Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 31, 1952 MORE PEOPLE BUY Chevrolet THAN ANY OTHER MAKE SEE THE NEW '52 CHEVROLET TODAY AT HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY HEPPNER Si' Kit George Has Eighth Birthday Mrs. Oscar George entertained with a party Wednesday after noon complimenting her son, Kit, on the occasion of his eighth birthday. Guests present were Dennis, Darrell and Gary Dick, Larry, Bobhy and Marlene Fetsch, and Curtic Lavelle. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George were hosts for a birthday dinner for Kit who had as his guests, his grandmother, Mrs. Sadie M. Sigs bee and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Runnion. Q N it i I 7 i fv c A v ' Hrt :,;: Our best-seller . . . . . . your best buy ARKGW DART 3.95 NONWILT COLLAR KEEPS FRESH ALL DAY LONG Here's why more men ask us for Arrow Dart tlinn any other ihirt. It's made with the fa mous nonwilt medium-point collar Hint looks Rood on every one. Carries the Mi toga trade mark that means it's tapered for better fit. "Sanforized" broadcloth. Stock up today on ytrroH' Dart, Wl LSOiM'S MEN'S WEAR Store of Personal Service Famous duality by GOODVEAR See the new. . . niMT.IOI Super-Cushion I695 ptui tan 470 IS liberal Trade-in Allowance It's htr . . . don't mill this chanc to gat th imooth riding comfort of a Goodytor Super-Cuihion tiro of thii ntw low prico. Com In to day and talk trade. ?VVNVVWVN' AWWW".vVM,.vv.. !' I'"' t I Margaret Cason, Ethel Perkins - and uenia iiuston. i mw ill IP mm ' f AND YOUR 1 1 i Of ! J t'A tf S FARLEY Phone 692 Shower Honors Recent Bride Mrs. Richard Meador and Mrs. James Driseoll were hostesses on Friday evening for a shower com plimenting Mrs. Avery Taylor, a bride of recent date. The party was held at the Driseoll home on S. Court street. Present were Mrs. Elmer Hill, Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. Tom WUson, Mrs. Nels An derson, Mrs. Paul Brown and Mrs. Alvin Porterfield and Mrs. Wil liam Driseoll of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, the former Jo anne Wilson, were married Janu ary 10 in Idaho. The bride is a graduate of Heppner high school and has been employed as a nurses' aide at Pioneer Memorial hospital for the past several months. They will continue to reside in Heppner.' The groom is employed as a carpenter. lone Three Links Elect Officers Mrs. Lewis Ball was re elected as president of the'l'hree Links club at a meeting at the home of Mrs. E. R. Luhrlell Friday after non. Other officers elected were Mrs. Harvey Ring, vice president; Mrs. Lundell, secretary and treas urer. Mrs. David Rietmann, mar shali; Mrs. Wallace Matthews, guardian and Mrs. Mary Swan son, chaplain. Names were drawn for secret pals for the coming year. Mrs. Roy Thomas received the door prize. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lundell and Mrs. Cleo Drake. -o- Mrs. Albert Wright Honored By Shower Mrs. Albert Wright was the honor guest at a stork shower given by Mrs. Ray Wright and Mrs. Barton Clark at the Ray Wright home Sunday afternoon, January 27. ' After the opening of the many lovely gifts, games were played and refreshments served to Kay Wright, Pearl Wright, Delsie Cha pel, Ruby Steers, Helen Stevens, Roxie Lovgren, Carrie Becket, Ellen Moore, Dorothy Bailey, Tacie Parker. Pearl Devine, La Velle Hams, Gladys Beckett, Mur iel Palmer, Mary Wright, Sr., Thelma Ma ley, Mary Wright, Jr., Mildred Wright, the guest of honor and the two hostesses. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Ethel Robison. Margaret Cason, Ethel Perkins and Genia Huston. TERMS AS LOW AS" 125 A WEEK 1 I uM f i : A 'V '' V f if MOTOR CO. Heppner Soroptimist Program On March of Dimes The Soroptimist Club met Thursday January 24 at O'Don nell's for luncheon. Mary Van Stevens and Elaine George are the program chairmen and arranged a program in keep ing with the March of Dimes. Mrs. Jack Loyd, women's ac tivities chairman for the March of Dimes, spoke on their work. Mrs. Paul Jones told of her per sonal knowledge of the treatment of polio through working with her son. Mrs. Orville Smith brought a projector and a film was shown on the treatment and care of children in hospitals. o lone Topic Club Meet At Ekstrom Home Pinochle and bridge were played at the social meeting of the Topic club at the home of Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom Saturday after noon. Those winning prizes were high In pinochle, Mrs. Omar Riet mann, low Mrs. Verner Troedson, high in bridge, Mrs. Echo Palma teer and low Mrs. M. E. Cotter. The hostesses were Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mrs. O. L. Lundell. and Mrs. Ekstrom. Missionary Meetina Held by All Saints All Saints Episcopal Auxiliary met Thursday afternoon January 24 in the parish hall. Mrs. Grace Nickerson and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo were the host esses for the afternoon. Mrs. Jos Nys had charge of the program. She gave a very interesting paper which she called a "Bolster Up" paper, as this was the first mis sionary meeting of the year. About 18 members and guests enjoyed the refershments served at the close of the meeting. O F WOMEN'S AND MISSES' ALL SALES FINAL, PLEASE IN THESE PRICE $295 wmm AT GONTY'S IN HEPPNER ' SMALL APPLIANCES RADIOS RECORDS. RCA -VICTOR. CAPEHART. PHILCO Cards Enjoyed At Rhea Creek Home Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones en tertained with two tables of bridge at their Rhea creek home, Saturday evening. High score for women was held by Mrs. Gor don McGough and high for men was held by Edwin Dick. o Dinner Party Held Tuesday Evening, Mrs. Kingsley Hodge entertaon. ed with a dinner party Tuesday evening at the home? of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Cha pin. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van Mar ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Don nell, Jr. 1 rr ev' 4 BUY r J lUt f ,'J BREAD Slender, Lovely Cindy Gamer "FLAME OF ARABY" A. U. I. Picture Culor I9SI N.B.S. by Technicolor FREE: Hollywoad Diet and Calotw Guidi write Eleanor Day, Eto 1027 Hollywood, Cal.l. WrS" 8EA DURING GONTY'S 3RD ANNUAL BUY FIRST PAIR AND GET SECOND To Make room for new spring styles now arriving we are cleaning house on our winter shoes and. in the biggest bargain-giving event of the year. Buy one pair ot the regular price and GET YOUR SECOND FAIR ABSOLUTELY FREE. You don't need to look farther for genuine shoe value . . . you'll find the best buys in Eastern Oregon right here. Hurry, make your selection early to be sure of the styles and colors you want. -SPORT AND CASUAL SHOES DRESS SHOES-SANDALS FULL SIZE RANGE, WIDTHS AA TO D. GROUPS- $495 DINNER PARTY SUNDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and George Combes of Condon were hosts for a dinner party at the Rendevous Club near Hermiston Sunday evening for Mr. and Mrs La Verne Van Marter and Misses Cecelia and Kathryn Carty of Heppner, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyce, Tom Burns and Jimmy Stewart of Condon. o CHURCHES Christian and Congregational Church (Lexington, Oregon) Lewis G. Wetzel, Pastor. "Frequently people who are most careful of the gilt on their Bible care less for the gold within it." Anonymous. raw-" HOUrWOOO BREAD IS BAKED EXCLUSIVELY fOR YOU BY Walla Walla Baking Co. Under Licent by National Bakers Services, Inc. AT REGULAR PRICE YOUR PAIR $795 FREE Sunday Feb. 3, 1952. Sunday School 9:43 a. m. Worship Service 11:00 a. m. God's Vikings 6:45 p. m. Evening Bible Study 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1952. Prayer and Bible Study 7:30 . m. Come to Church Sunday. on Wear this watch without a worry for any work or play. It's water-, dusts and shock-resistant. The exclusive DuraPower Main spring that Elgin guarantees will never break in service. Twelve smart models, priced from $33.75 including Federal Tax. J. 0. PETERSON JEWELER n $Q95 1 i up t