Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 25, 1953. Lexington News By Delpha Jones Mr. and Mrs. Emory Burnside were visitors in Kinzua Sunday. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker returned home last week from Winlock, Wash, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. James Leach. Donnie Hiatt from Portland is visiting at the George Allyn home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chris topherson and family from Rufus were visiting Mrs. Elsie Peterson Sunday. Pat Steagall is spending a couple of weeks at 4-11 dub sum mer camp at Corvallis. Mrs. Francis McMillan and 322 COLORS IN ALL FINISHES TRY Boyscn Plasolux Interior and Exterior Enamel Boardman News Ey Flossie Coats Miss Mildred Titus, Village Missionary who has been assist ing Miss Jean Scott at the Board- man Community church has been with a cash gift from friends and also 'one from the young peoples group. Miss Scott will be assist ed by another Missionary from California in a few days. Jack Hamilton and young son John and Loreli Hamilton re turned home from Bellingham last week after several days spent called into anotner neia leaving tnere with reatl'ves. This is Monday morning for cannon young Johns irst visit nere and Beach, Oregon. Miss .Titus will; pans t0 spend the summer witn receive her orders after arriving ihis father and uncle and aunt at the Conference, Many showed their appreciation to Miss Titus at a tea Sunday evening June 21st in the church basement at 6 p. m. She was also presented 11111 Hi (If All! PHONE 6-9212 HEPPNER WE LIKE TO Hr.LP FOLKS BUILD Mrs. Mervin Leonard were Walla Walla visitors one day last week, where they took Mrs, McCall who was going to Idaho for a visit. Holly Rebekah lodge met on Thursday night with Noble Grand Delpha Jones in the chair. A cemetery committee was appoint ed at this time as the lodge hopes to make this their community pro iect. Audrey Ansted, Jo Irvln, Freda Majeske and Otillia Hunt. Re freshments were served later by Mrs. Oris Pad berg and Mrs. Art Hunt. Franklin Miles and Max Breed ing were Portland visitors this week, where they were called for their army physical. Mrs. Don Grant and brother Paul Breeding were Yamhill visi tors over the weekend. A physician was called from Heppner Tuesday to attend Mrs. Dan Way, who had had a sick spell. Robert Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gray of Stanfield, who wns recently inducted in the armed services is stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif. The Morrow County Health As sociation met in Lexington on Wednesday evening at the I. O. 0. F. hall. MM2 Cecil I. Botts who has been in Japan for several months is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Botts. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Vernon Russell spent the week end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Seth Russell. Vernon is employed on the Chief Joseph dam at Bridgeport, Wash. Mrs. Archie McNeil and Miss Mary Clarke, Cannon Beach, were overnight guests at the Manse with the Misses Jean Scott and Mildred Titus Saturday, going on to Athena early Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forthman Ralph Skoubo home was Mrs. Skoubo's mother, Mrs. B. E. Get chell, Mrs. A. E. McDuffee and son, Hermiston; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kelly, Portland. Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, Mrs. John Walker and Mrs. Leo Root mot ored to Lexington Wednesday evening where they attended the Citizen's Advisory Council to the Public Health program. Mrs. Toivia Simila and child ren, Portland, are house guests at the home of Mrs. Simila's parents Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skou bo. Guests enjoying Father's Day dinner at the Erwin Flock home Sunday was Mrs. Flock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kunze, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duelen and children Cora and Dick, Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunze and child ren, also Mr. Glen Barrett, Kenne-wick. and Larry West left Monday for a weeks outing at Bend fishing. Clarence Anderson and Owen Magers, Longview left Saturday evening for a vacation in and near Bend, Oregon. 1VT r a n1 A.1 ro IVu i cr I a cc Pa 1 if f 1 are the parents of a baby son' th t T i,u uuiu oaiuiudy juiic joui ai lIlt-Ifiuhinir DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance - Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. Tues.-Wed. Fri.