e Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 24, 1952 Page 5 Aore Thaa 100 Ittend Joint istallation 3ver hundred members and jests attended tha joint instal- lion ceremonies and banquet taav evening at tha Oddfellows 111 when officers for Sans Souci bekah Lodge no. ana wn v Lodge No. 66, Independent der of Oddfellows were seated r the current term. Installing i r t,.i. ; IficerS were mr. imki lyn iwuin- SSe I" r,J'i ""V uimu aster Mrs. Ruth Bergstrom and ,omas J. Wells, Deputy Grand arshalls. unicers seaiea ior ns Souci Reekah Lodge include: ith F. Payne, Noble Grand; AI- AT NORAH'S IN HEPPNER YEAR ROUND 2 PIECE UIT In Wrinkle-Free Rayon With A Worsted Look by Sizes 9-15; 10-20; and UMt up. NORAH'S MODE 0' DAY SLIPS and BLOUSES SLIPS: 4 gores for perfect fit. Lace trim, rayon crepe. 34-44. 169 w'!i;ijj'"Sy'J" ' OnLE! 31 oat U' uayoneei 'w Full I aMont-A! 'Guaranteed Social Happenings tha Kirk, Vice Grand; Lucy E. Eodgers, Recording Secretary; Ruth E. Bergstrom, Financial Sec retary ;Pearl Devine, Treasurer; Virginia Groshen, Warden; Ethe lyn F. Pierson, Conductor; Clara B. Gertson, R. S. N. G.; Merlyn Robinson, L. S. N. G.; Mattie Green, Inside Guardian;. Blanche Brown, Outside Guardian; Oma Cox, Musician; Elsie Ayers, Chap lain; Letha Archer, R. S. V. G.; and Mary McMurtry, L. S. V. G. Jeanne Dobbs is the junior Past Noble Grand. Other courtesy of ficers will be seated at the first meeting in February. Officers for the Oddfellows in- LAMPL $1795 and $18.95 ""Colorful Nassau Plaids Casual Checks ""Spring Checks Combinations ," JANUARY SALE " HfU !!lft(tfi . I (V M i i m. lit' a i u , . tity BLOUSES: Fine rayon crepe, lace inset, pearl type buttons. 32-38. i a eluded R. G. McMurtry, Nobl Grand; Ralph Taylor, Vice Grand; D. R. Tash, Secretary; C. W. Bar low, Treasurer; Robert W. Dobbs, Warden; Frank Davidson, Con ductor; Jesse C. Payne, RSNG; Thomas J. Wells, LSNG; Cornett Green, RSVG; Rev. J. Palmer Sor lien, LSVG; Jack Edmondson, RSS; A. J. Chaffee, LSS; E. R. Settles, Inside Guardian; Victor Groshen, Outside Guardian and M. A. Easter, Chaplain. Guests from out-of-town at tending the ceremonies were Mr. and Mrs. George Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasvold of Pen dleton and George N. Ely of Mor gan. The hall has undergone con siderable redecoration. The plat forms around the floor have been removed and a new hardwood floor has been laid. This has a gymnasium finish. The ceiling has been finished with accous tical tile board in oyster white. This improves the accoustics of the room to a great extent. Plans are being made to enlarge the kitchen and redecorate the din ing room. N. D. Bailey and Tom Wells are in charge of the work. o Heppner Matron Honored By Shower Mrs. Alex Thompson and Mrs. Don Hatfield of Lexington enter tained Wednesday evening at the Thompson home on S. Court street with a pink and blue shower complimenting Mrs. Wal ter J. Barger. Bingo was the di version of the evening with the following receiving prizes, " Mrs Tom Wilson, Mrs. Marvin R Wightman, Mrs. William Labhart, Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. Gene Wells, Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter, Mrs. Fred Sanders, Mrs. Bradley Fancher and Mrs. Clarence Rose wall. Refreshments were served o Degree of Honor Installs Officers Kate J. Young Lodge No. 29, Degree of Honor, seated its offi cers for the current year at its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Christian Church. Instal ling officer was Mrs. Clara B. Gertson; grand usher was Mrs. Mary McMurtry and Mrs. Sylvia McDaniel served as past presi dent. Officers installed were: president, Alice McCabe; first vice-president, Theta Stratton; second vice-president, Genevieve Springer; financial secretary, Clara B. Gertson; treasurer, Bea Barkla; usher, Mary Ann Jensen; assistant usher.Ida Farra; inner watch, Katie Cunningham; outer watch, LuCella Sorlien; pianist, Mabel Chaffee; right assistant, Martha King, left assistant, Ber- MODE 0' DAY COTTON FROCKS Pin stripes, wide AAA collar. 