Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 7, 1952 CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Sunday Feb. 10, 1952. Morning Worship and Sermon at 11: a. m. Special Music by the Choir. Mrs. Thomas Wells, Di- Page 3 rector. Sunday Church School at 9:45 a. m. Mr. Oliver Creswick, Super intendent, Everyone Welcome. There is a class in our Church School for every age. Youth Fel lowship Class and Adult Bible Class at the same hour. Choir practice every Thursday Announcing The Opening Of Offices For The Practice Of Optometry By DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Heppner Clink Bldg., 103 Gale Street Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 3373 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL Broken Lenses Duplicated EXAMINATION Glasses Fitted REGULAR STYLE EfWEILOIPEg THAT a n iiti V ) -M. W 1 I HICHU BACK I , .V ' ' I 1SF.AUN0 SlWAf! I f ' . W J ii Jim so "i ! ' t -1 evening at 8: p. m. .The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month at 8: p. m. Suzanna Welsey Circle of the Womans Society of Christian Ser vice meets the third Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p. m. o SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST R. Knauft, Pastor, Phone 3452 Sabbath Services at Chapel of Prophecy. Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:S0 p. m. at Pastor's home. Dorcas Society, Tues., 2:00 p. m. Special services at Chapel: Saturday night, 7:30 "Astron omy and the Bible." Sunday night, 7:30 "Four Bible Words and Europe's Future." o CHRISTIAN CHUBCH Earl L. Soward, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 and the Morning Church services at 11. The sermon, "On Being Good Citi zens", will be given at the morn ing service. The Heppner Boy Scouts have been invited to at tend in a body. Junior High C. E. is at 6:30. The evening services at 7:30. The sermon, "Why The Cross," is the second of a series of six on "Why". The Junior High young people will be the choir on Sun day evening. Wednesday is the all-day meet ing of the Christian Women' Fel lowship. Jr. Hi Choir at 4 p. m. Wed. Sr. Choir and Bible ftudy is at 7 and 8 respectively oil Thursday. o ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH ( Episcopal) Holy Communion, 8:00. Church School, 9:X. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00. Sunday Evening at 7:30 in the Parish House, there will he a meeting of the young people of the congregation. Junior Choir practice on Wed nesday afternoon. Boys 2:45 to 4:00. Girls 4:00 to 5:00. No Adult Choir practice this week. Achery classes on Saturday morning. Boy Scouts 9:00 to 10:00. Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds 10:00 to 11:00. Cub Scouts 11:00 to 12:00. f I 'iJ -1 I ' - i Wax 7 . 5 i J A fflOMO tuci 3 H TOtwtO B 'flTlfln'-frii'lffflnlBMtliril ihvt YOU WILL FIND it easy to ses "Mail-Well quality" In the regular envelope used for all types of com mercial and professional mailing!). Compare it to any; ether envelope and you will seo Mail-Well's djep cut shoulder flap, wider gumming, all fold, scored, deej- cut seams, adequate sealing surface, all combining to pro duce the finest envelope on the market. Available in many qualities and colors of paper ... standard or special size?. MAIL-WELL ENVELOPES for EVERY BUSINESS NEED) Regular Style Return Address Window Catalog and Clasp Business Reply, Statement Banker's Flap Coin and Seed Air-Mail Drug, Pay Econolope (Improved Postage Sayeri Theatre Ticket Florist Policy (Open End)' Waterproof Packing Uil Special Envelopes pf All Kinds j Heppner Gazette Times BETA RAY CONTROL PANEL Here a Gates technician studies the control panel for the new beta ray gauge installed at The Gates Rubber Company plant in Denver, Colo. The control line on his chart gives a record of the uniformity of the rubber-filled cord then being measured. Measuring is done by a radioactive beam which passes through the cords. Writt for fret Information on the new method that brings rcsulif-one ranch .old EVERY TWO DAYS lilt month by our orftaniution. With nearly 100 breach often thruout the West, we offer you ACTION backed by the larg est national advertising campaign ever developed to bring BUYERS to your ranch. Write today for information on our org aniiation-no obligation. Turner, Van Marter & Company affiliated with 1 FTWl aW mut-s-t m nMta. 1 I I .tWJSt!! Iks west of Denver and all Atom Harnessed For Tire Manufacture The long wait for the harness ing of atomic energy has ended, according to James Fartey,, who announces today that tires now in his stock and produced by The Gates Rubber Company, Denver, Colorado, contain rubber-filled