n Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 29, 1953 Mrs. Hamlett New Head of Amica Club at lone By Echo Palmateer Mrs. Atlon Hamlett was elected preside! of the Amica club at a meeting at the home of Mrs Karl McCabe Wednesday Jan. 21. Other officers fleeted, were vice president, Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Mil ton Morgan. Games were played after the business meeting and Mrs. Hamlett and Mrs. Louis Carlson won the the prizes. Mrs. Gary Tullis received the door prize. Mrs. Tommy Bristow as sisted Mrs. McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Hermiston were visitors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCabe are the parents of a daughter, Chris tine Jean, born in Heppner Jan. 22. Weight 5 lbs. 6 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene of lone and A. A. McCabe of Adams are the grandparent. Klaine Gaarsland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaarsland, underwent a tonsilectomy at the Pioneer Memorial hospital in Heppner last week. Miss Ingrid Hermann who is employed at the telephone office in Pendleton is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hermann. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell at tended the funeral services of Mrs .Charles Baker at Walla Wal la Thursday Jan. 22. She was a Mar meeting. Algott Lundell and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Those winning prizes in bridge were Mrs. Mabel Cotter and Omar Rietmann, high; Re and Mrs. A. Shirley, low and Rev Shirley, Jack high. In pinochle Mrs. Charles Carlson and Frank lin Lindstrom, high; Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Charles O'Connor, low, and Mrs. Charles O'Connp; 390 pinochle. Mrs. Ernest Hen ker received high in pedro and O. L. Lundell, low. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell hav started on their new home on third street. Rollo Crawford and Robert Rietmann went to Oakland, Calif last week by train and returned Sunday with Lyle (Pinky) Ally in his car. Allyn has recovered from injuries received in a motor cycle accident last fall. He with his parents in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker entertained the lone center of the Farm Bureau Monday evening Jan. 19 at their home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burton of Portland returned to their home Sunday after spending a week with her mother, Mis .Lena Pad berg. Mrs. Padberg went to Port land with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowell and Harvey Ring went to Portland Monday. Their son. Michael is staying with his grand parent Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake. Dates to remember: Jan. 31 Food sale bv the Gar den club at the Swanson store at 2 p. m. Feb.2 Fire district meeting at tne Legion hall 8 p. m. Feb. 3 Auxiliary at the Victor Kietmann home at 2 p. m. eb 4 Social Club of Eastern Page 3 cousin of Mrs. Lundell and a sis ter-in-law of Henry Baker. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Howton en tertained her brother and family Mr. ana Mrs. John Campbell at a dinner Monday Jan. 19. - It was the Campbells 7th wedding an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs of Condon were other guests. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and son, Garland of Baker visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Grabill over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCabe and daughter Ar iel a visited A. A. McCabe in the hospital in Pendleton Sunday. Bridge, pinochle and pedro were played at the social meet ing of the Topic club at the Roy Lindstrom home Saturday even ing. The co-hostesses were Mrs. I Feb. 6 Extension meetine at the Community Church at 10:30 a. m. Subject purse making. Recent visitors at the L. Howton home were Mr. and Mrs John Shimek of Lind, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pepiot and son Warren, of Connell, Wash Sunday callers at the Howton home were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osibov and children of lone, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs of Condon Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker spent Sunday at the Ed Buschke home at Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley of Heppner gave a birthday party in honor of her mother Mrs. Ida Grabill at their home Sunday, Others attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bristow and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc- Out-smart Old Man Weather I I Cheer up Paint up With ,SP bJ .d OiW" to deletion rtU,, Sunday Winds Cause Damage At Boardman By Flossie Coats Sunday the weather-man went all out for freakishness. There was sunshine, heavy pouring rain, and wind that did damage over the project throughout the day. Some trees were blown down and the roof was blown off the garage at the Frank Marlow place. The smorgasbord at the grange hall Saturday evening was well attended and proved financially good. The proceeds from this goes toward remodeling the kitchen. W. E. Garner was pro gram chairman for the evening, having a very nice and interest ing program with many conses- I. MUMS. iVilb. riOreilCO KOOt m Citv CWntvnn fi- anj Afro r?oi. . v'Uuil, 4,11. UIIU 1,11.3. UUI winner of the door nrie which Anderegg Monday and Tuesday. was a very beautiful blanket. Robert Garvison, Portland, the youngest son of Mrs. Chas. An deregg was married to Miss Irene Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara motored to Tortland Friday bringing back is.orpinh.n, aan nancisco, Satur-'Mr. Andv Anderetre anrt his hrm day January 17th. Mrs. Garvison Jther Alouise Anderegg of San is a Dr. of Medics and conducts1 Francisco. Calif., the Litter ts classes for the nurses in thelspending the winter in Oregon Good Samaritan hospital, Tort-i with relatives. land. The young couple are at Michael Cassidy son of Mr. and home 310 High Street Oregon 'Mrs. Michael Cassidy Sr., enlisted in the armed forces and was sent to Fort Lewis. He stated in a letter to his parents he expects to be sent to a camp in California soon. Marlene Fisk and Grace Miller motored to Pendleton Fridny. