u Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 31, 1952 Umatilla Takes 2 From Mustangs; To Meet Arlington and Wallowa Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers of Pine City were business visitors in Heppner Monday. They are re modeling their ranch home at the present time. MORE PEOPLE !' '''"ll BUY Chevrolet THAN. ANY OTHER MAKE SEE THE NEW '52 CHEVROLET TODAY AT HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY HEPPNER ' 4 f,'l. ."JS V The new 1932 Ford "Victoria" is a member of the Ford Crestline which also includes the Sunlincr convertible and the Country Squire station wagon. The Victoria combines unob structed side visibility and open-car advantages of a sports vehicle with the all-weather protec tion of steel sedan top construction. It is available in a wide variety of interior trim, uphol steries and sotfd or two-tone body colors. Jacob Reuber was over from Stanfield Sunday to .spend the day with Frank Aycrs. "OH FOR A G-E ITER HEATER!" mm , AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC C'iUIUMTr D UCATIDC iihi in ihhi in j SAFE-NO FLAMES OR FUMES INSTALL ANYWHERE NO CHIMNEYS OR FLUES DEPENDABLE 10-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN Heppner Hardware and Electric Aulherhtd Dealer GENERAL fy ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd Jr., and : son Cecil and David Hynd of Heppner were in Portland on business the first of the week. Jeff Carter, J. C. Penney man ager, has been confined to his home the last several days be cause of illness. Josephine Mahoney Baker is confined to her home this week with the flu. Mrs. Harold Bocket is taking over her duties at the Library while she is down. Rev. and Mrs. Nets Fast re turned Sunday from Willamina where they had been called last Thursday by the death of a brolher-Ln-law. Mrs. Ralph Beamer is in the Pendleton hospital. She is ex pected to return to her home this week. Mrs. Roberta Bryant and two children have arrived in Heppner to make their home. They are at present visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Connie Ruggles arrived in Heppner Friday from Whitman College in Walla Walla to spend the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles. She returned to school on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill, Mrs. Mary Van Stevens and Miss Delia Morgan, nursing field rep resentative for the Red Cross, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Leonard in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aalberg went to Portland on Saturday and returned to Heppner Monday noon. 0 ASSEMBLY OF GOD Nels Fast, Tastor 9:4;1 Sunday School with class es for all ages. 11:00 Morning Worship. 7:45 p. m. Evening Evangelis tic Service. There will tfo special; singing and music by our 10 piece orchestra. 7:45 p. m. Thurs. prayer meet ing and a short message. Heppner's Mustangs went down to a double defeat Friday and Tuesday at the hands of a tall Umatilla high school team who racked up 36-2G and 50-35 wins against the local boys. The Mustang offensive bogged down when they were unable to hit from screen plays or running shots until they were shooting an anemic .203 for the games. Hepp ner's defense too, resembled a sieve and would have suffered even greater defeats except for the shooting of Gary Connor, the Mustang center. He gathered in more rebounds and outshot the entire Heppner squad. The reserves fared better, run ning up their lath and 16th con secutive wins by taking the Jun ior Norsemen 50-31 and 52-27. Heppner returns to. league bas ketball competition Friday when they play host to the second place Arlington Honkers on the Heppner floor. Arlington has shown considerable improvement recently, but the Mustangs hope to get back in the win column ac cording to coach Hal Whitbeck. Saturday, Heppner will play a fast, sharp-shooting Wallowa five at the local gym. The Mountain boys represented district 8 in the state basketball tournament last spring. Quite a number of regu lars are still performing for the visitors including 6'4" Art Wea therford at center. Two games will be played with the opener slated for 7 o'clock. