Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 21, 1952, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 21, 1952
Page 5
Social Happenings
Birthdays Honored By
Carnation Club
Mrs. Clara B. Gertson and Mrs.
Sylvia McDaniel entertained the
Carnation Club Thursday even
ing at the Gertson home on S.
Main street. Birthday gifts were
presented to those members who
observed birthdays in January,
February and March. Prizes were
received by Mrs. Ellen Moore,
Mrs. Bernice Seeliger and Mrs.
Ethelyn Pierson for their high
score in games. Present were
Mrs. Patricia Rauch, Mrs. Doris
Wilson, Mrs. LuCella Sorlien, Miss
Meredith Sorlien, Mrs. Alice Mc
Cabe, Mrs. Ruth Payne, Mrs. The
ta Stratton, Mrs. Ruth E. Berg
strom, Mrs. Melba Quackenbush,
Mrs. Bernice Nash, Miss Mary
Ann Jensen, Mrs. Genevieve
Springer, Mrs. Julia Hill, of Coos
Bay, Mrs. Mellie Harris Mrs. Katie
Cunningham, Mrs. Bernice Seeli
ger, Mrs. Ethelyn Moore. Mrs.
Martha King, Mis. Ida Fa'rra, Mrs.
Prudie Casebeer and Mrs. Ethelyn
Pierson. Mrs. Pearl Devino was a
guest of the club'. Refreshments
were served.
Maranatha Club Meet
At Hermann Home
Mrs. G. Hermann and Mrs. Mar
ion Palmer entertained the Mara
natha club at the Hermann home
Wednesday of last week. The
club discussed purchasing covers
for the tables and piano in the
church and repairing the parson
age. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses and the door
prize was received by Mrs. Wal
lace Matthews.
New Book of Recipes
FREE! This 42-page book of thrill-
ing, new tested recipes is yours for
the asking. Just send your request
with your name and address to the
address listed below.
HERMISTON Phone 3571
In keeping ivith
the best American
Tradition nf f
Gracious Eatin?
, !v
FREE; Hollywood Diet and Calorie Guide
write Eleanor Day, Boi 1027 Hollywood, Calif
Walla Walla Baking Co.
Under Ucmit by
Notional loktn Strvft!, Inc
f' lltftllillll
rn.it mm PPM
was - - - iiwfillW
F.d. To
- ffctaL- : r
Only In Elgin will yv na Hi
laganc. of modern styling e.m
Uned wHh Hi prmann( Hm
kMping perfection 4 DwraPowtr
Mainspring. Yvr smartest chok
. . . greatest watch kvy ( lt Hni.
1 7 J".1'- i- , ... . ..i
" : - ' - . V Ui.lt '
,. r, r-r ' . ' i j !i;
J .V ' i 1 V
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Mitt i- -.iihir'"1- '.. '.nii'M itf.in'ii iT ifrti-'iiiiniiiwiiiiir nil nrirr- f-i-
AN EARLY February wedding in Eugene united Miss Mildred Caro
lyn Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of lone
and Robert A. Hope, Eugene. They will live in the valley city.
Monument Scene of
Cork-Moore Wedding
Monument's High School gym
nasium was the setting Wednes
day, February 13, for the wedding
of Miss Anita Moore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore of
Whitebird, Idaho and Roy Arlot
Cork, of the U. S. Navy and son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork of Monument.
Rev. Ernest Brown of John Day
officiated in the double ring cere
mony. The bride was given in
marriage by her father. She wore
a dress of white satin and lace
with a cathedral train. Her waist
length veil of illusion was held
by a matching crown of satin,
she carried a bouquet of white
Mrs. Robert Lesley, sister of
the groom, was matron of honor,
wearing an orchid formal and
carrying a bouquet of yellow car
nations. The three attendants were Miss
Tat Kirk, aunt of the bride, wear
ing a pink formal and carrying a
bouquet of orchid carnations;
Miss Rhoene Bleakman, cousin
of the groom, in a green formal
with a bouquet of pink carna
tions and Miss Shirley Robertson,
cousin of the groom wearing a
pink formal with a bouquet of
white carnations.
Norris Stubblefield was best
man and the ushers were Don
Gilman and Glen Legler.
Miss Yvonne Stoneman had
charge of the guest book, she was
dressed in yellow.
Mrs. Joe Simas, sister of the
groom, was at the piano, and
wore an afternoon frock of water
melon red with a corsage of white
carnations. Mrs. Stanley Boyer,
sister of the, bride and Charles
Roach, Jr. sang.
