Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 25, 1953 Page 5 Social Happenings Hager-Monahan Vows Read Sunday Morning Miss Katherine Monahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. ' Mrr I -.T-.-. ii i Monahan, became the bride of I Mrs La I race Honored ;Il0mer E. Hager, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Osmin Hager, at an 8:30 Oddfellows Elect New Officers By Birthdav D inner Newly elected officers of Wil-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans en lows Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. F. in-, trained Saturday evening June rlude Emory Settles, noble grand; Herbert Settles, vice grand; Victor Groshens, secretary; and Charles Barlow treasurer. Robert Dobbs is the out-going noble grand. In stallation for these officers has been set for the evening of July 1st and the Grand Master, Harold Patterson of Canyon City has been extended an invitation to to attend this meeting. A ban quet will be served preceeding the meeting. This will be held in the lodge dining room and will be served by the Triple Link Club with Mrs. Frank Ayers as general chairman. o Fathers-Sons Attend Banquet At Church Forty-seven fathers and sons attended a banquet at the Chris tian church last Friday at 7;00 p. m. Elmer Newton, Ashland, secre-l tary of the 90 and 9 men's move en Jaycee-Jaycee-ette Picnic Held Sunday The JuyCee-JayCeeettes joyed their annual picnic Sundav June 21 at the Dick-Barratt cabin at Madison Butte. Softball and games were en joyed during the afternoon after the picnic lunch. Those going were Mrs. L. E. Dick and children, Mr. and Mrs. ment Cf the Christian church, was I Marvin Smith and children, Mrs. the main speaker. Music was fur-'Ed. Dobbie and children, Mr. and nished by a sextet. Mrs. Bob Ferrell and children, Mr. The men of the church planned 'and Mrs. Everett Keithley and the banquet and the women did Children, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace 20 with a buffet dinner in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Ed La Trace. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gammell and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Max Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwick and dauehter. Mrs. Gertrude Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Winchester and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Or wick, Mrs. Frances Fleming of Kimberly, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Le Trace and the host and hostess. Soroptimists Install New Officers At Thursday Banquet Installation of officers was held Thursday evening at O'Donnell's Cafe for the Soroptimist Club of Heppner with Mrs. Wineva John son of Coos Bay, past president of o'clock ceremony Saturday morn r rhnrnh trt , tZ e Soroptimist unit of Coos Bay lie Church in Heppner with the, . nnLhu,oct rpima hnnA the work. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Wolff and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilhite and children and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall and children. t 'V II $42.50 t""" I i ? PETERSON'S announces the new GORHAM STERLING pattern: A luxuriont pattern . . . sculptured, massive, bold In this rhythmic design, yet essentially feminine. Gorham Sterling "De'cor" with piercing ot its Hp is made with a one-piece knife handle which resists denting, won't rattle An exclusive Gorham feature. (TO 'omarrt. TtmiNSrt An individual six-piece place-setting (knife, fork, teaspoon, salad fork, soup spoon, and hollow-handle butter spreader) costs only Including Federal Tax "Trade Mark Rev. Francis McCormack reading the service. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a silk suit trim med in white with white acces sories and a corsage of white orchids. Mrs. Frank M. Monahan. sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a biege suit of silk and orlon with con trasting accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The bride's bro ther, Frank M. Monahan, was best man. Miss Marguerite Glavey played the wedding music. The altars of the church were beautifully deco rated with a profusion 'of white flowers. Following the ceremony, Mr, and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Sr., were hosts for a wedding break fast for the members of the im mediate families. This was held in the dining room of the O'Don nell Cafe. The bride's table was centered with a three tiered wed ding cake. Bouquets of bouvar dia in silver vases were used as centerpieces for the other tables in the room. Following a wedding trip to Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Hager will continue to make their home in Heppner where Mrs. Hager is a teacher in the high school and he works on the Frank Anderson farm in the Eightmile section. Relatives coming from a dist ance for the wedding were Lt. Col. and Mrs. Clayton Shaw and sons of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Monahan and sons, Bob, Joe and Wayne of Condon. " o Past Noble Grands Meet at Chaffee Home Mrs. A. J. Chaffee and Mrs. Frank Davidson were hostesses Friday afternoon at the Chaffee home for the Past .Noble Grands' club. Mrs. Sadie M. Sigsbee was presented her fifty year jewel in recognition of her fifty years' membership in Sans Soucl Rebe kah Lodge. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Margaret Phelph and Mrs. Altha Kirk. Following this, bingo was enjoyed and refreshments were served to Mrs. Roy Thomas, Mrs. Pearl Devine, Mrs. Frank S. Parker, Mrs. Jos. J. Nys, Mrs. Les ter Doolittle, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, and northwest regional board member, as installing officer. New officers are Mrs. Olive Hughes, president; Mrs. Daisy Collins, vice president, second term; Mrs. Eleanor Gonty, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Gret chen Penland, recording secre tary; Mrs. Etta Parker, treasurer, second term. Board members are Miss Leta M. Humphrey who will fill the unexpired terni of Mrs. Frances Mitchell; and Mrs. Ruth Sanders. Mrs. Grace Nickerson was pre sented with a past president's pin by Mrs. Elaine George, the only past president present. The program included folk songs' by Miss Rose Hoosier of Starifield, house guest of Miss Humphreys, and a violin solo by Mrs. Irene Wilson with Mrs. Ethel Lyngholm as accompanist. Initiation was held for Mrs. Claire Andresen. Each member told how she had earned the $5.00 to be given for a high school scholarship. