Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 25, 1953, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
Letter From Sam Coon
Urges Benson To Ship
Wheat To Pakistan
day urged the Secretary of Agri
culture to ship Pacific Northwest
wheat to Pakistan.
In a letter to Ezra Taft Benson,
the Eastern Oregon Congressman
said "I hope that wheat from the
Pacific Northwest will play an
important part in prospective
wheat shipments to Pakistan."
Congress is now considering
legislation to authorize shipment
of a million tons of surplus U. S.
wheat to Pakistan to help avert
a famine. Shipment of the wheat
was urged by President Eisen
hower in a message sent to Con
gress June 10,
Citizens Advisory
Council Elects
Charles Doherty
Charles Doherty lone, was elec
ted chairman of the Citizen's Ad
visory Council to the Public
Health Program at a meeting
held last Wednesday night at the
Courthouse. Other officers for
the coming year are Mrs. Zelda
Zivney, Boardman, vice-chairman,
and Mrs. Barbara Ware,
Ileppner, secretary.
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 25, 1953
". - , 1. ...ttfla thpu ufrA nn thai
and the men played horseshoes .ker last week, ft . hom(? rom a tdp to Calior
Ultri emu i'"'
,-i'fr Ttpliker.
Mr and Mrs. cuuic
Mock June Wedding
Program At Grange
lone News
A mock June wedding followed
the meeting of the Lexington Minn., were recent visitors at the
in the afternoon.
Around 13 members
the lone Center of the Farm Bu-
grange on June 13. Tom Miller,
overseer and past Master, con
ducted the meeting in the ab-
Mr. and Mrs. William Dalineofi l'! ,7 n a d hall and children of Hood R.yer were
Minn., were recent visitors attne- ;v, . n , 1fi. After the ret
Leonard Carlson home. Mrs. Dar-,"'" ; ' Baker ana:Sam Esteb.
ver were
ent guests of her mother, Mrs,
sence of Master C. C. Jones, who were
was attending the State Grange niece,
line ana Mrs. Lanson are eouhiiia. "-- UOrvAri rp.
Other visitors at the Carlson homers. Leonard Carlson .served re
convention in Medford.
The following members took
part in the wedding: Minister, J.
O .Turner; bride, Rosebud, Mrs.
Annie .Smouse; groom, Abie,
The hospital admission X-ray Walter Ruggles; bridesmaids,
plan, Sponsored by the Iuncr-1 Mrs. Lucia Cutsforth and Mrs. 'home in Gustavus, Ohio, Satur-
culosis and neaiin Association, ;Marie steagan; ringnearer, ivirs. ciay arter visiting at tne iienry
Mite Pnrlino Fatnn. a
and Elmer and Richard1 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stefani spent
Lewis, cousins of Mrs. Carlson, all last week in Portland wnere mis.
of Portland. The Darlines -re- istefani had some dental work
turned to Portland with them and done.
and went on to Seattle before; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fahey and
returning to Minneapolis. sons, of Oakland, are visiting his
Mrs. Owen White left for her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Emert
The 4-H Horse and Saddle club
was discussed by John Ernsdorff, Hortense Martin; flower girl.jBaker home. Weekend visitors at1 at tne ja Coleman home on
manager of the Pioneer Memorial j Mrs. jPan Nelson; best man, Al-ithe Baker home were Mr. and oaturcav After the business
i it.io r.arv Hardestv of Port
land is visiting at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Dobyns.
Mrs. Elen Kiein is vi.muhh '
the home of her son, F. J. Rietn,
at Harrington, Wash.
Paul O'Meara went to The Dal
les Friday of last week for a
medical checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. William imnn ui
Olympia, Wasn., sioppeu iu v.i
: K, : v ' ; : v , year t
a very large amount of wheat
is now in .storage in government
hands in the Northwest; that a
substantial quantity of this wheat
is now at dockside and ready for
early shipment; and that unless
some of the wheat in the North
west elevators Is moved before
the next harvest, it will be neces
sary to provide expensive addi
tional storage space for wheat,"
He added that Nortnwest wheat
varieties are well -situated for use
in Pakistan food supplies, and
staled that it is a shorter haul
from Portland to Pakistan than
from ports on the east coast of the
II. S.
The need for users of water
from private supplies to send in
a water samDle at least once a
Miss Martha Tapanainen county
health nurse. The group also dis
cussed the problem of garbage
disposal in Morrow county com
munities and a first aid station
for Boardman.
Others present were Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, Lee Gronemyer, Dr. C.