The mother of the bride wore a
grey suit with navy accessories
and a pink and white carnation
corsage. The grooms's mother
wore a gold suit with brown ac
cessories and white carnation cor
sage. Immediately following the
ceremony a reception was held in
the grange hall. .The bride and
groom cut the lovely three-tiered
cake, Mrs. Stanley Boyer poured
and Mrs. Joe Simas served the
Attending the wedding from a
distance were the paternal grand
parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Ad Moore of Heppner and her ma
ternal grandmother, Mrs. Herman
Kirk of Wallowa.
Triple Links Club
Plan Food Sale
Mrs. Clive Huston, Mrs. Ben An
derson, Mrs. Frank Ayers and
Mrs. J. C. Fayne were hostesses
for the Triple Link Club Monday
evening at the Oddfellows Hall.
Committees appointed to arrange
for the food sale which is schedu
led for March 1, at the Red and
White store, include Mrs. Ben An.
derson, and Mrs. Clive Huston,
pricing: Mrs. Merle Kirk and
Mrs. Rufus Piper, sales; and Mrs.
Victor Groshen, general chair
man. The sale will begin at 10:30
o'clock Saturday morning. A
money-raising project, the travel
ing basket, was started at the
meeting. Proceeds from this will
be used to defray expenses for
furnishings needed in the ladies'
lounge. The date of the club's
meeting has been changed from
the third Wednesday of the
month to the fourth Monday to
suit the convenience of the mem
bership. Twenty-five members
were present. Mrs. Victor Groshen
is president and Mrs. R. G. Mc
Murtry, secretary-treasurer.
All Saints Auxiliary
Hold Business Meet
Mrs. Hilma Anderson and Mrs.
James J. Farley were hostesses for
the business meeting of the Wo
men's Auxiliary of All Saints
Episcopal Church Thursday after
noon at the Parish House. Plans
were made for the Pancake Lun
cheon which will be held on
Shrove Tuesday February 26.
This is the final social affair
of the Auxiliary before Lent. Fif
teen members were ' present for
Thursday's meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson en
tertained with a dinner party
Saturday evening at their apart
ment in. Arborvitae Cottage. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogle
tree and Mrs. M. R. Wightman.
Cards were enjoyed following the
Wedding Held
In Eugene
In a candlelight, double-ring
ceremony on Saturday afternoon,
February 2, Miss Mildred Carolyn
Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Carlson of lone and Ro
bert A. Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph A. Hope of Eugene, were
married at the home of the bride
groom's parents, by Rev. Berlyn
V. Farris of the First Methodist
Church of Eugene.
The bride, given In marriage
by her father, wore a royal blue
suit, white hat, navy accessories
and a white orchid corsage. Her
attendant, Mrs. Lyle McGunnigle
of Eugene, wore a navy suit with
pink hat and corsage of pink and
white carnations. Lyle McGun
nigle was best man.
The bride's mother wore, navy
blue and the groom's mother wore
Alice blue, their corsages were
Talisman roses tied with gold.
Arrangements of daffodils, Tal
isman roses, white carnations,
accacia and white tapers deco
rated the rooms. Before the cere
mony, Miss Ellen Stone sang "At
Dawing", "If God Left Only You",
and "Oh, Perfect Love", accom
panied by Mrs. Nadine Harrang
at the piano.
The reception table was cen
tered by the tiered wedding cake.
Mrs. J. P. Darst of Seattle, sister of
the bride, cut the cake. Mrs
Ralph A. Hope, Jr. poured. Miss
Shirley Smouse of Portland was
in charge of the guest book.
Out of town guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of lone,
Mr. ad Mrs. J. P. Darst and sons
Dick and Leonard of Seattle, Mrs.
Clifford Carlson and daughter
Leelie, of Seattle, Miss Dee Will
iams, Mrs. Pauline Herbert, Frank
Honey, and Miss Shirley Smouse
all of Portland.
Both the bride and groom at
tended the University of Oregon
where the groom was a member
of Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
The couple left immediately af
ter the reception, in a new car,
on a honeymon trip to Omaha,
Nebraska. They will be at home
after March 1st at 259 East 13th
St., Eugene, Oregon.
After the reception the couple,
in a well tin canned car with
many appropriate signs fastened
on it, left for a honeymoon trip
to parts unknown, before they
have to return to the Naval Base
at San Diego, where Cork will re
port for duty.
