Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 14, 1952. Page 4 New Cafe Opens My Mrs. Flossie Coats The "Hitching Tost Cafe" open ed for business Saturday Febru ary 9th. The Cafe is located on the highway just south of town with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Knopp as proprietors. Many beautiful plants and bouquets wre pre sented by business friends. All Saturday afternoon and evening the management served dough nuts and coffee to all. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tannehill tnd two daughters of LaGrande were weekend guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tan nrtilll. Saturday evening the Yellow Jackets played the Lexington Jack Rabbits on the Lexington floor and won the game 63-28. Palmer was high scorer with 16 points. The Lexington grade team won from the Boardman graders 29-14 in the preliminaries. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Agee have moved to the Rand place at Coy ote. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son Dick spent the weekend in Salem with Mr. Walkers' parents. Weekend guests at the Ray Brown home was their daughter and grandson, Mrs. Katherine Dunn and Reo, also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rlttcr of Richland, Wash. Mrs. Ritter will be remembered as Bessie Cruckshank former resi dent of Boardman. Mrs. Arnold Hoffmann and children motored to Condon Sun day and were guests of Mrs. Hoff mann's mother Mrs. Frankle Ad lard and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly and son of LaGrande were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Lilly's parents Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely. Miss Ora Ely, student at EOCE, LaGrande was also home for the weekend. Other guests at Elys Sunday evening were Mrs. Dean HOUWOOD mi HoJIrwood Diit ind Cll Oulik win Eium D-. 6I ID2 Hollywood, Cllit ITAT NOW WITH 5 f ' i . : ..'7 a .',' Sltniler, Lovtljp j' , - Jii'f ' ZPeggieCastk j XvV ,l A (M IVtii" Color faf a . N HOTJCTIi Close Ou BOLTS and PAINTS Andresen's Hardware MAIN STBEET At Boardman Eckleberry and family, Ilermis ton. Sunday dinner sueH at 1h Leo Root horn w-re Mm. Olive Mefford, Mr. and Mrs- M. J. De We&sse, Mrs. Drusi Wwd snd grand-daughters, Madia, Marilyn and Marcia, and Mr. Sarnie Mad ero, Wapato, Wash., Mr. nd Mrs. Albert Macomber and son Leo, Mr. and Mrs. Dal Mackey, Arl ington. Mrs. Mefford will remain with the Roots for tn extended stay. Keith Tannehill, student at La Grande EOCE sp'nt the Weekend with his parents, Mr. nd Mrs, Clyde Tannehill Mrs. Anna Skouho is in IId River with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeMauro. Mrs, Skoubo is ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow motored to Pendleton Sunday to visit Mr. Marlow's mother, Mrs. Julia Marlow. Corp. Kenneth Earwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood, who has been on a ten day fur lough, left Monday for San Fran cisco. Corp. Earwood is in the Air Corp, and will be an instruc tor in a school near San Fran cisco. Mrs. Bill Califf and Mrs. Don ald Downey left Tuesday morn ing for Wichita, Texas. The lad ies are making the trip by car, Mrs. Califf joining her husband Pfc Bill Califf. Mrs. Downey will return to Boardman by train. County Agent News , . By N. C. Anderson Many ranchers are asking the question these days, can we spray for lice and grubs with one ap plication? The answer is yes, but there are several things that must be kept in mind. First, ro- BMAD IS tAUD UUUSIVfir FOR VOU 6Y Walla Walla Baking Company Undor Ucni by National Bakari Sorvicci, Inc. ON ITEMS REMAINING ANDRESEN'S PLENTY OF AND ODDS AND ENDS Born 500 Years Too Soon JWfe r&3teZEj5 yJ J "mmmm" " 1 THIS YEAR, all over the civilized world, the 500th anniver sary of the birth of the great artist-scientist Leonardo da Vinci will be celebrated. These are but two of the many inven tions that came newly-minted from Leonardo's mind just about the time Columbus tripped over Amer ica on his way to the Indies. These first known examples of a mechanically-driven vehicle and the air plane are only a small fraction of the work of this inventive genius who, in addition to painting Buch masterpieces as the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," foreshad owed many of today's devices in his mechanical studies. Why, he even invented a jack as if in antici pation of the trouble we'd run into with our present-day development of his original automobile. Models of Leonardo's inventions, including such diverse items as a triple-tier machine gun and n air conditioner, are now on tour throughout the United States, be tonone Is the only insecticide which will kill grubs. Second, if only rotonone is used for both lice and grub control, a second spraying is necessary in twelve to fourteen days. With DDT one spraying will kill all lice, with no need to spray again until fall. In mixing the two for lice and grub control, regular applications should be made. This is 12 pounds 50 wcttable DDT, and 7M pounds 5 rotonone per 100 gallons of water. It will take ap proximately two gallons of water (ier cow. Backs should be thoroughly wetted for grub control, with the FROM HEPPNER 50 , tt t sale VA:' h .mmmmi. J - MHBBBaBaii fc aijitiif MW!itNWwSSt.,rn nuiiii mt 11 , - g a.., a, i ) .a--,..