Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 7, 1952 Page 3 aooenings 1 1 rise Party Given rs. Gentry Hrpnse party was given Jay afternoon for Mrs. Alice on the occasion of her 78th ay in the nursing home of Ir Memorial Hospital. Pre- ere Mrs. Nellie Anderson Harry Munkers, Mrs: Ted n, Mrs. Henry Rauch,-Jr planche Brown, Mrs. Clara B. fen and Mis. George Smith, fthday cake was presented je honoree in addition to f gifts from friends who were pe to he present. o ijGE ENJOYED tfHDAY EVENING 1 and Mrs. Gordon McGough Stained Saturday evening at Rhea Creek home. Twe ps of bridge were in play dur the evening, after' which Jy refreshments were served. Dinner Party Honors Mrs. Kingsley Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield en tertained at a dinner party Satur day evening at their home in Lexington complimenting Mrs. Kingsley Hodge who left Tuesday to make her home in Seattle following her marriage that same day in Stevenson, Washington, to Tate Slyter. Present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Jr. o DINNER PARTY HELD AT WILLARD BLAKE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake were hosts for a dinner party Saturday evening at their home on S. Main street. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. William Labhart, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. William Barratt. - GIVE HER Societe Candy j FOR HER VALENTINE HEART BOXES lb. $2.00-2 lb. $4.00 Decorated Heart Boxes... lb. $2.75 SOCIETE BOW BOX lb. $2.00 'Assorted Boxes .' $1 .75 to $4.00 I I Saager's Pharmacy Rebekahs Appoint Courtesy Officers Mrs. Mabel Chaffee was elected trustee for the three-year term at the regular meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah Lodge Friday evening. She will serve with Mrs. Clara B. Gertson, chairman and Mrs. N. D. Bailey. Courtesy offi cers appointed for the current term include Mrs. Kate Easter, Color Bearer. Mrs. Naomi Mat hews, Right Altar Supporter; Mrs. Claire Andreson, Left Altar Sup porter; Mrs. Jessie Furlong, Right Support to the Chaplain; Mrs. Esther Settles; Left Support to the Chaplain; Mrs. Delia Tash, Right Support to the Past Noble Grand; and Mrs. Hanna Anderson, Left1 Support to the Past Noble Grand. Plans were made to hold a gift shower on February 15th for the Good-of-the-Order and. Cougesy project. Each member is to bring or send a gift, wrapped and label ed, which can be given later to a shut-in or ill member. Suitable cards are to accompany each gift. Hostesses for Friday's meeting were Elsie Ayers and Mrs. Ruth F. Payne. Hostess chairman for the February 15th meeting is' Mrs. Jeanne Dobbs. o Soroptimists Observe January Birthdays Mrs. Clara B. Gertson, president, was hostess for the Soroptimist Club sack luncheon at her home on S. Main street Thursday noon. Birthdays occuring during the past month were observed with Mrs. Ruth Sanders, Mrs. Etta Par ker and Mrs. Olive B. Hughes be ing the honorees. A large birth day' cake and ice cream were ser ved as refreshments. o Many Enjoy OES Social Club Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Edna Tur ner and Mrs. Howard Bryant were hostesses for the O. E. S. Social Club Saturday evening at the Masonic Hall. Seven tables of cards were in play with Mrs. Sara McNamer receiving high in bridge, Mrs. Floyd Worden, high in pinochle and W. A. Ruggles, high score in Canasta. Thirty two guests were present. o Dinner Party Enjoyed At Anderson Home Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson en tertained at a dinner party Mon day evening at their home in Arbor Vitae Cottage. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. John Eergstrom and daughter, Marilyn. Cards were played fol lowing dinner. , Coming Events Friday Feb. 8 OES, Ruth Chap ter No. 32. Mondav Feb. 11 Chamber of Commerce, noon at O'Donnell's. Fire Dept meeting, 7:00 p. n. at city hall. Tuesday Feb. 12 John Der Cay, Empire Machinery. Bookworms. Degree f Honor. Wednesday Feb. 13 P-TA at the school. Thursday Feb. 14 SoroptimiHt noon at O'Donnell's. All Saints Episcopal Auxiliary. Elks. Friday Feb, 15 San Souci ho. bettah lodge. Chapins Announce Daughters Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin announce the marriage of their daughter, Kingsley Hodge to Clayton Slyter on Tuesday Febru ary 5 in Stevenson, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Barrio Nelson of Portland were their attendants. Thay left immediately for a wedding trip to the coast and will be at home, after February 15 at 827 North 170th, Seattle. Mrs. Gertson Hostess To Adult Bible Class Mrs. Clara B. Gertson entertain ed the Adult Bible class of the First Church of