Soroptimists Have
Valentine Party
A Valentine Party was the fea
ture of the Soroptimist Club
luncheon Thursday noon at O'
Donnell's Cafe. During roll each
member presented a "home
made" valentine to the person
whose name she had drawn at
the previous meeting. Many
clever valentines were presented.
The prize, a quaint nosegay of
red roses in a paper lace doily,
was given to Elaine George for
the original poem and red paper
heart she presented to Leta Hum.
phrey. Mrs. J. C. Payne was the
judge. The program for the day
was arranged by Mrs. Ruth Sand
ers. The centerpiece was a sil
vered tree with red hearts hang
ing from the branches. Mrs.
Sadie M. Sigsbee was a guest of
the club.
Altar Society Bingo
Party Draws Crowd
A large crowd attended the
Bingo Party sponsored by the
Altar Society at St. Patrick's Ro
man Catholic Church Saturday
evening. John Ernsdorff called
the numbers. Mrs. Harry O'Don
nell and Mrs. Jack Healy dis
tributed prizes. Refreshments
were served.
NEED Letterheads, Phone 882
Coming Events
Friday Feb. 22 Ruth Chapter No.
32, OES, men entertaining.
Saturday Feb. 23 Elks Annual
2:00 p. m. initiation.
2:00 p. m. ladies card party.
Legion Hall.
5:30 p. m. buffett supper. Elks
lunch room.
8:30 p. m. floor show, Star
10:30 p. m. dance. Elks ball
room. Elks and their ladies
only, no guests.
Jr. Degree of Honor Party, Jay-
cce Hall 2:00 p. m. to 4:00
p. m.
Monday Feb. 25 Chamber of
commerce, noon at O'Donnell's
Tuesday Feb. 26 Shrove Tuesday
pancake luncheon. Episcopal
Parish house, 11:30 a. m. to 1:30
p. m.
Degree of Honor.
Thursday Feb, 27 Soroptimists,
noon at O Donnell's.
Program Discussed At
Lex Garden Club
The Lexington Garden Club
met in the home of Mrs. Myles
Martin on Tuesday of last week.
A program for the year was
discussed by the following mem
hers: Mrs. Gena Leonard, Bernice
Lott, Edna Munkers, Katie Pad
berg, Nellie Palmer, Faye Mun
kers, Maxine Cox, Edith Miller,
Bernice Healey, Mrs. Myles Mar
tin, Ann Smouse, Mrs. Calvin,
Nellie Johnson, Emma Peck, Mrs.
L. Wetzel, and Marie Martin.
Guests of the day were: Mrs.
Lola Bennett, Pearl Devine and
Laura Lee Rice of Heppner. In
conclusion, a Valentine door prize
was drawn by number, and was
received by Mrs. Gena Leonard.
Following the meeting lovely
refreshments were served by the
Mrs. Myles Martin entertained
the Garden Club Wednesday af
ternoon at her home on Green
street. Twenty-one members were
present and each answered roll
call by giving a bit of Interesting
Information about her favorite
flower." Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Luttrell of
Hermlston were weekend visitors
in Heppner.
Popular "Wild Rose" Pattern
in Soft Gray-Blue on Ivoryl
No wailing no coiipom no money to itnd
tor these premiums! They're inside every big
square package of Mother's Oats. Take your
choice of this China, Aluminum Ware, "Fire
King" Cup snd Saucer, or Carnival Ware.
You get doublt value! Money can't buy
finer quality, more nourishing oatmeal than
Mother's Oats. It's the delicious hot, creamy
oatmeal your family loves. Get it today!
Come in and see the
with "Fabri-Flex" control I
$17.50 a Month
After Down Payment
Famous C-E Activator Waihlng Action washes cloriias piece by piece-last
spin-out drying Fabrl-Flex control Small-Load Selector -1 vr. warranty an
entire washer additional 4 yr. warranty on sealed-k tfansnilssiaa.
Heppner Hardware & Electric
PHONE 2482
MARCH 1, 1952
The Picture Shop will discontinue operation effective
March 1, and all work will be finished by that date. Anyone
having pictures here are asked to pick them up by that time.
Our Thanks
We want to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to
the people of Heppner and Morrow county for their patron
age. It has been a pleasure to work with you.
Girls Sizes 4-6-8-10-12. Rayon knit, band leg, elastic
waist.-White only.
5 for $1.00
Durene and Mercerized Cotton, White only.
Cuff Top. Sizes 6 thru 1012.
4 for $l.oo