Page 4 I : ' . ' - ' ' '"J . y - -i. - - j v , . - ',vrA p A ' I Kf ; ' "ri. 4 . ' . X J - i " ' W - : ' , - , ' : ; if , . ' ' f ( V A. -4 :' U i 4 f I 1 l J I Heppner Gazette .Times, Thursday, February 7, 1952 ATTENDING the emnuol Of egon-Washington Chamber managers confcrec last weolc in Portland wwe. left right, Oiin G. Allison, secretory Pendleton chambei i commetce, Frank C. Beesan, man agt La Grande chambei. Garnet Barratt, newly elected president ot the Hoppner-Monow county ehombet and A. & Olson, president oi the La Gionde chombor. Over 12$ northwest chambei ex ecutives wore present few the two-doy meet -(Cut courtegy Eaat Oregoniott) Heppner Wins Over Arlington and Wallowa Tt Hf'nr Mustangs came through with tlwif 11th and 121 h virtmiM gint thre defeats for the MMwm they soundly thumped Arlington n the lwal floor Fiidiy nifiht by the score of W 25. JnrU Sumner and Cary Connor led the attack with 25 and IT points totals for tho evening. The fwding of Jim Smith and captain Jim Prwk highlighted the con test. Saturday nipht'a tusscl with Wallowa offWrd the last Nome (?;tm wf the wnson and prowd to be owo of the bast as the Mustangs upset the hijhly rated Wallowa five 47-46. The game was a we -saw affair throughout with hrth teams evenly matchpd. Hepjmpr'a vidfiry came from superiority at the free-throw line. Wallowa outfiiored Heppwr IS to 16 from the field but the Mm tanpfs overcame a 4 point deficit with only two minutes remaining on the shooting of two field goals by Gary Connor followed by the rome-winning free throw. Con nor sank the final gift shH with 40 seconds remaining and sue eetvted in stalling out the remain infl seconds. i rriM iiisiriiisiiiiswMriiiiiiTm"r,"iir r n --..w... , - -reb. 12 v SEE OUR NEW ENTERTAINMENT WITH HOLLYWOOD CAST awmm "VIIAT'S NEW IN JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT" and other new, Interesting and educational pictures SHOW STARTS AT 1 :30 P. M. AT STAR THEATRE Free Lunch at Noon AT EMPIRE MACHINERY AUHUA - ATIHV- IBHSON - MVS'lll- JOHN Ptl' EMPJE U 01) NNblttN. ORE GH-Akl InQTON. CKIGON IUCPNH OBtCCN A1IUK. Q Heppner now draws a 10-day respite before their next game February 12 with the Pendleton Buekaroo8, and coach Harold Whithpck indicated the boys were going to work on man to man defense during the layoff. He felt weakness in this department was rPKixmsible for the double los.8 to Umatilla. Scoring for Heppner in the Wallowa gam were Sumner, 8; K. Connor, 3; G. Connor, 17; Smith, 2. Prock, 11 and Taylor 6. o ... ii HOSPITAL NEWS Modical Richard Lantz, lone dismissed; Mrs. Esther Wilson, l'xinfilon; Randal Martin, Hepp. nor; Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson, Heppner, convalescent. Major Surgery Bob Harris Heppner; Mrs. Eunice Welke, Heppner. o OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY Due to busim'HS taking the Publishers to the valley, the Gazette Times office will be closed all day Saturday. o NEED Envelopes. Phone 882 In every detail j ARROW ' GABANARO is designed for PROCLAMATION! WHEREAS, Februory 8, 1952 is the 42nd anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scouts, of America, chartered by the Con gress of the United States, as a program for all the boys of America, and WHEREAS, the Boy Scout Pro gram has affected the lives of 19,000,000 American boys and men since 1910, and now has an active enrollment of 2,900,000, and WHEREAS, the Movement is now launching a three-year pro gram, "Forward ... on Liberty's Team," through which it seeks to even more effectively serve the nation through its youth, and WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America, through its Scout Oath and Law and its Program is a vital factor in helping to serve American Democracy, and de veloping physical fitness, initia tive and self-relience in boys; NOW THEREFORE, I, J. O. Tur ner, Mayor of the City of Ik'pp ner in the State of OTegon, do hereby proclaim the week of Feb ruary 6th to 12th as "Boy Scout Week" and urge our citiaeni to recognize the patriotic service be ing rendered to our community by the volunteer Scout Leaders and to express their appreciation to the religious bodies, school or ganizations, vetfrans' associa tions, fraternal groups and ser vice clubs which sponsor our Cub Packs, Boy Scout Troops and Ex plorer Units. IN TESTIMONY WHEREAS I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused the Seal of the City of Heppner to be affixed, this 5th day of February, 1952. o Bible Series Set ot Chapel of Prophecy Mr. and Mrs. R. Knauft, well- known Seventh-day Adventist youth workers in the