Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 2), 1952 Students Entertain At Rebekah Meeting Mrs. Alice Luttrell of Hermiston was presented a Veteran RebekarT Jewel Friday night at the regular meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah Lodge. This is in recognition of Mrs. Luttrell's twenty-five years' membership and long service in the work of the order. During the social hour which followed the lodge session, a handkerchief shower was given for Mrs. Edith Porterfield, a member who is leaving to make her home in The Dalles. Alice Peterson and Mere dith Thomson, grade school stu dents gave readings from projects they had prepared in their speech trts class. Two numbers "Lon donderry Air" and "Parade of the Wooden Soldiors" were played by a saxophone quartette from the Heppner school band. Members were Frances Slocum, Nancy Davis, Peggy Wightman and Jay Sumner. The program was ar ranged by Mrs. AHha Kirk. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Jeanne Dobbs and Mrs. Delia Tash. At the March 7 meeting initiation ceremonies will bo held for a class of new candidates. o NEED Envelopes, Phone 832 Handkerchief Shower Honors --Mrs. Hiatt Mrs. Lima Matt who departed Monday to make her home in Kennewick, Wash., was the hon oree at a farewell party and handkerchief shower on Friday evening at her home on Baltimore street. Mrs." Cllve Huston and Mrs. E. R. Eennett were hostesses. Present were Mrs. Grace Hughes, Mrs. Mary Wurster, Mrs. Ethel Adams, Miss Nancy Adams, and Mrs. Herman Parker. Gifts were sent by several others who were unable to attend. John McDonald LYON .li i i i ,. MJM"'V;' ,1 ' ... I vV- 1 One of America's Great Organists Will Present An ORGAN CONCERT Tuesday, March 4, 8:00 P. M. Heppner Christian Church ADULTS $1.25 Children 6-13. 75c Presented By Christian Women's Fellowship Shirley Erwin Has Birthday Party Shirley Erwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin, celebrat ed her fourth birthday on Tues day February 19, with a party for eleven of hit little friends. They played games and worked puzzles until time for the re freshments which featured ice cream and birthday cake. Those present were: Kit, David and Doug Anderson, Johnnie Pfi effer, Ginny Smith, David George, David Matheny, Scottie and Vickie Barratt, Erna Linn Winchester and Martha Peterson. PINE CITY HOME EXTENSION UNIT The Pine Cily Home Extension unit met February 14 at the home of Mrs. Glen Campbell. Maude Caswell instructed the group on the use of plaids and stripes, how to select fabrics and patterns and how to lay out patterns on both balanced and unbalanced plaids. Refreshments with the Valen tine motif were served. The group enjoyed seeing Mrs. Campbell's kitchen which was re. cently remodeled from a hall type to a modern step-saving U style kitchen. , WE'LL BE BACK . Midland Air Service ACOMPLETE FIELD SPRAYING SERVICE OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CONTACT YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE Claudctte Colbert offers one of her most stirring screen roles to date cast as a nun who sets out to prove the innicence of a young girl sentenced to hang for a mur der in Universal . International's suspenseful 'Thunder on the Hill." Wed. S Thurs. Feb. 27-28 at The Star Theatre. Victor Rietmann's Scene of Bridge Party Mrs. Victor Rietmann enter tained the following at a bridge party at her home Saturday af ternoon: Mrs. Ted Smith and Mrs-. II. D. McCurdy Sr. of Heppner, Mrs. Clell Ray, Mrs. Vernor Tro edson, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. C. W. Swan son, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Grace Ware, Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mrs, Juanita Rietmann, Mrs. Henry Osibov, Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Those winning prizes were, high, Mrs. Dobyns, 2nd high, Mrs. Lundell, low, Mrs. Palmateer and Jack high, Mrs. Mary Swanson. Re freshments were served after the party. IB I- 1 IT i x " jV.vvv If 1 :''::vlJ,,w,' FortUmatic, vhitt uUwall Hm (if mailable) IV i. m rJ W -'W' Jwtfafc, optional at extra ctmt. hqutpment, aceaorie$, t " .n li;- r uml tnin uhjtct hi tic unihvut nvttct. s S. hexes the big new m ifi ... most powerful car in its class! Designed to out perform... out ride.. out-size any other low-priced car on the American Road! Never before did so little money buy perform ance to nintch that of the '52 Ford. Tnke your choice of new Mileage Maker Six, or Strato-StarV-8. No other car in its class can equal Ford's smooth riding, corner-luiKKnK readability. No other can match iU new Iwautiful Coat lu'raft Bodies ... its huge curved one-piece wiiulnhieM and car-wide rear window , .'. its convenient ("enter-Fill Fueling ... its rower-Pivot Clutch and Itrake Pedals. Here is a car that is truly the ablest car on tho American Head ... a car that meets the widest range of motorists' needs. Examine it carefully. "Test Drive" it. You'll agree you can't buy better! NEW! 101-h.p. High-Compretsion MILEAGE MAKER SIX! NOW! 110-li.p. High-Compression STRATO-STAR V-8! NEW CO&CHCRAH BODIES Com "71. njfjl wimi J 1 and JLeZlJSUVU UlU OAiSW tUUUJS Rosewall Motor Co. rex. lone Garden Club Plans Projects The lone Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Phil Emert as co-hostess. The club has taken as its project, the improving of the city park, the landscaping of the grounds around the city hall and the im provement of sanitation condi tions around the town. For roll call each member answered with the name of a flower that she was planning on raising and the name of a tree or shrub to plant in the town. Mrs. Rietmann read articles on Mt. Vernon and St. Valentine and Mrs. Emert read of Washington and Lincoln. A valentine party was enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mrs. Ernest Heliker received the door prize. CHURCHES SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST R. Knauft, Pastor, Phone 3152 Services at Chapel of Prophecy. Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. George Bruce of Walla Walla. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 at pastor's home. Dorcas Society, Tues., 2:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service Sun., 7:30 p. m. "The Millennium". o THE METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Morning Worship and Sermon at 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic: 'The Conquest of Fear". Special Music by the Choir. Mrs. Thomas Wells, Director. Sunday Church School at 9:45 a. m. Mr. Oliver Creswick, Sup eiintendent. You are welcome with us. We have a class for every age. Youth Fellowship Class and Adult Bible class at the same hour. Thursday Choir Practice at 8:00 p. m. Regular weekly Prayer Meeting Writ, for frw Inrormition on th new mtihod that bnngt reiulu-ont finch, old EVERY TWO DAYS Lit month by our ormniiktion. With ntuly 100 brench office, thruout th. Wei(, wt offer you ACTION b.cked bylhelrf est nation.! .dverit.inficimp.ign ever developed to bring BUYERS to your ranch. Writ, today for information on our organia.tioa-no obligation. Turner, Van Marter & Company affiliated with of Denver and oil the west Thursday at 7:00 p. m. The Womans Society of Christ ian Service meets with Mrs. Chris Brown Tuesday March 4 at 8:00 p. m. Sub-District meeting of the W. S. C. S. at the Milton Methodist Church Wednesday March 5. Laymens Sunday March 9. Reg ular Worship Service by the Lay men at 11:00 a. m. Mr. Floyd C. Tolleson, Lay Leader. World Day of Preyer Feb. 29. Union Service at the Episcopal Church at 2:00 p. m. CHRISTIAN AND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES Lexington, Oregon Lewis G. Wetzel, Pastor Phone 38-164 "Some people think the family altar is a piece of furniture" anonymous. Sunday Feb. 24, 1952. This is the monthly Missionary Sunday in the Sunday school and the offering goes to help finance gospel ministry in leper colonies. Worship hour 11.00 a. m. Young People's, service 6:45 p. m. Evening Bible study 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Feb. 27, 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kiehler, Missionary candidates to Pana ma, will be in charge of the even ing service. They will have col ored slides of Panama to show. God honors faith and rewards faithfulness, so come to church, this Sunday. o ASSEMBLY OF GOD Nels Fast, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School with class es for all ages. 11:00 Morning Worship. 7:45 p. m. Evening Evangelis tic Service. There will be special singing and music by our 10 piece orchestra. 7:45 p. m. Thurs. prayer meet ing and a short message. speech festival is being directed by Mr. Knight. The cast is made up of only Juniors and Seniors and includes Pat Albert, Janice Prock, Nancy Adams, Eleanor Rice, Kenny Easter, Jack Sumner, Mike Grant and Jim Smith. If the play is successful it will be taken to the Pacific University One Act Play contest at which Heppner won first place last year. This coming Friday will be the 1 1 . ,-rQ tho Drill Team will ne- mat wine ' - - form. The girls have been work ing on a novelty number which will add liveliness to their march ing routine. One win and one loss have been added to the Girl's volleyball re cord. Last Friday the Fillies de feated Condon by six points but were beaten Saturday by the Pilot Rock team. Siw Hep-Hi HI LITES By Eleanor Rice and Don Blake "Talk of the Town" the one act play to be presented at the county PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGIIT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Anderson's Builders' Supply. Heppner Omar Rietmann. lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Frelghtwoys 274 95 Jutl dial th of dry n.n dtiirod) and puih but v ltd to Itoft AIPEH SOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER BrlngPosh-But1on Sunshine info your noma for offweofner auto mafic cloths (frying Here's fast, automatic drying-without work or weather worries. Apex Clothes Dryer is 100 automatic, thermostatically controlled no timer guesswork. Distinc tive Vacuum Drying Principle dries clothes faster at safer operating temperatures. See an exciting demonstration today. ' Case Furniture Co. HEPPNER there's no substitute for comfort there's no substitute for savings (...and there's no substitute for opening your savings account at the, Bank that stays open when it's convenient for most people and, .businesses to do their banking. With a savings account you are) establishing your credit with this state-wide banking system. Open your savings account where you NOW earn 2 on your. ' savings, regardless of the size of your account! Of HEPPNER BRANCH PDRST NATIONAL-DAN I S r PORTLAND "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETm Uabv Mml fetal hmmm Corpora