- .it..v:.v ing displayed in the offices of the International Business Machines Corp., owners of the models, in a wide public preview of the exhibi tions to be held in museums during the anniversary year of 1952. The flyer of Leonardo's plane, his feet in leather stirrups' connected by pulleys to the wings, moved his feet up and down to flap the wings. The machine was raised and pro pelled through the air by the arm operated windlass. It was no jet-job, but the theory behind it was scien tific as was all of Leonardo's work. Lack of a convenient power supply was probably the cause of the plane's crash, the first since the boy whose wax wings melted when he flew too close to the sun. whole animal sprayed for lice. A spraying with lk pounds 57c rotonone, wetting the backs thoroughly should be made 30-45 days later. This is for the second batch of grubs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bauman returned Saturday from Salt Lake City, Utah. I Htmn'fltv?2lm UK-sm rrr. I - iZw-Xrti v : "7- Take the wheel to get the feel of this ..mazing performer! You have to take the wheel of a Dual-Range Pontiac yourself before you can completely enjoy the thrill of having, at your finger-tips, two entirely different types of performance: quick, easy acceleration for traffic or economical, almost silent cruising for the open road. When you do, you'll say, "This Is It!" for never before has such spectacular performance been combined with such remarkable economy. Come In today experience the most exciting driving tn all the world. Optional mi tstra cost. DtlUr far Dttllar 1 Cmm't Bemt m Pomliae! Bridal Shower Held Sunday At Monument By Millie Wilson Mrs. Onida Cork, Mrs.,Mary Lee Lesley and Mrs. Betty Simas were hostesses to a bridal shower last Sunday afternoon, compli menting Miss Anita Moore, who will become the bride of Mr. Roy Arlot Cork on February 14th. Miss Moore received many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments of sandwiches, coffee and cool aid were served. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns of John Day spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shank and Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Stirritt. . The Ladies Aid which was to have been held on February 12 has been postponed until Febru ary 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork drove to Bend last Saturday to meet their son Roy Arlot who is on furlough. Roy Arlot is stationed at San Diego, Calif. Mrs, Stanley Boyer met her sis ter, Miss Anita Moore at Mt. Vernon last Saturday. Miss Moore has been at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore at Whitebird, Idaho. Mrs. Louise Scott, Postmistress at Top, Oregon celebrated her birthday Sunday by having all her children home for dinner. Mrs. Dean Enright and Mrs. Bob Holmes were shopping in Heppner last Monday. They also visited Mrs. Ona May Leathers at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon and children and Mrs. Clara Strecker drove to Portland on Saturday. Both Mr. Capon and Mr. Strecker will have beef cattle on Mondays market. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Campbell of Kimberly are announcing the hirth of a baby daughter, born February 6. The M. M. M. Club met in regu lar session last Thursday at the home of Jessie Hoskin. There were nineteen present. Delsie Sweek donated a quilt top to the club. It will be finished and be raffled off in the near future. Lovely refreshments of sand wiches and potato salad were served by the hostess. She was assisted by Grace Stirritt. Prizes were won by Helen Brown and Delsie Sweek. Last Monday twenty-five wo men and several children met in the, Grange hall to surprise Mrs. Ida Bleakman on her birthday. The afternoon was spent in play ing games. Lula Settle won the WITH SrECTACULVR Farley Pontiac Company door prize and Mrs. Lucy Day was high in the games. Refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served by the hostesses, Edith Musgrave, Lois Bleakman, Lydia Capon, Fayr Sweek, Mary Du Bosch and Millie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Knight of Cottonwood were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Croft Tuesday evening. Fred Barnard of Sumpter visit ed last week at the home of his brother ahd wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wrilson were business visitors in Heppner last Wednesday. While there they visited Mrs. Roy Leathers -at the hospital. The Big 4 Lumber Company of Monument have sold their mill to Smith and Mahoney of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty have sold their ranch on Cottonwood to Fred Shank. Then Lewis Batty bought his brother's, Kenneth Batty's ranch on the river blow Monument. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Boyer were business visitors in Pfine ville last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmes are For The Elks Annual f n - f: mm ;mr' -Cflmel,ias Pink and White Bouxardfa Cattlcya Cymbidium Orchids Wandas Mary Van's Flower Shop Open Until 10 P. M. February 23 Dual-Kaitge Performance CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a. m. ' Holy Communion on Wednes day at 10:00 a. m. Junior choirs on Wednesday afternoon. Boys from 2:45 to 4:00. Girls from 4:00 to 5:00. Adult choir practice Friday evening, 8:00 to 9:00. Archery classes on Saturday morning. Boy Scouts 9:00 to 10:00 a. m. Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds 10:00 to 11:00 a. m. Cub Scouts 11:00 to 12:00 . m. the proud parents of a son brn Feb. 4 at the Prineville hospital. Harold Dixon visited Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown at th guard station last week. Mr. Diion ,i well known in Monument, having served with the S. C. S. in Monu ment. CorSagei O F -VIOLETS -ROSES All Colors CARNATIONS All Colors !IiJfl