-9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. Thurs. Sat. 9.00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment M. .. ANALYTICAL VISUAL Broken Lenses Duplicated EXAMINATION Glasses Fitted St. Anthonv's hospital. This is the This was Delpha Jones, I first son for the Forthmans anu the third child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keeler, Wallowa, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forthman, and a great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Forth man, Boardman. The little man has been named Stephen Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner and daughter and accompanied by Mrs. Turner's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Myers, Hammond, Oregon was in Boardman Satur day on their return trip into Al buquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Tur ner will attend summer school in Eugene this summer beginning classes Monday June 22. Guests Tuesday at the Ralph Skoubo home was Mr. Skoubo's aunt, Mrs. Stella Lind, and her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wold and sons. Mrs. Lind and the boys will remain at the Skoubo home' for a cou- .Vy7 ,s WAITING PLASTIC ECO SEPARATOR FOR YOU AT CASE FURNITURE It's GIFT WEEK of your ZENITH Deal ers. This Plastic Egg Separator Given FREE (while they last) to every Woman Visiting our ZENITH Appliance Section. Whatever your applianct neodi or, you'll find a ZENITH to fill thorn In ttylinj . , . In feature! ... In quality ... and In prlct, See the now ZENITH Automatic Waihtr . i . tho fully automatic lelf-defroiting refrigerator. Thrill to tho big ZENITH double vn oltctrlc rango with "dial-a-color" twitch , . , or tho giant evon 10 Inch rango for limited ipaco. Loam how ZENITH frooxor, eheil or upright, iavl food . rlmo , , . and monoy. ZCNIJH It America. CMAf Appli'onco Value! Tntro'i a ZtNITH Appllant to ml notdi In quality , . . and priced to your budget requirements Overnight guests at the Frank Marlow home was Mrs. Marlow's sister and nephew, Mrs. Laff Smith, La Grande and Butch Thomas, Joseph, Oregon. Other guests Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas, Jos eph and Bethene Newman, La Grande. The Thomas family are moving from Joseph to Brookings, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie motored to Prosser Sunday where they were dinner guests at the Art Gillespie home. Zearls father Mr. Edd Gillespie returned home for a weeks stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara left Sun day for an outing at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cudd and daughter Brenda left Monday for Wenatchee, Wash. The Cudds have been residents at the Van noy trailer camp for the past snvpral months Mr. Cudd has pie of weeks while Mr. and Mrs. bpen employed in Umatilla. Wold will motor on into Portland. Sunday dinner guests at the Mis Nancy Rands, daughter of Fiorence Root home was her son Mr. ana Mrs. k. a. ttanus unaer went a tonsilectomy in the St. Anthony's hospital last week. Miss Mary Rands returned to her home from college at San Jose, Calif., last week. She was accompanied home by her aunt Mrs. Robert Imperiale. Mrs. Im periale will be remembered as Donna Rands, a sisler of Mr. Rands. Ladies Aid met Wednesday June 17th at the Community Church with Mrs. Chas. Dillon and Mrs. Robert Lyons as hostess es. About fifteen ladies were present. Dinner guests Thursday at the and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and two sons. Curtis remained here for a week with his grandmother. Mrs. Esther Knight and daugh ter Edna who are spending the rummer at Lapine, Oregon, spent the weekend here at their home. Mr. W. E. Garner and son Dick for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Mi YOUR LOCAL AGENT WRITES HAIL INSURANCE in A "Weather Tested" OLD LINE COMPANY Turner, Van Marrer b Bryant INSURANCE BONDS REAL ESTATE Phone 6-9652 HEPPNER 5 Extra Bonus Offer! FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY This 13.95 Value 7-pc. STAINLESS STEF1. KITCHEN TOOL SET at NO EXTRA COST with the purchase of any ZENITH Appliance mm - " 9 :m-s;r llJiil ' New Aero-Falcon . . . 4-and 2-door models . . . powered by the thrifty Lightning 6 Engine . . . 61-inch-wide seating, front and rear . . . smooth, comfortable "airborne" ride. dm f-rSmt-J- & trior JHL!? - F 'S- , ,. rJUh ZENITH Profit Shaiing Bond is worth up to -$50.00 to you! See us for details. Case Furniture Company 1953 yW Tf II o7777 Lower Prices! Sensational Values PRICED AS LOW AS mm Aero-lark 2 Door Sedan, List Price, F.O.B. Toledo, Ohio, plu; Federal, State and Local Taxes (if any), Transportation, Service and Handling Charges, Optional Equipment, Extra. 77ie Aero-Lark ... Lighting 6 Engine.,, rigid, welded-unit aero-frame construction . . . streamlined design to cut wind drag and add to mileage . . . unmatched visibility. Farley Motor Company