Christ at its monthly business and socia meeting at her home in S. Hepp ncr Monday evening. Hostesses for the social hour following the business session were Mrs. Frank Parker and Mrs. L. D. Neill Games were played and refresh ments were served. Twenty-one members were present. VETERAN OF KOREA EUVALL GUEST Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall had as their guests last weekend Mrs Duvall's sister Lenna Waid and her nephew, rapt. Frederick Waid who recently returned from Korea. Capt. Waid, mustang pilot, was shot down on his 69th mission 50 miles behind enemy lines. He eluded the comunist patrols for 24 hours before he was picked up by a helicopter under heavy enemy fire. Capt. Waid left Saturday for Greater Pittsburg, Pennsylvania airport where he will be station ed. o LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, February 9, Jaycee Hall, Heppner. Children's program 2:30 p. m. Service, 3:00 p. m. ! Iff HK i : : Mmifa (Mm i AiL - 449.95 $11195 DOWN $20.57 MONTH You've never seen anything like this De Luxe "Speed Cooking" Range with pushbutton con trols ! It's 'got everything you could want Two complete ovens bake, roast, or broil in either! Both with Hi-Speed Calrod units. One oven automatically con trolled. Both fully equipped 1 A AND LOTS MORE! I COME IN AND SEE I IT-TODAY! Automatic oven timer turns one oven ON and OFF! Put your full meal in the oven, set it for dinnertime, and take the after noon off! Hi-Speed Calrod units with five exact cooking speeds, from simmer to high! All oven and surface units are Calrod a G-E exclusive ! Pushbutton controls for the grandest meals! Controlled, even temperatures at your fingertips. All controls are safe and easy to reach over the highest potsl New salt conditioner is electrically heated to keep your Bait always warm and dry ! Tel-A-Cook lights have a dif ferent color for each cooking speed! Tell you what's cooking1 and at what speed ! Heppner Hardware & Electric Co, Authorized Dealer GENERAL f ELECTRIC Hep-i III LITES By Eleanar Rice end Dan Blake One hundred fifteen dollars and twenty cents was the total am ount raised by the high school for the March of Dimes Drive. The Seniors forty six dollars won i he race for the most money and the Sophomores came in a close second with forty three dol lars. For a bit of novelty the Drill Team addod a can can step to their Saturday night performance. From the fast march they swung into the lively step after they had formed a "V" for our victory. Ralph Marlatt, a second Al Jolsen; Rodger Palmer, a baby in diapers; and Lyle Jensen, a strip teaser wore initiated into the "H" Club during the intermission be tween the A and B games of the Umalilla basketball game. Fl wayne Bergstrom, president of the "H" Club had charge of the initiation. . Miss Kathryn Monahan has taken the place of Mrs. Tilmanj Juett as the Home Economics teacher. I Don't forget the Swwlhearts Ball at the Legion Hall this Sat urday. o HEPPNER HOME EXTENSION UNIT The Heppner Home Extension Unit met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Loyd Burken bine. Mrs. Lee Scrivner was as sistant hostess. The group stud ied the making of draperies, Those present included Mrs. Rich ard Wells, Mrs. Eugene Ferguson Mrs. Frank Davidson and Mrs. M R. Hildebrand. Refreshments were served. NEED Envelopes, Pbrae 382 GetGaiJtbiacttw III MOTHER'S 0A7S 4 Fesfive Colors for Mixing and Matching! What a thrill to collect the valuable, useful premiums that come inside every big square package of Mother's Oats! Start today! No waiting no coupons no money to send for this gaily colored ( amivil Ware, or Alumi. omn U are, "Fire-King" Cup aod Saucer, or "Wild Roe" pattern China. And remember, there's no tiner quality, mnra delicious, more nourishing oatmeal for your family th.in Mother' Oats! Get it today! MOTHER'S OATS-o product of THE QUAKtU OATS COMPANY At,.'" - Pemmey's HWHifttArff "--- "'fli b.tkmMiMi W ' n'n i, i . ill t it'll rj Your money's worth ...and then some! COTTON FAIR! HUGE SELECTIONS! TERRIFIC FABRICS! AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE! :r I-:..,...... 11' W : K, m . m "y 'WOJtr :'7j ' V . ; - - - r , ill M iKib w&tf- - ' ' '1 -7 '' t-v v t , tv,U-" " ' s I IK I - i1 -'rv 'y, f' vf V; , " - mitr mil tti.V i..- ... f I Embossed Cottons 279 VtH FINDS AT PENNEY'S LOW Starchy-crisp anJ sharply textured ... these most-wanted washable cottons are finds at this price! Solid pastel colors . . . lots of clear colorful prints , . . misses', junior, half sizes! Crisp WAFFLE PIQUES 79 Wide choice of styles, prints, colors! Crisp washable waffle pique in smart etrcct styles. misses', half sizes.