Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 24, 1952, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 24, 1952
Page 3
1 "ey MM'Wfyy'''--"1!?' 1
ilet Bryson
leral at lone
By Echo Palmateer
neral services were held for
i Violet Bryson at the Co
Itive Church Jan. 16 with
A. Shirley, pastor, officiat
Mrs. W. G. Roberts and Mrs,
1 Pettyjohn sang, "Safe in
Urns of Jesus" and "Shall We
er at the River". They were
tipanied by Mrs. Cleo Drake
Call bearers were Clarence
, Ernest and Donald Hell
Lewis and Donald Ball, Omar
Otto Rietmann. Interment
In the lone cemetery and the
ps funeral home of Heppner
Jatives coming from a dist
were: Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
On, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wood,
Rudy Misetich and children,
Roy Farris and children, Mr,
. Mrs. Robert Cason all from
land; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
ie of Oswego; Mr. and Mrs.
:on Bryson of Spokane; Earl
K-rg of La Grande and Mr.
J Mrs. Leslie Roundy and
ten of Kennewick, Wash.
,e Arnica Club met at the
6 of Mrs. Waller Corley on
pday afternoon of last week
j Mrs. McCabe as co-hostess,
following officers were elect
or the -coming year: Mrs.
'les O'Connor, president; Mrs.
t Hamlett, vice president;
Fete Cannon, secretary-treas-
Court whist was played;
those winning prizes were
Ted Palmateer high, and
'Hamlett, low. Mrs. Milton
ran won the door prize.
Sportsmanlike DfflYING
b 2& cpMe
Why don't drinking and driv
ing mix? The answers are no
longer guess-work, says the
AAA driver training book,
"Sportsmanlike Driving." The
facts are now known.
Alcohol reduces reaction time.
A drinking driver is slow to
tense danger. He's slow to re
act to it. He feels relaxed and
confident. He loses normal fear
of consequences. He gaily
throws caution to the winds.
Oh, maybe he isn't "drunk."
Maybe he "had only a drink or
two'" like the late George
"Georga insisted the left side
of the white line was ours," said
his wife in the hospttal after
the accident. "He pulled right
in front of that big truck."
Attention wanders; eye mus
cles misbehave; judgment goes
bad. Drinking drivers misjudge
their own and other cars. They
are hazy abutit critical things
speed, distance, road width,
There's mighty good sense In
the old advice, "When you drive,
don't drink: when you drink,
don't drive.'' It's taking a imort
detour around hoipitalt and
iwnmer Sunshine
jWmter Days
Hermiston Phone 3571
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Seehafer
left for Corvallis to visit rela
Jeff Walker of Heppner has
been cutting down trees here the
past week.
Pendleton visitors the past
week were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Tucker and Mrs. Roy Lindstram
and Mrs. Fannie Griffith.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon and
Mrs. Echo Palmateer were Her
miston visitors Saturday.
Otto Rietmann donated an oil
stove to the new library.
The lone Auxiliary met at the
home of Mrs. Robert DeSpain on
Tuesday evening of last week.
The unit received their new flags,
one national and one Unit flag.
They plan to show a film in the
near future on the work of the
Legion and its Auxiliary.
Cards and refreshments were
enjoyed after the regular meeting
of the Willows grange Saturday
Mrs. C. W. Swanson returned
from the Pioneer Memorial hos
pital in Heppner Saturday where
she was a patient due to a
broken knee.
The H. E. C. of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. 0. L.
Lundell Friday Jan. 18 with Mrs.
Mary Swanson as co-hostess. The
club decided to purchase chairs
for the grange hall.
Mrs. Verner Troedson, president
of the Topic Club appointed the
following chairmen for commit
tees to work on the Smorgasbord
to be given at the Legion hall
March 30; M,rs. Milton Morgan,
food; Mrs. Omar Rietmann, tab
les; and Mrs. Victor Rietmann,
advertising and tickets.
Guests at the Verner Troedson
1 ygwjtonini mc mi win
., i'ii. ii tin niwiiii
WWW mYTVYt 'T; 'i
Through this door will
iass the happiest motorists
the new
we Fnsfe
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Johan Troedson and son Carl.
The Maranatha Club met at the
Co-operative church Thursday of
last week and put an edging on
their tables. A potluck dinner
was served at noon.