14-20, mMH washable. M " " Installation Held By Rainbow For Girls Officers of Ruth Assembly Or der of Rainbow for Girls were in stalled at an impressive cere mony at the Masonic hall Mon day January 21. Instating oflcers were Eunice Pettyjohn, installing officer; Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien, installing chap lain; Ruby Becket, installing re corder; Lorene Griffith, installing marshall; Juanita Charnlchael, installing musician. Officers installed were Worthy Advisor, Mary Ann Jensen; Wor thy Associate Advisor, Nancy Ferguson; Charity, Delores Keith ley; Hope, Meredith Ann Sorlien; Faith, Sharon Becket; Recorder, Mary Ruth Green; Treasurer, Peggy Wightman; Chaplain, Jean Marie Graham; Drill Leader, Nancy Adams; Religion, Nancy Eberhardt; Nature, Virginia An-, dresen; Immortality, Nancy Ball; Fidelity, Marjorie Pierson; Pat rotism, Diane Van Horn; Service, Carolyn Calvin; Confidential Ob server, Jo Ann Keithley; Outer Observer, Clarice Hastings; Musi cian, Eleanor Rice; Choir Direc tor, Geraldine Carter; Edith Mor ris and Lynda Borman. The Mother Advisor is LuCella Sorlien. Other members of the Advisory board are Ruby Becket, Vivian Hayes, James Hayes, Phyl lis Stout, Bert Cork, Jaunita Car michael, Claudien Wightman and Fay Ferguson. After the installation, Mary Ann Jensen introduced her moth er and presented her with a cor sage. Nancy Ferguson presented Mary Ann with a lovely vjse which was a gift from the assem bly. Fancy cookies and punch were served by Nancy Adams, Delores Keithley and Nancy Ball. Wedding Held In Spokane At a single ring ceremony Sun day afternoon January 13, at the Methodist Church in Spokane, Mrs. Alice Mahon became the bride of James McCabe of lone. Rev. Ogletree read the service. For her wedding, Mrs. Mahon chose a wine colored wool suit with black accessories and a cor sage of white rosebuds. Her at tendant, Mrs. Arthur Patterson, wore a suit of grey and black with black accessories. The bride's brother, Arthur Patterson, was best man. Following- the ceremony, the party held a wed ding dinner at the Sillman Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe returned to Heppner Friday following a week's wedding trip. They will make their home" here. During their absence they visited in Ad ams with his father, A. A. McCabe and his sister, Mrs. Charles In galls. nice Seeliger; color bearer, Ber- nice Nash; junior director, Ada Piper; escort staff, Beulah Barkla, Ruth Payne, Mary McMurtry and Ada Piper. Refreshments were served fol lowing lodge by Mrs. Olive Hughes, Mrs. Ruth Bergstrom and Mrs. Ruth Payne. o NEED Letterheads, Phone 882 GOLD Weather IS THE DANGER SEASON FOR HOME FIRES' Building Costs hare doubled. Would yeur fire insurance re place your heme at today's price? The value of household fur nishings in the artrage borne has doubled in the last five ears. Hare you increased your insurance that much? Let us help you check over your insurance to be sure you hare the protection you need. C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency NATIONAL PKSi W 1 101 NO WASHINGTON P C On note of caution About that pretty lingerie you got for Chrtet masi Be very careful not to wash the white nylons with colored (tftns White nylon ts torrlbly sus wptlble to color and will pick up In