tire cords that are scientifically weighed and measured by a tiny piece of radio-active material. The miracle material is a par ticle of Strontium 90, no igger than the head of a pin, and a by product of the atomic furnaces at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It is being used by Gates to gauge the weight and tferusity of rubberized cords used in Gates Tires to an accuracy erf .001 pound per square yard as the fabric moves by in the production process. Gates officials point out that this more accurate measurement makes possible finer quality tires and other rubber products. Bulletin Explains Sprinkler Irrigation Where available water is scant, it will go farther if ap plied through a sprinkler irriga tion system, authors of a new northwest cooperative extension publication, "Sprinkler Irriga tion," point out. The publication, raeifie North west Bulletin number 3, is a joint effort of the extension services in Oregon, Washington and Ida ho. Copies are available from county extension offices in any of the three states. The bulletin discusses pros and cons of sprinkler irrigation, point ing out some of its advantages as well as the shortcomings. Sprinklers, couplings, laterals, screening and dcsilting, and pumping plants are discussed in some detail. Among advantages pointed out for sprinkling arc: land leveling is not necessary; available water is put to better use; (trainage problems are reduced; erosion is kept to a minimum; and ditches and ditch cleaning are eliminat ed. On tht othei hand, the publics tion says sju-inklers are high priced in tonus of the initial In vestment; power cosis are con tinuous; moving laterals is a dis agreeable and time-consuming job. and wind affects water distribution. RHEA CREEK GRANGE The Rhea Creek Grange will hold a card party Saturday, Feb ruary 9, for all grange members and their friends. Everyone is to bring a pie. EEZE FLOW FERTILIZER SPREADER For spreading all kinds of Commercial fertilizers, fox seeding grasses and small grains, for seeding and fertilizing at the same time. THE WORLD'S BEST AND BIGGEST SELLING SPREADER See it and place your orders early There will not be enough manufactured to go around. Becket Equipment Co. Heppner. Oregon BY ED DICK GORDON WHITE J Here's A Tip On Gasoline Quality Some gasolines are refined to stress one or two special features ... at the exponas of others. No gasoline gives yon ail-around performance unless it has 8 important qualities.. .8 that make Chevron Supreme: Area-blending quality Mileage quality Power quality t Anti-knock quality Vapor-look prevention Starting quality Warm-up quality Aeeeleratton quulfty And bcuHe Chvron Supreme does have the Be 8 attvntial quiditics, it's ftttffor balanced and thus more rkpttndttbi un dor any comliliona, anywhere In the West. Give us a call todny. We'll aie that your bulk tanks are filled promptly. Judge for yourself what a difference Chevron Supreme Gasoline makes in your driving. SUPREME GASQUKS a Siandan) Oil Company I Uliforaia fradwt Distributed by L. E. DICK GORDON WHITE HEPPNER Phone Heppner 622 IONE lone 87 125 I 1 -Ji" V - ' HEAR THESE AMAZING LECTURES! SEE THE BEAUTIFUL SCREEN PICTURES! Saturday, Feb. 9, 7:30 P. M. Astronomy and the Bible Does Life Exist on Other Worlds? See pictures of Orion, the Pleidaes, and Sunday, Feb. 10; 7:30 P. M. Four Bible Words THAT SEAL THE FUTURE OF A United States of Europe the Milky Way. Marvelous screen pictures make Mr. Knauft's message clear, . .L , . , . 1 1 , These words defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, sent the Kaiser to Doom, ruined convincing, and unforgetablel Don't Miss Thlsl Mussolini and Hitler. What will they do to Stalin or a United States of Europe? MARY KNAUFT. Soprano ALL FREE! ALL WELCOME! Mr. and Mrs. Knauft are well-known Christian youth leaders in the Northwest Ycu will love to hear Mrs. Knauft sing. J K "On all the cardinal doctrines of the Bible .... the Seventh-day Adventists rings true as steeL" Dr. J. E. Brown, President of Inter, natioal Christian Fellowship. CHAPEL OF PROPHECY DOWNTOWN HEPPNER LJki-J R. KNAUFT, Evangelist ON SAVINGS Regardless of the size of your account you now earn 296 on savings at the bank that is ready to serve you at the hours most convenient for you. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT Today o THERE IS NO ! SUBSTITUTE FOR A SAVINGS ACCOUNT! ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Certificates of Deposit written to mature in 3 years pay you 2Vi per annum at maturity. y HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND 1T5 IUKO OMOOM rOGfTHW Mambar Fadaral Dtpo.lt hiuranct i Cwperottai