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mil'er and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller re turned home Monday from Gres ham where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Sadie Chase, mother of Mrs. Robert Miller. The Robert Millers had been in Gresham for several days. Mrs. Frank Barlow and son Darrell motored to Pendleton on Thursday. Mr. Lee Harwood is a patient in the veterans hospital in Walla Walla, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller an.l Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen mo tored to Reith, Oregon Wcdnes (Continued on page 6) and New Rooms for Old! New one-coat oil-base WallhkJe covert ny lurface. Wash repeatedly without itreakingl Choice of 34 colon. Flat, gal ... 4.8S Semigl's gal. 6.27 Gloss, gal 6.27 tvarerspar varnisn For ue on floors, woodwork, fur niture, on metal of finished turfacei. Easy to apply I Quick drying! Durable I Quart$ 1.95 Color Dynamics , , i Get a free copy of our revised and I enlarged booklet, "Color Dynamics for the Home". Explains how you can make your house loveuerj more cheerful and en- I joyable. t JJ .1 Waterspar Enamel Quick-drying enamel gives wood work and furniture new beauty and add- hfe. Resists mar ring. Cleans easily. fl II I m 1 2 Wi m T ed Mil 2.55 Point Over Wallpaper Add Vi gallon of water to a gallon ff of Techide and paint $Oj5? over w?"PaP?r- p1": NLpvV ter, waUboard or old L 1 Hh Paint. 2.75 paint. Gallon $ Caulking Compounds and Guns Just the thing for filling cracks around doors, windows and in stucco, brick or concrats. Dura ble, weather-and-water-resistant Get Your FREE Copy of COLOR DYNAMICS for the Home Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. Cabe and family, and Mr, Mrs. Tom Bristow. Several from here spent Satur day shopping in Pendleton and attended the basketball game in Echo in the evening. A stork shower was given in honor of Mrs.- Tommy Bristow at the Legion hall Jan. 24. She re ceived many lovely gifts. The hostesses were Mrs. Ray Heimhig ner, Mrs .Raymond Lundell, Mrs. Garland Swanson, Mrs. Lloyd Rice, Mrs. Arthur Warren, Mrs. Louis Carlson, Mrs. Delmer Craw ford, Miss Juanita Morgan, Mrs. Delbert Emert, Mrs. Robert Jep- sen, Mrs. James Sumner of Hood River, Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Karen Lundell, Linda Rca Heimbiener and Dianna Pettyiohn assisted with the gifts. Mrs. Hisler of Butter Creek poured the coffee and Mrs. E. W. Bristow served the punch. The cakes were decorat ed with Icing of pink and blue shaped like booties and the tables were decorated with pink carnations and pink candles. The American Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Jan. 20 with Mrs. Edith Nichoson and Mrs. David McLeod as co-hostesses. It was voted to eive $5 to the March of Dimes. Material for Easter dresses for the Child Welfare was distribu ted among the members. The Le- lon is giving $15 to the boys Child Welfare for Easter clothing The Three Links Club of the Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge met at the home of Mrs. Mary Swan son Friday Jan. 23. She was as sisted by Mrs. Adon Hamlett. The club gave $5 to the March of Dimes. Names for secret pals were drawn. Mrs. Cecil Thome received the door prize. Miss Alice Nichoson of Port- and visited her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson last week. Mrs. Wm. Rawlins gave a birth- lay party in honor of her son, Tommy Friday afternoon Jan. 23. He was five years old. Those pre sent were: Mrs. Fred Hoskins Jr. nd children, Gail, Marie and Malcolm, Mrs. J. J. Farley and daughter, Patricia of Heppner, Mrs. Charles O'Connor and aughters, Marjorie and Teresa, Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and children, Stephen and Susan, Mrs. Raymond Lundell and daughter Cheryle, Mrs. Frank Anderson and sons Stephen and Eric. Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and son, Ronnie and baby daughter, and Mrs. Evan Rill and son, and Carol and John Rawlins. The city is putting pipe from the railroad track back to the Edison Morgan property to the Willow Creek to take care of the overflow of water from the irri gation ditches above town. The National Civil Defense in- ailed a telephone in the city all to be used for defense pur poses. Charles Doherty reports ttmt mother, Mrs. Margaret Doherty, broke her wrist about two weeks ago when she fell near her home in Pendleton. ' Safety, jJaiUn 33, Of THE NEW 19534 yero PRICES AS LOW AS Aero-lark 2 -Door Sedan, List Price F. O. t. Toledo, Ohio, plus Federal Taxes, State and local Taxes, if any. Freight, Delivery and Handling Charges, Optional Equipment, Extra. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY HEPPNER eppner Refrigeration FORMER MODE O'DAY BUILDING We'll be open Saturday In our new location ready to greet you. Our new store is completely modern and greatly enlarged to make it easier for you to shop and to give us the opportunity to bring you many new lines of merchandise including the famous Hammond Chord Organ, Pianos, records and sheet music. In addition, we will have special FREE GIFT COUPONS lor 30 lucky persons who visit our new store on opening day. Make It a point to be with us next Saturday. MORROW COUNTY DEALERS FOR if Mrk fells I; L V i .Prices Start Atk w5 JNJ To The First 200 Women A - FREE -GARDENIA Refrigerators Electric Ranges Home Freezers Automatic Washers Dryers All the famous Frigidaire home appliances will be awaiting your inspection, and In addition we have added Commercial refrigera tion to our services. If you need any type of home appliance or appliance repair remember to call 1423. 20975 MOW Lines of Merchant JAMES DISHWASHERS SEE AND TRY- Hammond Chord Organ . . . The famous musical instrument you can learn to play the first time you sit down. It will be on display and we invite you to come in and try youi hand at playing real music without a sipgle lesson. Baldwin & Acrosonic Pianos AND A NEW Record and Sheet: Music Department Another new department Is our Record and Sheet Music section where you will find your favorite popular, western or classi cal sections on either 33 13, 45 or 78 R. P. M. records. We will have a big stock for you Saturday awaiting your selection. I: " - j ; k IRENE ZINTER Main Street Phone 1423 t i r !