Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 14, 1952. Page 5 Social Happenings Wrangler Meeting Draws Large Crowd The regular monthly meeting f the Wranglers was held at the ,.,k tnnms at the fair grounds fruesday, February 5 with a great- than average aui:nuoui.c ha pvpnine. Several new nembers were introduced. t runs announced that a sue- .tinn hox will be available at he next meeting and all mem ;, sked to oiler sugges tion! for activities, improvements fctc. 1 snnans dancinff was enjoyed Ifurina the evening under the direction of Ed LaTraee, Harold and Jimmy Hayes. The Vefreshments committee included kr. and lbs. Harold tvans, jvir, f md'Mrs. Norman Evane and Mr find Mrs. Ralph Beemer. I ... o- - Sorority Luncheon To Be In Pendleton I a man a those from Heppner l..h win tiA in Pendleton Satur day to attend the Delta Kappa SOamma luncheon are. Mr. Mar L.a cm. Mrs. Velva Bschdola, rthifl Lvneholm and Mrs i Rodsers. Mrs. Corrine Land ';fh i hostess for the affair and lit will be held at the Landreth Si,m nn N. W. van avenue. TEACHER WON EUROPEAN TOUR Farewell Partv For Miss McLachlin Mrs. John Berestrom entertain ed with a farewell party w eanes Hv evening at her home on Aiken Street complimenting Miss Leila McLachlin who is leaving soon for Spokane where she has accepted a position. Guests in cluded Mrs. Glen McLachlin, Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, Mrs. Roy Quack enbush, Mrs. L. D. Tibbies, Mrs. Frances Mitchell, Miss Colleen Conner, Miss Joyce Buschke, and Miss Marilyn Bergstrom. Games were played and refreshment were served. ?NEED Envelopes, phone 882 WSCS Meets With Mrs. Mattie Green Mrs. Mattie Green entertained the Woiwn'i Society of Christian Service at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Carl Vincent was in charge of the devotions and Mrs. I.uev Rodsws spoke on Troubled Spots of the World. PrKnt wr Mesdamns Chris P. Brown. Oliver Creswicte, Lincoln Nash, Carl McDanwl, Tress Mc- Clintock, Elbert Cox, J. Osmin Hacer. Kathrvn Sloeum, Whitmer Wright, Arthur Brownlow, Nelson D. Bailey, Walter Beckett, Robert Evans, Rev. and Mrs. i. Palmer Sorlien and Miss On a Gilliam. The Valentine motif was carried jout in the decorations and re- fresh meats. V V " fr Ac Av : V' K "'J-'-:.J-.-8-U.:;i-i, ?&-a "'JM'M"M,llhMal'MWli Miss Marjnrie Ramspy, rlgh. schoal teacher of Logan, W. Va., wno nas lust returned from an aNexpnse toqr of Europe, the gift of Tierney, left, volunteer State DofensB Bond Chairman and Radio siMiaa WCttS. Mis Ramsey sold $ 50,000 twitt of Bonds lfl ttwiae contest. & . . - -4 mmffmM',aKWiiVtttvSK$t Every big square package of Mother's Oat offers an exciting double value! Because tnoney can't buy a finer quality, more delu tious, or more nourishing oatmeal fhao Mother's Oats. And packed in every package you'll find a valuable, useful premium such t aluminum kitchen utensils, famous "Fire. King" glass cup and saucer, beautiful " WilJ Rose" pattern china or gay colorful Carni val Ware. No waiting! No coupons! No money to Send! Just ask your grocer for Mother's Oat with I'remium, in ihe big square package. MOTHER'S OATS-0 product cl 1H$ QUAKER OATS COMPANf Eiks ladies Night j Enjoyed By Many Ftve tables of bridle and nine tables of pinochle were in play at the Elks Ladies' IWgrn earn nartv Thursday evening. High score in bridge was reeceived by Mrs. Harlan McCurdy, Sr. ana low by Mrs, Harold Cohrt. In pinochle, Mrs.. John Bergstrom received high and Mrs, Robert Dobb, low. Hosts and hostesses for the party Included Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake, Mr. and! Mrs. Jack VanWinkle, Mr. and Mrs. William Labhart, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Russell O'Donnell. 1 .iii..h...Q. IU CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP The Christian Women's ffeUrw ship met Wednesday at the Christian Church for a potluck dinner followed by business meeting. There were? 39 present. Next weeks Missionary meet ing will be at the home of Mrs, Tear I Devine. ' -o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS ' li '"'f' " " "Why shouldn't you haul the other fellow's oil?" One of the things people ask about Standard is why me do not let other oil companies use all of our tankers, marine terminals, and pipelines. They say, "Why shouldn't you haul the other fellow's oili" The answer to that question ia that we're mighty busy hauling our own, meet ing our regular obligations to our custo mers. Standard just can't