i i Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 31, 1952 Page 5 Qlsen-Cufsforth Nuptials Held n Lexington Alta Fay Cutsforth, daughter of 6. W. Cutsforth of Lexington and Irs. Alta Cutsforth of Hoppnr, as united in marriage to Ronald jf. Olsen son of Mrs. Charles fardwell of Hermiston. J The lovely double . ring cere Biony was performed at the Cuts forth ranch home. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in an afternoon frock of white lace over pink taffeta with rhinestone trim. Her head ress was fashioned of white taf feta and lace from which fell a shoulder length veil of net. She carried a white muff which held a pink anthirium. The ceremony was by candle light and read by the Rev. Al fred Shirley of lone, with the candles being lit by a sister of the bride, Sharon of Walla Walla, who wore aqua moire and carried a nosegay of carnations. The ceremony took place before the c?!b mi DURING CLAUDIEN'S FINAL easrasice "OF WOMEN'S 'atis - u&is -.2 Here it is . . . the final closeout of all our Women's Coats and Suits and they are all marked down to Half Price. Still a good selection of sizes and styles. Hurry, you may get the extra bonus shown below. See these today I PLUS-EXTRA BONUS! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 1st 5 COATS and 1st 5 SUITS Said Friday and Saturday Reduced An Extra $2.50 - Women's Winter Herts $oo - $200 - $goo CLAUDIEN'S Social Happenings . . . ! f I X7AA 4 si . " 4 V f 1 '. Coming Events Friday Feb. 1 San Souci Rebe kah lodge. Saturday Feb. 2 Dance at lone, benefit for Pioneer Memorial Hospital grounds. OES Social club. Masonic hall at 8:00 p. m. Husbands invited. Monday Feb. 4 Chamber oi Com merce, noon at O'Donnell's. Fainbow For Girls. Tuesday Feb. 5 America'n Legion Auxiliary, Legion hall, at 8:00 p. m. Wranglers, club house, 8:00 p. m. Wednesday Feb. 6 Community Chest luncheon, O'Donnell's at noon. Republican Central Committee, O'Donnell's 6 p. m. Thursday Feb. 7 Soroptmists, noon at O'Donnell's. Elks, ladies night Friday Feb. 8 Ruth Chapter No. 32, OES. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Olsen, the former Alta Faye Cutsforth, who were married recently at the Cutsforth ranch home. They will make their home in Hermiston after a short honeymoon trip. (Picture Shop Photo) fireplace which was banked with Daffodils and heather. The brides only attendant was Juanita Padberg of Portland, who wore a gray suit with black Ac cessories and a corsage of white carnations. The best man was Orville Cutsforth, Jr., brother of the bride. Preceeding the ceremony Mrj. C. C. Carmichael played "Pre lude" and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hat field sang "I Love You Truly". Mrs. Carmichael also played Lo Hengrins Wedding March. The brides mother chose for her dress an apricot colored suit with green accessories and wore a green orchid. The grooms mother chose a navy blue street dress and wore a pink orchid. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the Cutsforth ranch home. The dining room was lovely with the center of attraction the table which held a three tiered cake topped with the traditional bride and groom and circled with a ring of pink rose buds and hea ther. The other decorations be ing stiver. While the bride and trroom cut the first piece of cake, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield, accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Car michael, sang "O Promise Me". After which Mrs. Gene Cutsforth served the cake. Mrs. Don Pointer served the punch and Mrs. Nate McBride poured at the coffee table. Mrs. Robert Kilkenny, a sister of the bride, was in charge ose Out Of OUR ENTIRE LINE OF 3 Enasme! Faints OUT IT ALL GOES-JUST If you are planning some redecorating in your home in the near future, now is the to buy your paints! We are closing out our entire stock of Nu-Enamel paints at Just ONE-HALF regular price. Our stock of colors and sizes is good. Buy now and you'll save Plenty. Case Furniture Co of the gifts, Leila McLacklin was in charge of the guest book, Mrs. Lyle Cox and Mrs. Harold Town send of Hermiston assisted about the rooms. Pat and Kenny Cuts forth, brothers of the bride, acted as the hosts for the evening. For going away the bride chose a navy blue suit with winter white accessories and wore an anthirium corsage. After a short honeymoon the young couple will be at the Cutsforth ranch for a few weeks prior to moving to their home in Hermiston. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wardwell of Hermiston, Mabel Hurst, Wayne Hurst, Lenora Moeller, Marion Olsen and Ronald Tierce of Free water, and Orville Cutsforth, Jr. who is a student at Oregon Tech at KlamathFalLs. Mrs. Robert Kilkenny was host ess to a dinner at their home Fri day, for the wedding party. Those attending were, the honorees Fay Cutsforth and Ronald Olson, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cutsforth, Juanita Padberg, Orville Cutsforth, Jr. Sharon Cutsforth, Pat and Ken neth Cutsforth and Gene Heliker. o NEED Letterheads, Phone 882 Anniversary Honored By Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson were hosts for a surprise dinner party Sunday January 27 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles on their wedding anniversary. It was also celebrating Mrs. Rug gles' birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Buster Dodson, Mrs. Nina Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rug gles, Mr. and Mrs. "Archie Mur chison, Connie Ruggles, Bunkie Wayne, Clyde Crawford, Tommy Doherty, both of lone, the guests of honor and the host and host- Entertainment At Regular OES Meeting Ruth Chapter No. 32, OES met Friday evening January 25 for their regular meeting, after which there was entertainment. Oliver Creswick sang two num bers, and then a group consisit ing' of Roy Quackenbush, James Hayes, Harold Becket and Mrs. Oma Cox played several numbers. Games were played. Refresh ments were served by a commit tee of several of the officers. It is planned to have entertain ment following the second meet ing in February and the men will be in chaige. 2 CUP AND SAUCER MOTHER'S OATS Beautiful "Azur-ite" Blue Glasiwar by Anchor Hocking Inside every hift square plottage of Mother's Oats you Ret a valuable, useful premium. Actu ally a double value because money can't buy I liner quality, more delicious, more nourishing o.itmral than Mother's Oatsl Start now to give your family this Rood, hot. creamy-smooth oatmeal every morning. Anil net (anions "l ire-King" (!ups and Saucers, or Aluminum Ware, "Wild Rose" pattern China, or Carnival Ware. Buy Mother's Oats todayl MOTHER'S OATS-o product of THE QUAKE OATS COMPANY WL5uuuL5uu FRIDAY! SATURDAY! SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY! DI! Bleached Flour Squares Large Square Sie 29" x 30"-Unhemmed 5for-I.OO Mens Work Socks 'Wool mixed-75 Cotton- 25 Wool Sizes 10-1 1-12. 3 Pair for 1.00 Low and fflde. . .Big Inside . Willys ansBeautifil IT HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN A FINE CAR... Th comfort of a smooth, quiet air-borne ride . . . with road roughness and vibration soaked up by rubber-cushioned springs, aero-type shock absorbers and drive system floated on rubber pillows, Interior roomineis for six adults, with 61-inch-wide seating, front and rear. "Take-off" performance with the new 90-h.p. 6-cylinder Hurricane Engine ... 7.6 compression . . . uses regular gas. Panoramic visibility ... all 4 fenders can be seen from the driver's seat. Aero-Design beauty . . . just 5 feet high . . . streamlined from its distinctive new plane-wing hood to the rear air-firs. Record economy up to 35 miles on a gallon of gasoline, with overdrive. Come in and seeAtnericcis . only full-size car that gives up to 35 miles per gallon FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY ill nun ir tit mil Mini I villi billions ol sailtl I I loufh MKICI