Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 25, 1953, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 25, 1953.
Page 6
lone News
(Continued From Page 3)
dino will consult a physician and
Ronald will take his physical for
ihe army.
James Morgan and Herbert Ek-
home in Monument. They re-Hinton and Laura Lee Shank to Corvallis. Those going from
'mained in town as dinner guests.Cove to attend Bible school this Monument were Joanna Beard-
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard.
Roy Cork and grandson Newton
Lesley took a load of wool to
They returned home
Bv Millie Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Halstead Portland.
of Dale brought Mr. Halstead s Tuesday.
mother, Mrs. Myra llaisieau 01 Sunday evening the Sunday
Alhambra, California to Monu;lS(.hool and church members ser-
- - - - - ' i-r iti ni i rrim .1 1 1 r 11 1 i w ju k, xu
Ja.son Biddle of Portland spent j'jn th0 Barnard home. Her daugh-
came for her.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris
fipld were business visitors
John Day on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Round and
sons have moved from Mitchel to
Joaquin Miller Resort: Mr. Round
will be employed by Alton
McBride. Mary Lee Lesley drove
to Mitchell on Saturday to help
the Rounds with their moving.
Lottie Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
several days In the community,
He was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Huston. Mr. Biddle was a
former resident here.
Mr. and Mrs. David Raskin and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ger
hel;e and son returned from the
oast last week. They are instruc
tors in the lone schools. Mr. Ras
kin will attend summer school in
Portland and Mr. Gerheke will at
tend at Eugene.
Mrs. Franklin Ely loft Sunday
f,,.. D.H I'inri thd U'llt nt-
....... J i,;.,.t ' s Round Mamie Fergerson, Wave
Mr. and Mrs. Elson Hamiott of Jackson, Darlene Boyer and Anita
Palo Alto, Calif., visited his bro
ther, Adon Ilamlett," over the
weekend. They are on their way
to Canada on a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Riotmann,
Mrs. James Lindsay and Mrs,
Sam McMillan returned home
last week from the Eastern Star
convention in Portland. The
Riotmanns also went to Newport,
1o Corvallis, where they visited
P .M. Roche who is ill, and to
Bond, where they saw the Peter
son Gardens.
Harry Yarnell spent last week
fishing at East Lake. He had such
good luck that he and Adon Ilam
lett are returning there Tuesday.
Henry Clark and granddaugh
ter, Alecia Swales, spent last
week in Hermiston.
Mrs. Thomas Duffy of Bend
spent the weekend with her aunt,
Mrs. Mabel Cotter. Mrs. Duffy Is
the former Helen Mason and is
on her way to La Grande to at
tend summer school. She teaches
In the Bend schools.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker enter
tained the following guests at a
dinner Sunday in honor of their
daughter, Mardine's birthday
ranch. There was plenty of home
made ice cream. and strawberries
ter-ln-law, Mrs. Blanche Halstead everyone. 'church services
were held around a hugh bon
week. They were accompanied to! sley, Carol Sweek, Karie and
Pendleton by Mrs. Ella Durst; Romana Hooker, Charles Roach,
who visited her granddaughter; Jr., and Jim Waldorf.
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Slim
has been visiting at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs,
of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Shaw and
granddaughter Gail Blackwell of
Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gilman, Long Creek stopped in Monu
spent this week in Nelscott with ment Saturday. They were en
Mr. Gilman's mother and sister, I route to Hood River where Mrs.
Lena Gilman. Mr. Gilman's! Shaw and Gail visited relatives
mother has been quite ill but was and Mr. Shaw enjoyed sturgeon
improving at last reports. fishing with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton spent j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cox of
Fathers Day in Davville with Mrs. lone spent the weekend at the
where they visited her parents
family left last Thursday for a
few days at
their Orcas
Harold Irvin of Heppner spent
Tuesday night and Wednesday in
the vicinity of Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton and
Mrs. Grace Stirritt took Sharon
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Howton and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hal
vorsen and family, Alice Kay and
Judy Mason, Ann Belle Coleman
and Carolyn Crabtree.