M. Wagner, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Lex
ington, Mrs. Myra Skoubo and
Mrs. Lucille Walker, Boardman.
vin Wagonblast; usher, Wilbur ! Mrs. Ivan Orton and family oi m(,(,tjnc led by Mrs. Martin Bau-
Meagau. ine soioi.si was ivii.iierrnision ana Mrs. nurmaii u- !ornfeind, refreshments were ser
Fay Munkers singing "Because,": sidy and son, Gary of Pendleton. 'vec
accompanied by Mrs. Virginia The Lutheran Missionary Soci-j ' , Uami,i n,,hvn
Turner. Mrs. Turner also played e.y of the Valby church in Goose-' nTnVw horni ofheir
the wedding march. Mothers of berry had a pLc at the Ow!
the bride and groom were Mrs.
Ola- Ruggles and Mrs. Pearl De
vine. The closing number of the
meetine was a reading honor
ing Father's Day by Russell Dol-
Weather Research will meet pri
marily to discuss the weather re
search program for the coming
year and to elect directors. Farm
ers who are members of the or
ganization have contracted the
past three years with cloud .seed
ers in an attempt to increase pre
cipitation in Gilliam, Morrow and
Sherman counties. Cloud seed
ing companies are being invited
to submit proposals before the
Petorn mm.ntnin home A not 1J,,,''C' aL
luck dinner was served at noon Mf ; and Empr Npwt0
of Coos Bay are the parents of a
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gonty had as gon Davj(j Lee, born June 9.
ther guests the fust of the week weight 7 lbs. and 14 ozs. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith re
ported that their son, Bruce, is
stationed at Bryan, Texas, in the
Air Force. He is an associate
weather officer. Bruce graduated
from Oregon State College in
Mrs. Cecil Thome attended the
American Legion Convention in
Seaside last week and reported a
very fine convention. Mrs. Nan
Bockes of Milton-Freewater was
elected president of District G.
Mr. and Mrs. Trukositz and son
and Gene Warmuth of Portland
stopped at the Etta Bristow home
'J-WTe da? laaltor while Sunday.
Gef a red buy!
Continued from Page 1
ground fugs thai endanger air
A self educated scientist, whose meeting,
formal education ended after Dr. Fred Decker of the Oregon
two years of high school, Dr. 'State College physics depart
Schacfer was named recipient of merit will also be on the program,
the 1952 Robert M. Losey award Tie will give a report on precipi
tin recognition of outstanding tation and the techniques to be
contributions to the science of,useci mis year in piepainiK
as applied to aero
nautics." He also was awarded
report on evaluation studies
Persons interested in t he meet
rrivals T(
Roger C. Herendcen, Fossil, a 7 lb.
4 oz. boy born June 20, named
Steen Dale. To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles O. Forthman, Boardman,
a. 7 lb. 13 oz. boy born June 20,
named Steven Ray. To Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Henry Ranch, Heppner,
a 8 lb. 6 oz. boy born June 21,
named Benjamin Henry. To Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene G. Schoessler,
Heppner, a 9 lb. 12 oz. boy born
22, named Vicky Eugene. lo
his brother and family, Mr. and Newton ls tne former Betty Jep-
Mrs. T. L. Gonty and daughter of ' p Thp gr:indDarents are Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Newton Sr., of
Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
I Mrs. Frances Flemina of Kim-
berly was a weekend house guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Evans.
ter Jepsen.
Mrs. Allen Lytsell and daugh
ter, Jacalyn, of Oakland left last
hev. and Mrs. John Reeves had week for their home after visiting
as their guests over the weekend
Rev. Albert Longfellow, Burns
and Mrs. W. I Hess and son,
James of Madras.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo attended a
medical convention in Nyssa over
the weekend.
Mrs. John Bergstrom, Gerald
at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Noel Streeter for two
Walter Roberts is painting the
Van Hubbard house, south of
The Arnica club met in the
basement of the Community
June as, name., v! hy cu.n-. io Mrg Tpd palmatppr
Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsey, Berg m and Miss Mar yn
lj.rn.rfwk. a 7 h. 1.1 oz. hov bom oeiEsirom moioreu iu ianeview , , .
June 21, named Timothy Keith. the last of the week where they
n,lilVrS Vltn Marie X.nes aut-mieu a wuuuing.
the honorary degree of doctor of.mg are strongly urgea io aucnu
science hv Norte Dame University and take part in the proceedings.
in 191S and has won numerous
other scientific awards.
