Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 17, 1952, SECTION TWO, Page Page 3, Image 9

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Bryson Services
Held Wednesday
At lone Church
By Echo Palmateor
Mrs. Violet Bryson died Sunday
evening at the Pioneer Memorial
hospital in Heppner. Funeral ser
vices will be at the Co-operative
Church Wednesday, January 16 at
2 p. m. with Rev. A. Shirley, pas
tor, officiating. Interment in the
r Gazette Times, Thursday, January 17, 1952
T . -
ium cewwy. flt thf) ftom hJg parentg Mf
bhe was born May 21, 1S!S in nd Mrs. Gordon White.
lone ind was married to John Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon are
II. Bryson in 1908. Two children j moving into the mo'dern two bed
were born to this union, Huston,! room house of the James Lindsays
of Spokane and Francis, who died, which was just completed near
in 1938. She is survived by her Morgan. The Bacons have been
husband and one son, one sister,! living in the White apartments
Page 3
Mrs. Lana Padberg and one bro
ther, H. C. Wood of Portland. She
also leaves a-host of friends.
Jim Savage of Dorris, Calif.,
was a visitor here last week. He
left for Portland and will join
the Marines.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and
son of Forest Grove are visiting
Mr. Bacon is a brother of Mrs.
The L. L. Howton house south
of here is nearing completion. It
is a three bedroom house.
James McCabe and Alice Ma
han were married in Spokane
Sunday. They will make their
home in Heppner.
The town basketball team won
one game and lost one with the
army team of Condon Tuesday
evening of last week. They lost
one and won one at Condon with
the Army Thursday evening.
The book, Saddles East, by
Chaplain John Beard, was re
viewed by Mrs. Noel Dobyns at
the study meeting of the Topic
Club Jan. 11 at the home of Mrs.
O. L. Lundell. The club decided
to hold their annual Smorgasbord
March 30 at tTie Legion hall from
4 p. m. to 7 p. m. The proceeds
will go toward the public library.
It was reported that the shelves
inr. ana mrs. iio mes (ian ierr in t ip hra viprp mmniou
of Portland are making a trio! Lielits will b nurchnsivt nnH ti10
shelves will be varnished soon.
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
Lundell, Mrs. Dobyns and Mrs.
around the world by plane and
stopping at places of interest.
The Gabberts own a wheat ranch
south of here.
Beecher Emert returned from
Tennessee last week.
Herbert Ekstrom.
The Maranatha club met at the
home of Mrs. Walter Corley Wed
Darrell Francis, infant son of.nesday of last week with Mrs,
, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin of
j Condon died at the Pioneer Me
morial hospital in Heppner Sun
day evening. Funeral .services
will be held in Condon Tuesday
Brilliantly New For '52"
Gordon White as co-hostess. The
club decided to meet at the
church Jan. . 17 and finish the
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe
visitors here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cool and
daughter, Maude of Chelan, Wn.,
were recent visitors at the home
of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Cro
we II at Morgan.
Mrs. Archie Welch and Mrs.
James Barnett are in Walla' Wal
la for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and
daughter, Sandra, were Portland
visitors the first of the week.
Kay Crowell is recovering from
a bout with the flu.
The Garden Club met at the
home of Mrs. Fannie Griffith on
Tuesday afternoon Jan. 8; with
Mrs. Sam Esteb as co-hostess.
(Continued From Page 2)
We Welcome these new mem
bers that united with our Church
last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. James
Vanover, Harold Jerome Vanover,
and Dorothe L. Dougherty. Harold
Jerome Vanover, Verda Kathryn
Vanover and Ladonna Roxie Van
over were baptized.
He is survived by his parents, one are the parents of a son. John
sisier Lynn Marie and one bro
ther Ralph and grandmother,
Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Visitors in The Dalles last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett
and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Rietmann.
Edmund, born at The Dalles, Jan.
9, weight 8 lbs. 12 ozs. Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Bnstovv and A. A. Mc
Cabe of Adams are the grand
Mx. and Mrs. Dalt Ray and Otto
Rietmann returned from Los
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell were Angeles Tuesday of last week
rii-iiiii.Mun visitors inursaay oi wnere iney visited relatives. They
Something for the Kiddies & Pop, Too
ast week
The nursery school will reopen
next week.
Mrs. Joe Gaarsland is a patient
in the Pioneer Memorial hospital
in Heppner.
Wm. Seehafer Is visiting his
brother R. H. Seehafer in Sunny
side, Wash.
A pink and blue shower was
given in honor of Mrs. Louis Carl
son at the home of Mrs. Delrher
Crawford Friday Jan. 11 with
Mrs. Tommy Bristow as co-host
ess. Mrs. Carlson received many
lovely gifts
Mrs. Herbert- Ekstrom was in
stalled as Martha and Mrs. E. M,
Baker as organist at a meeting of
the Eastern Star Jan. 8. Refresh
ments were served after the meet
ing by Mrs. Wm. Seehafer and
Mrs. Walter Corley.
Rollo Crawford and Robert Riet
mann left Saturday for Los Ange
les and will return home via Ari
Jimmie Swanson, small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
has been ill with the measles
Dates To Remfmebr
Jan. 18 H. E. C. of Willows
grange at the O .L. Lundell home.
Jan. 19 Regular meeting of
Willows grange at 8 p. m.
Jan. 23 Regular P-TA meeting
at 8 p. m.
Jan. 25 Three Links meeting.
Jan. 26 Social meeting of the
Topic club at the home of Mrs.
Herbert Ekstrom at 2 p. m.
Jan. 30 Study group meeting
at the school at 8 p. m. All moth
ers of children-of pre-school and
primary ages are cordially in
vited to attend.
The high school defeated Ar
lington at Arlington Saturday
evening, several from here at
tended. The grade school was de
feated in a basketball game here
with Heppner Saturday afternoon,
were accompanied by Claude
Bershers of Lyle, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson
spent a few weeks in Portland
with relatives. Mr. Troedson at
tended the Rose Bowl game at
Pasadena, Calif., New Years.
Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. and
daughters left for her home in
Portland Sunday after visiting
her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman, for
a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney
and sons returned recently from
a visit with relatives in Grass
Valley and Fortland.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMillan re
turned Sunday from a trip to
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell
and children of Pendleton were
"Pole slubbers" at work: Inspection has revealed a polo which shows damage at the ground line. Now,
reinforced with a short length, it will be strong as new, and we'll have saved much of the cost of a new pole.
"Will it work when I want it? "-that's
perhaps the most important thing you want
to know about your telephone. That's what
we want to be sure of, too. And that's why
repairmen, testers, inspectors and many
other telephone specialists are constantly at
work to make sure your calls go through. The
How we stop telephone trouble
before it starts!
terra we use is preventive maintenance. And
it simply means testing and inspecting thou
sands of miles of lines and cables, and check
ing switching equipment constantly on foot,
in trucks and electronically-to find and fix
any part of our complex system which might
cause future trouble.
Wriit for free inrormicion on the new
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Turner, Von Martcr
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ing equipment spots possible line trouble, his
testing devices locate the difficulty and a
repair crew is dispatched to stop the trouble
before it can interrupt your service. All over
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make sure you'll have the world's most de
pendable telephone service.
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Your telephone is one of
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Few of the things you use Pn your daily life
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Even though our costs of providing service
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Pacific Telephone
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