Mrs. Russell DeBondt under
went a major operation at the
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land Monday. Mr. DeBondt is
with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of
Umatilla spent Sunday at the C.
E. Brenner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson
are the parents of a daughter
born in Heppner Jan. 15.
Ronald Tye left for the Army
Monday of last week. He is sta
tioned at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Mayor Omar Rietmann stated
the dedication of the new ciy
hall would be aboutthe middle of
March. -They plan to have a
couple of speakers and the form
er mayor of the city present.
lone high school lost their first
League game to Umatilla here
Saturday evening. They also lost
at Stanfield Friday evening. The
B string-won in both games. The
grade school lost to Umatilla
Saturday afternoon here. The
town teams lost all their games
to Condon here and to Arlington
there last week.
Mrs. Thelma Jean Gregory and
Lester Downing were married re
cently at The Dalles. Mrs. Down
ing is a granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Ray.
The Jolly Junior class of the
Co-operative Sunday School cal-
somined their room and put up
new curtains. They would like
to thank W. G. Roberts, Omar
Rietmann and Larry Rietmann
for cleaning and decorating
their room and to thank their
mothers in helping them make
the candy, cookies and pop corn
that made their sale so success
ful. They made over $27.00
Everyone is invited to come and
see their room. Mrs. Omar Riet
mann and Mrs. Ralph Crum are
the teachers.
The Farm Bureau met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Baker Tuesday Jan. 15. Bill Bar
rett, County president gave an
Lexington I00F
Holds Installation
By Delpha Jones
The Lexington Oddfellows held
their installation at their lodge
for the new officers, on Thursday.
The following were installed:
Cecil Jones as Noble Grand; Les
ter Cox as Vice Grand; Warden,
Gene Majeske; Conductor Robert
Davidson; Chaplain, Ellwynne
Peck; Outside Guardian, Bill Van
Winkle, Inside Guardian, Al
Winkleman; L. S. N. G., Elmer
Peterson; R. S. N. G., Orris Pad
berg; L. S. V. G.. James Davis;
R. S. V. G., E. E. McFadden; Sec
retary, Archie Munkers and Treas.
Elmer Hunt.
Installation was completed for
the Holly Rebekah Lodge Thurs
day night. The following are the
officers: Mildred Davidson, Noble
Grand; Vice Grand, Maxine Cox;
Warden, Lee Wagonblast; Con
ductor Alice Majeske; Chaplain,
Delpha Jones; L. S. N. G., Freda
Majeske; R. S. N. G., Marie Mar
tin; L. S. V. G., Cora Warner; R. S.
V. G., Catie Padberg; Inside Guar
dian, Clarice McFadden; Outside
Guardian, Thelma Smethurst;
Secretary, Annie Keene; Treasure,
Dimple Munkers; Pianist, La
vonne Bloodworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grant of
Prineville are the proud parents
of a son born In Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson
are the proud parents of a baby
daughter born in Pioneer Memor
ial hospital in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes
are the parents of a 10 lb. 10 oz.
baby girl born In Pendleton one
day last week. The young lady
was named Mary Kay.
Mr .and Mrs. Louis Dunsworth
in the county this year. A State
convention was started. The
cftnvention wllbe held In Baker
in November.
Earl McKlnney met with his
livestock 4-H club in the base
ment of the Co-operative church
Sunday evening. A picture on
judging was hejd. Several of
the memers visited the agricul
ture train in Heppner Monday.
The Jolly Chefs 4-H club met
at the home of Mrs. W. G. See
hafer Saturday afternoon and
made salads. Mrs. E. M. Baker
is their leader.
Dates To Remember:
Jan 25 Three Links Club at
the home of Mrs. E. R., Lundell.
Jan. 26 Social meeting of
Topic Club at the home of Mrs.
Herbert Ekstrom at 2 p. m.
Jan. 26 4-H dance at the
Legion hall.
Jan. 30 Study group meeting
for primary and pre school par
ents at the school at 8 p. m.
Feb. 1 Extension Unit meet
ing, subjects drapes.
Feb. 3 A fellowship potluck
dinner at the Co-operative church
following the church services.
Feb. 2 Old-time dance at the
grange hall, proceeds to go to
ward beautifying the hospital
grounds in Heppner.
