Q Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 7, 1952 rom The County Agent's Office By N. C. Anderson Grub control time is definitely i od by the county agent during here, with some grubs dropping the week. That means spraying from the backs of cattle inspect-1 at once to get this fast emerging -... AST CLAUDIEN'S FINAL II CJ h i " N 55 0 F C OAT 1 AND SUITS Regular $37.50 to $69.95 values Your Choice FINAL CLEARANCE DRESSES $5 and $10 CLAUDIEN'S crop. Then following up in from thirty to forty-five days later or at least before turning out on the range. A third spraying is help ful if it can be worked into the schedule. What to use as a spray? There is only one spray to use and in cidentally, only one time to spray, when the grubs are in the back just before emerging. 5 roto none mixed at the rate of 72 pounds per 100 gallons of water sprayed on the backs with a pressure of at least 200 pounds is effective. It will take approxi mately three-fourths gallon of spray for each mature animal, slightly less for younger animals, Where only o few head of cattle are kept, such as the family milk cows, 5 rotonorie can be applied as a dust, rubbing it throughly into the hair on the back. This method will take 3 to 4 ounces of dust per cow. For those livestockmen who have been asking when the new livestock brand books will be out, a letter from the State Depart ment of Agriculture informs us that the printers have the-proof run and it looks as if they will be ready to begin mailing within a short time. It will be necessary to order these books from the State Department of Agriculture, Salem, Oregon if you wish a copy. As springtime nears a sugges tion to farm and townspeople with home orchards is timely. It is time to prune your orchard trees. Pruning is not difficult and it will pay. Just follow a few simple rules. Usually old home orchard trees are too thick in their tops. Thin out some of this brush. Limbs to cut are those about the size of your thumb; take out the weak, leave the strong. Do this through out the tree top. Thinning out thick top branches follows the same principles as thinning a row of garden peas you get bet ter fruit. Water sprouts that are growing up through the tree center should also be removed. If the water sprout is on a major limb, and a limb is broken away or there is an open space, leave it for a fruiting branch. The amount of brush to re move in neglected trees may run high as one-fourth to one-third of all brandies of the size men tioned. Usually it is not necessary to cut branch tips; in fact, it is gen erally bad practice except with peaches. Even with peaches do not attempt to cut back all the brandies. Rather, 'the part to be cut is the main branch terminal. Still confused? Circular 425 "Pruning Suggestions for Fruit Tires" available at this office should help to explain further details. Traffic Fatalities Higher Near Dark When it starts to get dark, it's time to drive and walk as if your life depended upon it, con cludes the secretary of state's traffic safety division aftr a look at Oregon traffic accident records covering the first six months of last year. The division said accidents and whtn daylight begins to fade and fatalities climb sharply at 4 p. m. traffic improvement approaches the day's peak. Accidents resulted in property damage only fell off after 5 p. m. and declined steadily until the following morning. But fatal smash-ups reached the highest point of the day between 6 and 7 p. m. and remained high until lieation, "Sprinkler Irrigation" point out. The publication, Pacific North west Bulletin Number 3 is a joint effort of the extension services in Oregon, Washington and Ida ho. Copies are ' available from the Morrow County Agents office. The bulletin discusses pros and cons of sprinkler irrigation, point ing out some of its advantages as well as the shortcomings. Sprinklers, couplings, laterals, screening and desilting, and pumping plants are discussed in some detail. Among advantages pointed out for sprinkling are: land leveling is not necessary, available water is put to better use; drainage problems are reduced; erosion is kept to a minimum; and ditches and ditch cleaning are eliminat ed. On the other hand, the publi cation says sprinklers are high priced in terms of the initial in vestment; power costs are con tinuous, moving laterals is a dis agreeable and time-consuming job. and wind effects water distribution. River Boat Bows In Oregon Film A 42 year-old glamor girl of the Columbia River and Willa mette Rivers of Oregon finally got around to making her film debut. She is the