share all of its transportation equipment with other companies. And it's unfair to ask us to do it. It's like asking you to let everybody else use your car. "l You go out and buy a car for yourself and your family a car big enough for your needs. So with Standard. We provide whatever facilities it takes to handle our crude oil and keep delivering our finished products where and when they're needed, to customers who depend on us for service. Now suppose you're driving your car and a hitchhiker thumbs a ride. You pick him up only if you want to. The choice is yours. So again with Standard. In our pipelines within a state, cross ing only privately-owned land, and in our tankers, we may choose to carry only our own oil. But the way some people seem to want it, our freedom of choice would be gone. It's as if you were to be forced to stop and pick up everybody who lifted a thumb at you. We'd be required to carry anybody's oil in these tankers and pipelines, even if our own had to be set aside. In time, if your car were' taken over like that, you'd have to buy another for your own use. Once again, so with Standard. If we were forced to carry competitors' oil, we'd have to buy or build additional facilities to handle our own. Re sult: increased costs to us, higher prices to you. When they're needed for national defense, Standard makes iU private facilities Sb e for "blic use. But we can't do it a. . general rule. We would lose our efficiency !IaCtbyou,ourcustomers,a.weU as ourselves. We don't believe you want it that way. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better Coming Events Friday Feb. 15 San Soucl Re bekah lodge. Monday Feb. 18 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Donneu s. Rainbow for Girls. I Tuesday Feb. 19 American Le gion Auxiliary, Legion hall. 8:00 d. m. Wednesday Feb, 20 Jaycee-Jay. cette potluck, Jaycee hall. Thursday Feb. 21 SoropttmJsts, noon at O Donnell s. Friday Feb. 22 Ruth Chapter No, 32. OES. men entertaining. Saturday Feb. 23 Elks Annual 2:00 p. m. Initiation 2:00 p. m. Ladies card party, American Legion halL 5:30 p. m. Buffet supper. EUts luncti room. 8:30 p. m. Floor show, Star Theater. 10:30 p. m. Dance, Elks Ball room. Elks ott4 their ladies enly. tie guests, removed. With the fat, the fat soluble vitamin A is taken out and replaced with 2000 units of vitamin A per quart from natural sources. This enrichment of'Slim" increases its vitamin A content over that found in whole milk by more than one-third. In addi tion, 400 units of vitamin D are added to each quart of "Slim" providing sn iverflf,re person with his full daily requirements of this "sunshine vitamin". Whole milk contains less than 23 units of vitamin D. "Slim" is now available st local fuod stores in distinctive striped carton9. It sells for sub stantially less than whole milk. Heppner Churches CHBJSTIAB CWUSCB Karl L. toward, Pastor Bihie Srh)l begins at 9:45. The content betww Heppner and Vale schools is getting to be a livelv one. Your attendance counts one point and one point for your Bible if you bring n. ItfnrnincT Worshio at 11:00. "The Most Wonderful Man", is the title of the morning sermon. C. E. at 6:30, Virginia Andresen will be the leader. Evening preaching service at 7:.'). "Why The Church", is the subject of the pastor's sermon. Tuesday evening, workers con ference at the parsonage. Wed nesday, the Christian Womens Fellowship will hold their mis sionary meeting at the home of Pearl Divine. Thursday, 7:00 p. m. Choir and Bible study St 8:00. o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner re turned Saturday from a trip to California and down into Mexico. Mfr. and Mrs. R. I. Thompson, who were with them, remained sway for an indefinite stay. NATIONAL PRESS BUHDINO WASHINGTON, 0. C By Ann Good Brighten up that baste black number. Embroider a black velvet cummerbund in bright colors. A cummerbund, you know, is a wide belt in front that tapers off in the back. ... A Jewelled pin or gold medallion pinned to a black ribbon, which slips over the belt, adds waistline Interest, too. Good buys in pork Indicate that lots of little pigs are going to mar ket. The shoulder, a most econom ical cut. Is positively delicious fix on uirp this Make a stuffing of drv bread crumbs, raisins, chopped ap ple and onion, salt and melted vitaminized margarine. Fill shoul der; roll. Tie up and bake in slow vert till pork is well done. t Have you ever filled baked ap pies with eranberry sauce or