Dates to Remember:
June 20 Three Links club all
day meeting at the Gabbert
Cork all picked strawberries
Weises' last Wednesday.
Monument baseball . team
played a losing game with Spray
on the Spray diamond last bun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Brick Smith of
Kelso, Washington are visiting
Mrs. Smith's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Vandetta.
Wednesday the North Fork
Lumber Co. was forced to close
down one half day for repairs.
Thomas McLaughlin of Port
land stopped in Monument last
Wednesday. He is traveling for
the Belltone Hearing Aid com
pany. There wern't many who attend
ed the auction sale held in the
Grange Hall last Wednesday af
ternoon and night. Most people
are too busy with their haying
operations to take a day off.
Charles Roach Sr., won the door
Harold C. Ayers, Field Engineer
County and City Relations of Ore
gon State Highway Commission
from Salem, met with members
of the City Council last Wednes
day in regard to surfacing Wilson
street west of the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron King in
stalled a deen freeze at their
Our "Learn to do by Doing"
4-H members are thinking of
Summer School at Corvallis and
Summer Camp in the mountains
this month. All work and no
play or all play and no work-
well, we like to mix it up. The
result makes a very fine econo
mic and livestock display at the
fair and one of the most enjoy
ed by old and young alike.
Hinton's parents.
Earl SweeK was attending to
matters of business in Prairie City
last Friday.
On June 16 the 4-H club mem
home of Mrs. Cox's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Fleming.
Rev. Paul Kimmel Jr. attended
Synod at Eugene June 1G, 17 and
18. His wife and son accompan
bers left for summer school atied him as far as Woodburn
Earl L. Soward, pastor
Bible schools begin at 9:45 a. m.
There are classes for all ages of
children and two classes for the
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
This message by the pastor will
complete two years for the So-
wards in Heppner.
Evening services at 8:00 p. m.
The message will be "The Seven
Ones." '
Choir rehearsal on Thursday at
8:00 p. m.
Long Distance Nation-Wide
Moving Service
Mayflower Agents
Padded Vans
Pcnland Bros.
Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338
June 27 Social meeting of the
Topic club at the Roy Lindstrom
home in Ihe afternoon.
June 27 Pomona grange at the
Rhea Creek hall.
June 28 4 -II Church services
in the morning at their camp in
the mountains.
July 3 Food, pie and coffee
sale at the Rehekah hall at 1:30
p. m.
July 4 Ball game in afternoon
and fireworks and dance at night
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Round and
family of Kennewick, Wash.
visited relatives hero Sunday.
An evergreen tree was taken
jfrom the grounds around the city
hall Sunday morning.
Pay only pennies monthly for 18 months of
Vntondltionotly Road Hoard GoamUii Motoring
Small Wee Big Giraronfce
Fill v25y
nJF we
AVE 15
Grain Fire Insurance
i i
i V
i i
C. A. Ruggles Insurance Agency
Phone 6-9625 Write P. O. Box 61 1
Heppner, Oregon
How to develop more .stfer
in your diesel engines
1 fcfei'
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To make sure of full
power and top efficien
cy from all of your
diesel engines, use
Standard Diesel Fuels.
Made to exact specifi
cations, they are al
ways uniform so you
burn cleanly without waste. Standard Diesel luel
is correct for most diesels. Where a higher return
value is required, use Standard Automotive Dsel
Fuel. Tell us the make of your engine and we 11
deliver the fuel you need.
A Li
information about Standard Oil Company of California products,
call your local Srandard man
Phone G-9S33
Phone 8-7125
i.00 x U
I.,. Prlc. HO, 10
1.70 i 1 S
Rttj. Met $12 05
4.50 x 16
Reg. Prlct 24 80
7.10 x IS
leg Prlc $24 4!