famous sternwheeler NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING WASHINGTON, 0. C. By Ann Good Straw embroidery is making fashion news. It will be featured in dozens of ways this spring and summer on beach accessories, bags, millinery and shoes. It will appear as applique on many dress fabrics, too. Mix catsup with mustard-with-horseradish for a wonderful sauce tor hamburgers and frankfurters, Did you know that you can change the color of print dresses? All-purpose dye makes it possible where the print combines white or a light shade with a darker one, When dyed, the light shade will ) take the new color, the dark shade t remaining the same In prints that combine two or more light colors, both shades will be changed into new color " It's easy to make individual tarts in a regular pie plate, like this' With pastry cutter or sharp knife cut circle of dough into 6 even tri angles. Bring sides up and press points together. Pit into an 8-inch plate. Pill as you would any fruit tart. Bake. struck and killed from January through June, well over half of them at night while wearing dark clothing. A pedestrian violation or unsafe action was noted in 65 percent of the fatal pedestrian mishaps. Henderson, who was given leave of absence from her task of tow ing heavy steamers in the Colum bia Paver area to play an import ant part in Universal-International's Technicolor "Bend of the River" at the Star Theater, start ing Sunday. The Henderson, built in 1910, is one of the few sternwheelers still in operation. Modernized with winches and electricity during her years of service, she was reverted to the styles of mid 19th century for her screen ap pearance. 'o NEED Letterheads, Phone 882 after 2 in the morning. Exactly 50 percent of all fatal accidents during the six-month period took place at night, the division pointed out although there were not more than half as many cars on the road as in the daytime. A basic driver-error in most cases was an over estima tion of the visability headlights can give, safety officials stressed Thirjy-seven pedestrians were YOUR HEPPNER Mode O'Day Shop NOW OPERATED BY MARIAN MURCHISON 'AND' DARLENE 'Bunky' WAYNE A Complete Selection of Smart Budget Priced Apparel and Lingerie. Watch For Our Grand Opening Seoul -T HEPPNER "LL:fJ SECOND BIG WEEK n Tc3 Yr Tp p E3 O Where available water is scant, it will go further if applied through a sprinkler irrigation systems', authors of a new north west cooperative extension pub- Available in HEPPNER Tires Produced Under Atomic Control YOU Can get them now! Bettor tires made possible through the use of radioactive material from the atomic furnaces at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Rays from a tiny piece of STRONTIUM 90 penetrate and scientifically measure the thickness and weight of the rubberized fabrics used in these tires. This scientific control at the time of production promises you uniform, accurate materials your assurance of top-quality tires. DURING GONTY'S 3RD ANNUAL 3 Controlled production of tiro cordi with new beta ray gauge ot Gatet plant in Denver. Fortified with Cold Rubber Amazing COLD RUBBER, the toughest tread-rubber ever de veloped, fortifies the tread of these long-wearing, durable tires. Cold Rubber, Scientific Pro duction Controls and Highest Quality Materials and Workman ship throughout, have made possi ble a warranty of satisfaction that you got with no other tire. You Get WRITTEN Protection This WRITTEN Customer Satisfaction Contract protects you against BLOWOUTS, RIM CUTS, . BRUISES and similar tire failures with no time or mileage limit! It is yours for the full tread life of the tire Outstanding Performance Makes This Written Contract Possible 'J O F WOMEN'S AND MISSES' P Q BUY FlftST PAIR AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET YOUR m SECOND PAIR U (nil nifrfvJmmmmjt&. IT" FARLEY PHONE G82 MOTOR CO. Liberal Allowance HEPPNER ALL SALES FINAL, PLEASE To Make room for new spring styles now arriving we are cleaning house on our winter shoes and, in the biggest bargain-giving event of the year. Buy one pair at the regular price and GET YOUR SECOND PAIR ABSOLUTELY FREE. You don't need to look farther for genuine shoe value . . . you'll find the best buys in Eastern Oregon right here. Hurry, make your selection early to be sure of the styles and colors you want. SPORT AND CASUAL SHOES DRESS SHOES-SANDALS FULL SIZE RANGE, WIDTHS A A TO D. IN THESE PRICE GROUPS $95 $6 95 $795 1 v J $Q95 AT NTY' IN HEPPNER SMALL APPLIANCES RADIOS RECORDS. RCA -VICTOR, CAPEHART. PHILCO TA-392 for Your Present Tirti :1 j