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers presented the most unusual money-raising scheme. Members absent were Mrs. Clara B. Gertson who is in St. Paul, Minn, and Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Gretchen Penland at Gear hart; Mrs. Juanita Carmichael who had guests. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson and daughter, Sandra of Coos Bay; Mayor and Mrs. J. O. Turner; Judge and Mrs. J. G. Barratt; Francis Nickerson of Eugene; Miss vera Mahoney of Los Angeles; Mrs. Sara McNamer; Loyal Parker, Harold Evans, Ed mond Gonty, Harold Sanders, Sr. Joseph J. Hughes and W. Oscar George. o Wedding Supper Held For Kennewick Couple Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Horn and son Tommy entertained with a wedding supper Saturday even ing, at their home in Eightmile, for Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Smith of Kennewick, who were married in Kennewick that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Roundy, formerly of lone, now of Kenne wick were attendants at the wed ding and were also guests at the supper. The table was centered with a beautiful double wedding ring CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:45 a. m. Church school 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. m Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir practice A WELCOME The rector, vestry and people of the All Saint's Episcopal church extend greetings to the Rev. Les ter D. Boulden on his appoint ment to the Methodist Church of Heppner and pray that God may bless his work in the community as He did the work of his prede cessor, Mr. Sorlien. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Leroy Pillman of St. Helens, Oregon, will be at the Valby church for services on Sun day, June 28, at 11 a. m. The public is cordially invited to come and hear Rev. Pillman because he is a new man on the West coast. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A .Shirley, pastor Sunday June 28 Church school at 9:45 a. m. There will be no preaching ser vice on Sunday. The pastor will deliver the morning service held at the 4-H camp, Herren creek. The public is invited to this service. Sfc M5aJ! !L ALh cake topped with a minaturS Yemenis oiiu u.iJ. nnj .nnm anj AnnnraioA tho lincf occoo I COFFEE HOUR HELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom were hosts Sunday for a coffee hour following the eleven o'clock services at All Saints Episcopal Church. Miss Marilyn Bergstrom who has just recently returned home from Oregon State College assisted with the serving. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. W. J. Hess and son, James of Madras; Rev. Albert Longfellow of Burns. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Baker were hosts for a dinner Sunday evening at their home on W. Cen ter street. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and their daughter, Marilyn. o Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilshire and daughter Carol of Lebanon were brief visitors at the Robert Penland home last Wednesday. WHIM I SAY COFftt I MEAN FOiocit'sr 1 50 outside room $2.00 and up Special weeVly rates WASHINGTON AT I4TH H. P. KUHN, H. A. MATHtSON. OWNERS Your home bate of restful com fort and ease in the center of busy Portland. Enjoy superlative service and convenience plus at the gracious CARLTON where each guest Is an individual. PORTLAND, OREGON J. O. PETERSON JEWELER 'OUTER SPACE" PARTY The American Legion Post No. 87 will hold a party after the with pink and white flowers made from marshmallows, around the base of the cake, o HnnHkprrhief Shnwpr installation or oincers on satur- i i n day, June 27, for members and UlVen WS. Payne invited guests, The party will be held in the Following the regular meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge Legion hall and the theme will be Friday evening, a farewell party 'Outer Space Mid-Season CLEARANCE CONTINUES i i A 'Tm'H - . ., I, ! f J ) a DRESSES SKIRTS JACKETS BLOUSES SMOCKS MANY OTHER ITEMS ALL BETTER SUMMER Dresses and Skirts Reduced for Anniversary Special ..SHANTUNG WEAVES ORLON AND COTTONS EVERGLAZE COTTONS NYLONS See Our Special Table of Clearance Bargains CLAUDIEN'S and handkerchief shower was given for Mrs. Jesse C. Payne who is leaving next week to make her home in Pendleton. Mrs. Merle Kirk, Mrs. Robert Dobbs and Mrs. John Bergstrom were in charge of arrangements. Refreshments were served to thirty-five guests. I Super-Slay Lipsticks ARE AS LONG-LASTING AS CAN BE... STAY ON YOUR UPS, BEAUTIFULLY! The reason? Dorothy Cray's secret Super-Stay formula that's creamy, hut never drying yet never looks greasy, either. In the famous Dorothy Cray personalized lipstick shades! $1 and $1.50, Dorothy Gray Super-Stay Nail Polish to match . . . 75f. DOROTHY GRAY pr.i.ntt ....... , . Bright red, satiny pouch for your purse holds jewel-topped Queen's Taste Super-Stay Lipstick and H-oz. jewel-topped flacon of new "Wedgwood" Perfume . . . $3.50. Jeweled lipstick case top fits any )l-ite brass Dorothy Cray Lip stick, if you wish another shade. (AU print plul lax.) PHIL'S PHARMACY it EMEY'S 0 11 I . ft Mr W3 if-:-- -. WOMEN'S COTTON BATISTE GOWNS Three Smart Styles, in Colorful Print 76 x 72 Batiste .44 Mllliilliiil'illlllil'lll!111!!:1!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!! B1I11111M II Boy's Short Sleeve 100 Nylon Sport Shirts Mothers favorite "no-iron" Nylon Plisse' Smart colors. 1.00 M! i!llll!ll!lllSliH;il!!!!!liP!llii!!ll!!!;ii;i Girl's Circular Knit Rayon Briefs Tunnelled elastic waist band leg. White CZ For A .00 Only. O JL jMli'H 1 IlilliilH"! Ilillil!i;!l'!!lllil!lilli;iillfl Large Size Terry Bathroom Ensemble Brilliant Decorator Colors and Plain White. 22x44 bath size 66c 1 6x26 face towel 36c wash cloth 1 4c fllMif!i'W MORE VALUES! MORE SAVINGS! with Penney's own sizzling hot specials! Extra before-the-4th y savings on late spring and early sum mer values! f END-OF-Q)MTH " 3 f f