Dr. Schacfer is still working as father, Louis Morris, of John Day
a chemist and engineer in the
General Electric laboratories, and,
although the company is not con
nected with any weather develop
ment companies,, lie is noted as
one of t ho best informed men in
the country in this field. Those
that have heard him speak state
Spray, dismissed; Tommy Flem
ming, Kimbcrly, dismissed; Ro
bert Gene Weems, Spray, dismis
sed; Mrs. Ruby Medlock, Kinzua;
Roy Goodwin, Condon; Joseph
j Clark, Lexington; Charles Clark,
! Minor Surgery Martha Tapan
jainen, Heppner, dismissed; David
Mrs. Rutella Herberger and her E. Grant, Heppner, dismissed;
(.ainieen Ayers, neppnei, ui.sntis
sed; Mrs. Mary E. O'Donnell,
Heppner, dismissed.
es. Games were played and those
winning prizes were Mrs. Petty
john and Mrs. E. W. Bristow. Mrs.
Delmer Crawford received the
arrived Monday to spend severa
days in Ileppner visiting with her
aunt, Mrs. W. O. Bayless. Tues
day Mrs. Bayless and her guests
and John L. Cochran drove over to
McNary Dam.
Mrs. Henry Rohrbach returned
to her home in Medlord iTiday
that he speaks on a level that after spending a fortnight here
inyone can understand. visiting with relatives and
The meeting of the Tri-Cotinty friends.
Pays 1 5 Dividend on Total
General Insurance Co. of America
Turner, Van Martcr b Bryant
Phone 6-9652 HEPPNER
been assigned to the 31st ln-i'"""-u l" , '
trv Regiment Headquarters Kran?c! a!,herTh')meu"ia,y lm
He is a driver for a wire team W1h M- Jhn Eubanks and
Major Surgery Mrs. Adela H.
Out patients Larry Bellen
brock, Heppner; John Cox, Hepp
ner; Mrs. Jesse Griffin, lone;
Charlene Rill, Heppner; Joseph
E. Monahan, Condon.
Local News In Brief
'her mother, Mrs. Ed Breslin. She
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Tolhson was taken to Pendleton by Mr,
had as their houseguest over the anfi Mrs. I.ee Scrivner.
I weekend, their daughter, Miss( Mr. and Mrs. Earle E. Gilliam
I Leila Tollison of Vancouver, were jn Baker the first of the
I Wash., and his cousin, Miss Erma wet.k wi1Pre they were guests at
Appleby of Washington, D. C. the home of their son and daugh
I Mrs. Ada Cannon spent Wed- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
mesday in Moro visiting with her Gilliam.
daughter, Mrs. Art Allgeier andi Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey left
jtamiiy. Mrs. lannon accompan-jthe last of the week for Wisconsin
jied Mrs. Ruby Nichols of lone to'wnere they will spend a month
,Moro. visiting their former homes. They
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Perry jwore accompanied by her twin
I of Pendleton spent Monday in sjstpr Mrs. Margaret Reynolds, of
I Ileppner visiting with her son,jNewb'urg. They made the trip by
J. (.. layne. motor and planned to visit Yel-
2nd Lt. James Hess of the U. jovvstone Park, The Black Hills
S. Air Force, now on his way to an(j ot)lpr 10ints of interest en
Parks A. F. B. for pilot training, r0ute.
was a weekend guest of Rev. and. Mr. and Ms. Rcy Thomas spent
Mrs. John Reeves. Lt. Hess, a re-'satUrdav shonoine in Pendleton.
icent Oregon graduate, assisted j Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston had
j Rev. Reeves in the Sunday morn- as thpjr gliest the latter part of
j ing services. 'the week, their daughter, Mrs.
j Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, Mother Herman Parker of Pasco.
I Advisor of the Rainbow for Girls, ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cason drove
! Diane Grant, Barbara Warren, Ida t0 winnenucca, Nov., over the
Sue Stratum and Jean Marie Gra- 'weekend where they met their
ham were in Baker for a special sn-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Rainbow meeting. They returned Mrs. Jack Est berg and children of
io Heppner on Wednesday. ;Los Angeles. The Estberg children
Mrs. Mary Van Stevens 'returned home with Mr. and Mrs.
turned on Tuesday from a buying fason and will spend the sum
trip to Portland. mer with them at their mountain
Mrs. L. E. Dick, Jr. made a trip nomP
to .Montana the last part of the Mr, and Mrs, je( Carter left
Mrs. Margaret Phelps of Zenith,
Wavli Vine linnn vUitinor TTenn.
ner friends for the past two1'"-,prJ- ., . , . . . .