7.40 i IS
. Prlct $247)
8.00 x IS
R. Prlct $2f.)5
With purchase of 4 tlrti wt give
you 1 tub!, absolutely froo.
090(0 it toH, itoRO bruUtl, oHior
rood fcasordt for II month.
Who Purchastd With Aitolhtr Tiro at M10 RoQular Prlct (plus Federal Tail
2. Pn.v250 ALLOWANCE
or each loufld rocoppablo tiro.
Don't bo footed by price
ads 00 2nd or 3rd lino
tlret. Our prices ore
lower on tkene qrodei,
too. Be lure to compare
the above lale prices
with tires thnl ore equal
to or better than the
tires that originally
come oo new cars.
Pay more ff What for ?
V - K fv'1LJSS&S Fijly Years Foruurd oh Ute American limd g-fjjf $
You (font have to jmy costly-car prices for costly-car comforts.
Ford brings you everything and we mean everything youve ever wanted in a
car, at a price that's well within your reach! And according to recent surveys, a Ford
returns more of its original cost when sold than any other car at any price!
Here are a few of the "Worth More" advantages
You'll find in the '53 Fonl;
1. A V-8 engine-powerful and smooth!
Ford's famous high-compression
V-S is a leader iu quiet, flexible,
economical performance. Ford,
remember, has built more V-8's
than all other makers combined
over l.'J million!
2. America's most economical
Six engine I
If it's a Six you want, Ford offers
you the high-compression, low
friction Mileage Maker . . . the
engine which, with optional Over,
drive, won over all other cars, re
gardless ot size or weight, in this
year's Mohilgas Economy Run! And
it's yours for the same kind of
money that buys less modem sixes
in other cars.
3. America's finest and most versatile
automatic drivel
Fordomatic Drive is the "automatic"
which gives you both the get-up-and-go
of automatic gears and the
smoothness of a lluid torque con
verter. If you choose Fordomatic,
you will find that it makes all your
driving easier . . . more relaxing.
4. Automatic gas savings!
Ford's Automatic Power Pilot (on
Six and V-S) meters just the right
amount of gas, times ignition pre
cisely, burns fuel evenly and
completely. You get full high-compression
performance from every
drop of gas regular or premium.
5. America's newest and finest
power steering!
Ford's Master-Guide power steer
ing gives you new ease, stability and
safety in guiding your car on smooth
roads or rough. Your car gains in
sure-footed roadability and you ex
' pend up to 75rl less effort in
driving -and parking.
6. Largest choice of models in
the low-price field!
Ford alone gives you a choice of 18
different models ... a SIX or V-8
. . . Fordomatic, Conventional or
Overdrive . . . the widest variety of
body, color and upholstery com
binations. You can practically "de
sign" your own Ford !
7. A body that's the style-setter!
Only Ford in its Held gives you the
advantages of a hull-tight (xestmark
liody . . . the trend-maker in design
and beauty. Ford's bodv is the
longest and Ford's trunk, the largest.
You enjoy more usable space.
8. New driving conveniences!
Ford's first in its Held with such
''Worth More" features as easier
acting, suspended pedals that elimi
nate floor holes . . . foain rubber
cushions on front and rear seats in
all models . . . and convenient
Center-Fill Fueling.
9. An automatically controlled ridel
When you Test Drive this Ford,
notice how the wide front tread
(widest in the low-price field) takes
tilt out of turns . . . gives you a
more level ride. With new ''balanced
suspension," new spring and shock
absorber action and new rubber
compression bumpers, road shock
in the front end alone is reduced
up to 800' .
i9. It's worth more when you sell it!
An impartial survey of used car
prices proved that Fords return a
greater proportion of their original
cost than any other cars in America.
It's another fact to add to Ford's
reputation as the "Worth More" car.
Hut don't take our word for it. Stop
in and Test Drive this Ford for
yourself. We predict you'll be sold
before you're in second! It was true
last year and it's even truer this
year: you can pay more, but you
can't buv better than Ford.
Rosewall Motor Company