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS PENDLETON- HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Anderson's Builders' Supply, Heppner Omar Rietmann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Freightways Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Sr. have returned from a business trip to Portland. They were ac companied to the city by Edward "Puff" Rice who spent several days here visiting relatives arfti friends. John Bergstrom and Ted Smith left Thursday to spend the week end in Corvallis where they will participate in the Fathers' week end observance at Oregon State College. Mrs. LaVeme Van Marter, Mrs. Alex Thompson and Misses Ce celia and Kathryn Carthy were shopping in Pendleton Monday. 4-H CLUB NEWS HOBO CLUB Seven boys met at the home of Mrs. Gordon White, in lone, and organized a camp cookery 4-H club. Officers were elected: presi dent, Wayne Ball, vice president, Gerry White; secretary, Bill Salt er; news reporter, Ellis Ball; song leader, Gerry Brenner. Besides the, above the members are Ivan Akers, Ronnie McCabe, and three who joined later are Clyde Ritchie, Kenneth Jones, and John Howton. The club is to be called the Hobo Club and will meet every Saturday. STAR THEATER, Heppner Sunday shows continuous from I p. m. All shows except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m. Ticket office open every evening until 9 o'clock. Phone 1472. Friday-Saturday, Feb. 1-2 TEXAS RANGERS George Montgomery, Gale Storm, Jerome Courtland, Noah Beery Jr., William Bishop, John Litel. Fast action and frontier humor with the watchdogs of the Lone Star State, filmed in color. Plus THE GUY WHO CAME BACK Paul Douglas, Joan Bennett, Linda Darnell, Don DeFore in a wonderful story for the whole family, sometimes hilarious, always human. Sunday-Monday, Feb. 3-4 . BEHAVE YOURSELF Farley Granger, Shelley Winters, William Demarest, Francis L. Sullivan, Lon Chaney and a scene-stealing mutt named "Archie". A grand, wacky, refreshing comedy. . . entertainment tonic for the entire family. Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 5-6. PEKING EXPRESS Joseph Cotten, CoriVine Calvet, Edmund Gwenn find dangerous adventure aboard the Express from Shanghai to Peking. This theatre Joins In the nationwide salute to one of our greatest youth-building organizations THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA who celebrate their 42nd Anniversary February 6 to 12. t JOHN BE EflE i iv m Mil 13 ... . ' 1 I ' . .vrj.v ix TO I QUALITY FOODS AT SPECIAL LOW I'UICi: S 2jj0P 111 St retch Your Food Dollar at Court Street Green Beans Siskyou Freestone No. IVi can Tastewell Cut 303 can 2s 2 -2 0 c Here's one ol the most effective ways you can "rescue" thriv ing young crops from strangling crust and thieving weeds. Cultivate your fields with a John Deere Rotary Hoe. It thoroughly mulches and aerates the soil next to the young plant; it kills many weeds which ordinarily aren't touched by shovel-type cultivators. What's more, you'll handle this close-cultiva'ang job in a hurry. This four-row hoe moves along at 5 mph., cultivating 14 feet at a time ... up to 80 acres in a 10-hour day. This strong, sturdy, all-steel hoe can be used in uniis of 2, 4, or 6 gangs. Its simplicity, low cost, and efficient work make the John Deere an essential implement for your farming operation. Let us show you how it fits your farming needs; come in soon. EMPIRE CMl kV'LLAK A!ll! HUDSON - HS'ili - )OnN Ph'' MACH8KY CO, PfNflLnON, PRC GQN - A K UNO TON OKI CON Ht rru QiiUiPN MhtMy Q8i ..Of J K vi r . -.1 -"'- n I. , ' " . v. - w DURKEE'S MARGARINE Solid or Cubes Pound 25c SHORTENING, Snowdrift or Crisco 3 lb. can 98c TOILET TISSUE, Guest 3 rolls 25c MUSTARD or TURNI P GREENS ... 2 cans 29c Baby Shug, No. 2 can BABY FOOD, Gerber's or Heinz 6 cans 55c SAUERKRAUT, Steinfeld, IVi can.. 2 for 33c Fresh Produce TOMATOES tube 23c CELERY lb. 13c CARROTS 2 bun 25c GRAPEFRUIT, ruby red. . .2 for 25c MEAT SPECIALS PICNICS . . lb 49c JOWL BACON lb. 29c SLICED BACON lb. 49c Oregon Chief PURE LARD 4 lbs. 89c SKINLESS FRANKS lb. 59c SPARE RIBS lb. 52c 14 i FRI. AND SAT COURT STREET MARE SPECIALS JET