Page 2 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 17, 1952 COURT PROCEEDINGS Court Preceedings for November 1951. The minutps of the November, 1951term wore road and approved. Warrants Issued on the General Fund. Sadie Parrish, Deputy . $ 157.79 Frances Mitchell, Deputy . , 197.50 Jaunita Sprouls. Office ' Clerk ... 15251 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy- 207.74 Martha Tapanainen, : 1 Health Nurse : .. 255.01 A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 216.80 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Physician '. 23.99 Jane Cheney, Court Re porter 60.90 William Garner, Justice of 1 he Peace 71.99 J. O. Hager, Justice of the Peace 136.20 Gustavo Fisher, Justice of the Peace 23.99 Northwest hospital ser vice, withholding on salaries for Blue Cross . 73.30 Russell K. Miller, County Court 123.59 Garnet Barratt, County Court . 31.70 State Industrial Accident Commission; Sheriff $l.ll;.Sherif sal. 30c; Deputy Sal. 80c; Janitor Sal. ,'J0e: Courthouse $1.13 ; Kilhain Stationery and Printing Cd. Tax Col lection $l.10; Clerk $fi.!M C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff C. J. D. Baurruin, Sheriff . The Picture SJiop, Sheriff John J. O'Dortnell, Audi- 44.25 C.47 21.01 49.86 124.38 3.70 tor of Multnomah Co., Jail Heppner Market, Jail 7 Heppner Laundry, Court house 1 Unrein Motor Service, Courthouse Pacific Power and Light Co., Courthouse 34 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Courthouse . City of Heppner, Water Dept., Courthouse West Coast Printing and Binding Co., Assessor W. O. Dix, Assessor Field Work Umatilla County, Oregon Mentally 111 Martha Tapanainen, Health Nurse Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., Current Expense B. D. Fancher, Dist. Attorney B. D. Fancher, Dist Attorney Shepard Citations, Dist. Attorney Oregon Wheat League, Pub. & Adv. Heppner Lumber Co.. Jail Heppner Gazette Times, Off. Publication Public Employes Retire ment System; Salaries $65.03; Social Security $153.58; Circuit Court $3.00 II. Tamblyn. County Court J. G. Barratt, County Judge; General Assist ance $500.25; Old Age Assistance $1,965.00; Dependent Children $259.25; Blind $102.25; Aid to Permanent and Totally Disabled $161.25 2988 44.95 .35 28 48 15, 82, 75 31, IS. 15. 25. 2. 21. 222 5 Lucy E. Rodgers.Treasurer Shorb's Stationery, Treasurer James H. Driscoll, Assessor Pendleton Paint & Glass Glass Co., Courthouse Repairs Oregon District Attorney Ass. District Attorney . Witherell and Withorell, Accountants-Audit J. J. Nys, Circuit Court C. C. Proebstel, Circuit Court Archie D. McMurdo, Coro ner $10.00; Mentally 111 $5.00 James Driscoll, Current Expense R. E. Goad, Sheriff, Jail 78.00 William Barratt, Circuit Court 25.32 Roy Lindstrom, Circuit Court 35.76 Dick Wilkinson, Circuit Court 2j.90 Gene Case, Circuit Court . 5.16 Alex Huber, Circuit Court 39.92 F. W. Turner, Circuit Court 5.16 D. R. Tash, Circuit Court . 30.32 Gordon White, Circuit Court 12.88 Borton Clark, Circuit Court 33.84 Bert Bleakman, Circuit, Court 5.16 Wate Crawford, Circuit Court . 7-88 Clive Huston, Circuit Court 30.32 J. O. Peterson, Circuit Court 5.16 33.28 Cecil Eades, Circuit Court 45.00 Emma W. Drake, Circuit 7.50 Court - 28.20 John Bergstrom, Circuit 40.00 Court 30.32 Viola Van Horn, Circuit Court 10.16 90.81 Cecil H. Thome, Circuit Court 14.64 10.00 Franklin Lindstrom, Cir cuit Court 12.04 850.00 jas. G. Thomson, Jr., Cir- 75.00 cuit Court 5.16 Willard Blake, Circuit 83.40 court 10.16 William Collins, Circuit Court 10.16 15.00 Ray Drake, Circuit Court . 28.20 J. B. Snyder, Circuit Court 5.16;Duane Brown. Circuit Court ... 45.00 Roderick Thomson, Circuit Court 15.16 Ben Cox, Circuit Court .... 21.36 Roberta Dougherty, Cir cuit Court 15.16 I George Sicard, Circuit Court 2-i.w 00 HERE IS ANOTHER TUM-A-LUM MODERN HOUSE PLAN Tum-A Lum Lumber Co. is ready and wants to help you plan your new home . . . and we are offering you sample house plans to make it easy. If you like this plan just drop us the coupon below and we will send you more informatioa oh this house without obligation. Blueprints, te, are vail able t very moderate cost. ) mtiAU af11111 v "ill 40'-0 a a etonoom " I " Monoom I Iqfi 1 ; I tm M I eionoom Livino-nm utiutv f MT-om I k ! ia'.&R4 I Vi 60 JAN. 'J2 B c.r i otricn h- in 60 JAN. 'J2 Mat Pagt I Send In This Coupon . . . The Avon features a sin gle garage attached tc the kitchen by means ol a breezeway not shown on the sketch but Includ ed in the working draw i n g i . Three bedroom with ample closets and utility room are offered in this house in a floor space area of just 1195 sq. ft. Overall dimen sions are 30 by 40 feet. