o Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 24, 1952 Page 4 e o Boardman Woman leaves for Germany Sv coots sir. Gunnar Skoubo (Cirolyn Sicard) k-ft Saturday January 19 by train tr New York, nd from there shi mill sail for Germany Whore sli will join hr husband Gunnar Skoubo, who is with the U. S. Army. Friday evening Mrs. Sfcoubo was entertained at 'a joint; away party at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Kay Conycrs. At tending were, besides those mn h)nod, Mrs. Anna Skoubo, Mr. nd Mrs. George Sicard and their daughter Maxine, Mr. and Mis. Adolf Skoubo, Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, Mrs. Ed Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs. Arnin Hug and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Rippee, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Krislensen, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shattuck, Mrs, R. Lyons, Mrs. Delia Faulkner.Mrs.' Cecil Hamil ton and Lore! I, Mr. Fill Califf, Mrs. Gilbert Califf, Mrs. I. T. Pearson and Mrs. Frank Cole. Mrs. Cole assisted Mrs. Conyers with the serving. Pinochle and canasta were played during the evening. , The local Nome Extension Unit met Monday afternoon at the Grange hall. Topic was "home made, ready made mixes" with Mrs. Russell Wilbur and Mrs. W E. Garner as leaders The Boardman Yellow Jackets added another victory to the league games Saturday evening, when they downed the Irrigon Comets on the Boardman floor, with a score 40-30. Gillespie was high point man for the evening with fourteen points. The Board -man 1 squad also were winners 29-19. The Jackets play Lexing ton Friday evening, January 25 on the Boaruman tioor, ana tnoy will motor to lone Saturday. Both Ix'int, league games. Miss Wanda Needles, Mrs. Frank Cole, Mrs. Arnin Hug and daughter Wanda, Mrs. Lowell Shattuck, Mrs. Delia Faulkner and Mrs. I. T. Pearson motored to Umatilla Sunday and attended the Baptist church service. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and Mia. Z. J. Gillespie motored to Ordnance Sunday, spending the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger Jr. Keith Tannehill, student at EOCE, LaGrande spent the week end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root motored to Grandview Sunday afternoon to meet Mrs. Root's mother, Mrs. Olive Mefford who was coming from Renton, where she had sjh nt the winter with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barlow. Mrs. Mefford will visit her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Max Deweesse at Grand, view before coming to Boardm:in. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber motored to Arlington Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Roy Marlow, Umatilla was a visitor Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow. Mrs. Betty Fortier, McNary is coming to Boardman once a week and has organized a tap dancing class for the students. The first registration was twenty-eight. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bolts and family arrived from Naches, Wash., and will make their home here, They are at the home of LONG DISTANCE Nation-Wido Moving Service MAYFLOWER AGENTS PADDED VANS Penland Bros. PENDLETON, OREGON Transfer Co. . PHONE 333 New Cake Easy to Make ? ri? it Hit I ' : I hi f ; IS 11 rY U Betty Crocker' newest cake crtation, Velvet-Crumb, is not only easy to put together but can b whipped up In a hurry. It Is excellsnt to serve guests who drop in during the afternoon or youngsters looking for an afternoon anack. Main Ingredient of the cake is biscuit mix. Velvet Crumb is similar to the traditional butter cake moist, tender, rich. Beating time ig only 90 seconds, there is no creaming or sifting and it Cn be served while still warm. The recipe: VELVET-CRUMB CAKE Preheat oven to 350 (moderate). Crease generously ind dust with biscuit mix one square pan, 8 x 8 x 2- in. (for double recipe use 13 x 9 x 3- iii. pan.) Mix thoroughly XV cups biscuit mix cup sugar Then add 3 tbsp. soft high grade shortening (all or part butter adds flavor) 1 egg 'A cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla Stir together until ingredients are blended. Then beat vigorously tor 1 minute. Stir in gradually ft cup , milk. Beat for minute Pour into prepared pan. Bake about 30 minutes in moderate oven (330"). Cover with broiled topping while warm. Serve warm. BROILED TOPPING Mix 3 tbsp. butter or other shortening, melted or soft ened cup brown sugar (peeked in cup) 2 tbsp. cream or top milk cup wheat flakes or coco nut, if desired Vi cup chopped nuts Place about 3 inches under broil er (low heat) until mixture bubbles and browns (8 to I minutes). Do not burnl Velvet-Crumb received one of the highest ratings of any baked prod uct tested by The Betty Crocker Kitchens. , ' Mrs. Cecil Ellis. Mr. Mrs. Ellis are sister and Mr. and Botts am brother. Mrs. Kulh Studer, high school English' teacher spent the week end at her home in Portland. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS t " ' k'''i'' .''y'ii" '-ej '"ew. ' y .fw i at m a .j j -r . , ON THIS Sealy Anniversary Mattress ejA fe T?v iv H . , ,jri ."v. . 'V Features Found in $59.50 Mattresses During Sealy's Once-A-Year Anniversary Sale! 0 i kSJIIk Still A good Selection of Colors in. Full and Twin Sizes While Present Stock Lasts. Case Furniture Company LETTER TO THE EDITOR John, Day, Oregon I noticed in your editorial col umn the write-up about the ac complishment of the Izee (IZ community in the March of Dimes. You mentioned it being a town of only a few souls, snd I want to correct that, as it is not even a town, but a far-flung commun ity of up-and-coming cattle ranchers of which Grant County is very proud. I am enclosing a clipping of the article in our Blue Mountain Eagle about their March of Dimes program and dance, altho you probably have it in your ex changes. Very truly yours MRS. GUY BOYER CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8:00. Church School 9:45. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11:00. The junior choirs will sing at this service. Holy Communion on Wednes day morning at 10:00. Junior choirs meet on Wednes day afternoon. Boys from 215 to 4:00. rrA. act 8sl: fe.f The Dalles Man Piles For GOP Position Howard "Bill" Dent, Jr., former mayor of The Dalles, this week filed his candidacy for delegate from the second Congressional district to the Republican Nation al Convention. Mr. Dent seeks one of the two Convention seats to be elected by second district Republicans at the May 16 pri maries. "Bill" Dent is an attorney in The Dalles. Although only 39 years of age he .has been promi nent in public affairs in eastern Oregon for more than a decade, including a term as mayor of his home city. He has been a leader in the annual Oregon Wheat Growers Association, 4-H and Girls from.4.00 to 5:00. No adult choir practice this week. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Nels Fast, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School rith class es for all ages. 11:00 Morning Worship, 7:45 p. m. Evening Evangelis tic Service. There will be special singing and music by our 10 piece orchestra. 7:45 p. m. Thurs. prayer meet ing and a short message, o SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH H, Knauft, Pastor, Phone 3452 Sabbath services at Chapel of Prophecy: Sabbath School 10:00 a. m. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at pastor's home. Dorcas Society meets every Tuesday at 200 p. m. at home of Mrs. H. S. Huber. All Welcome. FFA Fat Livestock show and sale. He has been admitted to practice before the Supreme Courts of Oregon and the United States. While pledged to follow the directives of the Republican voters in the Presidential Primary, Bill Dent stated that he would do everything within his power to assist tha Eisenhower forces u obtaining the nomination fer ts General. JANUARY 2-31 PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Anderson's Builders' Supply. Heppner Oractz Rletmann. Iune Connecting Carries for Consolidated Fioigatways Popular "VJilJ Rose"Pa1lem In Soft Gray-Blue on Ivaryl No waiting no coupons do money to Mod for these premium! They're inside every big sqnare package of Mother's Oats. Take your choice of this China, Aluminum Ware, 'Tire King" Cup and Saucer, or Carnival Tar. You get double valutl Money can't buy a finer Quality, more nourishing oatmeal than Mother's Oats. It's the delicious hot, creamy oatmeal your family loves. Get it today! MOTHER'S OATS-o product of THF QUAKER OATS COA1PANY CLAUDIEN'S SPECIAL in n i 1 1 Of OUR O ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S as This amazing wall paint offers you thre big savings 1 Saves Tlrne Think of it you can redecorate i a room in 3 hours. Two hours to apply Pittsburgh Techide and only one hour for it to dry! 2 Saves Moss No need to scrap off shabby old wallpdper. Techide give a smooth, light - diffusing surface over wall paper, plaster, wallboard, brick, etc. 3 Savos Monty One coat of Pittsburgh Techide is usually sufficient and one galloa enough for the averag room. GALLON 4.15 Mtdt in I Coiori and Whit Paint Right with Color Dynamlot Paint Bt with PITTSBURGH PAINTS Heppner Hardware And Electric Phone 2482 IP -I WW MM OUT THEY GO! We are closing out our ENTIRE STOCK of fine all wool coats and suits at Just HALF PRICE I Not Just a selected group but the entire stock goes. Here is the chance of a lifetime to get an excellent winter or spring coat or suit and a price that can't be equalled. Hurry, while sizes are practically complete, you will get the best selection early. All sales cash, please. FINEST 100 WOOLS. WELL KNOWN BRANDS REGULAR, AND HALF SIZES LARGE SIZES, TOO COATS Regular $35 to $79.95 SUITS Regular $35 to $65 SPECIAL CLOSEOUT SALE - FRI.-SAT.-MON. At CLAUDIEN'S