orange marmalade? Mighty goodt Sauce that broccoli for 8 wire table dish fit for the gods. This Sauce is superb not only for broc- fnh hut fnr nsnnraffns. In the tOD of a double boiler mix cup real mayonnaise with cup muic. stir ring constantly Add I tablespoon oorh nf Ipmnn iiiide and crated lemon rind Salt ta taste and serve pot over vegetable It's easy to clean your brush and comb in soapy water spiked with a dash of ammonia. And here's how to make your hair smell sweet. Mix a little cologne with water when you set your hair Shirley Thompson Sweetheart Queen Nearly 60 couples attended the Sweetheart ball hdd at the Hepp ner Legion hall last Saturday evening. The dance was spon sored by the Legion for the FFA and Pep club, Shirlev Thompson was chosen .u- : : queen lur me enming v" crowned with a crown of flowrra by Allan Hughes, FFA president. Her court included Patsy Alwrt, Janice Prock, Sally Palmer and Barbara Prwk. The hall was decorated with a Valentine motif. Episcopal Young People Reorganize After several j-ears f inac tivity, the Young Peoples Fellow ship of AH Saints Episcopal church was worz&nixed at a meeting of the church young peo ple Sunday evening in the Parish House. Mr. Mary Van Stevens will be erouo advisor. Here to assist with the organization were several membrrs of the C rusaders, the vouner dpodW organization from St. John's Episcopal Church in Hermiston. They were accom panied by Rev. and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam and Arthur Larrabee. HERE IS ANOTHER TUM-A4UM MODERN HOUSE PLAN Turn-A -Lara Lumbe C. Is ready nd want t help yo plan your new heme . . . and we Ore oftering yO sample house plane to matte it easy. It yw like this plan Just drop us the coupon below and we will send yoa mora information on this house without obligation, Blueprints, too. aw available at very madoiate cost. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane- and son returned from Denver, Colo rado on Friday. Mrs. Mabel Penland of Albany ts visiting at the home of her son, Robert. She came home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pen- land and Neal, who had spent the weekend in Lebanon. (UM SS HEI&! Health Talk Billed At Adventisf Church Dr. C .M. Wagner, M. D. will sneak on "Modern Science Vin dicates Bible Temperence" this Sunday night at the Chapel of Prophecy preceding the Bible message of the evening, states R. Knauft, evangelist. "The Second Corning of Christ" is the subject of evangelist Knauft for Saturday night and "Sky Wonders" will be the topic for Sunday night. Meetings be gin at 7:30 and are open to the public. o New Fat Free Milk Introduced In Area A new dairy product, appro priately named "Slim", has just been announced by Mayflower Milk Company. "Slim" is a vita min enrkhed, nonfattening milk, ideal for low calorie diets. Thousands of weight -conscious individuals need the energy and nourishment of milk, but refrain from drinking it because of the fat it contains. Now it is pos sible to tret the healthful good ness or fresh whole miiK irom fat-free "Slim". The new non-fat milk has only 341 calories per quart as compared to C33 calories in a quart of whole milk. "Slim". Is nasteurized, homo genized milk, with only the fat Mi) nun ftMtl- !tfltMa0 lt .v.tJL. i.fl I 5 rHJ;Ji M i ' al'ct a. I "tftfcvl t I KMffi eiH I! eW H ' k 0 El a I esonoom a-I.eeonoom r KJ The Clermont has many Interesting points including 10 closets. Exterior lacing is siaing ana sme lutm. . ... t tAWWM - J sions are 4b x a witn an area oi q- Send In This Coupon . . . Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Heppner, Oregon. Please send mo more Information, without obligation, about the plan features and the type of construction used in the CLERMONT house as pictured in the Heppner Gazette Times. NAME - ADDRESS ' CITY STATE TI-MI Ask Us About Financing LUMBER HP All PHONE 912 HEPPNER MAYFLOWER Fresh Grade A MILK ...with the Faf Removed Ask for it today, the famous non-fattening food drink for reducing diets. SLIM is fortified with added food 1 XT'. .mo elements ana viiannf A and D. It has a tun bodied flavor that you will like an economical, nourishing drink Ask your MAYFLOWER DEALER FRNNEY fTv I FRIDAY! SATURDAVf CAVE YOURSELF PLENTYf UU BOYS BLUE JEANS Sanforized 8 oz. Denim. Orange stitching-rivit rein- - 00 i i c:, a Qin Pnir J- Rayon Knit Gowns For Women Assorted Colors Lace Trim. $1.00 Pair CLOSE-OUT Men's Winter Caps Corduroy, Wool Plaids, Duck TwllL .77 ea.