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Heppner, Oregon. Please send me more information, without obligation, about the plan features and the type of construction used in the AVON house as pictured in the Heppner Gazette Times. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE J. Henry Baker, Circuit Court 23.81 Donald Heliker, Circuit Court ' 19.00 Harold K. Peck, Circuit Court 21.76 Raymond Lundell, Circuit Court 19.00 J. C. Penney Co., Jail 2.22 Warrants Issued on the General Road Fund: Northwest Hospital Ser vice $ 73.95 Jack Slocum 312.27 Ray Baker 263.23 Dean Gilman Ray Bailey Walter Gilman Fred Booker, C. J. D. Bauman Harold Wilson W. Cunningham W. C. Heath Lewis Ball Wilbur Akers Carl Vincent Thoral Broadus Austin Wilson Guy Hastings II. Sherer George A. Stalcup Harold C. Baker Robert Anson Eades Boardman Supply Co. English and Co. Jack Van Winkle Northwest Industrial Laun dry Co Munnell and Sherill Hodge Chevrolet Co , Ford's Tire Service Feenaughty Machinery Co. Shell Oil Co. L. E. Dick Don Rippee Russell Service .... First National Bank oi Portland D. II. Jones Columbia Equipment Co. . Peter Kewitt and Sons' Co. Clyde Equipment Co Independent Garage State Industrial AccictMit . Comm Pacific Power and Light Co. City of Heppner, Water Dept 277.26 283.82 250.88 256.41 250.00 17.82 334.10 308.87 343.73 301.31 281.19 298.74 261.19 259.28 348.40 285.71 32.55 35.07 2.05 17.50 94.80 6.90 18.81 306.08 100.00 155.10 760.22 22.20 12.00 9.95 551.00 5.98 9.39 112.00 109.20 5.20 174.17 18.12 5.45 Hennnor Lumber Co 69.45 Public Employes Retire- , ment, System 84.95 R. G. McMurtry 269.21 Heppner Hardware and Electric Co 27-38 Rosewall Motor Co 161.20 Sunset Motor Co. 32.10 Lexington Implement Co. .. 30G.55 Empire Machinery Co 482.06 Irvin Rauch 7-50 Columbia Equipment Co. 9962.76 Clyde Equipment Co. ... 25,000.00 Empire Machinery Co. 465.73 Jesse C. Payne 10.00 The Texas Company 474.74 Warrants Issued on the Hosnital Maintenance Fund: Pioneer Memorial Hospital $500.00 Warrants Issued on toe Miscellaneous Fund: Monte McDonald Coyote Bounty S600 Ben Cox, Coyote Bounty 6.00 o METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning Worship and Sermon at 11:00 a. m. Special Music by the Choir, Mrs. Thomas Wells Choir Director. Sunday Church School at 9:4o a. m. Mr. Oliver Creswick, Super intendent. We have a class for every age. Youth Fellowship Class and Adult Bible Class meets at this same hour. Conference on Family Life will meet at the Hermiston Methodist Church at 3:30 p. m with a pot luck dinner at 6:00 p. m. Thursday Choir Practice at 8:00 p. m. Suzanna Wesley Circle of the Womans Society of Christian Ser vice meets the third Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month at 8: p. m. Special Service for the year of Evangelism will be at this church March 2' to 30 each evening at 8:00 p. m. Continued on Page 3 LOKO DISTANCE Nation-Wide Moving Service IdS&mXWXl AGENTS - PADDED VANS Pcnland Bros. Transfer Co. lEUDLITOH. OREGON FKOMS J39 Who Wis ICTSMCf Victim X, whose name will never be known, was the 1,000,000th highway traffic fatality in the United States since 1900. Victim X may have been man, woman or child it might have been you! This life, sacrificed to carelessness, was snuffed out in an automobile accident late in 1951. Only a few months earlier, another unknown met his death on a Korean battlefield. "GI-X" was the millionth soldier to die for his country since the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. It took seven United States wars and the conflict in Korea to count a toll of 1,000,000 Ameri cans who died in the cause of freedom and independence. It took only 52 years for an other million to be killed on the streets and highways of our country. Besides these dead in traffic accidents, 35,000,000 more were injured, maimed or disfigured for life. Automobiles will claim their second million victims much sooner, possibly in the next 25 years, unless you and 60,000,000 other drivers get seriously safety conscious. ! i Carelessness causes nine out of every ten accidents. Speeding, drinking-and-driving, violation of rules of the road and right-of-way, are major causes of auto fatalities and serious accidents. Lack of alertness by pedestrians contributes its toll to the death statistics. Drive safely walk safely. Save your own life and the lives of others. Drive As Though Your Life Depends On It - - IT DOES! Heppner Gazette Times 11-M1 11 Oil PHONE 912 HEPPNER