAND mm mma