Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 24, 1952, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, THursday, January 24, 1952
Gay 90s Dance
Held at Monument
By Millie Wilson
The Gay Ninety Dance, spon
sored by the American Legion
and Auxiliary on Jan. 19, drew a
large crowd, some coming from
Heppner, Long Creek, Dayville,
John Day and Spray. Many were
in costume. Music was furnished
by Marrows Ofchtra of Long
The pria's wpre awarded to
George Legler for the best whisk
ers, Betty Simas for the b"st dres
sed woman, Sharon Hankie and
Jerry Cupper the best dressed
children. Henry Cupper the fan
ciest whiskers,,Mead Gilman, the
best dressed man, and Darlene
Capon won the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson,
accompanied by Mrs. Chet Brown
drove to John Day last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were attend-
" a" . k.. 'M Mkl -,&.
it . I" J . -"
ill . IT. -m -:,:"....
-fy ft tm
Take advantage of Union Pacific's comfortable
traim and dependable all-weather schedules
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enjoy delicious dining car meals while rolling
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smooth, riding comfort.
Lot m htlp pUn your trip
Ash for fruitfully illmiralrd booklet on
Phone 132
inR to maleerg of business and
shopping while Mrs. Brown visit
ed her husband at the Blue Moun
tain Medical Center. Mr. Brown
hopes to be released fronj the
hospital by Tuesday.
Mrs. Bob Lesley and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek and
daughter Carol, were John Day
visitors last Friday,
Word was received by Mrs.
Lindell Broadfoot from Carmel
Broadfoot in California, stating
that he and his wife were the
proud parents of a baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rickard
and sons spent last week end in
Helen Holmes and Francis
Fleming visited Ona May Leath
ers at the Heppner hospital last
A. W. Beardsley of Salem spent
a tew days at nts ranch near
The M. M. M. Club held its
regular meeting at the home of
Iffie McKinney last Thursday
with eleven members present.
After a short business meeting,
games were played. The winner
was Ella Durst. Wave Jackson
and Millie Wilson tied for second
ace; so straws were drawn and
the prize went, to Millie Wilson.
The "White Elephant" package
was taken by Jessie Hoskin and
won by Martha Mattesson. The
next meeting, Feb. 7th, will be
at the home of Jessie Hoskin. De
licious refreshments of cake and
coffee were served by the hostess.
Those present were Helen Brown,
Mary DuBosch, Grace Stirritt,
Jessie Hoskin, Lydia Capon, Ella
Durst, Martha Mattesson, Ida
Bleakrnan, Wave Jackson, Millie
Wilson and the hostess, Iffie Mc
Kinney. Robert K. Cole left Friday even
ing for his home in The Dalles.
Mrs. Day moved into her new
home last Wednesday. Mrs. Day
is Mrs. Harold Cork's aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rickard
and children spent the weekend
in Salem.
Laurence Johnson of Bend came
for Albert Emry, who has been
ill, last Tuesday. He took Mr.
Emry to Bend where he consult
ed his doctor. While there lie was
a guest of his daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Johnson. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roach
were business visitors in John
Day last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman of
Top were shopping and visiting
relatives in town last Wednesday.
Robert Croft and Walt Miller at
tended the Schoolmasters meet
ing in Dayville last Monday.
Thev also had the pleasure of
J I And "when'" "" "" "
we say Mfhe best" f :
l i wc ,uc'" Arclen Flavor-Fresh T "
lie Cream, t,e x.st nWwy wn Lr,j
It-j mY- ''I lie most discri,;.)n I '
, 7 vf I forttXtl"e.... lor.lourmul.t I 1 . -j
- CA I: J l,,',,l-It"T""S 'Uulousnc'ss I I.
( WL 1 SMllw!, i r ... I ..3
I I 1 "H,,Mi lcficsliiil" X.ltll,.l tx A
T.' ' y Si; A''Woru.1U)r. f ,' '
watching th basketball same be
tween Mitchell and Dayville.
The next fw weeks will b a
time of Stork Showers in Monu
ment. The dates are:
Jan. 22 at tha hom of L Hints
Gilman, honoring Darlene Boyer
Feb. 3 at tha home of Grace
Stirritt honoring Mary Lippert.
Feb. 14 at the Grange Hall
honoring L Verda Cox.
Buck Wilson of Walla Walla,
and Harold Erwln of Heppner
were buying cattle in the Monu
ment area on Saturday.
Sam Reichen, father of Mrs.
Harry Capon, left Thursday for
his home in Portland. Mr. Reichen
has been helping the Capon Bros,
with some carpenter work.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Strecker were
hosts at a dinner last week,
honoring Mrs. Henry Cupper on
her birthday. Those present were
MJr. and Mrs. Henry Cupper, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Capon, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Cook, and Mrs. Day.
Mrs. Carl Cox was attending
to matters of business in Heppner
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gienger, Mrs.
Ruby Gienger and Mrs. Osie
Engle and daughter Judy drove to
Prinville last Thursday to visit
Mrs. Edna Crum, who is a pa
tient at the Prinevilie hospital.