Northwest, will conduct a series of prophotic Bible messages on Saturday and Sunday nights starting Feb. 9 in the Chapel of Prophecy, Heppner. Special attractions will be Mrs. Knauft, soprano, and beautiful kodachrome screen slides of songs, scenic views, and lecture illustrations. The public is invited to the opening meeting, "Astronomy and the Bible", this Saturday n!ht at 7:30, statos Mr. Knauft. o Special Farmer's Program Set Tuesday A special all-day program for farmers will be held in .Heppner Tuesday, February 12 when the Empire Machinery company will hold its annual John Deere day. A lunch will be served alj visit ing farmers at the company store at noon and the special series of motion pictures will be shown at the Star Theater starting at 1:30. Empire Machinery is the John Deere and Caterpillar dealer for Morrow county. Loren Piper returned Monday to Pullman. Wash., where he is a student" at Washington State CcJ-1 lege. He was accompanied by Norman Ruhl of Lexington and Ronald Baker of lone. The young men had spent the mid-term va cation here with their families. Mrs. Clarence Bauman has re ceived word of the birth of a baby girl to her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holt of Oswego. The baby was born Saturday Febru ary 2 at Emmanuel hospital in Portland. Mrs. Lee Cantwell te the great grand-mother of the ww arrival. Mrs. Anna Q. Thorns who recently received a broken hip in a fall and taken te St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton for treat ment, has been broughrto Pio neer Memorial Hospital for convalescence. Mrs. Lulu Klelnlnger deported the last o! the week, for Grants Pass after spending several weeks here wrth her sister, Mrs. Alice Gentry, whe is a patient in the nursing horn of Pioneer Memor ial Hospital. Ma. and Mrs, Ted fteraon motored to Echo and Hermiston Sunday to spend the day with relotives and friends. Mrs, Katie Slocum has returned from Portland where She spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Beardsley. During the heavy snow in Portland, Mrs. Slocum's grandson, Paul Beard; ley, broke his leg in a skiing ac cident. He has returned to work at the present time, however. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adama were over from Kinzua to spend the weekend here with his father J. B. Adamsnd sister, Mrs. Est her Burns-ide. Mr Rutn Shane was- here from The Dalles over the week end and was the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Mary Van Stevens. m 'i more co mforf i is; ARAFOID COLtAR looks great, feels great, open or closed . . . with or without tie. YOUR EXACT COllAR SIZE 1.1,1. 1,1.1,1.1.1,1,1,1, 1, 1. 1. M.I. 1. 1. 1,1.1.1. I.I. I.I.J 3- YOUR EXACT SLEEVE LENGTH fl -J-y-r VVWiab rayon gabardine Smart tolid colon WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR Store of Personal Service William Rlckman. District traf fic manager for the Pacific Tele phone company, wis in Hepp ner Wednesday from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lamer Sqyrs and children, of Moro were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles. They arrived on Friday and when they left on Sunday Mrs. W. A. Rugglesjode as far as Wasco with them. Mrs. Oma Cox spent the week end in Portland with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Irwin. She accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cox to the city nn yOU SEC THESE EXTRA SPECIALS At Court Stroet Market SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Shurf ine Grapefruit or Blended-46 oz. Hunts 300 tin BARTLETT PEAR HALVES eon 23c Sacramento 2 k2 tin YELLOW CLING PEACHES con 33c Maical 80s PAPER NAPKINS pkg.!5c Tastewell BlaKOTairaiffie Bib W? COFFEE, (ALL BRANDS) , 89c Shurfine 300 tin CREAM STYLE CORN 2 for 35c Smith 2V2 can 23c FRESH PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES ... box 39c TOMATOES tube 21c Imperial Valley CARROTS 2 bun. 19c CAULIFLOWER , . head 27c Lockers & Locker Service We offer the most modern and complete locker service available anywhere. Ask us about special prices on Beef Quar ters for home freezers or lockers. ALL STEEL SEALED CONSTRUCTION LOCKERS FOR FINEST FOOD PRESERVING T STREET MARK ET PHONE 92 HEPPNER DOS W Pay Lleeinses TSufis mftlh -AFTER MARCH 1st, THE PRICE WILL BE DOUBLED- NOW-$l .00 for each Male or Spayed Female NOW-$2.00 for each Female March 1, $2.00 for each Male or Spayed Female March 1, $4.00 for each Female Chapter 564, Oregon Laws, 1949, require that license plate be displayed on dogs at all times. C.J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector 9