weeks. During her stay here, Mrs. K'ncald, orne with his
Phelps was the guest of Mrs. mother, Mrs. Ruby Nichols. He is
Marion Hayden. a studont at tne bllnd scho()1 ln
Pvt. James Sumner has been ii Salom. 4
Korea since about June 11 and I Mrs; 4Lpw.s Halvorsen enter
u i ,.;.,,i .,, .h oit t itained the H. E. C. of Willows
jiao uti ii aijniiiiM iw iiiu oi.n n-
laying ground communications. .'auCMw,n,
Mrs. Alex Green returned TueS.;A Pot lu' k d'nn" was servpd . at
day from a vacation trip of seve- i"00"' After the business meeting
ral weeks to South Dakota. ShelPrarn ronsisting of a mock
happened to visit Mt. Rushmoreding with Mrs. L. L. Howton,
at the same time that President Mrs. Claude Riley and Mrs. Wal
Eisenhower was visiting the me-l'" crey " chaRe' Mrs- VVate
morial. She reports the weather Crawford told RranRe state
there has been about the same as.TO"ventl0n at Mf,c ford"
Oregon's Mr- and Mrs- Weir Castcn and
Mr.. t.V wkh lpfr ?n,.rrinv 'daughter, Laura, of Orangevale,
Ur nlano ft-riv Pnnrl ntrtn fir hnr clliu
A 1953 GMC Pickup at
her father,
Foster, visited
at the
humo in npiiniTO Tflvnc aftar
spending several weeks here with no.me of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heli-
See what you getl
105 HP Valve-in-head Engine 8.0 to 1 Com.
pression Ratio "6-Footer" Cab 45-Ampere
Generator Double-Acting Shock Absorbers
Recirculating Ball-Bearing Steering Self
Energizing Brakes Synchro-Mesh Trans
mission 6-Ply Heavy-Duty Tires.
Model 101-22. DUAL-RANGE TRUCK HYDRA-MATIC and other optional
equipment, accessories, stale and locol taxes, il any, additional. Prices
may vary slightly in adjoining communities due lo shipping charges.
All prices subject to change without notice.
Farley Pontiac Company
Heppner, Oregon
ThursdaY-Friday-Saturday. June 25-26-27
A collection of outstanding color cartoons. Plus
Susan Hayward, Robert Milchum, Arthur Kennedy, Arthur Hunnicutt, Frank Faylen.
A sensational slice of life from big-time rodeo with scenes from the Pendleton
Tuesday of last week to spend a
few days in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penland
returned Sunday from Gearhart
where they attended the Oregon
Newspaper Publishers Associa
tion's summer meeting.
Sunday-Monday, June 28-29
In Color by Technicolor. Irving Berlin's sensational musical success with singing
star Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen, George Sanders, Helmut Hantine,
Walter Slezak, comes close to the all-time bests of filmusicals.
Tuesday-Wednesday, June 30 July 1
Claire Trevor Broderick Crawford. In color. A Daymon Runyon story that rolics
along its merry way with little serious logic but lots of fun.
While you're watching the tops in movie entertainment on our screen, we ve got
our eye on the thermometer! The second it moves into the sweat and swelter tone,
our cooling system goes into operation, assuring you of cool comfort every moment
you're at the theater.
Always Cll
Here For
Chevrolet Co.
Here Now! At Your Shell Dealer's
Greatest Gasoline
Development in 31 Years
TCP, a Shell discovered additive, now
blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, puts
an end to greatest cause of power loss.
Actually boosts power up to 15, sparkplug
life up to 150, by counteracting the deposits
on sparkplugs and in combustion chambers.
Though you may not realize it, the chanees
are that your engine is delivering far less
than its original horsepower.
This is because, in the average engine, de
posits constantly build up on sparkplugs and
in combustion chambers. These deposits act
ually "short-circuit" your spark plugs caus
ing them to misfire. They may also cause
pre-ignition of the combustion mixture re
sulting in severe knock. This is especially
true when accelerating, climbing hills, or
driving on the open highway.
This condition exists in the majority of
cars on the toad today.
To overcome this condition. Shell Research
discovered a fuel additive, TCP. Blended into
Shell Premium Gasoline, TCP stops the short
circuting effects of the deposits on spark
plugs and controls pre-ignition of the com
bustion mixture. This means, for the average
motorist, a power boost of up to 15, an
increase in sparkplug life of up to 150, plus
an increase in gasoline mileage 1
Shell Premium with TCP is the most im
portant advance in gasoline since the dis
covery of tetro-ethyl lead in 1922.
hell Premium Gasoline
The Most Powerful Gasoline Your Car Can Use
Farley Motor Company
John Pfciffer