They returned on Friday.
Mr. William Montgomery Sr.,
of Ritter visited his son Bill at
school on Wednesday.
Monument's high school ball
teams drove to Long Creek Tues
day to play Volleyball and Bas-(
ketball. The girls lost to Long;
Creek by three points and the!
boys lost by five points. Charles'
Roach Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis!
Batty accompanied the team so
they could cheer for the Monu
ment teams.
Cold weather takes wood, so
Bob Scott and Carl Cox brough
some to town last week.
, Robert E. Cole of The Dalles is
doing some surveying for the
R. E. A. in Monument, also be
tween Miounment and Hamilton.
Roy Bowman and Joe Simas are
helping him.
Alvin Brown hauled R. E. A.
electric light poles from Mitchell
to Monument last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard West and
children left Thursday on their
vacation, which thev will spend LA
in California. Mr. West is an em.
ploym f tb Big 4 Lumber torn
Continued From Lflrt Week
Mrs. Lotti Foss of Boist spent
a week here visiting her mother,
Mrs. Josie Round, her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Holmes; also other rela
tives and friends.
Chet Brown was attending to
matters of business at the County
Assessors office last Tuesday. He
was in John Day where everyone
was busy battling the fire that
destroyed three stores.
Rev. Fred Swanson of Burns
and Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Martin
of Dayville met with the Ladies
Aid at the home of Millie Wilson
on January 8th. Mrs. Lottie Foss
of Boise, Idaho was also a visitor.
Besides the guests the following
members were present: Doris
Capon, president, Onida Cork,
vice-president, Reta Cupper, secretary-treasurer,
Lois Hill and
children, Lydia Capon and child
ren, Grace Stirrtt, Goldie Round,
Rea King, Ivy Barnard and the
hostess Millie Wilson. Discussion
of ways and means to obtain a
minister for the church was de
bated. A young minister will hold
morning service here cm January
27th. Everyone is invited to at
tend this meeting.
Mtes Anita Moore wai called te
Whitebird, Idaho last Sunday on
account of the illness at her
mother, Mrs. Edna Moore. Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Boyer took her
as far u Pendleton where ihe
took a but for Idaho.
Lexington News
Continued From Page 3
and family were Lexington visit-
tors Sunday,
Mrs. Bob Davidson and Mrs.
Bernard Doherty were Walla
Walla visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodworth
were rJpnrata visitors over me
weekend at the home of the Her
mann Wallace family.
Christian and Congregational
Church (Lexington. Oregon)
Lewis G. Wetzel, Pastor.
"What we are afraid to do be
fore men, we should be afraid to
think before God." Anonymous.
Sunday Jan. 27, 1952.
Sunday Schoel and Worship
Service for all age groupi. 9:45
a. m. until noon. The Young Peo
ple at 1:45 p. m. an the evening
Bible hour at 7:30.
Wed. Jan. SO, 1952.
Bible Study and Prayer t:3
p. m.
We have ample seating capac
ity to handle all comers at all
services. Come and see for your
Earl L. Soward, Pastor
Bible School begins at 9:45 and
there are classes for all, including
Morning Worship at 11 o'clock.
The sermon by the pastor. "The
Call of Christ To Pray", is ap
propriate for these times.
The Junior-Hi Christian En
deavor will meet at 6:30. Even
ing service at 7:30. The "Ordi
nance of Baptism", will be the
topic of the evening hour. There
are three or four people to be
baptized at the close of the Ser
vice. o
In th event that paralyzing snow ctormi should elose county roads with heavy
drifts or deep snow. Morrow County craws and equipment will make every effort to
open a'l main county reads as sooi; as humanly possible. This applies especially
to mail and schcol bus routes. Should such an emergency occur it is impossible to
open all rsads in a short interval of time. Owners and operators of bulldozers and
. other snow removal equipment are authorized by the Morrow County Court to assist
in opening Morrow County Roads where an emergency exists. Compensation for
such assistance will be allowed by the county, whea Jnst claims are presented and
approved by the court. -
By Order of the Morrow County Court
See jj )
j j
TMt tA H SM.IlD D tttl J Doof th llitl
fvr Im. Hm ny cearabl. mwM In iff fold.
fCoflfmw' W ttamhrd niipmm end trim iltatraf4
it tfpmfftr m wntlobihtf 9t mat tel. I
Here are the truly advaaeed automobiles
for 1952 . . . th$ only flm curt priced m
low , . . and one ride will toll you what wa
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We mean the only ears at or near their
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We mean the only ears at or near their
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We mean tha only cars at or near their
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dom from vibration.
Moreover, we mean that Chevrolet sup
plies all these fine car advantages at
substantial savings ... for it's the lowest
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fxtrewmooth power ,
nh Nw Automate Choke for finest no-shift
T"T fn !t,,wvwt ? (Combination of Power-
A-'i 105-5f,Vlv-i'-Head Engine optional
en De Lux models it extra cost.)