Mrs. Roland Bergstrom has
been teaching In the high school
during Russell De Bondfs ab
sence. The lone Study Group for the
adolescent age will meet at the
school house Thursday January
31 at 8:00 p. m. The subject for
the discussion will be "What Is
Security"? led by Rev. Shirley. All
parents of children In the 5-6-7
and 8th grades and in high school
outline of the work to be done i are urged to attend.
How To Keep Your Oil
Heater Clean. Adoiw.
wise neighbor of oun MrrioM
hi 8 own pot-type oil htc Mg
ularly and easily.
He cleans the strainer at
shown in the diagram the
Metering Valve stem, tee.
Washes them in kerosene.
Then he scrapes the barest
pot to remove all hard carbon.
Flange at top of the pot is in
spected for air leaks which are
sealed with furnace cement
Of eWM, laf lUiUr4
Stere Oil. 100ft 4UtUlW e4
eleeA-dalivered, yea msmi naif
errUie yr heater eaee a year.
If yem kave yreeaace-tyy
bnraer, try New SWb4m4
Formaee OU witk Theraleet
It stops filter (fcffioe.
Enjoy dependable oil heel eeat
fort with either ef theee ftoa
Steadart UeetiM Oik. Jart
call eJ
a flir J OH Ci
Distributed by
Phone Heppner 622
lone 87125
are the parents of a baby ftoy.
The Dunsworth are now living in
Buck's Corners.
Mrs. William Van Winkle Sr.,
is on the sick list this week.
The Campfire Girls held their
meeting on Monday afternoon at
the home of their leader Mrs. C.
C. Jones. Election of officers was
held at this time. Inez McFadden
is president; Nancy Wright, vice
president; Louise Botts, secretary;
and Dora Sue Davidson, scribe.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Dora Sue Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. McMillan
and Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg
and Mr. 8nfl ft Ira Hew Psnitoffs
and Mr. and Mra Bill Va Win
kle Jr. were visitors at lint L. D.
Vinson home in Monumwuj last
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jone$ twd
Earl Miller, motored to Odell
Saturday whore they went after
Mr. Jones mother, Mrs. Rlioda
Jones of Union who was in that
city visiting her other son, Wm.
N. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Majeske
were Pendleton visitors Sunday.
The Lexington Oddfellows are
remodeling the Lexington Odd
fellows lodge hall. They are
hoping yiat more members can
conr to assist, a they are very
anxious to get it finished.
Armin ihl(i and Cecil Jones
tttMuM a boy scout didrict
meeting in Happiter Tuesday af
ternoon. Mrs. Gehe BflajSU entertained
the Busy Dozen sewing club at
her home last Thursday after
noon. Thie tttenditiK wur Mre.
Bob Kilkenny, Mra. Gene Cuta
forth, Mrs. Irvin Rauch, June
riper and the hoetess Alice Ma
jeske. Refreshments were served
Mr. tnd Mrs. Rirfrrt Breeding
Continued on Ynn 6
Friends: h
wU soon w
DCC!6 1 February
next mo""
our farmcr
iv forwar
i,t we ha"
the j
( to naving
md renu
There ,.,.rtvPi to nw
the toy " v, so vce ,0 n0t receive
one, lsc C" win be a10"6"1 at the stove
in the mornmg- . Slar Tneau
u .vuvearis, introduction
The picture f This -
t tor, notch V' ... 0beeveia
cast of top e also
tari'b r
Come eanj
with us.
Machinery Co.
c3CC0G!LI CMfBtl- CCwx?'
Hard-baited itubble, stubborn stalks, and
heavy trash meet their master when you
enter th field with a John Deere "KB"
Heavy-Duty Disk Harrow. The husky Model
"KB" makes short work of the toughest disk
ing Jobs because proper weight distribution of
the heavy-duty frame holds the gangs to
their work and assures good, uniform penetration.
Ample 'clearance prevents clogging even
in trashy conditions. Frame connections
provide flexibility for even penetration over
the full width of the harrow on turns or on
the straightaway. Heat-treated disk blades
hold their keen cutting edge longer. Gangs
run on extremely hard, friction -reducing
bearings. Ask us about a Model "KB"
there's a size to fit your farm.