slightest amount of dye Reed new lamp shade' It's wtsf to set H lighted before you buy Then yon can check to see It s thick enough to prevent the lhape of the bulb from showing through If the shade Is eolored. be jure It has an opaque white lining so that the uht Ixnt tinted by to color of the shad Tbese simple Savor tricks are worth knowing about Mil vtta ilnized margarine with chopped green olives and spread on broiled hamburger steaks Divine1 Top cooked green beans with a mixture of margarine and finely chopped onion The whole family will lov 'em I Saute croutons In mar- garln with s clove of garlic till ghtly brown add to tossed green salads or soaps for gourmet touch e e Most everybody loves mashed potatoes, but tf you don't varv the Savor you're missing something special For example add chopped onion or parsley or plmlento oi (rsted cheeae. singly or In combin ation For a completely different and dVlldotM tater treat stir real mayonnaise, milk, grated lemon rind and salt in mashed potatoes and beat tul light and fluffy Plac citrus fruit in hot watet tow minutes before peeling and marvel at how easily the outside and under skins will come off It will be easier to separate Into seg ments, too. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS PennieyB 33 13 WOOL Union Suits FOR MEN $3.00 Flannel Night Shirts FOR MEN $1.00 Winter Caps $1.00 Cotton Flannel Plaid Shirts $1.50 Special Value I , Warm shirts with the colorful plaid woven right through! Janforlzed can't shrink out of -fitl Two button through pockets; lined dress type collar. Low priced at Penney's. 14 'A-17. Shrinkage won't exceed 1. Cotton Flannel Plaid Shirts $1.00 Boys Knit Pajamas $1.00 Coming Events Friday Jan. 25 OES Ruth Chap tor No. 32; Entertainment Saturday Jan. 2B Decree of Honor 7:00-9:00 at Jcrycoe hall Monday Jan. v 28 Chamber of Commerce, noon at O'DonneU's. Thursday Jan. 31 Soroptimist's eack lunch at Clara Gertson home. Mothot's march for March of Dimes 7-8 p m. Friday Feh. 1 San Souci Ko boUcth Lodge. Carnation Club Meets At King Home Mrs. Martha King entertained the Carnation Club at her home on N. Main street Thursday af- FMt: Hollood Did 1(4 Clltht Quid vrlti tleinor D. Su IW MlflfM. Cilil. 81 x 99 Nation Wido Sheets Slightly Soiled $1.99 Draw Drapes Rayon Cord Faille Pair . $3.88 SUPER VALUE Chenille Spreads 72" x 105" 90" x 105" $5.00 MEN'S Winter Jackets 55.00 b $9.00 BOY'S Winter Jackets 55.00 b $8.00 Flannel Sleepers FOR INFANTS $1.00 100 Wool Shirts FOR MEN $5.00 i 'j- n . J- CAN Tbll" J . ..iTll. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR Now! When You Need Them! ternoo. Present were Mealames Theta Stratton, Clara B. Gertson, Ruth E. Bergslrom, Mary Mcilur try, Ida Farra, Ada PiiT Melna Quackenbush, Genevieve Spring er. Names were exchanged for the Secret Fal projett that is maintained by th club during the year. Officers of the club fur the current term include Martha KinR, president; Ada Piper, vice president and Ida Farra, secretary-treasurer. o SUNDAY EINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. George RiitfK and Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. The CamplK'lls are now residing at the Campbell ranch on Rhea Crock, having returned from a honeymoon trip in Southern Cali- fornia. HOinWOOD BKIAD IS tAf.ll) (XCWitVHY fOK 1M W Walla Walla Baking Co. Undo LIcn by National BoJnn Strvkti, W. Chenille Spread $2.99 (Full or Twin) Row after row of Huffy chenille in an exciting wavy line design I Come see the glorious colors! Flannel Nitewear FOR WOMEN $2.00 Flannel Pajamas FOR GIRLS $1.00 Rayon Crepe Blouses Tailored and Fussy $1.00 BBS? Phone 723 Heppner HEPPNER EDITH POBTERgCLD